RTCC 2015 - Season over, Twinings champs
- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT
Nicchi Motori will now run a Toyota Carina for the rest of the season.
Round of Belgium tonight 19:00 UTC
Round of Belgium tonight 19:00 UTC
Trump 2016
- Gerudo Dragon
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- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Race 1 Results

Jack Maddock passes Paul Jenkins on the last corner to take an unexpected victory.
Fastest lap: Phoenix McAllister 2:50.984

Jack Maddock passes Paul Jenkins on the last corner to take an unexpected victory.
Code: Select all
18:53 Darkapprentice77 intrestingly, aeroracing have won 3 races in 2015 compared with twining's 1 win, but aero only have 3 more team points
18:56 Darkapprentice77 rory mcgatley isn't far off the big 4 (jenkins, mcallister, carlton and maddock) in the points but for race 1 he's down in 14th
18:59 Nuppiz seems that Nurmester has been infected with Nurmovitschitis
18:59 Darkapprentice77 what's that
18:59 *** Pasta joined #F1Rejects
19:00 Pasta Hello and welcome to the 2016 Round fo Noah's Ark...
19:00 Nuppiz well, both are at the back end of the grid
19:00 Darkapprentice77 noah's ark?? ohhhh i get it....
19:00 Darkapprentice77 grid order
19:00 Darkapprentice77 anyway, unless anyone objects, let's go
19:00 Salamander sure go ahead
19:01 Pasta Great timing from me...
19:02 Pasta Jenkins leads...
19:02 Salamander dammit carlton
19:02 Salamander stay behind jenkins
19:02 Salamander dont challenge him
19:02 Pasta Megone isn't looking too bad this weekend...
19:02 Salamander DAMMIT
19:03 Pasta And Megone's in front of McAllister!
19:03 Salamander i am so sacking carlton if he keeps this shite up
19:03 Nuppiz apparently Carlton is not a team player
19:03 Pasta Maddock takes Jenkins!
19:04 Salamander dammit
19:04 Nuppiz maybe he's bribed by Aeroracing to hinder JEnkins as much as possible
19:04 Salamander thats your fault carlton
19:04 Pasta AND CARLTON!
19:04 Salamander cmon jenkins
19:04 Salamander championship leaders fighting for the lead
19:04 Salamander YES
19:04 Salamander NO
19:04 Pasta Got a feeling this could be one of the best RTCC weekends this year
19:05 Salamander tyryn around
19:05 Nuppiz ooh
19:05 Salamander jenkins pulling away
19:05 Nuppiz BTW is he really supposed to be Rck Tyryn?
19:06 Nuppiz instead of Rick
19:06 Pasta Yip, the first driver with no nouns in his anme :')
19:06 Pasta *name
19:06 Salamander mcallister isnt much of a team player either it seems
19:07 Salamander goddammit carlton
19:07 Pasta Honestly, Jones and White Van Man Motorsport quit while they were ahead...... The Ford was even better than the BMWs
19:07 Salamander when he isnt ruining jenkins' races
19:07 Salamander hes being useless
19:08 Salamander wtf is with carlton
19:08 Salamander oh damn
19:08 Nuppiz KICKERT!
19:09 Nuppiz this is unbelievable really
19:09 Salamander nurmester did kind of drive in there at top speed...
19:09 Nuppiz last race it was Zimmer
19:09 Nuppiz now Kickert
19:09 Salamander oh piss off maddock
19:09 Nuppiz wtf does TMLW's drivers have against my team?
19:09 Pasta The Vauxhall is itnruiging....often capable of being extremely fast, but uncontrollable during the race
19:09 Salamander also modena is doing pretty well
19:10 Pasta Is that Modena leading?
19:10 Salamander no
19:10 Salamander jenkins leads
19:10 Pasta Nope, Maddock's just doing a Vettel
19:10 Salamander then maddock
19:10 Salamander then a big gap
19:10 Salamander nobodys doing a vettel
19:10 Salamander its a heated battle for the lead
19:10 Nuppiz GRAAAA
19:10 Salamander and now maddocks taken off his front bumper
19:11 Nuppiz if possible, I want to see a replay of that Nurmester-Kickert collision once the race is over
19:11 Salamander goddammit
19:12 Salamander GO ON PAUL
19:12 Salamander TAKE HIM BACK
19:12 Salamander oh goddammit
19:12 Salamander here comes carlton to ruin jenkins' race again
19:13 Pasta Earl Grey one two!
19:13 Salamander until carlton ruins everything again
19:14 Salamander rossini around
19:15 Salamander NO
19:15 Salamander CARLTON
19:15 Salamander STOP THAT
19:15 Salamander GODDAMIT
19:16 Salamander man mcallister really is not doing that well
19:16 Salamander and holy shite modena's caught up
19:18 Salamander modena in 3rd
19:18 Salamander and maddock tried cutting across the grass
19:18 Nuppiz Nurmovitsch on a Sunday drive
19:18 Nuppiz at leas he isn't wrecking the car
19:18 Nuppiz least
19:18 Salamander ibr's doing pretty well
19:18 Salamander oh goddammit carlton
19:18 Salamander make your mind up
19:19 Salamander are you good or not
19:19 Salamander at least jenkins has a good lead
19:19 Nuppiz it's obvious now, he's been bribed by someone
19:19 Salamander for now
19:19 Salamander im totally sacking him after this
19:19 Nuppiz interested in a swap with Nurmovitsch?
