The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Salamander »

Wallio wrote:
BlindCaveSalamander wrote:I was going to refute you, but if you want to run around like Chicken Little, be my guest. I'll just keep playing games on my PC as if nothing had ever changed. Because, you know, PC gaming is still totally a thing that exists.

This is true, PC gaming was around before consoles, and no doubt will be around after them, although I've never much been into PC gaming for whatever reason (none in particular, although I find USB controllers are generally clunky). I of course had Duke Nukem 3D and DOOM/DOOM II and the first 3 SimCities but after that only Starcraft and NHL 2002 ever really held my interest. Although Automation may very well change that.

I don't know how old you are, but I do think its an age thing. At the risk of generalizations, no one I know from my age bracket (admittedly not a huge number) play PC games. We were too invested in the console wars to care about PCs. On the playgrounds you had the Atari "hangers-on" versus the Nintendo crowd, then Nintendo vs. Sega (still the most viseral hatred ever) then Nintendo vs Sony, now Sony vs Microsoft. I've had 16 systems in my life (21 if you count handhelds) versus 5 computers. And i bought each of those computers for a purpose, none of which was gaming, although again DOOM kinda took over when it came out lol. I think my age group just veiws computers as tools, not toys. That being said, I may take PC gaming on some level if this is what consoles are coming too.......

I'm 20, and I've been playing games on PC to some extent since I was like 6. I've had a Megadrive, a PS1, PS2, and a 360, and switched to mostly PC gaming a little over a year ago. The only problem with it is the initial cost of the hardware, but you make some of that back since the games on PC cost less, since you don't have to cover for Sony and Microsoft selling at a loss. And then you also gain access to PC exclusive titles, things like Guild Wars 2, Arma, Starcraft, Planetside 2, not to mention the many many brilliant indie titles (stuff like Defenders Quest, Magicka, Thomas Was Alone), mod support, improved graphics potential, and so on. But if you can afford it, you might as well.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by roblo97 »

What possessed them to think a screen in the middle of the f***ing controller was a good idea?
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by RealRacingRoots »

roblomas52 wrote:What possessed them to think a screen in the middle of the f***ing controller was a good idea?

Someone at Sony must have loved the Sega Dreamcast.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Salamander »

BTW, if anyone missed the announcement, here's the cliff notes.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Aerospeed »

Thanks :D

Some questions that the abridged version did not explain:
1. Is it comparable with PS3 games?
2. The price?
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Shadaza »

It was a console launch that:

Did not say what it would be priced at. (Probably after the $599 Meme)
Did not mention any backwards support
and most importantly, didn't show the flippin console.

It was a PS4 Controller launch and a bunch of game companies hiding their cards until E3. YAY

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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by FMecha »

RealRacingRoots wrote:
roblomas52 wrote:What possessed them to think a screen in the middle of the f***ing controller was a good idea?

Someone at Sony must have loved the Sega Dreamcast.

Or Wii U.

RRR, are you aware that Sony made something similar to VMU - the thing that consisted the screen in Dreamcast's controller? It is called PocketStation, but it was only available in Japan and it connects directly to memory card port. ;)
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Salamander »

It won't be compatible with PS3 games. I think Sony actually want to sell the last few PS3s.

EDIT: Also, it seems that the Watch Dogs demo wasn't running on a PS4 at all. It was on a PC.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Shizuka »

Ataxia [BacLettNinj] wrote:The Playstation CEO said that used games should be ok. So, that's one worry gone.

Marvelous. That's going to help a lot, thanks.

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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by FMecha »

Let's turn this into gaming rantbox again: does anyone think that iOS/Android gaming is crushing the handheld gaming market? :?
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by DanielPT »

BlindCaveSalamander wrote:I was going to refute you, but if you want to run around like Chicken Little, be my guest. I'll just keep playing games on my PC as if nothing had ever changed. Because, you know, PC gaming is still totally a thing that exists.

