CCLOALCD - Updated 19/5/16

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CCLOALCD - Updated 19/5/16

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers

So, with the ACO Le Mans Cup starting in 2017, it's become apparent that there is a inherent driver shortage. However, most of this comes from people not knowing who is on the market, where they have driven, and who exactly owns them. AndreaModa created a thread created a helpful thread to keep track of the 5 driver RWRS limit - this is intended to catalogue every ACTIVE driver in RWRS, that is, any driver that has not been formally retired. From this point on, I'll be referring to driver owners as DEC holders. For those that don't know, it's 'Driver Entitlement Contract holders'. This is to provide a canon way of describing owners, as talking about driver owners doesn't really make sense in the 'real' world.

Anyway, all you have to do is to post EVERY driver you own, where they have raced before (just a list of series will do), and where they are racing now (again, just series will do). This way, anyone interested can scan for available drivers, and contact each member for more details.

Use this template:

Driver (Nationality) (Experience): What series they are competing in

Here's an example of my drivers.


Martin van der Maeyede (F2RWRS,F3RWRS): F2RWRS

Again, please use the template. It will save me a lot of time correcting wrong information.
Last edited by pasta_maldonado on 14 Jan 2015, 21:33, edited 9 times in total.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by pasta_maldonado »


Mark Dagnall (GBR) (F1RWRS, F1RNC): F1RWRS
Fredo Mestolio (ITA) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Nathan Scott (GBR) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Hansuke Shioya (JPN) (F2RWRS, F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Jesus Plaza (MEX) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Alberto Donegro (ESP) (F3RWRS): None
Heizo Takekawa (JPN) (GTR-WC): GTR-WC
Unai Veira (ESP) (GTR-WC): None


Sammy Jones (GBR) (F1, F1RWRS, ACO LMC, RoLFS): Retired
Terry Hawkin (GBR) (ARWS, F2RWRS, IFRC/AR3.5, F3RWRS): ARWS
Danny van Rijkens (RSA) (F1RWRS/ARWS, RoLFS): ARWS
Josh Carlisle (GBR) (F2RWRS, FRENCH, RoLFS/IFRC/AR3.5, F3RWRS): Formula 2
Connor O'Heagan (ROI) (ARWS, F2RWRS, FRENCH, IFRC/RoLFS, IPC): IPC (part time) + ARWS reserve
Roberto Dinella (ITA) (F2RWRS, FRENCH, F3RWRS, IPC): IPC
Stan Frankham (GBR) (FRENCH, F3RWRS/F3, F1RDS): Formula 3
Chuck Barrett (USA) (PRIC, F1RDS, F3RWRS, AR3.5): AR3.5
Nelson Odewa (NGR) (AR2.0, Supercopa): Supercopa and AR2.0 reserve
Alexey Pchelintsev (KAZ) (F1RWRS, F5000, TRRS): F5000


Marko Jantscher (AUT, 21/1/95) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, AR3.5) - ARWS
Diego Álvarez Torrente (ESP, 4/7/96) (RoLFS, F2RWRS) - ARWS
Jorge Álvarez Torrente (ESP, 12/1/99) (F3RWRS) - AR3.5
Jerry de Boer (USA, 11/2/97) (F1RDS, F3RWRS, AR3.5) - AR3.5
Jari Lappalainen (FIN, 24/5/97) (F1RDS, F3RWRS, AR3.5) - AR3.5
Nathanael Cameron (GBR, 6/12/1996) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS) - AR3.5
Nino Barlini (ITA, 3/12/97) (F1RDS, AR3.5) - AR3.5
Jiri Komarek (CZE, 18/12/96) (RoLFS, F3RWRS, F1RICS, F1RSTC, AR3.5) - IPCC
Deividas Lukauskis (LTU, 9/2/98) (Lupo, SARS, IFRC, LMC) - FIA PC
Jules Vergne (FRA, 16/5/97) (F3RWRS, RoLFS, IFRC, F1RICS, ARIA) - Available (Free to good home!)
Herberto Dominguez (AND, 11/10/95) - (F3RWRS, IFRC) - Available (Free to good home!)
Laurent Couteau (FRA, 15/10/93) (F1RSTC, Lupo, ARST) - IPCC
Leandro Moreira (BRA, 7/12/96) (F3RWRS, SARS, GT-R) - GT-R
Alexander Obolensky (RUS, 3/1/96) (F3RWRS) - F2
Cezary Samelko (POL, 31/1/96) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, GT-R) - Available (Free to good home!)
Jack Connolly (GBR, 11/11/98) (F1RDS, RRT, Lupo) - Available (Free to good home!)
Daisuke Yanagawa (JPN, 17/5/96) (F3RWRS, FRENCH, Lupo) - Available
Ricardo Velazquez (VEN, 18/12/99) (AR2.0E) - FIA F3
Carmen Álvarez Torrente (ESP, 15/11/00) (AR2.0NA) - AR2.0
James Wilmington (CAN, 16/10/99) (AR2.0NA) - AR3.5
Kevin van Kerckhoven (BEL, 4/4/2000) (None) - AR2.0
Thibault Stadelmann (SUI, 17/6/2001) (None) - SEAT
Constantin Florescu (ROM, 14/12/1999) (None) - SEAT