19:20 Salamander lol no
19:20 Salamander you can have him though
19:20 Pasta Modena's doing...suprisinly welll
19:20 Salamander WHAT IS HE DOING
19:20 Salamander hes being challenged by bloody zimmer
19:21 Salamander not that mcallister's doing much better
19:21 Nuppiz take that ass out, be useful for once!
19:21 Salamander wait hang on
19:21 Salamander hes decided to be good again
19:22 Nuppiz maybe he's schizophrenic
19:22 Salamander thats the only logical explination
19:22 Nuppiz the other side is Deletraz while the other is Scuhmacher
19:23 Nuppiz Schumacher
19:23 Salamander
19:23 Nuppiz and either one of the personalities is randomly active
19:24 Salamander yeah
19:24 Salamander hes back in deletraz mode again
19:24 Salamander thats like the 5th time hes swapped this race
19:24 Salamander modena through
19:24 Salamander MY GOD
19:24 Salamander look at all the time hes lost to mcallister
19:26 Salamander douglas around at eau rouge
19:26 Salamander somehow didnt hit anything
19:27 *** Pasta quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:28 Salamander voeckler falling back...
19:28 Salamander goddamn, carlton's 20 seconds behind jenkins
19:28 Salamander 4 laps ago he was right with him
19:29 Salamander modena's caught mcallister
19:30 Nuppiz and Nurmovitsch still doing absolutely nothing of note
19:30 Salamander yup
19:30 Salamander oh come on
19:30 Nuppiz at least Zimsanity hasn't yet struck with him
19:30 Salamander go away maddock
19:31 Cynon Speaking of Zimsanity
19:31 Salamander NO NO ON NO NO
19:31 Cynon has ZimSport confirmed their second driver yet?
19:31 Salamander goddamn
19:31 Nuppiz no
19:31 Cynon ;[
19:31 Cynon k
19:31 Salamander what a way to bloody lose
19:31 Cynon uh
19:31 Cynon wot
19:31 Salamander last corner
19:31 Salamander jenkins, my guy was leading
19:31 Cynon Hildebranded?
19:31 Salamander no
19:31 Salamander championship leader right behind him
19:32 Salamander he passes him at the last corner
19:32 Darkapprentice77 wow, what a finish
19:32 Nuppiz my goondess Nurmovitsch is useless
19:32 Darkapprentice77 i thought salamander was going to explode
19:32 Salamander carlton is so sacked
19:32 Cynon What race is this?
19:32 Salamander rtcc
19:32 Darkapprentice77 RTCC belgium
19:32 Nuppiz Dark, could I see a replay of the Kickert-Nurmester collision pls?
19:33 Cynon Reject Touring Car Championship or Russian Touring Car Championship?
19:33 Darkapprentice77 yes after i've posted the results
19:33 Nuppiz I want to know whom to blame for it...
19:33 Salamander the first one
19:33 Darkapprentice77 kickert may be facing a ban for that
19:33 Nuppiz good
19:33 Cynon Considering their circuits I would argue that the latter could be called that too...
19:33 Nuppiz that's the second time in a row a ZimSport has taken out one of my cars
19:33 Salamander cynon yeah lol
19:36 Nuppiz and here, gentlemen, you see basically the same things that happen after each LifeGP/IFRC race
19:37 Darkapprentice77 i may introduce a team order thing where i basically add weight to carlton's car if that's what you want salamander
19:37 Salamander maybe
19:37 Darkapprentice77 fastest lap: phoenix mcallister 2:50.984
19:38 Salamander if it wasnt for the time jenkins lost earlier on because of carlton being a douche
19:38 Salamander he might've still held maddock off
19:38 Nuppiz lovely archiving method there
19:38 Nuppiz just everything in the same folder
19:38 Darkapprentice77 what happened to jenkins on the last lap? had a huge lead then lost it
19:38 Darkapprentice77 yea lol
19:38 Salamander no idea
19:38 Nuppiz gearbox?
19:39 Salamander im blaming carlton anyway
19:39 Nuppiz not impossible considering that the F1C AI sometimes glitches in so that the cars don't tpit to retire despite a gearbox failure
19:39 Salamander its clearly all his fault
Fastest lap: Phoenix McAllister 2:50.984
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- DemocalypseNow
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
So, basically, IBR are extremely Heidfeldesque in the RTCC. How strange. We're just a perfectly average, quiet team here.
Does this mean I can blame the Lancia marque for inflicting the deep psychological trauma that makes the team principal such a trainwreck?
