Continuity wise, I think Hermann Mann should be in Lola and van der Mayaede's team should be Pole Star, Pasta.

the Masked Lapwing wrote:Pieter Kickert wants the second Williams seat. He scored a podium in that crapbox Sauber
CoopsII wrote:On occasion I have ventured into the PMM forum but beat a hasty retreat soon after as it resembles some sort of bad acid trip in there
pasta_maldonado wrote:eurobrun wrote:pasta_maldonado wrote:Eurobrun would you mind giving up one of your teams? Hermamn Mann is looking to become a seatholder somewhere, and he's prepared to give Mr Walik a large amount of Jagermeister and sausages to take one off his hands..... (it's fine if you don't want to)
How about this, joint ownership. I have control over one of the seats and you have control over the other one? Juat a suggestion.
good idea. How about at Williams with the spare 2nd seat?
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
Nuppiz wrote:I believe Nurminen and DAMS agreed to continue their partnership for another year.
Code: Select all
14:03 RaikkonenPlsCare There's some water in water
eurobrun wrote:pasta_maldonado wrote:eurobrun wrote:
How about this, joint ownership. I have control over one of the seats and you have control over the other one? Juat a suggestion.
good idea. How about at Williams with the spare 2nd seat?
If Tristan1117 is ok with this then it will go ahead. The Williams pit will sure be interesting next year
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
pasta_maldonado wrote:eurobrun wrote:pasta_maldonado wrote:good idea. How about at Williams with the spare 2nd seat?
If Tristan1117 is ok with this then it will go ahead. The Williams pit will sure be interesting next year
An egotistical prince and a drunkard running the show...what could go possibly wrong?
If it is approved by tristan1117 then I'm interested in signing Pieter Kickert
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
eurobrun wrote:pasta_maldonado wrote:eurobrun wrote:If Tristan1117 is ok with this then it will go ahead. The Williams pit will sure be interesting next year
An egotistical prince and a drunkard running the show...what could go possibly wrong?
If it is approved by tristan1117 then I'm interested in signing Pieter Kickert
Dis gon b gud![]()
I was probably going to sign Kickert anyway so I am 100% OK with it.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
pasta_maldonado wrote:eurobrun wrote:pasta_maldonado wrote:An egotistical prince and a drunkard running the show...what could go possibly wrong?
If it is approved by tristan1117 then I'm interested in signing Pieter Kickert
Dis gon b gud![]()
I was probably going to sign Kickert anyway so I am 100% OK with it.
Clivio Durand for test and reserve driver??
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
eurobrun wrote:pasta_maldonado wrote:eurobrun wrote:If Tristan1117 is ok with this then it will go ahead. The Williams pit will sure be interesting next year
An egotistical prince and a drunkard running the show...what could go possibly wrong?
If it is approved by tristan1117 then I'm interested in signing Pieter Kickert
Dis gon b gud![]()
I was probably going to sign Kickert anyway so I am 100% OK with it.
Herrmann Mann wrote: Ash you might have heard, Prince Walik und I have come to eine agreement, ja. I am now one of the joint sheatholdersh of der Williamsh team, ja, ja. Ash such, it ish meine pleashure to velcomme Pieter Kickert und Clivio Durand to der team, ja. Pieter vill be our second driver, ja, und Clivio vill become our tesht driver. Ja. Now, vhere is meine Jaagermeister.... Ah. Here it ish. *takesh eine sippe, sorry, takes a sip* Er..... Christine? You can stoppe der recording now. Danke.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
MCard LOLAdinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
Fetzie on Ferrari wrote:How does a driver hurtling around a race track while they're sous-viding in their overalls have a better understanding of the race than a team of strategy engineers in an air-conditioned room?l
CoopsII wrote:On occasion I have ventured into the PMM forum but beat a hasty retreat soon after as it resembles some sort of bad acid trip in there
tristan1117 wrote:As far as I'm concerned, Douglas Mann is taking Zimmer's place in the Duel. I put Walik and Patrese in the last two spots. Onwards to qualifying.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
tristan1117 wrote:As far as I'm concerned, Douglas Mann is taking Zimmer's place in the Duel. I put Walik and Patrese in the last two spots. Onwards to qualifying.
pasta_maldonado wrote:tristan1117 wrote:As far as I'm concerned, Douglas Mann is taking Zimmer's place in the Duel. I put Walik and Patrese in the last two spots. Onwards to qualifying.