I partially agree with you. PC gaming still exists and looks pretty healthy, although it is being fuelled by MMORPGs and online gaming but I reckon though that single player experience is noticeably dwindling into oblivion.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Faustus »

FMecha wrote:Let's turn this into gaming rantbox again: does anyone think that iOS/Android gaming is crushing the handheld gaming market? :?

Yes, definitely. However, Sony and Nintendo aren't helping their cause too much. The consoles are not exactly cheap and the games are expensive.
I have a 3DS and an old PSP, but I'm highly unlikely to bother with a PS Vita or a 3DS XL. The 3DS still has decent support, although the majority of games are published by Nintendo, so every year there is a game based on one of the big Nintendo properties, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. Incredibly, there are still games being released and in development for the DS.
The PS Vita is dead in the water, gently floating screen down in the waves, with small prawns latching on to eat at the corpse. It's a damn shame because it's a brilliant console but there are bugger all new decent games for it and crucially, not enough big name games, like Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo, Bioshock, Final Fantasy and shite like that.
I don't play too much on my iPhone because I don't like the small touch screen controls but I would on an iPad if I had one. I'm playing older PSP games that I missed at time of release and buying them used on eBay.
Last edited by Faustus on 22 Feb 2013, 14:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by AndreaModa »

DanielPT wrote:but I reckon though that single player experience is noticeably dwindling into oblivion.

I'd agree with this. I'm not much of a gamer at all, but when I do I use my laptop, mostly for racing games, plus the odd burst of SimCity 4 here and there. Taking SimCity as an example, EA currently have the fifth version in development at the moment, and one of the biggest criticisms of it is that you can't just play on your own offline. You have to log in, and bugger about with their version of Steam, the name escapes me right now. Aside from all the other crappy things they've done to it (in my own view) this takes the cake. I understand it's all about preventing piracy and the like, but it's killing PC gaming off for those that aren't hardcore and like to just dabble in it now and then. And then the graphics requirements of modern games means you need a top-line machine anyway which is beyond me for multiple reasons. Besides, I'm not ditching my 5 year old Vista-powered craptop just yet, I've grown quite fond of it! :lol:
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by FullMetalJack »

AndreaModa wrote:Besides, I'm not ditching my 5 year old Vista-powered craptop just yet, I've grown quite fond of it! :lol:

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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Wallio »

BlindCaveSalamander wrote:It won't be compatible with PS3 games. I think Sony actually want to sell the last few PS3s.

EDIT: Also, it seems that the Watch Dogs demo wasn't running on a PS4 at all. It was on a PC.

It's also because Sony ditched the very hard to program PS3 architecture for something much closer to what the 360 runs, in order to appease third party companies.

FMecha wrote:Let's turn this into gaming rantbox again: does anyone think that iOS/Android gaming is crushing the handheld gaming market? :?

Yes and dare I say it, its because they're trying to do too much. Internet and hard drives jack up the prices for these systems, when a game on the Google Play store is $2.99. Sony created an entire media format for the PSP, which then failed, and all that cost got passed on in the $300 Vita, which as noted is not selling well/at-all.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by dinizintheoven »

So, you're all lamenting the death of gaming, because the PS4 isn't backwards-compatible and has a stupid controller and requires a Faceache account to work, handheld gaming is all on fragile mobile phones with horrible touchscreens rather than any real control buttons, meanwhile PC gaming has all turned to online "throw us a US dollar or ten if you want to keep playing for more than five minutes at a time but don't you dare put it down, ever" type games (Bush Whacker, I'm looking in your direction).

I have enough games for the ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, SNES and Mega Drive that if I were to play through them all, start to finish, by the time I was done I'd be old enough to move into a retirement home. Plus, even though the Speccy is 31 years old, there are still a few home-brewers making games for it. And this is before we consider the amount of time I've lost to the electronic answer to crack cocaine that is Minecraft.

