2002 AltCART

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Gerudo Dragon
Posts: 1766
Joined: 12 May 2012, 04:42

Re: 2002 AltCART: 2nd Pre-season test results up, New Rule!!

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

2002 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Grid
1 Jacques Malenfant 67.191
2 Brendon Cassidy Jr. 67.2995
3 Michael Andretti 67.4521
4 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 67.4899
5 Paul Tracy 67.5431
6 Jorg Scrattenheim 67.6477
7 Joey Alliot 67.7609
8 Oriol Servia 67.7838
9 Townsend Bell 67.7855
10 Buddy Rice 67.8094
11 Sergej Madunochev 67.8329
12 Jeremy-Etienne Voeckler 67.85
13 Jose Pablo Mazzacane 67.9132
14 Jason Bright 67.9638
15 Nikola Nikolov 68.0201
16 Sebastien Bourdais 68.0822
17 Dennis Mignolet 68.1823
18 Leonhard von Gottorp 68.1915
19 Rick Douglais 68.268
20 Pedro Renales 68.2682
21 Cameron Maroon 68.2765
22 Joao Paulo de Oliveira 68.3379
23 Ralf Alden 68.4156
24 Alvaro Gonzalez 68.4722
25 O.N. Duck Jr. 68.6482
26 Brett Miller 68.7138
27 Massimiliano Bianchi 68.7598
28 Mika Hakkinen 68.7658
29 Dietrich Anger 68.7815
30 Jacob Eichholtz 68.8488
31 Oliver Kunz 68.9081
32 Boris Offenhauser 69.0158
33 Nathan Nurmester 69.0682
34 Craig Lowndes 69.0709
35 Pjotr Madunochev 69.1233
36 Artesia Mass 69.1418
37 Casval Rojas 69.1663
38 Tim Horan 69.1872
39 Giorgio Pavetti 69.1914
40 Paul Eckeridge 69.327
41 Angela McIntyre 69.4595
42 Hirokazu Moriya 69.8018
43 Adrian Rojo Fernandez 69.8178
44 Maven O'Connor 69.8431
45 Marcin Rzepczynski 69.8735
46 Gabriela Navarro 70.3946
47 Peter Franz 70.5425

2002 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Results
1 Oriol Servia 80
2 Massimiliano Bianchi 80
3 Brendon Cassidy Jr. 80
4 Jose Pablo Mazzacane 80
5 Brett Miller 80
6 Sebastien Bourdais + 1 Lap
7 Paul Tracy + 1 Lap
8 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler + 1 Lap
9 Jacques Malenfant + 1 Lap
10 Tim Horan + 1 Lap
11 Jorg Scrattenheim + 2 Laps
12 Sergej Madunochev + 2 Laps
13 Hirokazu Moriya + 2 Laps
14 Buddy Rice + 2 Laps
15 Michael Andretti + 3 Laps
16 Jason Bright + 3 Laps
17 Pjotr Madunochev + 3 Laps
18 Angela McIntyre + 3 Laps
19 Joao Paulo de Oliveira + 3 Laps
20 Jacob Eichholtz + 3 Laps
21 Rick Douglais + 4 Laps
22 Mika Hakkinen + 4 Laps
23 Marcin Rzepczynski + 5 Laps
24 Maven O'Connor 55
25 Ralf Alden 49
26 Dietrich Anger 48
27 Alvaro Gonzalez 48
28 O.N. Duck Jr. 40
29 Dennis Mignolet 37
30 Nathan Nurmester 36
31 Pedro Renales 36
32 Boris Offenhauser 34
33 Townsend Bell 24
34 Cameron Maroon 23
35 Joey Alliot 11
36 Jeremy-Etienne Voeckler 7
37 Leonhard von Gottorp 6
38 Craig Lowndes 3
39 Adrian Rojo Fernandez 3
40 Casval Rojas 2
41 Gabriela Navarro 2
42 Paul Eckeridge 2
43 Oliver Kunz 2
44 Peter Franz 2
45 Giorgio Pavetti DSQ
46 Nikola Nikolov DSQ
47 Artesia Mass DSQ

Pavetti, Nikolov and Mass were all black flagged on lap 64 for their behavior whilst being lapped by the race leaders. Possible bans and injuries will be posted soon.

