David AGS wrote:Here is a tribute for HRT, using Sky Sports F1 footage
Great job

David AGS wrote:Here is a tribute for HRT, using Sky Sports F1 footage
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14:03 RaikkonenPlsCare There's some water in water
tumbano wrote:Quite happy for PDR, I've just read he's going to be Ferrari's tester...
dinizintheoven wrote:Also, have Lamborghini managed to get themselves a decent replacement for Valentino Balboni yet?
dinizintheoven wrote:Is there any chance PDLR might get shifted into the road car test team? After all, supercar and hypercar manufacturers have a history of employing ex-F1 drivers to test their machinery - e.g. Maserati (Gabriele Tarquini), Pagani (Andrea Montermini) and Bugatti (Pierre-Henri Raphanel). The F70 might need a last bit of fettling before it's released to its mega-rich soon-to-be owners, the next California might well in development, and if they're going to look forward a bit, the was raised so high with the 458 that its eventual replacement is going to have to be so stratospherically brilliant that it will give Jeremy Clarkson an aneurysm. So, Pedro - how about that for a job?
Also, have Lamborghini managed to get themselves a decent replacement for Valentino Balboni yet? I'll bet there's a queue of ex-F1 drivers who'd take that job, no questions asked...
CoopsII wrote:tumbano wrote:Quite happy for PDR, I've just read he's going to be Ferrari's tester...
What a great end to the career. I know they always prefer to be racing but just like Badoer he can carve himself a great reputation at Maranello and have fun doing it.
Monstrobolaxa wrote:PR isn't being paid so no press release or statement.
f1andrea wrote:Monstrobolaxa wrote:PR isn't being paid so no press release or statement.
I don't think is the real issue, I think that is not so difficult made an official statement on the website..I'm pretty sure that they never wanted say "game over"
Shadaza wrote:http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/105319
Long live "Scorpion."
Because we need teams that sound like Bond Villains.
GwilymJJames wrote:I really, really, really doubt we'll see Scorpion ever on the grid.
But I really, really, REALLY hope we do.
Mitch Hedberg wrote:I want to be a race car passenger: just a guy who bugs the driver. Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Man, you really like Tide...
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
MCard LOLAdinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
GwilymJJames wrote:I bet Stefanovic is involved somewhere. He usually is. Either him or Phoenix Finance. Hopefully both.
Faustus wrote:So who the devil are Scorpion Racing? Who is behind it?
CarlosFerreira wrote:Faustus wrote:So who the devil are Scorpion Racing? Who is behind it?
Lex Luthor.
DanielPT wrote:CarlosFerreira wrote:Faustus wrote:So who the devil are Scorpion Racing? Who is behind it?
Lex Luthor.
Dr Evil disagrees with you. And Mini-Me does too by the way.
Shadaza wrote:A joint Canadian/USA effort.
So Force1USA and Jacques Villeneuve?
f1andrea wrote:I have wrote this article (in italian):
http://www.blogf1.it/2013/01/25/hrt-occ ... -nel-2014/
In a few words, In UK says that HRT is in talk with a pair of investors, but probably for 2014 season.
Shadaza wrote:It turns out there used to be a "Scorpion Racing" team in Canada. But due to legal reasons pushed by none other than Pirelli they had to change their name....I am not making this up see bellow!
These are clearly not the same guys but it seems the Scorpions will have to change their name or perhaps it is a Pirelli team all along (Conspiracy Theory)
AndreaModa wrote:See, Mario, what you say there is probably what we're all thinking, this all looks far too good to be true and in reality there wasn't much left of HRT once it was all over anyway, but the story made Autosport, and judging by other news outlets on the internet, it seems it was a bit of a scoop for them too. We all know that a story only tends to go up on Autosport when it's concrete, which is why I'm certain that these rumours about Scorpion Racing must have some substance behind them, otherwise Autosport wouldn't run a story based on a fanciful rumour.