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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Faustus »

dinizintheoven wrote:So, you're all lamenting the death of gaming, because the PS4 isn't backwards-compatible and has a stupid controller and requires a Faceache account to work, handheld gaming is all on fragile mobile phones with horrible touchscreens rather than any real control buttons, meanwhile PC gaming has all turned to online "throw us a US dollar or ten if you want to keep playing for more than five minutes at a time but don't you dare put it down, ever" type games (Bush Whacker, I'm looking in your direction).

I have enough games for the ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, SNES and Mega Drive that if I were to play through them all, start to finish, by the time I was done I'd be old enough to move into a retirement home. Plus, even though the Speccy is 31 years old, there are still a few home-brewers making games for it. And this is before we consider the amount of time I've lost to the electronic answer to crack cocaine that is Minecraft.

I'll be all right.

If you have an iPhone or access to one, the old Speccy game Lords of Midnight is available on iTunes. It's a perfect port and just as addictive as bathplug as it used to be.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Faustus »

redbulljack14 wrote:
AndreaModa wrote:Besides, I'm not ditching my 5 year old Vista-powered craptop just yet, I've grown quite fond of it! :lol:

Proof that some of us even love reject laptops

As you long as you run the kind of software that it was designed for, it'll work fine. I have an old Compaq Pentium 133 Mhz laptop that works absolutely fine with Windows 95 and Jagged Alliance 2, which is all I use it for.

dinizintheoven wrote:I have enough games for the ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, SNES and Mega Drive that if I were to play through them all, start to finish, by the time I was done I'd be old enough to move into a retirement home. Plus, even though the Speccy is 31 years old, there are still a few home-brewers making games for it. And this is before we consider the amount of time I've lost to the electronic answer to crack cocaine that is Minecraft.

I'll be all right.

Retro gaming all the way mate. Proper games, not idiotic FPS with different skins.
Last edited by Faustus on 22 Feb 2013, 14:03, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Londoner »

Bah, I'll just stick with the trusty PS2. I'm not as much of a gamer as I used to be several years ago.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Aerospeed »

Doubt the gaming industry will go away any time soon, it'll just probably consist of homebrew games and consoles that cost the user next to nothing but takes eons just to run on the computers, or possibly on the PSP, which appears to be a popular system to hack. (I'm pretty sure people could make homebrews for other systems as well, the PSP just seems to be really popular)

Speaking of PSP hacks, I myself have a PSP and I have tried desperately to hack it through either 'Pandoras Battery' or booting out the official firmware (primarily for Action Replay purposes) but to no avail.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Faustus »

JeremyMcClean wrote:Doubt the gaming industry will go away any time soon, it'll just probably consist of homebrew games and consoles that cost the user next to nothing but takes eons just to run on the computers, or possibly on the PSP, which appears to be a popular system to hack. (I'm pretty sure people could make homebrews for other systems as well, the PSP just seems to be really popular)

Speaking of PSP hacks, I myself have a PSP and I have tried desperately to hack it through either 'Pandoras Battery' or booting out the official firmware (primarily for Action Replay purposes) but to no avail.

Apparently it depends on the version of system software that your PSP is running. The last update (6.6, I think?) crucifies the PSP and is a pain to work around for hacking. I know people who hunt around for and buy old unupgraded PSPs for hacking and homebrewing.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Aerospeed »

Faustus wrote:
JeremyMcClean wrote:Doubt the gaming industry will go away any time soon, it'll just probably consist of homebrew games and consoles that cost the user next to nothing but takes eons just to run on the computers, or possibly on the PSP, which appears to be a popular system to hack. (I'm pretty sure people could make homebrews for other systems as well, the PSP just seems to be really popular)

Speaking of PSP hacks, I myself have a PSP and I have tried desperately to hack it through either 'Pandoras Battery' or booting out the official firmware (primarily for Action Replay purposes) but to no avail.