Fastest lap: Townsend Bell 68.2791


Code: Select all

17:54:16: <skippydippy> von Gottorp improved
17:54:18: <skippydippy> good goyim
17:58:48: <Salamander> cassidy jr leads?
17:58:51: <Salamander> this is excellent :D
18:00:09: <Ferrarist> Hopefully a Voeckler will never set foot into my IndyCar series.
18:00:24: <Salamander> i think youre tempting fate there...
18:00:36: <Ferrarist> No, I'm not. :P
18:00:56: <Ferrarist> I could start to hand out "IndyCar licenses"...
18:00:59: <skippydippy> Hasselhoff Motorsport hereby confirmes a deal with Adelaide Voeckler for the 2017 F1RICS season
18:01:04: <skippydippy> :P
18:01:19: <Salamander> aw crap
18:01:35: <Salamander> brendon jr lost the lea :(
18:01:39: <Salamander> *lead
18:02:05: <Ferrarist> Then Adelaider Voeckler shall be banned, or arrested...something wrong with the visa.
18:02:25: <skippydippy> Hobbydiktator :P
18:02:29: <Nuppiz> mysterious elevator accident
18:03:31: <Salamander> dammit why is brendon going backwards
18:05:22: <Axel> Nuppiz Be careful with Sochi, when someone crash, FPS drops heavily
18:07:43: <Salamander> :/
18:07:52: <Salamander> looks like alliot forgot to brake...
18:12:12: <Salamander> :o
18:12:19: <Salamander> contact between malentfant and voeckler
18:12:30: <Salamander> looks like they arent getting along...
18:13:32: <Salamander> oh man this is great stuff :D
18:17:58: <Ferrarist> And what is Paulo de Oro doing?
18:18:02: <Salamander> well that was a weird crash
18:18:54: <Axel> lol
18:19:05: <Ferrarist> By the way, I'm surprised how well Tracy runs with the Penske road chassis.
18:22:07: <Ferrarist> Michael's coming closer :)
18:22:24: <Salamander> so is fmv
18:22:53: <Salamander> wow
18:22:57: <Salamander> nice move brendon :D
18:23:35: <Salamander> wtf
18:23:50: <Salamander> ah
18:23:51: <dark77> ooh, monster shunt by maroon, that may be an injury
18:23:58: <Salamander> cam maroon forgot to brake :/
18:24:05: <Axel> I don't see it :(
18:24:07: <Ferrarist> Hopefully Maroon's okay. He fast still relatively fast when crashing into the tire barrier
18:25:50: <FMecha> what happen?
18:26:01: <FMecha> Ferrarist have you approved my PSN FR?
18:26:08: <Salamander> somebody set up us the bomb
18:26:25: <Nuppiz> main screen turn on
18:26:28: <FMecha> wat
18:26:35: <Salamander> its you!
18:26:46: <Ferrarist> FMecha: Haven't turned on my PS3 yet
18:27:01: <Ferrarist> Also, nice fight between, Tracy, Andretti and HWNSNBM
18:27:05: <Axel> ???
18:27:10: <Nuppiz> hmm
18:27:12: <Salamander> you mean fmv ;)
18:27:16: <Ferrarist> And what is Moriya doing?
18:27:26: <Ferrarist> Salamander: Yeah, HWNISNM
18:27:27: <Nuppiz> have the FSKs retired already?
18:27:32: <FMecha> CART, eh?
18:27:39: <FMecha> what is Alden and Hakkinen doing?
18:27:53: <Ferrarist> MICHAEL! WHOOOOOO!
18:27:54: <Salamander> they are nowhere near anywhere interesting
18:28:05: <Nuppiz> oh, there was Anger
18:28:13: <Salamander> dammit brendons back to 5th
18:28:25: <Salamander> im sure he could win this thing, but his cars just crap it seems
18:28:25: <Nuppiz> both cars still in
18:28:31: <Salamander> relatively crap, anyway
18:28:40: <Ferrarist> Someone DSQ Mass!
18:28:55: <Axel> :D
18:29:02: <Salamander> go voeckler go :D
18:29:18: <Axel> de Cesaris clone
18:29:37: <Salamander> miller's doing well
18:29:39: <Salamander> up to 10th not
18:29:40: <Salamander> now
18:30:41: <WaltherWilliams> Something really needs to be done against the backmarkers. They are unable to even make way for cars that are fighting for the lead!
18:30:53: <Salamander> brendon jr mustve driven the wheels off that thing to get it on to the front row
18:31:15: <Salamander> aaaaagh hes still going backwards :/
18:31:49: <Nuppiz> how many drivers score points BTW?
18:34:00: <Salamander> WHOA
18:34:02: <Salamander> what happened
18:34:15: <Nuppiz> Nathan Nurmester happened
18:34:17: <WaltherWilliams> Someone ban Voeckler for this reckless driving!
18:34:21: <Salamander> what
18:34:30: <Salamander> andretti just made that move out of nowhere
18:34:44: <Salamander> if anyone should be penelised it should be nurmester though
18:34:48: WaltherWilliams throws cup of coffee at Voeckler while he driving in pit lane
18:34:53: <dark77> Voeckler will get a warning after the race for aggresive driving
18:34:57: <Salamander> what
18:35:16: <Axel> FUCCKKK
18:35:19: <Axel> ADS!!!!
18:35:30: <Salamander> andretti launched that move exactly as voeckler went to lap nurmester
18:35:37: <Salamander> btw nurmester should be warned
18:35:48: <WaltherWilliams> Well, brave maneuver by Michael, wasn't it?
18:35:56: <Salamander> he was holding up the leaders and didnt even have a front wing :/
18:35:57: <Nuppiz> that's a promising start for him :D
18:36:10: <dark77> nurmester has also made contact with other cars in the race
18:36:27: <WaltherWilliams> Hm, somehow I never get ads. But the video is stuck for a couple of seconds.
18:36:41: <Salamander> because dark is typing a messager
18:36:43: <Salamander> message
18:36:51: <Salamander> i never get ads
18:36:55: <Salamander> because i have ad block :D
18:36:58: <WaltherWilliams> Okay.
18:37:07: <WaltherWilliams> I guess Kaspersky does its job perfectly.
18:37:07: <skippydippy> so do I
18:37:32: <Salamander> get the hell out of the way, duck :/
18:37:33: <AdsAreLosers> Kaspersky :/? I'm using it
18:37:58: <skippydippy> I'm off balling a bit
18:38:42: <dark77> GOD DAMNIT OFFENHAUSER : ((((
18:38:47: <dark77> urgh
18:38:52: <WaltherWilliams> Comfortable lead for Michael! :)
18:38:53: <Salamander> welp
18:39:02: <Salamander> yeah
18:39:09: <Salamander> because tracy pitted
18:39:09: <dark77> well it's far too late for me to restart it now
18:40:05: <AdsAreLosers> why restart?
18:40:07: <WaltherWilliams> Why should you?
18:40:12: <Nuppiz> huh?
18:40:27: <Salamander> hey, i thought i wanted my cars to have unique liveries?
18:40:51: <dark77> well that's exactly why i restarted race 1, because of cars retiring then causing pile-ups : (((
18:41:00: <dark77> shite forgot to add it sorry
18:41:15: <Axel> lol
18:41:30: <Salamander> thats alright, as long as it actually exists and i didnt imagine the other livery
18:41:39: <Axel> We can get Birmingham clone
18:41:40: <Salamander> welp
18:41:48: <Salamander> andretti is screwed
18:41:54: <Axel> Andretti!
18:42:00: <Salamander> he just drove into the back of mass
18:42:03: <Axel> Ugh
18:42:04: <Salamander> well done
18:42:09: <WaltherWilliams> Mass you damn son of a *bleep*. What kind of *bleep* are you, you little *bleep*. *bleep* you, you *bleep*!
18:42:22: <Salamander> jorg scrattenheim leads
18:42:26: <Axel> Traffic
18:42:31: <Salamander> jorg goddamn scrattenheim is leading
18:42:43: <Nuppiz> Mass causing blockage
18:42:57: <Nuppiz> Critical Mass
18:42:59: <dark77> Mass will be either banned or given a warning
18:43:02: <Salamander> what
18:43:07: <Salamander> andretti drove into him
18:43:16: <Salamander> he couldve made a move but didnt
18:43:26: <dark77> okay i'll look into all these in the replay...
18:43:26: <Axel> Nice train of cars
18:43:39: <WaltherWilliams> That's good! Remember, Andretti is one of the remaining stars of the series. If we don't get our way, we'll take him to the IRL!
18:43:47: <Axel> wat
18:43:54: <Axel> Still in pit?
18:44:20: <Salamander> yeah, i should probably kick mcintyre out if she doesnt improve
18:44:42: <Salamander> probably replace her with tony kanaan if no one else takes him by that point :D
18:45:22: <Axel> Nice overlap by Cassidy
18:45:57: <WaltherWilliams> Best position to suffer engine problems...
18:45:57: <Nuppiz> lol
18:46:06: <Salamander> yeah brendon jr is pretty good in wheel-to-wheel, he just needs a better car
18:46:21: <Nuppiz> can I see Anger for a while pls?
18:46:38: <Axel> hmm?
18:46:42: <Axel> Engine?
18:46:49: <Axel> I don't see it
18:46:55: <Salamander> duck jr blew up
18:47:06: <Axel> At?
18:47:20: <Salamander> at?
18:47:44: <Nuppiz> and Anthony Bourdain takes the lead
18:47:45: <Salamander> bourdais takes the lead
18:47:56: <Salamander> the world is spared another scrattenheim victory
18:48:09: <Salamander> well, assuming he doesnt take it back
18:48:35: <Salamander> never mind he screwed it up anyway
18:48:40: <Nuppiz> lolfail
18:48:45: <Axel> You say 01:45 WaltherWilliams Best position to suffer engine problems... So where it is?
18:48:53: <Salamander> there is a reason this guy never got a break in f1rgp2c
18:49:08: <WaltherWilliams> Axel: Middle of a corner
18:49:43: <Axel> Oh. Pretty usual. And wut the Schrattenhei
18:50:04: <Salamander> brendon jr could be leading this right now, if he didnt get utterly screwed by traffic
18:50:35: <Salamander> mcintyre is behind voeckler andretti and tracy :/
18:50:49: <dark77> can we award Me, Dark77 ROTR for allowing 47 cars pls?
18:50:50: <Salamander> even though theyve all had to replace front wings
18:51:01: <Salamander> nah
18:51:06: <Axel> Nope
18:51:07: <Salamander> rotr should be scrattenheim
18:51:11: <Axel> It's interesting
18:51:17: <Salamander> that was mind numbingly dumb of him
18:51:37: <Salamander> besides its actually working out pretty well
18:51:58: <Salamander> holy shite
18:52:04: <Salamander> what a move by servia :o
18:54:39: <Salamander> lolway
18:54:42: <Salamander> lolwat
18:54:48: <Salamander> nice move olivera
18:54:50: <Salamander> :/
18:54:58: <WaltherWilliams> Paulo de Oliveira is still racing? :o
18:55:06: <Salamander> apparently
18:55:25: <Nuppiz> Voecklerfail
18:55:29: <Nuppiz> again
18:55:40: <Salamander> yeah voeckler and malenfant dont seem to get along
18:55:52: <Salamander> theyve been screwing each other over most of the race