James Generic (Canada) (19/01/1961) (LGPS, Rejects-1 AltCART) : Retired since 2007
Ronald Tenpecost (USA) (26/01/1961) (LGPS, Rejects-1, AltCART) : Retired since 2007
Petrus Handoyo (Indonesia) (30/03/1975) (LGPS, Rejects-1, AltCART) : One-offs for foreseeable future
Stephan Generic (Canada) (08/09/1994) : RTSS
David Tenpecost (USA) (22/06/1994) : F1RSTC
Qyerl "Quinn" Markus (Australia) (24/4/1954) : Retired since 2005
Giuseppe Markus (Australia) (31/8/1957) : Retired since 2005
Mauricce Markus (Australia) (18/5/1981) (AltCART) : Not racing in RWRS now
Bradon "Browlf" Markus (Australia) (26/10/1983) : Not racing in RWRS now
Harold "Huttington" Markus (Australia) (11/2/1987) : Not racing in RWRS now
Matius Handoyo (Indonesia) (30/12/2001) : Not yet racing
Ahmad Sastrio (Indonesia) (14/5/1995) : RWMT


Junior Bannock (Jamaica) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Lemuel Bannock (Jamaica): Melrose Racing Team Academy Caribbean League
Raju Chalise (Nepal) (SARS): Le Mans Cup
Ganesh Basnet (Nepal) (SARS): Le Mans Cup
Asim Adhikari (Nepal) (SARS): [b]Unemployed

Ashok Sitoula (Nepal) (SARS): Unemployed
Wulfric Wombesi (Congo) (None): Unemployed