Apparently it depends on the version of system software that your PSP is running. The last update (6.6, I think?) crucifies the PSP and is a pain to work around for hacking. I know people who hunt around for and buy old unupgraded PSPs for hacking and homebrewing.

Well, guess which update I've got... :|
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by FMecha »

JeremyMcClean wrote:
Faustus wrote:
JeremyMcClean wrote:Doubt the gaming industry will go away any time soon, it'll just probably consist of homebrew games and consoles that cost the user next to nothing but takes eons just to run on the computers, or possibly on the PSP, which appears to be a popular system to hack. (I'm pretty sure people could make homebrews for other systems as well, the PSP just seems to be really popular)

Speaking of PSP hacks, I myself have a PSP and I have tried desperately to hack it through either 'Pandoras Battery' or booting out the official firmware (primarily for Action Replay purposes) but to no avail.

Apparently it depends on the version of system software that your PSP is running. The last update (6.6, I think?) crucifies the PSP and is a pain to work around for hacking. I know people who hunt around for and buy old unupgraded PSPs for hacking and homebrewing.

Well, guess which update I've got... :|

Ever heard of Pro B10 hack? Google it, it may be your solution. :)

(Also, you are needed in LGPS 1992 thread, to confirm your entry)

redbulljack14 wrote:
AndreaModa wrote:Besides, I'm not ditching my 5 year old Vista-powered craptop just yet, I've grown quite fond of it! :lol:

Proof that some of us even love reject laptops

My (current) Vista-powered Dell laptop, although it is struggling with occassional screen issues, still works fine. I mostly played random things I have in my system. Mostly GT2 via an emulator. ;)

Wallio wrote:
FMecha wrote:Let's turn this into gaming rantbox again: does anyone think that iOS/Android gaming is crushing the handheld gaming market? :?

Yes and dare I say it, its because they're trying to do too much. Internet and hard drives jack up the prices for these systems, when a game on the Google Play store is $2.99. Sony created an entire media format for the PSP, which then failed, and all that cost got passed on in the $300 Vita, which as noted is not selling well/at-all.

]Sony did admit that Vita's sales at the moment is behind their expectations. The Beeb meanwhile says that sales of mobile games have overtook dedicated handheld titles. :|

Faustus wrote:
FMecha wrote:Let's turn this into gaming rantbox again: does anyone think that iOS/Android gaming is crushing the handheld gaming market? :?

Yes, definitely. However, Sony and Nintendo aren't helping their cause too much. The consoles are not exactly cheap and the games are expensive.
I have a 3DS and an old PSP, but I'm highly unlikely to bother with a PS Vita or a 3DS XL. The 3DS still has decent support, although the majority of games are published by Nintendo, so every year there is a game based on one of the big Nintendo properties, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. Incredibly, there are still games being released and in development for the DS.
The PS Vita is dead in the water, gently floating screen down in the waves, with small prawns latching on to eat at the corpse. It's a damn shame because it's a brilliant console but there are bugger all new decent games for it and crucially, not enough big name games, like Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo, Bioshock, Final Fantasy and shite like that.
I don't play too much on my iPhone because I don't like the small touch screen controls but I would on an iPad if I had one. I'm playing older PSP games that I missed at time of release and buying them used on eBay.

GTPSP can be played on Vita if you follow some steps. However, I assume you want a proper GT:Vita? And in case of GTA, I suspect there could be a "companion game" to GTA V for Vita in the near future. Just like Chinatown Wars in PSP is the "portable companion" to IV. ;)
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Shizuka »

dinizintheoven wrote:So, you're all lamenting the death of gaming, because the PS4 isn't backwards-compatible

Streaming PS1 and PS2 games are not out of the question. Won't possibly be in the launch functions though.

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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Faustus »

FMecha wrote:
Faustus wrote:
FMecha wrote:Let's turn this into gaming rantbox again: does anyone think that iOS/Android gaming is crushing the handheld gaming market? :?