18:56:42: <Salamander> goddamn lapped cars
18:56:47: <Axel> So many
18:56:48: <Salamander> theyre killing brendons race :/
18:57:08: <Axel> 11 cars in lead lap
18:57:29: <Salamander> alden continues to be worthless
18:57:40: <Axel> Crash
18:58:19: <Salamander> mass is an idiot :/
18:58:29: <Salamander> just drove staight into miller there
18:59:57: <Salamander> goddammit mcintyre
19:00:05: <Salamander> and nikolov
19:00:07: <Axel> booom
19:00:20: <Salamander> that was so stupid
19:00:46: <Nuppiz> So how many drivers score points? Top 15?
19:00:51: <Salamander> no idea
19:01:05: <dark77> i'll decide after this race :D
19:01:14: <Salamander> top 20 i say
19:01:24: <Axel> wut
19:01:32: <Salamander> ?
19:01:44: <Nuppiz> why the hell are we so slow?
19:02:07: <Nuppiz> is the Lola chassis crap?
19:02:50: <Axel> hmm
19:03:05: <Axel> Can't I run a series but also participate in my series?
19:04:07: <Salamander> you can
19:04:12: <Salamander> but its generally not advised
19:04:35: <Axel> Connor slowing
19:04:49: <Axel> Fear of cheating?
19:06:39: <Salamander> yeah pretty much
19:07:02: <Axel> I have an idea
19:07:13: <Axel> Create faux account
19:07:19: <Salamander> :/
19:07:20: <Salamander> no
19:07:41: <Salamander> if you want to run a team in rejects-1 no one will stop you
19:08:11: <skippydippy> the only problem is when your team has success
19:08:16: <skippydippy> then people will raise their eyebrows
19:08:20: <Salamander> yeah
19:08:26: <Axel> :/
19:08:38: <Salamander> see: dgngineering
19:08:49: <Axel> I'm figuring out how upgrades will be done
19:08:49: <skippydippy> even though aerond really did nothing to rig the system
19:08:59: <skippydippy> only the system itself was wrong
19:09:00: <Salamander> whoa what the hel
19:09:32: <skippydippy> RRR isn't here yet :/
19:09:33: <Cynon> 8)
19:09:37: <Axel> Mark Dagnall dominating problem?
19:09:53: <skippydippy> yeah
19:10:00: <skippydippy> was down to the driver upgrade system being bullshit
19:10:04: <Cynon> Hmmm
19:10:11: <Cynon> Going to do some Marathon 1 on Major Damage
19:10:17: <skippydippy> and aerond being the only one to abuse i
19:10:19: <skippydippy> *it
19:10:30: <Salamander> we're watching dark's cart series atm
19:10:32: <Cynon> :D
19:10:33: <Salamander> or at least, i am
19:10:35: <Cynon> Oh fun
19:10:42: <Cynon> something far more interesting
19:10:54: <Nuppiz> and the suspicions only excalated when Dagnall switched over to MRT and that hand grenade of a car suddenly became reliable
19:11:00: <WaltherWilliams> It's not fun! Michael's victory was stolen from that stupid arsehole Mass!
19:11:01: <Salamander> yup
19:11:06: <Axel> Lol
19:11:11: <Nuppiz> escalated*
19:11:14: <Axel> Eh not lol
19:11:19: <Axel> *wut
19:11:20: <Salamander> brendon jr's victory was stolen by the lapped cars all being assholes
19:11:24: <KlonOfPersonality> >implying I haven't just reload the chat just to see the ustream link
19:11:38: <KlonOfPersonality> Go Bourdais
19:11:51: <Salamander> andretti lost his victory due to driving straight into a lapped car
19:12:02: <Axel> Cynon Now one slot is open for Rejecttrucks?
19:12:03: <WaltherWilliams> That lapped car blocked him!
19:12:11: <Salamander> how
19:12:15: <Salamander> there was plenty of space to the inside
19:12:19: <Cynon> Yes
19:12:23: <Salamander> he didnt move across or anything
19:12:29: <WaltherWilliams> He blocked...by his sheer presence. :p
19:12:46: <Nuppiz> meanwhile Nathan Nurmester has been his usual self, crashing into anything that moves :P
19:12:55: <Axel> It is okay to have extra entry for me?
19:13:09: <Nuppiz> it's your call really
19:13:17: <Cynon> How many do you have in presently?
19:13:25: <Axel> 1 truck
19:13:50: <Nuppiz> RE: running a team in your own series
19:14:14: <Cynon> Nuppiz, I do that all the time. XD
19:14:29: <Nuppiz> it's tolerable in historical series which don't define anything else than historic backround to various characters and organizations
19:14:36: <Salamander> goddammit rice
19:14:44: <Salamander> piss off and let brendon through :/
19:14:52: <Nuppiz> but in feeder categories, it's quite suspicious to do so
19:14:53: <Salamander> OH
19:14:55: <Salamander> MAZZACANE
19:15:01: <dark77> pavetti is a bloody moron :/
19:15:13: <Salamander> yup
19:15:14: <Salamander> :/
19:15:38: <dark77> bathplug it i'm black flagging him now and i might black flag Mass
19:15:42: <Cynon> Nuppiz, I do it for TM Master Cup because then I can get away with a lot of political battles between the teams that otherwise wouldn't happen.
19:15:53: <Salamander> black flag nikolov
19:16:11: <Axel> uh
19:16:13: <Salamander> he drove straight into mcintyre and didnt even try to brake
19:16:25: <Cynon> Funny thing is that I do it in TM Lights as well but my own TM Lights drivers usually don't go anywhere
19:16:40: <Cynon> They usually blow chunks
19:17:14: <Nuppiz> well in that case it's fine :P
19:17:19: <Cynon> Jefferson Grand Prix
19:17:42: <Cynon> If they have team jets, are they called the Jefferson Airplanes? :D
19:17:53: <Axel> Cynon So it's no?
19:18:00: <Nuppiz> but say, if Nick Nurmester had moved to IFRC due to the F3RWRS age limit and he had suddenly become good, it sure would've raised a few eyebrows :P
19:18:08: <Cynon> Axel I guess
19:18:17: <Axel> okay
19:18:34: <Cynon> Nuppiz, Paul Lyons started doing well in TM Lights, but he's an obvious dead-ender because he's not moving back up full-time. Kind of like Elliott Sadler or Brian Vickers.
19:19:10: <Axel> Servia and Bourdais is flying
19:19:29: <Cynon> Is Servia's car white?
19:19:29: <KlonOfPersonality> go Bourdais
19:19:31: <KlonOfPersonality> you can do this
19:19:35: <Salamander> yeah it is
19:19:39: <Cynon> Is it the...
19:19:44: <Cynon> white rabbit?
19:19:46: <Cynon> 8)
19:19:54: <Salamander> the what now
19:20:26: <Axel> I would like to see Madunochevs dominating
19:20:26: <Nuppiz> looool
19:20:27: <Salamander> nicely done andretti :/
19:20:28: <WaltherWilliams> Michael :(
19:20:43: <WaltherWilliams> This wouldn't have happened to his father!
19:20:45: <captain_getz> is this altART?
19:20:47: <Cynon> I actually thought about adding Silvia Renaldi to the Mexican Rejectrucks race and starting her from last
19:20:51: <Nuppiz> Michael Andretti being about as useful here as in F1
19:20:52: <Cynon> not that it would matter really
19:21:01: <Salamander> well no, nuppiz
19:21:06: <Salamander> hes actually been quick
19:21:09: <Axel> Ugh XD
19:21:15: <Axel> Overtake fail
19:21:15: <Salamander> hes just driven like an idiot around lapped cars
19:21:43: <Axel> captain_getz Yes
19:22:23: <Nuppiz> nein laps to go
19:23:08: <captain_getz> why is michael andretti in this race again?
19:23:26: <Salamander> because ferrarist wanted to run him
19:23:38: <Salamander> :/
19:23:45: <Salamander> way to go bourdais :/
19:23:46: <Axel> BOURDAIS!
19:24:12: <Axel> Hakkinen fail
19:24:48: <FMecha> NO! NO! NO!
19:24:50: <FMecha> NOOOOOOOOOO
19:24:53: <FMecha> :(
19:25:01: <Salamander> he was driving terribly anyway
19:25:10: <Salamander> its not like you lost anything of value
19:25:40: <Axel> Another fail
19:25:54: <Salamander> yeah hes 4 laps down
19:26:44: <FMecha> gah, shite
19:26:57: <FMecha> what happened to alden btw
19:26:59: <FMecha> ?
19:27:03: <Salamander> crashed
19:27:05: <WaltherWilliams> Anyway, W2Racing has at least put out a quick home video for all of Michael Andretti's fans: http://www.says-it.com/scripts/videotape1.pl?text1=Michael+Andretti%21&text2=Hits+and+Misses&text3=Him+lapping+other+cars+in+the+2002+CART+season&tsize1=3&tsize2=3&tsize3=2&talign1=2&talign2=2&talign3=2&font=144&outline=&fgcolor=5c5c5c&bgcolor=d9ff00&rating=1&runningt
19:27:08: <Salamander> like a fool
19:27:21: <Salamander> lol
19:27:39: <Salamander> guess it realised that im not a michael andretti fan :D
19:27:46: <Salamander> it came up forbidden :D
19:27:57: <Axel> Yeah
19:27:57: <WaltherWilliams> That wasn't planned...
19:28:19: <Salamander> also dark, you might want to fix the rear wing on the exide machine
19:28:50: <Salamander> DOUGLAIS
19:28:57: <Salamander> WHAT HAPPENED
19:29:19: <WaltherWilliams> Anyway: W2Racing Video Production presents: Michael Andretti's greatest hits (and misses...): http://abload.de/img/videotapei3svn.jpg
19:29:34: <Salamander> lol
19:30:15: <Axel> Dark77 What happen to Douglais?
19:30:31: <Salamander> he crashed out from 4th place, but how?
19:31:02: <WaltherWilliams> But I've to say, I love www.says-it.com :D
19:31:18: <Axel> UH
19:31:21: <Axel> Andretti!
19:31:23: <Salamander> welp
19:31:27: <Salamander> again
19:31:56: <WaltherWilliams> Once again, I'd like to advertise this spectacular home video release about Michael Andretti: http://abload.de/img/videotapei3svn.jpg
19:31:59: <Salamander> ah
19:32:02: <Axel> Yikes
19:32:02: <Salamander> forgot to brake
19:32:05: <Salamander> same as andretti
19:32:15: <Axel> Brake failure
19:32:19: <KlonOfPersonality> link doesn't even work
19:32:25: <Axel> Servia wins!
19:32:26: <Salamander> yeah it does
19:32:29: <Cynon> Yes it does
19:32:32: <Cynon> It's a VHS tape
19:32:35: <Axel> It does
19:32:59: <Salamander> probably didnt deserve 3rd and 4th given how shitty my guys' race pace was, but ill take it
19:33:08: <WaltherWilliams> Cynon: So? Some companies still put out VHS tapes in 2002.
19:33:10: <Salamander> or 3rd and 5th :/
19:33:12: <Salamander> bathplug
19:33:22: <KlonOfPersonality> the youngest VHS tape I own
19:33:25: <KlonOfPersonality> is SummerSlam 2004
19:33:27: <Salamander> i dont think he was criticising
19:33:28: <dark77> wow, what a way to start the year!
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by TomWazzleshaw »

