Sorry for spamming.
Seriously, though. This forum is kind of cool. I'm not going to spam anymore. I got bored with it. I love you all. Especially eurobrun. And everyone else. But yeah, especially eurobrun. Not roblomas, though. Certainly not him. I'm rambling now kind of. But it's true. I love you all. Eurobrun the most, roblomas the least. Have a nice day. For that matter, have a nice life. It's a beautiful world we live in, and this forum contributes to the greater good of it all. Honestly. Would I lie to you? Well, maybe. But not in this post. This is sincere, if you know what I mean. I love rejectful drivers. I love rejectful teams. It's all well and good to have talent, but the sport wouldn't be what it is without the guys like Deletraz, HWNSNBM, and everyone who had anything to do with HRT. I like these emoticons. Especially

, he looks like he's feeling sick yet he's so happy about it.

is probably the most handy though, since this is not a very serious place. More light-hearted if you know what I'm saying. And that's a good thing.

is also cool because it says so little yet still says so much. It's convenient so to speak. Like a cat. Or mini carrots. Anyway, sorry for spamming on this nice forum. I like kangaroos by the way.