Renato Bulku (ALB) (RoLFS,F3RWRS, IFRC): F2RWRS


Marcel AGYEMANG-BADU (GHA) - F2RWRS Voeckler - Available after 2017
Diego Mauricio BATISTUTA (ARG) - GTRWC JLD - Available after 2017
John BEAN (GBR) - F5000 Voeckler - Available after 2017
Sofia BONAVENTURA (VEN) - AR2.0 Voeckler - Contracted for 2018
Antonio BIZZARRI (ITA) - 1981 F1 Renzo, 1988 WTCC Alfa & 2017 GTRWC Simpson - Available between 1982-1987, 1996-2015 & after 2017
Marco BIZZARRI (ITA) - F1RWRS Revolution - Available after 2017
John BOVY (GRE) - ACO LMC Porsche - Available after 2017
Oliviero CINOTTI (ITA) - ACO LMC & GTRWC Trueba - Available after 2017
Jack CHRISTOPHERSON (GBR) - ARIWC Voeckler - Available after 2017
Jack CHRISTOPHERSON, JR. (GBR) - ARIA Voeckler - Available after 2017
Lorenzo CRESCENZI (ITA) - GTRWC Vittore - Available after 2017
Antontio DELVECCHIO (ITA) - ARST Alfa Corse - Contracted for 2018
Santiago GUGLIELMINPIETRO (URG) - ACO LMC RonDen- Available after 2017
Olafur Ragnar HANNESSON (ICE) - AR3.5 Simpson - Contracted for 2018
Tim HORAN - F5000 Turismo Algarve - Contracted for 2018
Alessandro LUCARELLI (ITA) - F1RWRS Plus One Kingfisher - Available after 2017
Martin McGOVERN (SCO) - ARST Voeckler - Contracted for 2018
Salvatore MICCOLI (ITA) - F2RWRS RonDen - Available after 2017
MINEIRO (BRA) - AR2.0E Voeckler - Contracted 2018
Rafael MODENA (ITA) - GTRWC Voeckler - Available after 2017
Adolfo MORETTI (SMR) - ARST Voeckler - Contracted for 2018
Massimo MUNARI (ITA) - GTRWC RonDen - Available after 2017
Bastiaan van NIEUWENHUIJZEN (NED) - F1RWRS Gauthier - Contracted 2018
Marjolein POSTMA (NED) - AR2.0 Vivendi - Contracted for 2018
Kyosti PYKALISTO (FIN) - AR2.0 Vivendi - Contracted for 2018
Markus-Petteri PYKALISTO (FIN) - F3RWRS - Available after 2017
Tonu PYKALISTO (FIN) - F3RWRS Voeckler - Available after 2017
Giovanni RODA (ITA) - GTRWC Voeckler - Not available
Manuarii VAHIRUA (TAH) - ARGTi Voeckler - Available after 2017
Natalia VALENTI (ITA) - GTRWC Vittore - Available after 2017
Andraz VELIKONJA (SLO) - ARST Lada Sport - Available after 2017
Cesar VIALPANDO (MEX) - ARIA Voeckler - Available after 2017
Alexandre-Laurent VOECKLER (FRA) - GTRWC Vittore - Available after 2017
Benoit VOECKLER (FRA) - F1RWRS Boxtel - Available after 2017
Frederic-Maxime VOECKLER (FRA) - ARST Voeckler - Contracted for 2018
Marc-Andre VOECKLER (FRA) - Available Now
Timothee VOECKLER (FRA) - ARGTi Voeckler - Available after 2017
Zenaide VOECKLER (FRA) - AR2.0NA Cassidy - Available after 2017
Ashley WATKINSON (GBR) - RonDen ARIWC - Available after 2017
Jans ZEITNER (GER) - ACO LMC & GTRWC Trueba - Available after 2017

Jeremy-Etienne VOECKLER (FRA) - F1 Renault - Available after 1983

Todd COCKBURN (GBR) - Permanently retired
Nobushige FUKUDA (JPN) - Deceased, available for series set late 2000s/early 2010s


Vic Sunset (2/18/1972) (USA): LifeGP (1992-1993), Rejects-1 (1994-1997), F1GP2C (1998-??), various NC events, LOOKING FOR A DRIVE (2000s, 2018-)
Michael Rohnstock (10/11/1995) (GER): RRC (2016), RTCC/ARST/IPC (2015-), GTRWC NC, Macau Touring Masters (2017), IPC
Travis Crabtree (6/3/1996) (USA): RRC (2016), RTCC/ARST/IPC (2016-), GTRWC NC, IPC
Malik Zidan (12/23/1997) (EGY): FRENCH/SANDWICH (2016-2018), AR 2.0 NA (2017), some AR 3.5 one-offs, F3 Eurasian Championship
Alexi Schnass (8/29/1996) (GER): SANDWICH (2018), AR 2.0 NA (2017), LOOKING FOR A DRIVE (2018-)
Torolf Sigurdsson (4/30/1997) (NOR): AR 2.0 Testing (2017), ARGti
Tanner Jason (12/6/1992) (USA): F2RWRS (2014-2015), Rejects of LFS (2015), Toyota Series (2016), AR 3.5 (2017), various NC events, IPC Part-Time, LOOKING FOR DRIVE (2018-)
Lasse Tilkesson (Sweden, DOB 6/21/1996) RRC (1 Race, 2016), ARST (2017) IPCC B-Class, Part-Time
Nicolas Steele (USA, DOB 10/22/1989) F1RWRS (2011-2017), F1RWRS

Daniel Martins (Portuguese) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Marie Simon (French) (F1RWRS): F2RWRS
João Antonio Soares (Portuguese) (F3RWRS): F2RWRS
Catarina Lopes (Portuguese) (F2RWRS): None
José Maria Cabral (Portuguese) (F3RWRS): None
Samora Mondlane (Angolan) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Carlinho (Portuguese) (None): F3RWRS