Am I the only one who thinks 45 starters for a race at Long Beach is a bit 'overkill'?
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

Wizzie wrote:Am I the only one who thinks 45 starters for a race at Long Beach is a bit 'overkill'?
It was :P
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

(Done using RNG)
There were 3 nasty looking incidents where cars hit the T1 barrier:

Cam Maroon hit the wall at 98 mph, he has a 20% chance of injury:
75! Maroon walks away.

Michael Andretti collided at 82 mph, he has a 15% chance of injury:
60! Andretti is okay.

Rick Douglais crashed at 94 mph, he has an 18% of injury:
11! Douglais will miss one race.

Pavetti, Nikolov and Mass have been banned for one race for holding up the race leaders while being lapped and in some cases causing accidents which damaged the leaders cars.

Team owners have until Wednesday 10th 18:00 GMT to choose replacement drivers. If they do not respond then the drivers will be chosen by me.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Salamander »

Autosport wrote:Cassidy Jr: "We did not deserve a podium"

Following the chaotic Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, Brendon Cassidy Jr, 25, has stated that he is unhappy with the performance of his car in the race.

"We had a great qualifying run to get on the front row, and I hoped we could just control the race from there," Cassidy said in an interview after the race, "We did lead for a bit, but the car was just no match at all for the top 7 or 8 guys. I tried as hard as I could but it was just a total lost cause. We did not deserve a podium today, and I think we all know that. "

The younger Cassidy, now in his third season and is still searching for his first CART victory, was also very vocal over the radio concerning backmarkers. Inconsiderate backmarkers were a major part of the race, as several key contenders were eliminated in clashes while negotiating lapped traffic

"The guys at the back just had no respect for the leaders out there at all. I can't even begin to count the amount of times I had to back off become some douchebag decided taking his line was more important than not ruining the race. It was just ridiculous out there, CART made a bad call letting so many cars start the race. It should be 30, tops. If you can't make the cut then that's your problem."

Cassidy's teammates had contrasting days: Brett Miller had a spirited comeback from 26th to finish 5th, and was duelling with Rick Douglais before the latter's accident. Angela McIntyre struggled at the the rear of the field before Nikola Nikolov speared into the back of her, eventually earning Nikolov a disqualification. McIntyre wound up 18th, 3 laps down.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by SeedStriker »

Since the Rejectruck Series is still in the make up, Sasha Hawke will replace Artesia Mass in MRS
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Salamander »

SeedStriker wrote:Since the Rejectruck Series is still in the make up, Sasha Hawke will replace Artesia Mass in MRS

You do realise this series is set in 2002, right? Not 2016 like RejectTrucks?
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by SeedStriker »

Salamander wrote:
SeedStriker wrote:Since the Rejectruck Series is still in the make up, Sasha Hawke will replace Artesia Mass in MRS

You do realise this series is set in 2002, right? Not 2016 like RejectTrucks?

Oops! :oops: Kinda forgot that I need to follow chronology in the ASMF :oops: . Artesia's replacement will be anounced in a couple of hours
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Nuppiz »

Did my cars crash out, or were the retirements caused by mechanical issues?
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

Nuppiz wrote:Did my cars crash out, or were the retirements caused by mechanical issues?
Both crashed out ;)
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by SeedStriker »

Tsubasa Portilla will replace Artesia Mass on Canadian Racing Services.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

SeedStriker wrote:Tsubasa Portilla will replace Artesia Mass on Canadian Racing Services.
Okay, what's his/her nationality?

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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by SeedStriker »

darkapprentice77 wrote:
SeedStriker wrote:Tsubasa Portilla will replace Artesia Mass on Canadian Racing Services.
Okay, what's his/her nationality?

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He's Italian. Half-Italian, half-japanese. With 25 years, he's MRS reserve driver, with experience in F-Nippon.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Nessafox »

Brilliant idea crashing in to your team boss, Leonhard. Just brilliant.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by FantometteBR »

At least O'Connor didn't had any trouble during the race
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by eichy »

Pavetti will be replaced in the 88 by Canadian driver Trevor Meyer.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by takagi_for_the_win »

Top 10 for Horan, nice 8-)
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Onxy Wrecked »

13th and 25th... speaking of which Genki Racing will confirm that Moriya is racing for at least the next three events given the 13th place finish. Rzepczynski might be replaced if he keeps running well off the pace (5 laps down when his team mate who was equally slow in qualifying finished 13th, 2 laps down)
More Moneytron, more problems for Onyx!
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Nuppiz »

darkapprentice77 wrote:
Nuppiz wrote:Did my cars crash out, or were the retirements caused by mechanical issues?
Both crashed out ;)

Well that's a great way to start the season. :lol:
Eurosport broadcast for the 1990 Mexican GP prequalifying:
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Onxy Wrecked »

Nuppiz wrote:Well that's a great way to start the season. :lol:

At least they weren't 5 laps off the pace and still running. Think about it as Gaston Mazzacane or Max Chilton crawling around out there. As in Marcin was behind Michael Andretti who had a turn one collision and still finished three laps down after extricating the car from the tires.
More Moneytron, more problems for Onyx!
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins in Long Beach!

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

The Grand Prix of Monterey starts Friday 18:00 GMT.

As pycku did not nominate a replacement driver in time, Nikolov's seat will be filled by Image Buckshot Jones for this race, before any of you object to this as unrealistic it's important to remember that this is simply a punishment for not choosing a driver in time and that Jones might DNQ anyway ;)
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Re: 2002 AltCART: 2nd Pre-season test results up, New Rule!!

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

2002 Bridgestone Grand Prix of Monterey Featuring the Shell 300 Grid
1 Brendon Cassidy Jr. 66.6244
2 Jose Pablo Mazzacane 66.6722
3 Alvaro Gonzalez 66.7285
4 Sebastien Bourdais 66.7879
5 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 66.7898
6 Geoff Donnelly 66.816
7 Oriol Servia 66.8217
8 Dennis Mignolet 66.8453
9 Dietrich Anger 66.8866
10 Leonhard von Gottorp 67.0494
11 Joey Alliot 67.1311
12 Sergej Madunochev 67.1533
13 Michael Andretti 67.1681
14 Jorg Scrattenheim 67.1687
15 Jeremy-Etienne Voeckler 67.3071
16 Pedro Renales 67.3199
17 Ralf Alden 67.3327
18 Paul Tracy 67.3712
19 Buddy Rice 67.4435
20 Jacques Malenfant 67.4945
21 Mika Hakkinen 68.0359
22 Angela McIntyre 68.056
23 Townsend Bell 68.0578
24 Jason Bright 68.0841
25 Jacob Eichholtz 68.1127
26 Cameron Maroon 68.2917
27 Tsubasa Portilla 68.2944
28 O.N. Duck Jr. 68.2966
29 Brett Miller 68.3497
30 Oliver Kunz 68.3982
31 Boris Offenhauser 68.4151
32 Casval Rojas 68.4996
33 Maven O'Connor 68.5852
34 Craig Lowndes 68.6001
35 Massimiliano Bianchi 68.8848
36 Trevor Meyer 68.9289
37 Peter Franz 68.971
38 Nathan Nurmester 69.4879
39 Joao Paulo de Oliveira 69.5363
40 Adrian Rojo Fernandez 69.8796
41 Gabriela Navarro 69.8841
42 Marcin Rzepczynski 70.0882
43 Pjotr Madunochev 70.3201
44 Paul Eckeridge 70.4025
45 Tim Horan 70.9892
46 Hirokazu Moriya 71.7289
47 Buckshot Jones 72.3784

2002 Bridgestone Grand Prix of Monterey Featuring the Shell 300 Results
1 Oriol Servia 79
2 Jorg Scrattenheim 79
3 Geoff Donnelly 79
4 Buddy Rice 79
5 Cameron Maroon 79
6 Brett Miller 79
7 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 79
8 Craig Lowndes 79
9 Trevor Meyer 79
10 Gabriela Navarro +1 Lap
11 Paul Tracy +1 Lap
12 Jacques Malenfant +1 Lap
13 Tsubasa Portilla +1 Lap
14 Mika Hakkinen +1 Lap
15 Dennis Mignolet +1 Lap
16 Maven O'Connor +1 Lap
17 Pedro Renales +1 Lap
18 Oliver Kunz +1 Lap
19 Townsend Bell +1 Lap
20 Nathan Nurmester +1 Lap
21 Casval Rojas +1 Lap
22 Sergej Madunochev +1 Lap
23 Jacob Eichholtz +1 Lap
24 Angela McIntyre +1 Lap
25 Ralf Alden +2 Lap
26 Jose Pablo Mazzacane +2 Lap
27 Joao Paulo de Oliveira +2 Lap
28 Boris Offenhauser +2 Lap
29 Dietrich Anger +2 Lap
30 Sebastien Bourdais +2 Lap
31 Leonhard von Gottorp +2 Lap
32 Jeremy-Etienne Voeckler +2 Lap
33 Adrian Rojo Fernandez 66
34 Massimiliano Bianchi 65
35 Jason Bright 59
36 Peter Franz 59
37 Brendon Cassidy Jr. 57
38 Michael Andretti 51
39 Alvaro Gonzalez 17
40 Joey Alliot 3
41 O.N. Duck Jr. 3