Has the joint Williams seatholder situation been accepted?
CoopsII wrote:On occasion I have ventured into the PMM forum but beat a hasty retreat soon after as it resembles some sort of bad acid trip in there
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
eurobrun wrote:Is it ok if I sign Giovanni Roda as Sauber test driver.
CoopsII wrote:On occasion I have ventured into the PMM forum but beat a hasty retreat soon after as it resembles some sort of bad acid trip in there
CoopsII wrote:On occasion I have ventured into the PMM forum but beat a hasty retreat soon after as it resembles some sort of bad acid trip in there
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1. Barii Mori - 1:31.231
2. Daniel Moreno - 1:32.073
3. Massimiliano Patrese - 1:32.245
4. Prince Walik - 1:32.254
5. Stephano Baroncelli - 1:33.441
6. Martin van der Maeyede - 1:33.521
7. Siergiej Rozvadoskij - 1:33.523
8. Chris Dagnall - 1:33.530
9. Ben Fleet - 1:33.531
10. James Davies - 1:33.612
11. Reiko Megumi - 1:33.656
12. Rory McAllister - 1:33.661
13. Martin McFry - 1:33.874
Code: Select all
14. Kazuhiko Takagi - 1:34.098
15. Gio van Dycke - 1:34.148
16. Masta Valsattis - 1:34.359
17. Tom Douglas - 1:34.713
18. Douglas Mann - 1:34.819
19. James Allen - 1:34.889
20. Pablo da Silva - 1:35.079
21. Niko Nurminen - 1:35.114
22. Poppy Whitechapel - 1:35.379
23. Pieter Kickert - 1:35.384
24. Max von Hegel - 1:35.507
25. Anton Kaliniczenko - 1:35.739
26. Pippa Mann - 1:36.003
Code: Select all
DNQ Jack Christopherson - 1:36.192
DNQ Clivio Durand - 1:36.451
DNQ Kazuyoshi Hoshino - 1:36.811
DNQ Giovanni Roda - 1:37.215
DNQ Andrew Spokes - 1:37.680
DNQ Samael Meerwick - 1:38.140
DNQ Jorg Scrattenheim - 1:38.159
DNQ Damon Cannon - 1:38.396
DNQ Eadbhard O'Caiohmin - 1:38.561
DNQ Miko Fakkinen - 1:38.773
CoopsII wrote:On occasion I have ventured into the PMM forum but beat a hasty retreat soon after as it resembles some sort of bad acid trip in there
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
MCard LOLAdinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
Damon Cannon wrote:Total waste of my f***ing time! Stupid, useless non-championship charade. I may well not bother entering it next year.![]()
Poppy Whitechapel wrote:I'm just glad I made the grid, considering I'm somewhat rusty from 6 months of inactivity after driving that shitbox Tyrrell. What's that I hear, Tyrrell failed to score at all in the championship? BAHAHAHA!![]()
Fetzie on Ferrari wrote:How does a driver hurtling around a race track while they're sous-viding in their overalls have a better understanding of the race than a team of strategy engineers in an air-conditioned room?l
Niko Nurminen wrote:Last year, I rose like a rocket through the field despite a similarly poor qualifying. Let's see what happens this time with a wholly different car...
Martin van der Maeyede wrote: Well well well well well. To be in the top 10, no, comfortably inside the top 10 on my debut in this series is simply amazing! I've outsripped even the most optimistic expectations of my performance. Hopefully I can have a good race tomorrow to capatilise on this to prove to Stewart that they did right in hiring me for 1997.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
James Davies wrote:Not bad for someone who's been out of the cockpit for what, 8, 9 months? I might be a bit race rusty, but given my incredible performance last year, I'd be disappointed not to put up a fight for the win.