Valentino Nicchi (VAT) (rFaF1): AVAILIABLE
Emanuele Nicchi (VAT) (F1RGP2C): AVAILIABLE
Domenico Nicchi (VAT): F1RSTC
Adriano Nicchi (VAT): PRC
Terenzio Nicchi (VAT) (F1RDS): F1RDS, F3RWRS
Alik Mori (FSM) (LGPS): RRT²
John Bovy (GNA) (AltF1, GTR WC): GTR WC
Jayleen Mori (FSM) (GTR WC, RTSS): GTR WC, RTSS
Adolfo Moretti (SMR) (Lupo Cup): Lupo Cup
Herberto Dominguez (AND) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Gianluigi Pazzini (ITA) (F2RWRS, F3RWRS): F2RWRS


Nathanael Spencer, British, (F1RWRS) - Driving for Voeckler in 2017 F1RWRS
Bernhard Kippa, Estonian, (none) - Available


Douglas Mann (Manx) (F1RWRS, F1RGP2C, F1RNC) F1RWRS
Pippa Mann (English) (F1RWRS, F1RGP2C, ) F1RWRS
Ben Fleet (English) (F1RWRS, F1RGP2C, ) F1RWRS
Martin McFry (N. Irish) (F1RWRS, F3RWRS, ) F1RWRS
Martin McFry (Californian) (F1RGP2C, RTCC) Retired (confusion as they were originally to be the same driver, but I couldn't be consistent on the guy's nationality)
Peter Port (Guernsey, Channel Islands) (F3RWRS, F1RNC) F1RWRS test/reserve driver for Foxdale
Mary Lebone (London, England) (SARS) Retired
Ken Sington (London, England) (SARS) Retired
John Wood (London, England) (SARS) Retired
James Park (London, England) (SARS) Retired
Norman Isles (Channel Islands, ?Guernsey) (SARS, LMC) ACO LMC
Ann(e) Dorra (Andorra) (SARS, LMC) ACO LMC
Mel Bourne (Australia) (SARS,) ACO LMC
Tim Buktu (Mali) currently inactive
Eff One Jnr (English) (F3RWRS) permanently inactive

East Londoner

Davey Clarke (American, 1959)(rFaF1
Damon Cannon (British, 1973)(F1RGP2C - retired by the time F1RWRS started.
Damon Cannon (British, 1986)(LMC)
Poppy Whitechapel (British, 1970)(F1RGP2C - retired by the time F1RWRS started
Poppy Whitechapel (British, 1989)(Available)
Richie White (British, 1984)(PRC)
Laura Wener (British, 1998)(F3RWRS)
Thomas Butler (British, 1999)(F1RDS)
George MacDrage (Scottish :P , 1998)(F3RWRS)
Sandy Grey (American, 2000)(F1RDS)

FantometteBR (almost) neverending list of drivers

Jalmerson da Cunha (BRA, F3RWRS)
Pedro Capilé (BRA, LGPS, Rejects-1 WC)
Cleide do Nascimento (BRA, LGPS, Rejects-1 WC)
Beth Lestrade (GBR, F1RICS)
Helena Bertinelli (USA, F1RSTC)
Stephanie Brown (USA, SARS)
Patrick Feldhoffer (GER, F1RDS)
Dinah Lance (USA, REECS, SARS)
Daniel Wenroth (BRA, F1RSTC)
Elenice Capilé (BRA, Porsche Reject Cup)
Elisa Jama Yattae (KEN, Lupo GTI/Autoreject GTI)
Valur Sigursteinsson (ISL, Lupo GTI/Autoreject GTI)
Richard 'Richie' Foley (USA, Rejectrucks)
Jason Grayson-Drake (USA, RRC)
Brian Farrugia (MLT, RRC)
Diego Vercuisse (URU, SARS)
Ilkan Bastürk (GER, SARS)
Francisco Remedio (CRC, F1RGP2C)
Lee Honmei (CHN, Autoreject GTI)
Mika Miyanomori (JPN, ACO LMC)
Roberto Albedo (CHL, ACO LMC)
Julio Vaca (BOL, LGPS, Rejects-1 WC)