Fastest lap: Brett Miller 66.4811
Injuries/possible bans: None


Code: Select all

20:56:00: <dark77> okay, gonna start the altcart race again after ages, if there's any lag in the stream, i'm going to have to bathplug kill someone
20:56:01: <dark77> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/darkapprentice77
20:56:13: <Klon_Rules> yourself pls?
20:56:13: <RealRacingRoots> it is klon?
20:57:04: <FMecha> This will explain my problems:
20:57:07: <FMecha> https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-IZAyaQ5E8uE/UeBmEdpmHNI/AAAAAAAAAB4/W0Tr6J-deRU/w480-h480/20130712_232001.jpg
21:02:34: <Salamander> wait youre doing the race over dark?
21:03:09: <RealRacingRoots> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSlwDkevlkM
21:03:19: <Klon_Rules> oh my
21:03:22: <Klon_Rules> that race was awesomne!
21:03:46: <RealRacingRoots> Damn right it was!
21:03:49: <Ferrarist> No it wasn't, I lost!
21:03:57: <Klon_Rules> and von Gottorp rules CART right now as well
21:04:53: <RealRacingRoots> not changing regs
21:05:06: <Klon_Rules> why not Kart II
21:05:07: <Klon_Rules> :D
21:05:25: <Klon_Rules> although for the karting track we could use some 15 or 20 laps
21:05:26: <RealRacingRoots> more slidey on this one
21:05:32: <Ferrarist> Wait, I've got to buy this track?
21:05:37: <RealRacingRoots> +(
21:05:39: <RealRacingRoots> =(
21:05:48: <Klon_Rules> yeah
21:05:51: <Klon_Rules> go ahead and buy it
21:06:11: <TheEyesOfMecha> What DLC you don't have?
21:06:29: <RealRacingRoots> you missed out on a good race FMecha
21:06:38: <TheEyesOfMecha> No, I quit
21:06:41: <RealRacingRoots> Rally Cars on Comfort Softs at Tsukuba
21:06:45: <TheEyesOfMecha> I don't miss anything
21:06:49: <TheEyesOfMecha> it's midnight now
21:07:06: <RealRacingRoots> it's a saturday now in FMecha-land
21:07:21: <TheEyesOfMecha> yep
21:08:47: <RealRacingRoots> done for the day klon?
21:08:48: <Klon_Rules> oh ffs
21:08:49: <Klon_Rules> no
21:08:55: <Klon_Rules> just connection issue
21:12:51: <TheEyesOfMecha> I don't think I'll join more races with everyone y'all, because of connection and time issues.
21:13:09: <TheEyesOfMecha> *join more GT5 races
21:15:41: <Salamander> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/darkapprentice77/
21:15:53: <Salamander> dark's running laguna seca again
21:15:57: <Salamander> the stream looks a lot better
21:16:05: <Salamander> donnelly is 10th
21:16:07: <Pasta> What happened to the first race?
21:16:13: <Salamander> no idea
21:16:29: <Salamander> my internet kept shitting itself so i couldnt watch the stream
21:16:38: <Pasta> New grid as well?
21:16:41: <Salamander> no
21:17:25: <dark77> i've disabled aero
21:17:30: <dark77> that seems to help
21:17:39: <Pasta> Aero?
21:17:43: <Pasta> What, on the cars?
21:17:52: <Ferrarist> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFjJ68Jm084
21:18:35: <Ferrarist> Okay, last for me today. I'm getting tired.
21:18:54: <Ferrarist> *next race is the last for me
21:18:56: <TheEyesOfMecha> hi Pasta
21:18:58: <Klon_Rules> then it's time for High Speed Ring
21:19:01: <Klon_Rules> or the 50 laps of indy
21:19:09: <RealRacingRoots> i already left :P
21:19:17: <Klon_Rules> good job m8
21:19:26: <Ferrarist> Well, I'm not racing one-on-one with Klon. :p
21:19:31: <RealRacingRoots> yeah
21:19:34: <RealRacingRoots> good plan
21:20:11: <Shadaza> Salamander, Pasta
21:20:13: <Pasta> Hi TheEyesOfMecha.....
21:20:22: <Pasta> Ferrarist....any word on F1RICS?
21:20:22: <Shadaza> and TheEyesOfMecha
21:20:28: Pasta buzzing for indycars
21:20:30: <Shadaza> going to run stage 5 of the Dauphine now
21:20:31: <Klon_Rules> and SRL for that matter
21:20:34: <Salamander> cool
21:20:36: <Shadaza> a time trial
21:20:42: <Salamander> oh piss
21:20:59: <Salamander> a time trial? my team usually sucks on those
21:21:05: <Salamander> almost as much as prologues
21:21:14: <Ferrarist> I'll always give the same answer. July's full with university duties. If, then only from August on.
21:21:25: <Ferrarist> And with that, I head off to bed. Good night!
21:21:41: <Salamander> oh god that traffic jam
21:21:54: <Pasta> dark77 an update on the MBR positions?
21:22:02: <Salamander> its bringing brendon back into the mix though :D
21:23:07: <Shadaza> this time trial is flat, but very long
21:23:16: <Shadaza> with 4 time checkpoints
21:23:22: <Shadaza> expect some big gaps
21:23:50: <Shadaza> Sebastian Alonso is the first runner to the finish, he beats the camera man by 4 minutes
21:24:30: <Pasta> dark77 can we have an on board of the Valvoline car please? :P
21:24:38: <Shadaza> Radley Biggins breifly took the lead, but is overtaken by Siggi Judsen
21:24:50: <Salamander> i dont think hes added it yet
21:25:23: <Pasta> Wait, I'm not sure if I sent it...
21:25:54: <Pasta> aRENALES!
21:26:11: <Shadaza> Fantomettes Vergamet tops that, by 1'48 seconds!
21:27:33: <Shadaza> Jaques La Rossa is currently 4th for Fosters
21:27:38: <Shadaza> after 28 riders
21:27:48: <Pasta> Semi decent job
21:27:48: <Shadaza> Skiverton goes 2nd now
21:27:56: <Shadaza> 1'12 off the lead
21:28:38: <Shadaza> news near the front
21:28:46: <Shadaza> Twinings Denver is only 1 second off the best time at the first checkpoint
21:29:02: <Shadaza> the rider is only 2 minutes off overall lead, field spread is as much as 8 minutes today
21:29:12: <Salamander> goddammit brendon what happened?
21:30:01: <Shadaza> Denver is only 5 seconds off at the second checkpoint
21:30:11: <Shadaza> if things go well he could end up with overall tour lead!
21:30:42: <Salamander> wait what
21:31:40: <Shadaza> he is 12 seconds off the stage best at checkpoint 3.
21:31:56: <Shadaza> for refrence, current 2n'd place on the stage is over a minute behind
21:32:02: <Shadaza> and these are time trial specialists
21:32:13: <Shadaza> the non time trial riders are going to lose a ton of time
21:32:34: <Shadaza> no time trialists are losing around 5 minutes!
21:32:42: <Shadaza> and Denver is only 3 minutes off overall lead
21:33:19: <Salamander> wow
21:33:36: <Shadaza> *2'15 behind tour leader Firenze
21:34:48: <Shadaza> oh wow
21:34:53: <Shadaza> Denver has topped the times
21:34:56: <Salamander> :D
21:34:58: <Salamander> hell yeah
21:35:07: <Shadaza> from 12 seconds behind at point 3, he has a 8 second lead of the stage at the flag
21:35:11: <Shadaza> no one is close to beating it
21:36:44: <Shadaza> this is the first time Denver has done anything of note
21:37:02: <Salamander> what is he, the time trial version of alex harris?
21:37:17: <Shadaza> but it won't be overall lead
21:37:35: <Shadaza> Preston Senersen for UBC has had a MIGHTY last checkpoint
21:37:57: <Salamander> :(
21:38:07: <Salamander> oh well
21:38:10: <Shadaza> he went from being 1'33 behind at checkpoint 3, to ending the stage 11 seconds behind Denver
21:38:27: <Salamander> :o
21:38:28: <Shadaza> Senersen is over a minute ahead in the standings
21:39:39: <Shadaza> Firenze ended up 5'43 seconds behind stage winner Jacob Denver of Twinings
21:40:04: <Shadaza> it wwas a great run from the Twinings Rider, but it will be Preston Senersen that take GC lead
21:40:23: <Salamander> eh, still a great run from denver
21:40:25: <Shadaza> I belive it will put Denver 2nd overall
21:40:43: <Shadaza> stage result:
21:42:04: <Shadaza> 1. Denver (Twi) 2.Vergamet +00'08 (Fantomette) 3.Senersen +00'11 (UBC) 4.Van de Graaf +01'11 (UBC) 5.Jung-un (CCI) +1'14
21:42:20: <Shadaza> yes that is right, the top 3 had a minute gap over the rest at least
21:42:42: <Salamander> not bad
21:43:23: <Salamander> hmmm, that was a bit of a half-hearted attempt at lapping someone from bianchi...
21:44:24: <Salamander> goddammit why is brendons car a pile of shite?
21:44:37: <Shadaza> Stramala would be having a rage fit if he was here
21:45:10: <Shadaza> oh god
21:45:19: <Shadaza> a Mabbazana rider is 3rd overall
21:45:31: <Shadaza> the joke team
21:45:51: <Pasta> Why are the other two MBR's so off the pace? goddamit
21:46:07: <Shadaza> Firenze has dropped to 9th
21:46:18: <Shadaza> No Fosters riders in the top 20
21:46:40: <Shadaza> or top 30
21:46:46: <Shadaza> Daniel Sims is now 31st overall
21:48:13: <Shadaza> so Denver is 2nd overall, 1'01 off the lead of Preston Senersen
21:48:26: <Pasta> Shadaza, why is our sprint and flat team so bloody awful?
21:48:32: <Shadaza> Denver had over that as a lead for 3/4 of the time trial
21:48:48: <Shadaza> well in terms of GC, sprint and flat never feature up there
21:48:58: <Pasta> We've got quite a few sprint/tt/flat specialists but they appear to have done nothing so far.
21:49:06: <Shadaza> their role is to support, not to win mostly
21:49:27: <Shadaza> apart from sprinters, they are meant to win individual stages, not whole tours
21:49:59: <Shadaza> and tbh your sprinters are not all that bad
21:50:15: <Shadaza> plus, I am not certain but I think age is a factor on performances
21:50:24: <Shadaza> your team is really young
21:50:42: <Shadaza> Klaus Fahrrad is young, but for some reason he is freakishly good
21:50:48: <Shadaza> same with Sims
21:50:52: <Pasta> Fair enough. Maybe I should give them so more slack
21:51:13: <RealRacingRoots> indycar will have standing starts at toronto tomorrow :O
21:51:27: <Klon_Rules> slowpoke
21:51:42: <RealRacingRoots> Bourdais and Sato to win this weekend
21:52:08: <Shadaza> I hope so
21:52:12: <Pasta> Standing starts are the better type of start :P
21:52:22: <Shadaza> 100%
21:52:47: <Shadaza> though it does depend on the event
21:53:10: <Shadaza> a standing start on an oval, no good
21:53:12: <Pasta> On an oval, they'd be kind apointless
21:53:20: <Shadaza> a standing start with over 50 cars in lemans, no
21:53:49: <Shadaza> (although they used to damn ny kill each other attempting worse!)
21:54:35: <Shadaza> I think rolling starts in F1 would be one rule that made me upset
21:55:20: <Pasta> What's making me upset at the moment is all this hhullabaloo about pitstops
21:55:35: <Shadaza> kneejerk reactions are the only reactions in F1
21:55:42: <Pasta> Exactly.
21:55:49: <Shadaza> because unless there is a crazy incident they don't do shite
21:56:19: <Pasta> And then you get people like go_Rubens on the forums, not meaning to ingle him out, but they advocate that everyone should wrap themselves up in cotton wool and sit at home all day just to make sure no one gets hurt
21:56:59: <Shadaza> hmm, I think the rule changes are kneejerk, but not entirely unreasonable either
21:57:26: <Pasta> Banning media from the pitlane make sense
21:57:39: <Pasta> But reducing the pit lane speed limit? That's ridiculous
21:57:52: <Shadaza> I actually agree, that is the worse bit
21:58:14: <Shadaza> because that actually impacts the strategy and racing, you can make things safer and not compromise action
21:58:17: <Pasta> Also, people are acting like an unsafe release means that that team is a new incarnation of hitler
21:58:49: <Shadaza> accidents happen, Red Bull were more upset about it then anyone else.
21:59:16: <Pasta> Exactly. I would hate to see mandated pitstop times or a reduction in the number of mechanics
21:59:28: <Pasta> Some ideas suggested in the PSMF
22:00:47: <Shadaza> well it would change the racing, if pitstops have to be much longer the current Pirellis would have to go for a start. Because no team would ever want to do more than 1 stop
22:00:59: <Shadaza> because pitstops are seen as almost a penalty in most racing
22:01:09: <Shadaza> F1 it is "pit in and go faster"
22:01:21: <Pasta> Which is the right attitude, in my opinion
22:01:31: <Pasta> That's how the modern pitstop was born
22:03:26: <Salamander> exactly
22:04:11: <Salamander> if youre going to penelise people for making a pitstop, theres no point in them
22:04:48: <Pasta> Donnelly passes Mazzacane!
22:04:54: <Klon_Rules> aside from aquiring the things needed to finish a race
22:05:14: <Salamander> damn, that mustve been some pie you gave him pasta
22:05:58: <Pasta> CASSIDY OUT!
22:06:04: <Cynon> Shadaza, that would be part of the fun. No team would want to do more than one stop, but is it worth losing all that time on shitty tires?
22:06:05: <Salamander> ...
22:06:16: <Cynon> :]
22:06:25: <Salamander> who did donnelly hit
22:06:30: <Salamander> not donnelly
22:06:32: <Salamander> cassidy
22:06:32: <Shadaza> Cynon, I can hear Ross Brawn crying from here
22:06:47: <Cynon> bathplug Ross Brawn
22:06:48: <Pasta> He hit Mazzacane I beleive
22:06:52: <Pasta> dark77 didnt see it
22:06:55: <Cynon> and his 48 hour stubble
22:07:06: <Cynon> especially his 48 hour stubble
22:07:25: <Salamander> damn you mazzacane
22:09:54: <Shadaza> just realised, in the Dauphine it is a USA 1-2 in GC and a USA-Canda-USA top in the stage
22:10:02: <Shadaza> the Americans are coming
22:10:20: <Pasta> Updated Cassiyd Racing lvieries including the VALVOLINE CAR http://www.mediafire.com/?3tzbu7rc66m2qjp
22:10:54: <Salamander> thanks man :)
22:11:33: <Pasta> No problem :P Making liveries is at least something I'm semi-good at
22:14:04: <Pasta> is that frederic-maxime?
22:14:22: <Pasta> IT IS!
22:14:39: <Pasta> Jefferson Grand Prix? :S
22:15:35: <Pasta> C'mon Donnely, get that podium!
22:17:29: <Pasta> Bianchi? FFS
22:19:15: <Pasta> Anyone here interested in customer Bentley chassis/engines for F1WRCR 1953?
22:19:17: <Salamander> kunz is an ass
22:19:31: <Salamander> not letting donnelly by
22:20:12: <Salamander> cameron maroon is 6th...
22:22:25: <dark77> god this is boring, then again it's a dark77-run race so what do you expect ;D
22:23:02: <Salamander> hey, rtcc was awesome
22:23:05: <Klon_Rules> no
22:23:05: <Klon_Rules> Pasta
22:23:05: <Salamander> so was the first race
22:23:16: <Klon_Rules> since Mercedes-Benz have arrived with their powerful U10 engine
22:23:39: <Pasta> Pah. It's 1953, people still distrust the Germans :P
22:24:26: <Klon_Rules> yeah
22:24:30: <Klon_Rules> but not German engineering
22:25:59: <Pasta> If you become a Bentley customer, you receive a free flat cap of your choice AND a walnut cigar case AND a clay pigeon shooting gun. What amount of German engineering can make up for that?
22:26:26: <Klon_Rules> with Mercedes-Benz you recieve the lead in the top speed category
22:27:56: <Pasta> Tracy loses a front wing!
22:28:01: <Pasta> Podium for Donnely!
22:31:00: <Salamander> awesome :D
22:31:07: <Salamander> top 5 for cam maroon as well
22:32:27: <Salamander> wat
22:32:36: <Salamander> how did navarro lose that rear wheel in the pitlane
22:32:49: <dark77> mignolet hit him
22:33:05: <Salamander> welp