Does this mean I can blame the Lancia marque for inflicting the deep psychological trauma that makes the team principal such a trainwreck?
Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Meanwhile, it looks like I won't be sacking only one, but two drivers before 2016.
Eurosport broadcast for the 1990 Mexican GP prequalifying:
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
- DemocalypseNow
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Nuppiz wrote:Meanwhile, it looks like I won't be sacking only one, but two drivers before 2016.
Do you have a driver that as ever actually won something on your book Nupe?* Because when I think about it, I couldn't name a single one

*ROTR and ROTY don't count!
- Salamander
- Posts: 9617
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
If anyone wants to enter a new driver in a winning car, now is an excellent time to do so because I'm sacking Ryan Carlton after this weekend.
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Peter Kickert and Nathan Nurmester will be banned for one weekend for both being involved in an incredibly stupid incident in Race 1.
Trump 2016
- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Stramala [kostas22] wrote:Nuppiz wrote:Meanwhile, it looks like I won't be sacking only one, but two drivers before 2016.
Do you have a driver that as ever actually won something on your book Nupe?* Because when I think about it, I couldn't name a single one
*ROTR and ROTY don't count!
Not really, no. The best results so far are couple of podiums by Anu Võsu in F1RDS and Niko Nurminen's sole podium in F1RGP2C. That and Thomas Nurmester's 5th in a lousy Osella in 1980.
BlindCaveSalamander wrote:If anyone wants to enter a new driver in a winning car, now is an excellent time to do so because I'm sacking Ryan Carlton after this weekend.
And as Nurmester is banned for the next race, I'm interested in hiring Carlton as his replacement.
Eurosport broadcast for the 1990 Mexican GP prequalifying:
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
- Salamander
- Posts: 9617
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Nuppiz wrote:BlindCaveSalamander wrote:If anyone wants to enter a new driver in a winning car, now is an excellent time to do so because I'm sacking Ryan Carlton after this weekend.
And as Nurmester is banned for the next race, I'm interested in hiring Carlton as his replacement.
Ryan Carlton will accept the offer.
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
- Gerudo Dragon
- Posts: 1766
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Race 2 Results

Fastest lap: Phoenix McAllister 2:50.984

Code: Select all
20:08 Darkapprentice77 here we go...
20:08 Salamander i wonder how far jenkins'll make it...
20:08 Darkapprentice77 almost forgot to record
20:11 Salamander stramala will be pleased, modenas walking away with this one
20:11 Salamander for now at least
20:13 Salamander maddock being held up pretty bad right there...
20:13 Salamander jenkins really on a charge here
20:13 Nuppiz meanwhile, both NRE drivers are doing what they do best
20:13 Salamander he certainly wants to make up for losing that win
20:14 Salamander lol
20:14 Nuppiz meh
20:14 Nuppiz that only confirmed his sacking
20:16 Salamander carltons getting too close to jenkins again
20:16 Salamander oh goddammit
20:17 Nuppiz hmm
20:17 Nuppiz Nathan Nurmester could go to REECCS next season
20:17 Salamander reeccs isnt canon though
20:18 Nuppiz that's a good place for his antics
20:18 Salamander what the hell happened to modena
20:18 Nuppiz well I currently have Nurmovitsch there - in fact that's what I originally created him fo
20:18 Salamander fair enough
20:20 Salamander oh man
20:20 Salamander jenkins might win this
20:20 Salamander from 16th
20:20 Nuppiz !
20:21 Nuppiz Steel out
20:21 Salamander good when aeroracing have been held up pretty badly this race
20:21 Salamander well that was interesting
20:21 Salamander maddock especially nowhere
20:21 Salamander hes only 11th
20:21 Salamander last lap as well
20:21 Salamander jenkins leads!
20:21 Salamander yes!
20:22 Salamander oh man
20:22 Salamander not a good lap for modena
20:22 Salamander from leading to 4th
20:23 Salamander hes lost like 5 seconds to jenkins
20:23 Salamander wait
20:23 Salamander oh no
20:23 Salamander my mistake
20:23 Salamander thought voeckler was ahead of carlton for a second
20:23 Salamander well that was much better
20:23 Salamander 1-2 from 14th and 16th on the grid
20:23 Salamander
20:24 Nuppiz Nurmovitsch 17th
20:24 Salamander now wheres maddock....
20:24 Salamander what the hell
20:24 Nuppiz we might as well forget this weekend
20:24 Darkapprentice77 kickert........i have no words
20:24 Salamander what on earth was kickert doing
20:25 Salamander maddock only 7th as well
20:25 Darkapprentice77 fastest lap: jenkins 2:54.150
20:26 Salamander
Fastest lap: Phoenix McAllister 2:50.984
Trump 2016
Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
BlindCaveSalamander wrote:Nuppiz wrote:BlindCaveSalamander wrote:If anyone wants to enter a new driver in a winning car, now is an excellent time to do so because I'm sacking Ryan Carlton after this weekend.
And as Nurmester is banned for the next race, I'm interested in hiring Carlton as his replacement.