Yes, definitely. However, Sony and Nintendo aren't helping their cause too much. The consoles are not exactly cheap and the games are expensive.
I have a 3DS and an old PSP, but I'm highly unlikely to bother with a PS Vita or a 3DS XL. The 3DS still has decent support, although the majority of games are published by Nintendo, so every year there is a game based on one of the big Nintendo properties, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. Incredibly, there are still games being released and in development for the DS.
The PS Vita is dead in the water, gently floating screen down in the waves, with small prawns latching on to eat at the corpse. It's a damn shame because it's a brilliant console but there are bugger all new decent games for it and crucially, not enough big name games, like Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo, Bioshock, Final Fantasy and shite like that.
I don't play too much on my iPhone because I don't like the small touch screen controls but I would on an iPad if I had one. I'm playing older PSP games that I missed at time of release and buying them used on eBay.

GTPSP can be played on Vita if you follow some steps. However, I assume you want a proper GT:Vita?

I suppose Gran Turismo PSP could be downloaded from the Playstation Network, couldn't it?
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Wallio »

Shizuka wrote:
Streaming PS1 and PS2 games are not out of the question. Won't possibly be in the launch functions though.

And it appears that the new PSN is going to no longer be free :(

AndreaModa wrote: Besides, I'm not ditching my 5 year old Vista-powered craptop just yet, I've grown quite fond of it! :lol:

This is I think my "problem" with the PC as a gaming platform. Its got wayyy to short a shelf life. A year and a half ago I bought a mid-range PC for $750. Now a mere 18 months later I can get a much much better model for $500! How's that fair? I always like a consoles lifespan. The 360 came out in 2005 and even a base model from then (if you can find one sans red-ring) they'll play all the newest stuff fine. Hell the PS2 STILL has games coming out for it (although recently only in Japan and only until April '13) and that came out when? '02? 11 years is a hell of a run.

Faustus wrote:
Retro gaming all the way mate. Proper games, not idiotic FPS with different skins.

This. I've already started buying a lot of N64 and Dreamcast games (the two most underrated systems of all time IMO) and I think the Saturn and the Jaguar might be next. Go back to the old days.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by FMecha »

Faustus wrote:I suppose Gran Turismo PSP could be downloaded from the Playstation Network, couldn't it?

I think so. ;)

Wallio, PS2 was launched in 2000 - that's 13 BATHPLUGGING YEARS from now. It is one of consoles with long lifespans, just behind Neo-Geo and Atari 2600. 8-)
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Wallio »

FMecha wrote:
Faustus wrote:I suppose Gran Turismo PSP could be downloaded from the Playstation Network, couldn't it?

I think so. ;)

Wallio, PS2 was launched in 2000 - that's 13 BATHPLUGGING YEARS from now. It is one of consoles with long lifespans, just behind Neo-Geo and Atari 2600. 8-)

Mother of God.

I should have bought that NeoGeo at MAGFest a years back. I'm still kicking myself over it.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by FloProAct »

I think one of the main reasons gaming, particularly console gaming, is in such a poor state right now is what seems like a chasm between consumers and the industry itself. It's long been my opinion that gamers, far more than purveyors of any other art form, demand innovation. Nothing wrong with this: it keeps people on their toes and is probably the primary reason why gaming has come to such prominence in such a comparatively short period of time. However, when combined with an industry that seems more and more unwilling to take risks, favouring keeping the short term profit margin high, rather than looking at the bigger picture, more people will become disillusioned. If you're bringing out the same game year by year, over and over again, people are eventually going to get tired of it, and for good reason.

To take an extreme example: EA in 2012, according to wiki, published 37 new games. of these 37, only 5 were based on new properties: 2 Facebook games, Warp, The Secret World and KofA: Reckoning. All of the 32 other games were either sequels, updates or reoots of existing franchises. This is why iOS, Android and PC are doing so well. It seems to be much cheaper and easier to make games for them, and therefore the little guys, who are increasingly the people with the interesting ideas, focus on these, particularly PC. Faced with a console market where all you are getting is the same 50 or so games constantly being remade, people are beginning to look elsewhere, as the market is more interesting.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by dinizintheoven »

Faustus wrote:If you have an iPhone or access to one,

...which I don't, nor do I ever see myself doing, but do continue...