Championship positions will be posted soon.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Laguna Seca live now!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Truly brilliant race for my team. Both cars second and fourth :)
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins 2nd consecutive race!!!!!!!!!!

Post by AustralianStig »

Whoa how on earth did Craig Lowndes go from 34th to 8th??

The Holden Dealer Team are very happy with their current line-up of Lowndes and Tracy and will be keeping them both on for the foreseeable future.
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CoopsII wrote:
Biscione wrote:To the surprise of no-one, Daniil Kvyat wins ROTR for Sochi, by a record margin that may not be surpassed for some time.

I always knew Marko read this forum.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins 2nd consecutive race!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Onxy Wrecked »

AustralianStig wrote:Whoa how on earth did Craig Lowndes go from 34th to 8th??

The Holden Dealer Team are very happy with their current line-up of Lowndes and Tracy and will be keeping them both on for the foreseeable future.

Just ask the same of Hirokazu Moriya from 42nd to 15th at Long Beach... Of course DNQing the next race shows how slow the cars are. It's like an actual Onyx in 1989 where it either DNQ'd or seemed to march up the order to heights that it had no reason reaching. It's possible, but unlikely to happen that one can gain 25+ positions in a race. Beware, this could happen to Lowndes given where the car qualified in the first place.
More Moneytron, more problems for Onyx!
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins 2nd consecutive race!!!!!!!!!!

Post by SeedStriker »

Well, my reserve driver went faster that my lead one... Artesia need to up the ante if she's to keep her place as starter.
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins 2nd consecutive race!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Salamander »

Brett Miller wrote:Good race for us. Shame I can't get the one lap pace down like Brendon, but I'm scoring points, which is always good.

Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins 2nd consecutive race!!!!!!!!!!

Post by AxelP800 »

I would like to give free agents for this series. They would still in my control when they hired by teams ;) .

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Rio Haryanto for the win!
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Re: 2002 AltCART: Servia wins 2nd consecutive race!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

Championship standings
1 Oriol Servia 44
2 Jorg Scrattenheim 25
3 Brett Miller 22
4 Massimiliano Bianchi 20
5 Brendon Cassidy Jr. 18
= Geoff Donnelly 18
7 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 17
8 Buddy Rice 16
9 Jose Pablo Mazzacane 14
= Paul Tracy 14
11 Cameron Maroon 12
12 Jacques Malenfant 11
13 Sebastien Bourdais 10
14 Craig Lowndes 8
15 Tim Horan 6
= Gabriela Navarro 6
17 Sergej Madunochev 4
18 Hirokazu Moriya 3
19 Mika Hakkinen 2
20 Michael Andretti 1
= Dennis Mignolet 1
22 Everyone Else 0

The Harrah's 500 Presented by Toyota starts tomorrow 18:00 GMT.

