eurobrun wrote:The computer security example is completely irrelevant as this is just a game and nobody's safety or security is at risk. In my view it would just be a hypocritical form of trolling to create that character.
Here's the thing eurobrun. I don't know whether you've got some sort of personal vendetta against Stramala but what he has written was not because he is or intends to be a troll, and/or a giant doucebag. Although the latter is debatable

(Just a joke guys)
He used the security system analogy to indicate that he found a rather large flaw in the system for a non-malicious reason - to show how easy a pop-culture based reference system can be exploited to allow ridiculous names. The purpose of this was to try and highlight how easily the system can be abused, and to back up his own point that names should be realistic - and as you quite rightly said, why would he do something he doesn't believe in?
You need to take a lighter perspective on events eurobrun. No one here is out to purposely piss you off, including Stramala. His 'hatred' towards you is in fact a twisted perspective that has been conjured up by your brain due to mis-interpreting his posts. By assuming people hate you, you will always find apparent 'proof' in everything they do that suggests they hate you, but this is in fact your mind altering the perspective in which things were written to try and justify your negativeness.
And to add my 2p to the matter, I don't like Screaming nor Psycho Mantis as names, but I'm not willing to be an arse about it and demand Shizuka changes his characters. I'd just rather everyone is realistic when naming characters, or at least semi-realistic, in my book references are fine so long as the names themselves are realistic (i.e. FMecha's GTA referenced characters). I'd prefer it if the characters are revealed to be using a pseudonym for some witty or funny reason but if Shizuka doesn't want to do that then it's fine as well.