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
Code: Select all
1. Prince Walik
2. Gio van Dycke +4.7
3. Martin van der Maeyede +21.304
4. Tom Douglas +45.981
5. Daniel Moreno +49.242
6. Barii Mori +49.866
7. James Davies +51.580
8. Siergiej Rozvadoskij +52.767
9. Chris Dagnall +53.739
10. Masta Valsattis +56.641
CoopsII wrote:On occasion I have ventured into the PMM forum but beat a hasty retreat soon after as it resembles some sort of bad acid trip in there
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
MCard LOLAdinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
Don Rennis, on the radio to James Davies wrote:Keep pushing Jimmy. 5 seconds to Douglas in 4th and when we get ahead of him, we'll be in with a great shot for a podium.
Biscione wrote:"Some Turkemenistani gulag repurposed for residential use" is the best way yet I've heard to describe North / East Glasgow.
Prince Walik wrote:Where are you Douglas? Oh wait, nowhere.![]()
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
Prince Walik wrote:Where are you Douglas? Oh wait, nowhere.![]()
Douglas Mann wrote:Yep, told you he was going to be big-headed!![]()
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
MCard LOLAdinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
Prince Walik wrote:Where are you Douglas? Oh wait, nowhere.![]()
Douglas Mann wrote:Yep, told you he was going to be big-headed!![]()
Prince Walik wrote:Just because I have talent and your not, I could win the championship in this year's Williams if I actually wanted to drive.
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
John Zimmer wrote:See, this is why I didn't do this race. It makes people with no talent whatsoever think they're the best in the world.
John Zimmer wrote:See, this is why I didn't do this race. It makes people with no talent whatsoever think they're the best in the world.
Prince Walik wrote:Seems hypocritical for you to talk about talent, now that you don't have the best car anymore you are getting comprehensively beaten by your teammate.
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
John Zimmer wrote:See, this is why I didn't do this race. It makes people with no talent whatsoever think they're the best in the world.
Prince Walik wrote:Seems hypocritical for you to talk about talent, now that you don't have the best car anymore you are getting comprehensively beaten by your teammate.
John Zimmer wrote:And? I can admit that Andrew is a better driver than me. So what? I've got a championship, a win at my home race, and a young teammate who will be destroying your drivers next year even if I don't. What have you got exactly?
John Zimmer wrote:See, this is why I didn't do this race. It makes people with no talent whatsoever think they're the best in the world.
Prince Walik wrote:Seems hypocritical for you to talk about talent, now that you don't have the best car anymore you are getting comprehensively beaten by your teammate.
John Zimmer wrote:And? I can admit that Andrew is a better driver than me. So what? I've got a championship, a win at my home race, and a young teammate who will be destroying your drivers next year even if I don't. What have you got exactly?
Prince Walik wrote:By far the best car, the best design and engineering team and the defending champion who almost beat you in 1995 in a far inferior car.
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
Biscione wrote:"Some Turkemenistani gulag repurposed for residential use" is the best way yet I've heard to describe North / East Glasgow.
Prince Walik wrote:By far the best car, the best design and engineering team and the defending champion who almost beat you in 1995 in a far inferior car.
John Zimmer wrote:Ah, but he didn't beat me did he? He only won when he had the far superior car. Nothing against you of course Daniel, you did at least beat Pippa![]()
Prince Walik wrote:By far the best car, the best design and engineering team and the defending champion who almost beat you in 1995 in a far inferior car.
John Zimmer wrote:Ah, but he didn't beat me did he? He only won when he had the far superior car. Nothing against you of course Daniel, you did at least beat Pippa![]()
Prince Walik wrote:Daniel's performance was far more impressive than yours considering how illegal the Benetton was. And you were not even able to win in 1994![]()
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either![]()
tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.