Is he a one-man company? Why is it that he couldn't get any help with this work?
And why did he feel the need to report on his personal status of tired/alert so, so many times. I didn't care, did anyone else care?
some funny excerpts:
I have woken up in the wee hours after lots of preparation last night
It is too late to continue now and more will be moved this evening/early tomorrow morning
Your data is safe.
This is a way to keep your data safe.
this felt like something Taki Inoue would write.
That being said, it's going to be a LONG night getting everyone off.
this is going to be an all-nighter for us
Very sleepy, but pushing through.
I haven't been to sleep yet and won't until the copies are done.
Still at it until everyone is moved... sleep can wait
Another all-nighter in the books (2 days no sleep)
It feels like he wanted to make himself out to be a martyr of sorts.
Reservoir Dogs - My bathpluggin' hero
Now, I might come off as ingrateful, and I apologise for that.