Faustus wrote:the old Speccy game Lords of Midnight is available on iTunes. It's a perfect port and just as addictive as bathplug as it used to be.

I could play it on any one of, what, ten emulators that I have to choose from, should I want to. Thing is, I don't - as a piece of programming it's a spectacular achievement (the map is how big on a 48K game?) - but on trying to play it, even when well into my twenties, I always thought "I have no idea what I'm doing here, or how many characters this game has, or what to do, where to do it, or how long it's going to take..."

I found out via the RZX Archive exactly how long the game was. Two methods of victory are presented, and they're flash-flash-flash through the various pages far too quickly to follow what's going on. The Ice Crown victory takes a mere 14 minutes. The full Campaign victory takes six and a half hours, when each screen change takes less than a second. And it's no Let's Play with commentary, so I still have no idea what's going on!

The only game I ended up completing myself without a shedload of cheats was Blood N' Guts, inspired by the film Fantastic Voyage, and later re-released under that title with the graphics revamped, gameplay a lot harder and suddenly wasn't so easy to complete.

Faustus wrote:Retro gaming all the way mate. Proper games, not idiotic FPS with different skins.

Well, quite, but don't go slating every FPS out there! Anything derived from the Doom or Duke Nukem 3D engine is a winner in my book, and I've got so many WADs for Doom II and DN3D that I've just had the retirement from modern games extended even further until I'm old enough for a free bus pass.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Salamander »

JeremyMcClean wrote:Doubt the gaming industry will go away any time soon, it'll just probably consist of homebrew games and consoles that cost the user next to nothing but takes eons just to run on the computers, or possibly on the PSP, which appears to be a popular system to hack. (I'm pretty sure people could make homebrews for other systems as well, the PSP just seems to be really popular)
I don't see the gaming industry shrivelling up and dying when it's generating more revenue than Hollywood and has been for quite some time. Even if the 720, PS4, and Wii U all bomb spectacularly (the latter of which is already true), somebody will see the massive demand for a good console and move to supply it. There's too much money involved for everybody to just let it die.

Wallio wrote:
AndreaModa wrote: Besides, I'm not ditching my 5 year old Vista-powered craptop just yet, I've grown quite fond of it! :lol:
This is I think my "problem" with the PC as a gaming platform. Its got wayyy to short a shelf life. A year and a half ago I bought a mid-range PC for $750. Now a mere 18 months later I can get a much much better model for $500! How's that fair? I always like a consoles lifespan. The 360 came out in 2005 and even a base model from then (if you can find one sans red-ring) they'll play all the newest stuff fine. Hell the PS2 STILL has games coming out for it (although recently only in Japan and only until April '13) and that came out when? '02? 11 years is a hell of a run.
Yeah, the thing is you don't need to keep buying new PC's, the only thing you really need to upgrade is the graphics card. Though, admittedly, those can easily be the most expensive part of your PC. Of course, there is the whole problem of installing it, but you should be able to go into a PC repair shop and have them do it. As for the 360/PS3 still running games, well, that's to do with the state of the industry. DirectX 11 came out ages ago, and PC gaming has had the option to support it since then, but nobody's been using it because they're all using DirectX 9, because that's the most recent version that the consoles support. Frankly, this generation of consoles has been going on far too long - they should've been retired from active duty 2-3 years ago. All these new games you see being demoed for the new generation? That's what gaming is on the PC.

Faustus wrote:Retro/Indie gaming all the way mate. Proper games, not idiotic FPS with different skins.
Fixed that for you. There are still a ton of good games being developed available to buy, you just need to know where to look for them, and ignore the yearly crap like COD BLOPS/Battlefield/Ass Creed.