Hwok Kwol-Cho (F1RDS, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
O.N. Duck Jr. (Alt-CART, F1RICS): Semi-Retirement
O.N. Duck III (F1RICS, SRL): Available
John Bean (Alt-F1, F1RICS, SRL): Available
Wayne Shepherd (RTSS): RTSS

Flying Ginger

Joaqim Moreira (Brazil) (none) (Unemployed)
Jean Louis Leopold (Luxembourg) (none) (Unemployed)


Dave Anderson (USA): F1RWRS, F1RNC, PRIC
Hiroto Tojo (Japan): IFRC, Porsche Super Cup
Mustafa Kurniawan (Indonesia): F1RDS, F1RNC, PRIC
Claude Vergne (Canada): GT-R WC, open for offers (but considers retirement)
Yuji Itoh (Japan): GT-R WC, open for offers
Khaled Al-Dizi (Egypt): RTCC
Ray Vance (USA): RTCC
Ralf Alden (USA): LGPS, F1RGP2C, AltCART, RTCC, now retired
Kazuhiko Takagi (Japan): F1RGP2C, now retired
Paulo Serafim (Brazil): AltF1, open for current-time offer if you wish
Mizuki Ukawa (Japan): AltF1, ACO-LM (provisionally accepted)
Kevin Escher (Canada): Porsche Super Cup
Niko Eskola (Finland): IFRC tester, FRENCH
Yun Long (Hong Kong): Porsche Super Cup
Fei Zhou (Hong Kong): RRT
Reiko Megumi (Japan): F1RGP2C, now retired
Yui Megumi (Japan): IFRC
Lance Brown (USA): Rejectrucks (locked)
Rafael Carlos (Spain): IndyCar, open for offers next year
Jeremy Macmillan (Canada): IndyCar
Andrew Macmillan (Canada): LGPS (in progress)
Alessandro Mancini (Italy): LGPS
Hendra Naufal (Indonesia): F3RWRS, open for offers
Ryu Takanori (Japan): FRENCH (new driver!)
Robert Anderson (United Kingdom): F1RGP2C, RTCC, ProstGP, Retired/In Hiding(for his own good)
Etsuko Hayase (Japan): F1RSTC,
W. A. (William Andrew) Stokins (USA): LGPS, F1RDF (drag festival), comes infrequently for one-off races
Christophe Vans (France): F1RGP2C,
Mike Toreno (USA): SARS (unavailable)
Dan Hibiki (Japan): SARS (unavailable)
Giancarlo Ceara (Brazil): SARS, ACO-LM (unavailable)
Giovanni Vaille (Italy): SARS, ACO-LM (unavailable)
William Guile (USA): SARS, ACO-LM(unavailable)
Ai Fukami (Japan): SARS, ACO-LM (unavailable)
Adrian Shephard (USA): ACO-LM (unavailable)
Victor Sagat (Thailand): ACO-LM (unavailable)
Lazlow Jones (USA): Available
Mauricio Rossini (Italy): Available (90's)


Jean-Phillipe Henri (USA/FRA - 6/8/69) (Rejects-1 WC) Available
Bernard Leclercq (BEL - 26/12/73) (Rejects-1 WC) Available
Jukka-Pekka Kankaanpää (FIN - 21/2/98) (RTSS, F1RSTC, PRC) AR3.5
Clément Grandmaison (FRA - 5/5/97) (F1RSTC, PRC, RTSS) ACO LMC
Agnes Henri (USA - 21/8/00) (None) Unavilable
Åke Sörensen (DEN - 23/6/98) (None) Unavailable
Dimitrije Anastasijevic (SRB - 1/1/01) (None) Unavailable
Camille Bouchard (CAN - 10/3/97) (None) RWMT
Xavier Desjardins (CAN - 20/11/94) (None) RWMT
Benjamin Kruse (FRO - 7/6/99) (None) ARGTi