Ryan Carlton will accept the offer.
And just so that everyone knows, this arrangement will last for the rest of this season and continue into next year as well.
Eurosport broadcast for the 1990 Mexican GP prequalifying:
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
- DemocalypseNow
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Italian driver Natalia Valenti is interested in the Twinings BMW drive.
- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Driver's Championship
1 Paul Jenkins 137
2 Jack Maddock 132
3 Ryan Carlton 108
4 Phoenix McAllister 99
5 Rory McGatley 71
6 Rafael Modena 54
7 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 46
8 Alexander Megone 44
9 Ralf Alden 38
10 Rick Tyryn 31
11 Pieter Kickert 30
= John Zimmer 30
13 Nathan Nurmester 28
= Aram Stuart 28
= Bob Sampson 28
16 Jason Wintermeter 19
17 Mauricio Rossini 14
18 Barry Steel 13
19 Tom Douglas 10
20 Garry Jones 5
= ? 5
22 Nikolai Nurmovitsch 3
= Dominic Strass-Cahn 3
= Chris Whiting 3
25 Edward Restov 1
= Luis Pereria 1
Team's Championship
1 Twinings 245
2 AeroRacing 231
3 RMcG 102
4 IBR 100
5 Prism 72
6 ZimSport 60
7 Alpha 52
8 Nurminen 31
9 CFR 16
10 Douglas-Cliff 10
11 Restov 5
= Nicchi 5
San Fran Race 1 video
San Fran Race 2 video
Spa Race 1 video
Spa Race 2 video
1 Paul Jenkins 137
2 Jack Maddock 132
3 Ryan Carlton 108
4 Phoenix McAllister 99
5 Rory McGatley 71
6 Rafael Modena 54
7 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 46
8 Alexander Megone 44
9 Ralf Alden 38
10 Rick Tyryn 31
11 Pieter Kickert 30
= John Zimmer 30
13 Nathan Nurmester 28
= Aram Stuart 28
= Bob Sampson 28
16 Jason Wintermeter 19
17 Mauricio Rossini 14
18 Barry Steel 13
19 Tom Douglas 10
20 Garry Jones 5
= ? 5
22 Nikolai Nurmovitsch 3
= Dominic Strass-Cahn 3
= Chris Whiting 3
25 Edward Restov 1
= Luis Pereria 1
Team's Championship
1 Twinings 245
2 AeroRacing 231
3 RMcG 102
4 IBR 100
5 Prism 72
6 ZimSport 60
7 Alpha 52
8 Nurminen 31
9 CFR 16
10 Douglas-Cliff 10
11 Restov 5
= Nicchi 5
San Fran Race 1 video
San Fran Race 2 video
Spa Race 1 video
Spa Race 2 video
Last edited by Gerudo Dragon on 17 Oct 2013, 19:38, edited 3 times in total.
Trump 2016
- Salamander
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Stramala [kostas22] wrote:Italian driver Natalia Valenti is interested in the Twinings BMW drive.
I was hoping to get someone who isn't already involved in the series, but if no-one else shows any interest before the next race, she'll get the drive.
Also you might want to have words with Rafael Modena; he was leading heading into the final lap.
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
- the Masked Lapwing
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Rather than find a replacement for Kickert, ZimSport are going to pull the plug on this season and prepare for 2016 instead.
- TomWazzleshaw
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
the Masked Lapwing wrote:Rather than find a replacement for Kickert, ZimSport are going to pull the plug on this season and prepare for 2016 instead.
Or, you can take on Tom Douglas for one weekend as Douglas-Cliff Racing prepares to become a ZimSport satellite team for 2016
Biscione wrote:"Some Turkemenistani gulag repurposed for residential use" is the best way yet I've heard to describe North / East Glasgow.
- the Masked Lapwing
- Posts: 4204
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Wizzie wrote:the Masked Lapwing wrote:Rather than find a replacement for Kickert, ZimSport are going to pull the plug on this season and prepare for 2016 instead.
Or, you can take on Tom Douglas for one weekend as Douglas-Cliff Racing prepares to become a ZimSport satellite team for 2016
Nah. Kickert's got an F1RSTC campaign to focus on, and I estimate it's about this time that Zimmer returns to the F1RWRS.
- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Round 5 will take place tommorow at 19:00 GMT
Trump 2016
- Gerudo Dragon
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- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!
Race 1 Results

Fastest lap: Natalia Valenti 2:20.546

Code: Select all
22:55 Darkapprentice77 ready for a start...
22:55 Salamander its not perfect but personally i prefer it
22:56 Eurobrun I guess so, but I am really confused by the whole system and as a result Autodynamics is shite
22:56 Salamander i should probably pause this steam download while im watching this
22:56 Salamander WHAT THE HELL MADDOCK
22:57 Salamander hopefully this will turn out to be another case of JENKINSWINSLOL
22:58 Eurobrun My RTCC team is the most boring thing in the history of humanity
22:58 Salamander which team is yours anyway?