Wallio wrote:
BlindCaveSalamander wrote:It won't be compatible with PS3 games. I think Sony actually want to sell the last few PS3s.

EDIT: Also, it seems that the Watch Dogs demo wasn't running on a PS4 at all. It was on a PC.
It's also because Sony ditched the very hard to program PS3 architecture for something much closer to what the 360 runs, in order to appease third party companies.
True, I forgot about that. Kind of a shame because I think the cell processor was an interesting concept, but if you can't develop for it easily, it kind of limits what you can do. Thankfully I think the PS4 and 720 will be running on similar architectures to PC, so porting games should be pretty easy, or at least easier than this generation.

FMecha wrote:Let's turn this into gaming rantbox again: does anyone think that iOS/Android gaming is crushing the handheld gaming market? :?
Yes, as much as Sony and NIntendo want to ignore it, it is kind of a problem for them. Especially Sony because Vita sales are even more embarrassing than the Wii U - but it's really Sony's fault that that's the case. It's a pretty good system, but it doesn't have a good library, and then they decided to make a proprietary memory system for it which costs far too much, but you have to pay for it in order to play most if not all games because it doesn't have any onboard storage! The 3DS is doing quite a bit better, but Nintendo still can't ignore phone/tablet gaming for long, considering a lot of people have iOS or Android systems. I'm not sure how they're going to deal with that, to be honest.

AndreaModa wrote:
DanielPT wrote:but I reckon though that single player experience is noticeably dwindling into oblivion.
I'd agree with this. I'm not much of a gamer at all, but when I do I use my laptop, mostly for racing games, plus the odd burst of SimCity 4 here and there. Taking SimCity as an example, EA currently have the fifth version in development at the moment, and one of the biggest criticisms of it is that you can't just play on your own offline. You have to log in, and bugger about with their version of Steam, the name escapes me right now. Aside from all the other crappy things they've done to it (in my own view) this takes the cake. I understand it's all about preventing piracy and the like, but it's killing PC gaming off for those that aren't hardcore and like to just dabble in it now and then. And then the graphics requirements of modern games means you need a top-line machine anyway which is beyond me for multiple reasons. Besides, I'm not ditching my 5 year old Vista-powered craptop just yet, I've grown quite fond of it! :lol:
It's called Always On DRM, and it's been around for quite a while actually. There aren't a lot of titles which actually support that, and those that do are often cracked by pirates in a matter of hours anyway. It's gotten to the point where Ubisoft are actually abandoning the practice, having been it's biggest champions for some years now. So I have no idea what the hell EA are thinking, but they do seem to like to step in metaphorical dog shite at every possible opportunity.

DanielPT wrote:
BlindCaveSalamander wrote:I was going to refute you, but if you want to run around like Chicken Little, be my guest. I'll just keep playing games on my PC as if nothing had ever changed. Because, you know, PC gaming is still totally a thing that exists.
I partially agree with you. PC gaming still exists and looks pretty healthy, although it is being fuelled by MMORPGs and online gaming but I reckon though that single player experience is noticeably dwindling into oblivion.
Not for me it isn't; there's still a ton of good single-player games on the PC, which is also pretty much the go-to place for indie games that want to be more complex than Angry Birds, since you don't have to shell out extra cash to Sony and Microsoft. Multiplayer games are growing and will continue to grow as the internet does, but single-player games will remain a thing because you don't always want to play with other people. And sometimes game concepts just don't work with multiplayer.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Faustus »

Wallio wrote:This. I've already started buying a lot of N64 and Dreamcast games (the two most underrated systems of all time IMO) and I think the Saturn and the Jaguar might be next. Go back to the old days.