Ramon Lorenzo (Spain) (Born 1995) (AR2.0) Contracted for 2018
Mateo Rosa (Spain) (Born 1991) (IPCC) Contracted for 2018
Ernesto Raya (Mexico) (Born October 17, 1991) (Reject Super Truck Series, Autoreject GTI) Contracted 2017-2018
Elena Madrid (Spain) (Born 1994) (Reject Super Truck Series) Contracted for 2018
Roberto Zayas (USA) (Born ??) (F5000) Contracted for 2018
Jimmy Hopkins (USA) (Born ??) (F5000) Contracted for 2018)
Pedro Fernandez (SPA) (Born 1965) (IWS) Contracted for 2018)


Fidel Edwards (AUS) - September 4, 2000 - (F3RWRS, RTCC): ARST
Barry Edwards (AUS) - September 4, 2000 - (F3RWRS, RRC): AVAILABLE
Joe Gaera (AUS) (Life GP): Rejects-1
Carl Jordan (AUS) (F1RSTC): ARST
Adam Rees (AUS) (None): Le Mans Cup
Nic Tooas (AUS) (None): Rejects-1
Simon Bourne (NZL) (RRC): AVAILABLE
Sam Sun (NZL) (Life GP): Rejects-1
Ben Hughes (NZL) - April 24, 1994 - (None): GT-R WC (PT)
Elinor Yurko (FIJ) - July 11, 1996 - (F1RICS): Le Mans Cup
Maea Blog (SAM) - June 21, 1973 - (Life GP, SARS): AVAILABLE (2000-2005)
Maktub Al Nahyan (UAE) (GT-R WC (One Off)): Le Mans Cup, GT-R WC (PT)
Nazreena Nasser (QAT) (GT-R WC (One Off)): Le Mans Cup, GT-R WC (PT)
Sam Baronomo (BEL) - May 5, 1987 - (F1RICS, SARS, F1RSTC): AVAILABLE
Humbert Moyenmoutier (FRA) - September 15, 1994 - (F3RWRS, SARS): Le Mans Cup
Christian Poulsen (DEN) - March 20, 1991 - (None): AVAILABLE


T.K. Wolf(13/1/1997 AUT): AR2.0NA
Noriaki Tokio(27/4/1989 JAP): GT-R WC(part time)
Lasse Tilkesson(21/6/1996 SWE): RRC, ARST
Hubert Loyer(10/8/1986 AUT): RSTC
Antonio Menzache(7/3/1992 ITA): RSTC
J.C. Wolf(30/1/1998 AUT): GT-R WC(Super GP), LMC
Niklas Svanberg(15/5/1998 DEN): FRENCH 2016/2017, LMC
J.J. Taylor(30/10/1998 GBR): AR2.0E
Salvador da Santa Maria (17/12/2000 MEX): AR2.0NA
A.K. Wolf(2/3/2000 AUT): FFWCS
Franz Bauer(27/4/1988 CZE): RWMT
Thomas Fuchs(12/6/1991 AUT): RWMT


Joey Alliot (AltCART): GT-R
Jacques Malenfant (AltCART): GT-R
Oliver Jones (N/A): GT-R
Bjorn Allinder (N/A): PRC
Daniel Charlebois (N/A): PRC


Adriano Nicchi (VAT) (ALTF1 CE): ALTF1 CE
Alberto Cara (TRP) (RWS2, AR 3.5): RWS1
Anita Horford (USA) (RWS3, SARS): GT-R WC
Chacko Palaniappan (IND) (GTR-WC): ACO Le Mans
Herbert Aston (AUT) (F1RICS): ARST
Kay Lon (GER) (RWS1, RTSS, AR 3.5): RWS1
Kenan Ardaoglu (GER) (F1RICS, RTSS, AR 3.5): AR 3.5
Koyomi Setou (JPN) (LupoCup, RTCC): ARST
Leonhard von Gottorp (GER) alias Jaropolk Petrovich (RUS) (Life GP, F1RGP2C, RWS1, RTSS): RWMT
Li Qi (CHI) (ALTF1 CE, LupoCup): ACO Le Mans
Phoenix Frisch (USA) (RTSS): RTSS
Renaldo Jimenez (TRP) (RWS3, RWS1): ACO Le Mans
Roberto Horford (RFAF1): Passed Away in 1986
Tomo Kazama (JPN) (RWS3, RWS2, RWS1): RWS1
Yu Hao (CHI) (RWS1, GTR-WC): ACO Le Mans
Zaituni Dileita (SOM) (LupoCup): Lupo Cup