22:59 Eurobrun The team with the Petronas cars. Can't remember the name lol
22:59 Salamander hell yes
23:00 Salamander jenkins 2nd
23:00 Salamander cfr motorsports?
23:00 Salamander the guys holding up aeroracing?
23:00 Eurobrun Yeah i think
23:01 Salamander remind me to buy your drivers a drink after this
23:01 Salamander also lol carlton is about as terrible as nurmovitsch
23:01 Salamander serves him right
23:01 Wizzie Yay, Douglas isn't trolling around the back of the field
23:02 Salamander
23:02 Salamander valenti is the best teammate
23:02 Salamander sacking carlton for her was the best decision ever
23:02 *** Eurobrun quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
23:03 Salamander jenkins leads!
23:04 Salamander wow
23:04 Salamander jenkins is just gone
23:04 Wizzie Logjam behind McAllister, I see?
23:04 Salamander looks like
23:05 Wizzie Now, how long will it take for something to break on Douglas's car?
23:05 Salamander all aboard the voeckler train
23:06 Wizzie Douglas is actually doing fairly well for once... for a washed-up has been in a old Cavalier, that is
23:07 Salamander yeah actually he is
23:07 Salamander how about that
23:07 Salamander valenti needs to get a move on...
23:07 Salamander oh god
23:07 Salamander where did tyryn come from
23:08 Salamander there
23:08 Salamander finally valenti gets past megone
23:08 RealRacingRoots Million dollar question, right there.
23:08 Wizzie I've only just realised that is indeed the original GP4 version of Suzuka
23:09 Salamander now i need modena to hold up the aeroracings long enough for valenti to catch back up and screw with them some more
23:09 Wizzie I've been so used to using season pack tracks for my GP4 mods that I've completely forgotten what the original tracks look like
23:10 Salamander and jenkins is gone again
23:10 Salamander and valenti past maddock
23:10 Salamander wow
23:10 Wizzie RRR, did you add the Gruen Beer logos onto the JLD Saleen?
23:10 Salamander so ive gone from having the least helpful teammate in the second car to the most helpful
23:10 RealRacingRoots I will Wizzie.
23:11 RealRacingRoots I'm using Cy's banner generator right now to make the banners for the videos
23:11 RealRacingRoots But It would take me 10 mins to add the logos.
23:11 Wizzie Ah, ok
23:11 Wizzie Wait, since when did Douglas score points in the RTCC?
23:12 Salamander since points go down to 15th?
23:12 Salamander valenti 4th, she really like kobayashi-ing people at the hairpin
23:12 Salamander likes
23:12 *** MinardiFan joined #F1Rejects
23:13 Wizzie Wait, how the hell is McAllister 3rd?
23:13 Wizzie He was nowhere like five minutes ago
23:13 Salamander yeah
23:13 Salamander then he woke up and passed maddock
23:13 Salamander and has been pretty decent
23:13 Salamander and now maddock is crap
23:13 Salamander which is fine by me
23:13 Wizzie Is Douglas still running just outside the top 10?
23:14 Salamander although saying that now i think hes catching valenti...
23:14 Salamander i think douglas in inside the top 10 now
23:14 Salamander oh wait
23:14 Salamander mcallister is crap again
23:14 Wizzie Inside the top 10? Even better!
23:14 Salamander i think
23:14 Salamander hes challenging daddy voeckler at any rate
23:15 Salamander valenti 2nd
23:16 Salamander yeah douglas is 10th
23:16 Salamander oh god maddock is all over valenti
23:17 Salamander aw crap
23:17 Salamander oh no valenti's going backwards
23:18 Salamander and holy shite douglas is kicking ass today
23:19 Wizzie The boy's on it today
23:19 Salamander making up for his failure here in 1998 i think
23:19 Salamander 1998?
23:19 Salamander 1997 rather
23:19 Wizzie Maybe the race at Road America pissed him off so much that he had to take out his frustrations on the track
23:19 Salamander
23:19 Wizzie And show those young whippersnappers how to drive properly
23:20 Salamander wow
23:21 Salamander valenti is not letting mcallister through
23:21 Salamander i thought for sure he had her then
23:21 Wizzie I think Maddock has leapfrogged the lot of them
23:21 Salamander yeah he did quite a bit ago
23:21 Salamander oh damn
23:21 Wizzie Meanwhile, Douglas continues to be a boss in the upper-midfield. Why can't he drive like this more often?