Atari Jaguars in good condition are a bit of a pig to find here.
I've got a 3DO in decent condition, just to play 2 games: Wing Commander 3DO and Wing Commander 3.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by takagi_for_the_win »

Tbh, I couldn't give a toss about the PS4 as a console in itself; however, I was waiting for it to come out, but only so that PS3 prices will drop (hopefully :lol: ) so I can finally replace my creaking original spec PS2 with freakin' Firewire ports :lol:
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Aerospeed »

takagi_for_the_win wrote:Tbh, I couldn't give a toss about the PS4 as a console in itself; however, I was waiting for it to come out, but only so that PS3 prices will drop (hopefully :lol: ) so I can finally replace my creaking original spec PS2 with freakin' Firewire ports :lol:

This, I cannot wait to see the prices for the PS3 (and the subsequent games) after the PS4 is out.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Klon »

BlindCaveSalamander wrote:It's a pretty good system, but it doesn't have a good library, and then they decided to make a proprietary memory system for it which costs far too much, but you have to pay for it in order to play most if not all games because it doesn't have any onboard storage!

What's much more offensive than that is that they actually have the gall to ask you money to be able to play your old PSP games. That is by far their biggest mistake: if that hadn't happened, I'd probably be now a PS Vita owner. Now I spent my money on a PS3. That'll show'em. :lol:
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by FMecha »

BlindCaveSalamander wrote:
Faustus wrote:Retro/Indie gaming all the way mate. Proper games, not idiotic FPS with different skins.
Fixed that for you. There are still a ton of good games being developed available to buy, you just need to know where to look for them, and ignore the yearly crap like COD BLOPS/Battlefield/Ass Creed.

I am going to stick my neck on the line and say that the indie gaming market is actually going towards smartphone market, which proably reduces the relevancy of that. :roll:
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Salamander »

FMecha wrote:
BlindCaveSalamander wrote:
Faustus wrote:Retro/Indie gaming all the way mate. Proper games, not idiotic FPS with different skins.
Fixed that for you. There are still a ton of good games being developed available to buy, you just need to know where to look for them, and ignore the yearly crap like COD BLOPS/Battlefield/Ass Creed.

I am going to stick my neck on the line and say that the indie gaming market is actually going towards smartphone market, which proably reduces the relevancy of that. :roll:
Not really. Smartphones don't really have the kind of power that you need for bigger, more complex games, like, say Crusader Kings 2, or Magicka, or Torchlight 2, or Legend of Grimrock. And then there's always the problem with getting a decent control scheme to work - I've seen some people try to address that, but there's nothing really solid yet. And it has the similar problems that consoles have in that the manufacturer controls the store, and you have to go through their channels, which is not at all a problem on PC.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Nuppiz »

In my boredom during the forum's downtime, I played Minecraft with Darkapprentice for a while. We did it through Hamachi, but it was a bit cumbersome so I also looked into configuring my router to allow people join the server directly.

So without further delay, allow me to present you Badoer's backyard, the semi-official F1Rejects Minecraft server. It runs on my own computer, and it will be on for almost all the time my computer is (normally about 08:00 UTC to 22:00 UTC). It's an entirely new level I generated just for this purpose, and I have no idea what it looks like. I'll try to pop in every now and then, but on some days I might not be there at all. I'll try to monitor the chat quite closely though, and probably even appoint a few extra moderators just in case somebody decides to stir up trouble.

The server IP address is The maximum player limit is set at four, to reduce lag. You can build and explore as much as you want, just don't grief.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by Ataxia »

I went on Steam and I bought SW:KOTOR 2 for like, £7. Very enjoyable indeed.

Just as a heads up, on Steam a lot of the Civilization series is very cheap at the moment. Civ 3 is less than £1, and you can get Civ 4 for about £2.50.
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Re: The "You're Winner!" Gaming Thread

Post by roblo97 »

just out of intrest, has anyone got real racing 3 yet?
Mexicola wrote:
shinji wrote:
Mexicola wrote: I'd rather listen to a dog lick its balls. Each to their own, I guess.

Does listening to a dog licking its balls get you excited?

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