Points system
1 22
2 20
3 18
4 14
5 12
6 10
7 9
8 8
9 7
10 6
11 5
12 4
13 3
14 2
15 1
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Tomo

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

>Scrattenheim 2nd
>This is good

By the way did I ever specify a livery? If not then can you please give the cars a livery similar to the mid 2000s Forsythe cars.
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Tomo

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

By the way, all drivers that were banned for last round will return for Michigan by default ;)
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Tomo

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

2002 Harrah's 500 Presented by Toyota Grid
1 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 32.4249
2 Geoff Donnelly 32.4479
3 Rick Douglais 32.6471
4 Jose Pablo Mazzacane 32.6566
5 Joey Alliot 32.6915
6 Dennis Mignolet 32.7274
7 Jorg Scrattenheim 32.7644
8 Oriol Servia 32.7647
9 Alvaro Gonzalez 32.7701
10 Brendon Cassidy Jr. 32.8588
11 Sebastien Bourdais 32.9173
12 Boris Offenhauser 32.9524
13 Jacques Malenfant 33.0013
14 Leonhard von Gottorp 33.1192
15 Tim Horan 33.1662
16 Craig Lowndes 33.173
17 Mika Hakkinen 33.1871
18 Paul Tracy 33.2086
19 Jeremy-Etienne Voeckler 33.2306
20 Michael Andretti 33.2532
21 Sergej Madunochev 33.3671
22 O.N. Duck Jr. 33.4684
23 Jacob Eichholtz 33.4865
24 Ralf Alden 33.5741
25 Buddy Rice 33.5854
26 Joao Paulo de Oliveira 33.6308
27 Townsend Bell 33.8
28 Cameron Maroon 33.8144
29 Paul Eckeridge 33.8882
30 Giorgio Pavetti 33.9001
31 Nathan Nurmester 33.9011
32 Pedro Renales 33.9027
33 Jason Bright 33.9435
34 Nikola Nikolov 34.0967
35 Maven O'Connor 34.3224
36 Artesia Mass 34.4095
37 Pjotr Madunochev 34.4183
38 Marcin Rzepczynski 34.5178
39 Dietrich Anger 34.5672
40 Casval Rojas 34.7315
41 Angela McIntyre 34.8575
42 Brett Miller 34.926

Live chat

2002 Harrah's 500 Presented by Toyota Results
The race was red flagged on lap 127 following Michael Andretti's accident.

1 Rick Douglais 126
2 Geoff Donnelly 126
3 Michael Andretti 126
4 Tim Horan 126
5 Sebastien Bourdais 123
6 Jacques Malenfant 123
7 Pedro Renales 121
8 Dietrich Anger 120
9 Jorg Scrattenheim 120
10 Artesia Mass 119
11 Marcin Rzepczynski 119
12 Brendon Cassidy Jr. 118
13 Townsend Bell 116
14 Dennis Mignolet 116
15 Jose Pablo Mazzacane 115
16 Maven O'Connor 115
17 Cameron Maroon 113
18 Pjotr Madunochev 83
19 Oriol Servia 82
20 Nathan Nurmester 82
21 Leonhard von Gottorp 82
22 Ralf Alden 77
23 Joao Paulo de Oliveira 77
24 Brett Miller 77
25 Giorgio Pavetti 76
26 Paul Eckeridge 43
27 Casval Rojas 38
28 Buddy Rice 33
29 Paul Tracy 33
30 Boris Offenhauser 33
31 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 26
32 Craig Lowndes 13
33 Joey Alliot 8
34 Nikola Nikolov 8
35 Mika Hakkinen 6
36 Jacob Eichholtz 5
37 Alvaro Gonzalez 5
38 O.N. Duck Jr. 5
39 Angela McIntyre 2
40 Jason Bright 2
41 Jeremy-Etienne Voeckler 2
41 Sergej Madunochev 1

Fastest lap: Marcin Rzepczynski 29.149
Injuries/possible bans: Nathan Nurmester and Michael Andretti are out for the rest of the year following 2 massive accidents.