23:22 Salamander mcallisters fallen asleep again and tyryn got through
23:22 Salamander douglas is down to 11th but hes still being pretty awesome
23:22 Salamander dont think maddocks catching jenkins today
23:22 Salamander not unless his car falls apart on the last lap like in spa
23:23 Salamander OH NOOOOOO
23:23 Salamander DOUGLAS
23:23 Salamander wait, is valenti catching maddock again
23:23 Wizzie That's more heartbreaking than any MRT retirement ever will be
23:24 Salamander yeah
23:24 Salamander and yes i think valenti is catching maddock
23:24 Salamander 2 laps left
23:24 Salamander carlton 14th
23:24 Salamander guess he decided to be good all of a sudden
23:25 Salamander oh no
23:25 Salamander valentis dropped back
23:25 Salamander
23:26 Salamander what the hell has happened to modena
23:26 Salamander hes dropped like a rock
23:27 Salamander JENKINSWINSLOL
23:28 Darkapprentice77 wow that was dominant
23:28 Darkapprentice77 fastest lap: valenti 2:20.546
23:28 Salamander
23:28 RealRacingRoots So we got JENKINSWINSLOL and DAGNALLWINSLOL
23:28 RealRacingRoots oh dear
23:28 Wizzie What broke on Douglas's car?
23:29 Salamander well, in rtcc, its either JENKINSWINSLOL or MADDOCKWINSLOL
23:29 Salamander obviously i prefer the former
23:30 Salamander carlton dropped out of the points what a surprise
23:30 Wizzie Brake failure at 130R... shite, that must have been scary for Ol' Tom
23:30 Salamander well considering he stopped it soon after im guessing he sussed it before then
23:30 Darkapprentice77 well valenti did what twinings wanted her to do
23:30 Salamander yup
23:30 Salamander excellent job by her
23:32 Wizzie You know, I wouldn't mind if the calender had different formats for some rounds next year
23:32 Salamander yeah that might be a good idea actually
23:32 Salamander kinda like with samster's alternate btcc
23:33 Darkapprentice77 you mean like having more than two races in a round?
23:33 Wizzie Yeah. I mean Knockhill would be perfect for a three-race round where the grid for races 2 and 3 are decided by race results of the previous race
Fastest lap: Natalia Valenti 2:20.546
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- Gerudo Dragon
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- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!
Race 2 Results

Fastest lap: Natalia Valenti 2:22.604

Code: Select all
23:41 Darkapprentice77 let's go...
23:42 Wizzie Hopefully, he'll keep this form going in the race and take what will be the easiest IIDOTR award in a long time
23:42 Salamander yeah thatd be pretty cool
23:42 Salamander
23:42 Salamander jenkins is leading already
23:42 Salamander unfortunately maddock is making ground as well
23:43 Wizzie Douglas already on Whiting like a bad rash
23:43 Darkapprentice77 that was one of the best starts i've ever seen
23:43 Salamander i know
23:43 Salamander jenkins is such a boss
23:43 Salamander piss off mcallister
23:44 Salamander oh dear
23:44 Salamander looks like douglas is going backwards
23:44 Salamander whoa
23:44 Salamander voeckler really living up to his reputation there
23:45 Salamander come on natalia, you need to start passing cars
23:45 Salamander gah maddocks 2nd already
23:46 Wizzie Damn, I knew Tom's form wouldn't last
23:46 Salamander yes
23:46 Salamander valenti on the move
23:48 Wizzie 11th already? I blame the car
23:49 Salamander theres still life in the old boy though
23:50 RealRacingRoots Is this the Gruen Beer Logo wizzie?
23:50 Wizzie Yeah, that's the one
23:50 Salamander in house battle between the nurminens
23:50 RealRacingRoots kk
23:50 Salamander and theyre still side by side
23:51 *** QQ joined #F1Rejects
23:51 Salamander and nurmovitsch chucks it off the road
23:51 Salamander and still emerges ahead of carlton
23:51 Salamander
23:51 *** QQ quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
23:52 Wizzie And Douglas has lost another spot
23:52 Salamander its like the nurminens cant figure out which of them is more rubbish
23:52 RealRacingRoots I'm putting the Gruen Beer logos between the door and the rear engine cover, on the top
23:52 Salamander come on rossini
23:52 Wizzie Sounds good RRR
23:52 Salamander dont let mcallister --- oh, you let him through :?
23:52 Salamander
23:54 Salamander what the hell happened to rossini
23:54 Salamander he was ahead of all those guys
23:54 Salamander valenti v mcallister
23:54 Salamander round 2
23:54 Salamander FIGHT
23:55 Salamander OH GOD NO
23:55 Salamander COME ON JENKINS
23:55 Salamander FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
23:55 Salamander DAMMIT
23:57 Salamander douglas is hanging on to that pack fairly well...
23:57 Salamander piss
23:57 Salamander mcallisters got past valenti as well
23:57 Salamander here comes jenkins though...
23:57 Salamander last lap
23:58 Salamander and damn maddock is slow
23:58 Salamander mcallister and valenti have caught up
23:58 Salamander goddammit jenkins
23:58 Salamander the door was wide open there
23:58 Salamander PISS
23:59 Salamander not complaining about that
23:59 Salamander jenkins blatantly threw that away
23:59 Salamander im not even complaining about valenti passing him
23:59 Salamander that was terrible from jenkins
23:59 Salamander that was his race to win
23:59 Salamander maddock left the door wide open
23:59 Salamander but no
23:59 Salamander
00:00 Darkapprentice77 wow, first to last in 2 laps for jenkins
00:00 RealRacingRoots Updated the livery Wizzie
00:00 Darkapprentice77 well not last but 4th
00:00 Salamander he still couldve won though
00:00 Salamander that was the worst part
00:00 Wizzie Hmm... points for Douglas. Could have been so much better after Qualifying though
00:00 Salamander yeah shame that
00:01 Darkapprentice77 fastest lap valenti 2:22.604
00:01 Salamander again
00:02 Wizzie Sad thing is P12 is still probably his best result all year
00:02 Salamander damn shes pretty good
00:02 Salamander i think that means maddock retakes the championship lead
00:02 Salamander but by 1 poinr
00:02 Salamander point
00:03 MinardiFan Woohoo! More points for Garry Jones
00:03 *** captain_getz joined #F1Rejects
00:03 Darkapprentice77 well IIRC there were meant to be points given for fastest laps and poles
00:03 Salamander but neither jenkins nor maddock took any of those today
00:04 Wizzie Overall, I'm happy with Tom's performance today
00:04 Wizzie Can't want to see what he does when he gets his hands on a ZimSport Vectra next year
00:04 Salamander cant wait for jenkins to decide he wants to win again
Fastest lap: Natalia Valenti 2:22.604
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- Salamander
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Twinings is very pleased with Natalia Valenti's performance, and would like to resign her for 2016.
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Driver's Championship...now with points for fastest laps and poles added
1 Paul Jenkins 179
2 Jack Maddock 178
3 Phoenix McAllister 135
4 Ryan Carlton 110
5 Rory McGatley 85
6 Rafael Modena 72
7 Alexander Megone 64
8 Rick Tyryn 57
9 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 54
10 Ralf Alden 43
11 Aram Stuart 35
12 Natalia Valenti 34
13 Bob Sampson 28
14 Jason Wintermeter 26
15 Mauricio Rossini 22
16 Barry Steel 19
17 Tom Douglas 14
18 Chris Whiting 10
19 ? 9
20 Garry Jones 7
21 Luis Pereria 6
22 Dominic Strass-Cahn 4
23 Nikolai Nurmovitsch 3
Team's Championship
1 Twinings 323
2 AeroRacing 313
3 RMcG 142
4 IBR 126
5 Prism 99
6 Alpha 65
7 CFR 28
8 Nurminen 31
9 Douglas-Cliff 14
10 Restov 10
11 Nicchi 9
1 Paul Jenkins 179
2 Jack Maddock 178
3 Phoenix McAllister 135
4 Ryan Carlton 110
5 Rory McGatley 85
6 Rafael Modena 72
7 Alexander Megone 64
8 Rick Tyryn 57
9 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 54
10 Ralf Alden 43
11 Aram Stuart 35
12 Natalia Valenti 34
13 Bob Sampson 28
14 Jason Wintermeter 26
15 Mauricio Rossini 22
16 Barry Steel 19
17 Tom Douglas 14
18 Chris Whiting 10
19 ? 9
20 Garry Jones 7
21 Luis Pereria 6
22 Dominic Strass-Cahn 4
23 Nikolai Nurmovitsch 3
Team's Championship
1 Twinings 323
2 AeroRacing 313
3 RMcG 142
4 IBR 126
5 Prism 99
6 Alpha 65
7 CFR 28
8 Nurminen 31
9 Douglas-Cliff 14
10 Restov 10
11 Nicchi 9
Last edited by Gerudo Dragon on 17 Oct 2013, 19:39, edited 1 time in total.
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- DemocalypseNow
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
BlindCaveSalamander wrote:Twinings is very pleased with Natalia Valenti's performance, and would like to resign her for 2016.
An Alitalia managed driver isn't going to sign up for a full season right away. She might end up at IBR for 2016, she might end up at BMW. We'll have to see later in the season...

- Salamander
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Stramala [kostas22] wrote:BlindCaveSalamander wrote:Twinings is very pleased with Natalia Valenti's performance, and would like to resign her for 2016.
An Alitalia managed driver isn't going to sign up for a full season right away. She might end up at IBR for 2016, she might end up at BMW. We'll have to see later in the season...
There's only one more round left, but sure. The offer's on the table, anyway.
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
- CaptainGetz12
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
I know I spoke with some of you at the end of the previous race, but Im a bit confused:
So anyone can join the final race that is next week? and someone said that one of the teams are giving up their opel/vauxhall/holden/saturn vectras?
Can someone confirm this? If its next week i'll be able to squeeze in a couple of my drivers..
So anyone can join the final race that is next week? and someone said that one of the teams are giving up their opel/vauxhall/holden/saturn vectras?
Can someone confirm this? If its next week i'll be able to squeeze in a couple of my drivers..
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Yes, anyone can join the next round. I don't think anyone has to give up their cars though. These are the availiable cars:CaptainGetz12 wrote:I know I spoke with some of you at the end of the previous race, but Im a bit confused:
So anyone can join the final race that is next week? and someone said that one of the teams are giving up their opel/vauxhall/holden/saturn vectras?