Code: Select all

21:14:33: <dark77> Voeckler on pole!! :D :D
21:15:03: <seedstriker> WTF, Man?!!
21:15:29: <Salamander> wat
21:15:56: <Stramala> yeah!
21:16:01: <Guest63237> Wait, what happened to the old grid?
21:16:03: <Stramala> at last
21:16:09: <Stramala> no more bathplug Servia
21:16:22: <seedstriker> How's Artesia Mass doing after her being banned one race?
21:16:26: <dark77> the game crashed and i had to restart the PC
21:16:32: <dark77> which means i had to do qualifying again
21:16:55: <dark77> http://www.f1rejects.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6040&p=251494#p251494
21:16:57: <dark77> new grid
21:17:26: <Aeroracing> 12Dark77 you're running your series on RFactor?
21:17:31: <Aeroracing> 12Or what are you using?
21:17:32: <dark77> aeroracing yep
21:17:35: <dark77> rfactor
21:17:39: <Aeroracing> 12Interesting...
21:17:46: <Guest63237> Well, I was going to sack Offenhauser for DNQing, but never mind.
21:17:48: <Aeroracing> 12Is there a place available for my team next season?
21:18:21: <dark77> there might be if some of the current teams are inactive enough
21:18:38: <Aeroracing> 12Alright I'll keep attention
21:18:38: <dark77> right now the waiting list consists of roblomas and rated
21:18:46: <Aeroracing> 12Put me on the waiting list
21:18:53: <dark77> k
21:18:57: <Stramala> wooooooooo
21:19:00: <Stramala> much better grid for IBR
21:19:09: <Stramala> Alliot was like 41st the last time
21:19:12: <dark77> i like this grid more now
21:19:19: <Stramala> :D
21:19:19: <Stramala> now 5th
21:19:20: <Guest63237> I like this grid as well.
21:19:21: <dark77> too many experienced drivers DNQd in the first one
21:19:40: <dark77> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/darkapprentice77
21:19:51: <dark77> as i said before, stream might be choppy, let me know if it is
21:19:53: <seedstriker> C'mon, man! MRS barely qualified this time around!
21:20:07: <seedstriker> The officials will have to respond to me!!
21:20:18: <seedstriker> I'm putting a Stoddart!!
21:20:38: <Salamander> you think you have it bad?
21:20:42: <Guest63237> Davies takes pole for Monaco, will post grid up in a sec.
21:20:50: <Guest63237> If it's any consolation Salamander.
21:21:02: <Aeroracing> 12McAllister?
21:21:05: <Salamander> mcintyre and miller are right at the back
21:21:11: <Guest63237> McAllister 3rd.
21:21:16: <Salamander> oh davies taking pole is just fine :D
21:21:42: <Salamander> oh wait, donnelly is on the front row :D
21:21:44: <Salamander> hell yes
21:22:09: <seedstriker> You were saying?
21:22:14: <Cynon> WE ON FIAR
21:22:24: <RealRacingRoots> Disco Inferno
21:22:25: <Cynon> :P
21:22:25: <Cynon> 74/75 car is done
21:22:31: <seedstriker> CAUTION, CAUTION!!
21:22:39: <Cynon> HA
21:22:46: <Cynon> gooby wut r bracks?
21:24:19: <RealRacingRoots> ARCA BRACKS
21:24:35: <Guest63237> Aerond never did send me those Monaco track files though...
21:25:38: <FMecha> check grandprix2.de guest63237
21:26:58: <seedstriker> It's the weekend of the blows. The firefox just crashed...
21:28:02: <Aeroracing> 12Is Paul Hembery nearby?
21:30:22: <dark77> ....yeah, the stream's unwatchable
21:30:30: <dark77> excuse me while i turn Aero off
21:30:50: <Guest63237> I bet it's the 1975 version, right FMecha?
21:35:16: <seedstriker> Well, at least, Casval and Artesia are racing in tandem
21:35:29: <seedstriker> Midfield, but safe for now
21:37:59: <seedstriker> All the field is in the same strategy of the first yellow flag saw action in the pits?
21:38:37: <Stramala> how did Voeckler get on at the start?
21:40:24: <seedstriker> And Paul Tracy did what he's best: an epic shunt
21:40:38: <Guest63237> Darn, Offenhauser's out.
21:42:08: <dark77> tracy/offenhauser might be injured
21:43:52: <seedstriker> Hey!! Foul play!!
21:44:09: <seedstriker> Who put Casval into the wall?!!
22:04:31: <dark77> OH A MASSIVE, HUGE ACCIDENT
22:17:14: <dark77> hello, nurmester may be out for the rest of the year following a HUGE accident
22:17:23: <dark77> where his car rolled multiple times
22:17:36: <dark77> he might be okay though if it determine the crash to be unrealistic
22:18:15: <Salamander> oh dear
22:20:56: <dark77> the accident took out seriva aswell
22:26:58: <dark77> : O
22:27:58: <seedstriker> Holy mother of... Reminds me what happened to Dan Wheldon
22:28:26: <dark77> ........
22:28:35: <dark77> everyone except malenfant has crashed out
22:28:50: <Salamander> wtf
22:29:05: <Aeroracing> 12Damn...
22:29:25: <Aeroracing> 12Who will win all those Champ Car championships now?
22:29:26: <dark77> okay, i think i'll say that the race was red flagged and count the results as just before everyone crashed
22:29:32: <dark77> also i was wrong
22:29:33: <Aeroracing> 12More crucially though...
22:29:33: <seedstriker> This was a farce. There wasn't even yellow flags
22:29:37: <dark77> michael andretti was killed
22:29:48: <dark77> yeah i usually turn off flag rules in rfactor
22:29:50: <Aeroracing> 12Who will take that seat at Toro Rosso now?
22:29:53: <Stramala> wat
22:29:58: <dark77> because it often brings out yellow flags for minor accident
22:29:58: <Aeroracing> 12Holy bathplug
22:30:28: <Stramala> replay pls!
22:30:33: <Aeroracing> 12Well, I know this might not be the most appropriate moment but...
22:30:42: <Stramala> GAH
22:30:44: <Stramala> stream doesn't work!
22:30:50: <dark77> i turned the stream off
22:30:50: <Stramala> I need to see this.
22:30:52: <Aeroracing> 12Can I propose a driver of mine to take one of the vacant seats until I can have my own team?
22:30:56: <Stramala> :(
22:31:03: <seedstriker> I propose another reset WITH THE FLAGS ON!!
22:31:08: <Stramala> uh
22:31:08: <Stramala> so
22:31:14: <Stramala> how many people died?
22:31:25: <dark77> i think the accident would've happened anyway tbh
22:31:56: <dark77> well there were 2 major accidents
22:32:02: <Stramala> Bourdais? Andretti? Nurmsester? are they all ded?
22:32:10: <dark77> the first one may have sidelined nurmester for the whole year
22:32:18: <dark77> if i determine it to be realistic
22:33:06: <dark77> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/darkapprentice77
22:33:26: <dark77> hello wizzie, the michigan race has just been red flagged following a catastrophic accident
22:33:34: <dark77> which took out nearly the whole field
22:33:34: <wizzie> Who ded, bro?
22:33:39: <dark77> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/darkapprentice77
22:33:45: <dark77> i'm going through the replay now
22:34:53: <Cynon> NOOO
22:34:56: <Cynon> That's a bad wreck
22:34:58: <Cynon> :O
22:35:01: <Stramala> uh
22:35:03: <Stramala> I closed it
22:35:07: <Stramala> reopening it now
22:35:12: <Cynon> Tat's REALLY BAD
22:35:14: <dark77> yeah
22:35:20: <dark77> that's like greg moore
22:35:34: <Cynon> That's like Rusty Wallace in a Champ Car
22:35:35: <Stramala> oh shitting bathplug
22:35:36: <Stramala> he ded
22:35:43: <Cynon> which means his brain got turned into gravy
22:35:58: <dark77> believe it or not, that's not the accident that ended the race
22:36:06: <wizzie> There's about three or four guys that are either dead or in for a long hospital stay after that one
22:36:24: <dark77> but was it realistic? because if it isn't then no one's getting injured
22:36:24: <Cynon> rip in peaces
22:36:34: <Stramala> seems realistic to me
22:36:48: <seedstriker> Way too overkill...
22:36:49: <Cynon> Only time I've seen a Champ Car do that was Ongais in like, 1985
22:37:01: <wizzie> Yeah. As much as I hate to say it, it was almost like the Vegas pileup a few years ago :/
22:37:12: <wizzie> Without Nurmester flipping over about two million times
22:37:19: <Cynon> That's bad
22:37:28: <dark77> that took out Servia aswell
22:37:31: <Stramala> Alden is dead surel
22:37:40: <Cynon> Is it also bad if I tried to recreate that kind of flying cars with NR2003? :X
22:37:50: <Stramala> so where's the other accident then
22:37:57: <Cynon> Spoiler Alert NR2003 AI don't fly
22:38:03: <dark77> NOW for the race ended accident
22:38:06: <seedstriker> Oh, crap! Alden's head is gone!!!
22:38:14: <Cynon> Unless you put a drop in front of them and give them no brakes
22:38:19: <Cynon> Alden's everything is gone
22:38:23: <Cynon> O wait he's out of the car
22:38:24: <Cynon> lel
22:38:45: <Cynon> NOOOOOOOO
22:39:11: <Stramala> oh sheeet
22:39:13: <Cynon> Actually I think they all hit the engine
22:39:38: <Stramala> top lel
22:39:42: <wizzie> shite, they must have hit him at almost top speed :/
22:39:49: <dark77> basically everyone piles into eachother
22:39:58: <Cynon> Why are rFactor AI so retarded?
22:40:12: <Cynon> Furthermore
22:40:14: <RealRacingRoots> Thats a good question
22:40:21: <Stramala> I think you've just to to curtail the race
22:40:23: <Stramala> give nobody any points
22:40:23: <Cynon> there's a tire in pitlane
22:40:27: <seedstriker> Michael hit the wall full throttle head on
22:40:35: <Cynon> Brain slushie
22:40:45: <wizzie> Yeah. There's no point continuing with this race
22:40:47: <seedstriker> Like Gordon Smiley at Indy
22:40:56: <Aerond> What series is on?
22:41:02: <RealRacingRoots> Alt Cart
22:41:03: <dark77> aerond Alternate CART
22:41:05: <Aeroracing> 12I believe I'm missing something really ghastly
22:41:11: <wizzie> And maybe try to find another version of Michigan before next season
22:41:12: <dark77> where there's been a race ending accident
22:41:24: <dark77> is the second one realistic?
22:41:25: <Stramala> I think it is safe to say, quite a lot of people are dead.
22:41:37: <Cynon> No
22:41:42: <Stramala> Yes Aeroracing. It's quite gruesome
22:41:46: <Cynon> Everyone in that = dead
22:41:55: <wizzie> The problem I have with the second one is that they should have thrown out the yellow long before it happened
22:42:01: <Cynon> And everyone who passed it is prolly dead from alcohol poisoning
22:42:05: <wizzie> Actually, doesn't rFactor have a safety car?
22:42:17: <dark77> wizzie yes but i rarely turn flag rules on
22:42:29: <wizzie> Well there's your problem :P
22:42:35: <Cynon> :P
22:43:09: <dark77> i think i'll forget everything that happened after andretti's crash
22:43:57: <seedstriker> That doesn't help poor Michael...
22:43:57: <Stramala> so..
22:44:01: <Stramala> it's just Andretti that's dead then
22:44:15: <Cynon> I'd honestly say that it probably does
22:44:31: <Cynon> because those cars could take a head on impact really well by 2002.
22:45:51: <dark77> i don't know if i want to kill michael or not
22:46:00: <Cynon> Then don't
22:46:21: <Cynon> and have him say "Fug dis shite" and get out
22:46:25: <seedstriker> If he's not dead, then he'll lose the rest of the season due injuries
22:46:34: <dark77> that's what i was thinking
22:47:02: <seedstriker> Just like Nurmester

The Durex 200 at The Glen starts July 30th 18:00 GMT, remember; you must confirm your drivers for this race or else you'll be thrown out, with exception to the team owners that posted in the 'just nipping out for a while' thread.
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Red

Post by Hound55 »

Shame about Nurmester and Andretti. Tough to sit out an entire season, I ca imagine.

Malenfant did well :)

Things I was wrong about:
Kimi to Ferrari, Perez out of McLaren, Maldonado to Lotus, Kobash comes back, Gutierrez stays, Chilton stays, Boullier leaves Lotus.

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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Red

Post by tristan1117 »

Er, if Offenhauser's not injured, he and Gonzalez are returning until the next confirmation date.
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Red

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

tristan1117 wrote:Er, if Offenhauser's not injured, he and Gonzalez are returning until the next confirmation date.
I viewed the replay and determined that Offy is okay ;)

Championship standings
1 Oriol Servia 44
2 Geoff Donnelly 38
3 Jorg Scrattenheim 32
4 Brett Miller 22
= Sebastien Bourdais 22
= Rick Douglais 22
7 Jacques Malenfant 21
8 Massimiliano Bianchi 20
= Tim Horan 20
10 Brendon Cassidy Jr. 19
= Michael Andretti 19
12 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 17
13 Buddy Rice 16
14 Jose Pablo Mazzacane 14
= Paul Tracy 14
16 Cameron Maroon 12
17 Pedro Renales 9
18 Dietrich Anger 8
= Craig Lowndes 8
20 Gabriela Navarro 6
= Artesia Mass 6
22 Marcin Rzepczynski 5
23 Sergej Madunochev 4
24 Hirokazu Moriya 3
= Dennis Mignolet 3
= Townsend Bell 3
27 Mika Hakkinen 2
28 Everyone Else 0

Highlights video
Last edited by Gerudo Dragon on 21 Jul 2013, 07:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Red

Post by Onxy Wrecked »

Looks like good race pace and eternally slow qualifying cars.
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Red

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Where did Buddy Rice get an extra 14 points from?
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Red

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

eurobrun wrote:Where did Buddy Rice get an extra 14 points from?
Hmm, for some reason there was another 4th place in the excel file, thanks for spotting that :)
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Red

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Dark77 wrote:
eurobrun wrote:Where did Buddy Rice get an extra 14 points from?
Hmm, for some reason there was another 4th place in the excel file, thanks for spotting that :)
I kind of wish that I hadn't pointed it out but OK
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
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Re: 2002 AltCART:Championship standings up,Michigan 500 Red

Post by roblo97 »

i can confirm my drivers or driver are confirmed for the next round
Mexicola wrote:
shinji wrote:
Mexicola wrote: I'd rather listen to a dog lick its balls. Each to their own, I guess.

Does listening to a dog licking its balls get you excited?

That's between me and my internet service provider.

One of those journalist types.
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