Can someone confirm this? If its next week i'll be able to squeeze in a couple of my drivers..
Alfa Romeo 155
Audi A4
Audi A4 4WD
BMW 318i
Ford Mondeo (1st gen)
Ford Mondeo (2nd gen)
Honda Accord
Mazda Xedos6
Nissan Primera
Peugeot 405
Peugeot 406
Renault 19
Renault Laguna
Toyota Carina
Vauxhall/Opel/Holden Cavalier
Vauxhall/Opel/Holden Vectra
Volvo 850 Estate
Volvo S40
So if you want to join the next round enter with this:
Team name:
Driver 1:
Car 1:
Driver 2 (optional):
Car 2:
Trump 2016
Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
can I upgrade my car please?
- Gerudo Dragon
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
No. Pasta decided that the upgrade system would be scrapped. It may return in 2016 though.andrew wrote:can I upgrade my car please?
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- DemocalypseNow
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Is there no way to port in an Alfa 156 to the mod? The 155 is a bit old even by the standards of all the cars around it...
- takagi_for_the_win
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
God, Luis is so poor in the race it's not even funny
Still, I'm signing him up for 2016, Strass-Cahn can go bathplug himself 

- CaptainGetz12
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Yes, anyone can join the next round. I don't think anyone has to give up their cars though. These are the availiable cars:
Alfa Romeo 155
Audi A4
Audi A4 4WD
BMW 318i
Ford Mondeo (1st gen)
Ford Mondeo (2nd gen)
Honda Accord
Mazda Xedos6
Nissan Primera
Peugeot 405
Peugeot 406
Renault 19
Renault Laguna
Toyota Carina
Vauxhall/Opel/Holden Cavalier
Vauxhall/Opel/Holden Vectra
Volvo 850 Estate
Volvo S40
So if you want to join the next round enter with this:
Team name:
Driver 1:
Car 1:
Driver 2 (optional):
Car 2:
Well I can only particpiate in the final race of the season, since my main drivers would have 2016 packed by a rallycross series.
I know that one of the teams offered to let my guys use their Vectras in the final race just to get some experience. Who was that and does that deal still stand?
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
- Salamander
- Posts: 9617
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- Location: Embittered former NASCAR fan.
Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
CaptainGetz12 wrote:Yes, anyone can join the next round. I don't think anyone has to give up their cars though. These are the availiable cars:
Alfa Romeo 155
Audi A4
Audi A4 4WD
BMW 318i
Ford Mondeo (1st gen)
Ford Mondeo (2nd gen)
Honda Accord
Mazda Xedos6
Nissan Primera
Peugeot 405
Peugeot 406
Renault 19
Renault Laguna
Toyota Carina
Vauxhall/Opel/Holden Cavalier
Vauxhall/Opel/Holden Vectra
Volvo 850 Estate
Volvo S40
So if you want to join the next round enter with this:
Team name:
Driver 1:
Car 1:
Driver 2 (optional):
Car 2:
Well I can only particpiate in the final race of the season, since my main drivers would have 2016 packed by a rallycross series.
I know that one of the teams offered to let my guys use their Vectras in the final race just to get some experience. Who was that and does that deal still stand?
Actually, that was Wizzie volunteering TMLW's cars.

Also, you don't have to use the same drivers as in your rallycross team.
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
- takagi_for_the_win
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- Location: The land of the little people.
Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
CaptainGetz12 wrote:I know that one of the teams offered to let my guys use their Vectras in the final race just to get some experience. Who was that and does that deal still stand?
If you want mate, I'll run your man in place of Strass-Cahn for the last race

Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
Well, this fits perfectly into my plan of completely overhauling my RTCC entry next season...
Eurosport broadcast for the 1990 Mexican GP prequalifying:
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
- CaptainGetz12
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Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
If you want mate, I'll run your man in place of Strass-Cahn for the last raceIts an 850 he'll be running I believe, so he won't win, but it'll be good to see what he can do under no pressure
I'll take that offer then.
I'll let my second driver Michael Rohnstock take that spot for the last race as a warm up for the rallycross series

Though if I'm going by the F1alternate page, Strass-Cahn was driving a peugeot 405. Is that the one Vic would be using or are you switching the cars up?
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
- takagi_for_the_win
- Posts: 3061
- Joined: 02 Oct 2011, 01:38
- Location: The land of the little people.
Re: RTCC 2015 - Tonight (15th March) Race 19:00 GMT
CaptainGetz12 wrote:If you want mate, I'll run your man in place of Strass-Cahn for the last raceIts an 850 he'll be running I believe, so he won't win, but it'll be good to see what he can do under no pressure
I'll take that offer then.
I'll let my second driver Michael Rohnstock take that spot for the last race as a warm up for the rallycross series
Though if I'm going by the F1alternate page, Strass-Cahn was driving a peugeot 405. Is that the one Vic would be using or are you switching the cars up?
Um, I'd rather Pereira ran the 850, so your man will be running in the 405