Benjamin Gladstone (GBR) (None): Available
Ito Shidehara (JPN) (None): Available
Pierre St. Laurent (CAN) (F1RDS): F1RDS
Darren Older Jr. (GBR) (F1RWRS, ARST): ARST


Dave Simpson (AUS - DOB 31/3/1982) (F1RWRS, IPC): Contracted to Dacia IPC Touring in 2018 (IPC)
Michael Robertson (AUS - DOB 15/7/1992) (F1RWRS, F2RWRS, F1RICS): Available (pending TMLW's decision on driver for ARWS or IWC)
Rick Simpson (AUS - DOB 27/9/1997) (F3RWRS, AR3.5): Contracted to Equipe Gauthier for 2018 (AR3.5)
Roland Davidson (GBR - DOB 3/5/1995) (F3RWRS, GT-R WC): Available depending on the number of cars Gulf Racing will run in GTR for 2018
Garry Jones (NZL - DOB 30/11/1967) (RTCC, ARST): Currently up for draft in the Race of Rejects
Adriana Gabor (ROM - DOB 28/4/1994) (ARWS, IPC): Contracted to Dacia IPC Touring in 2018 (IPC)
Aaron Watson (USA - DOB 8/2/2000) (AR2.0 NA): Available - looking for Indy Academy or F5000 seat in 2018.
Fabrizio Marcelli (ITA) (F3 - DOB 17/1/2002): Contracted to Marcelli Motori for 2018 (F3)
Alexey Buyvolov (RUS) (F1RWRS, F2RWRS): Contracted to Dacia F1RWRS Team in 2018 (ARWS/F1RWRS)
John Magnus (GBR) (GTR-WC): Contracted to Gulf Racing for 2018 (GTR-WC)
Matteo Rossi (ITA) (GTR-WC): Contracted to Gulf Racing for 2018 (GTR-WC)


Faiza Nissany (Israel) (none) (29/7/1997) 2017 Formula Female World Championship
Guadalupe Alvarez Reina (Argentina) (none) (21/3/2001) 2017 Formula Female World Championship
Juana Romero (Nicaragua) (none) (11/1/1998) 2017 Formula Female World Championship
Gretchen Suarez (United States) (none) (1/5/1994) 2017 ACO LMC/2017 GT-R
Takuma Nakamura (Japan) (none) (31/1/1994) 2017 ACO LMC/2017 GT-R
Hal Al Peise (Qatar) (none) (9/7/1993) 2017 ACO LMC
Rou Manuel (United States) (none) (18/2/1980) 2017 ACO LMC
Claudio Zalk (American Samoa) (none) (1/1/1993) ???
Shad Griffth (United States) (none) (11/1/1980) 1995 R-1/2017 ACO LMC
Adelaide Valerian (France) (none) (1/11/1999) UNAVAILABLE
Merlina Gonzalez (Argentina) (none) (2/1/2001) UNAVAILABLE
Isabella Noriko (Singapur) (none) (31/12/1981) UNAVAILABLE


Nick Nurmester (Finland, 7th March 1988) (F2RWRS, F3RWRS): F2RWRS
Anu Võsu (Estonia, 17th February 1996) (F1RDS, A12H): F3RWRS
Stefan Kuntz (Germany, 28th January 1988) (RoLFS, F3RWRS, A24H, GT-R): GT-R
Enrico Molinaro (Italy, 19th April 1995) (F2RWRS, F3RWRS, GT-R): GT-R
Phil McCracken (Scotland United Kingdom, 28th July 1981) (F1RWRS, F2RWRS, F1RLFS, F1RICS, F5000): F5000
Daniela Anger (Switzerland, 5th December 1999) (IFRC, F1RDS): AR 2.0 E
Tommi Hämäläinen (Finland, 3rd February 1997) (F1RDS, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Thomas Yorke (United Kingdom, 14th May 1996) (RTCC, F3RWRS): F2RWRS
Ståle Øivind Røsbjørgen (Norway, 19th November 1990) (RTCC, RRC, A12H): ARST
Sylvain Fabron (France, 4th January 1977) (RTCC): ARST
Nikolai Nurmovitsch (Russia, 18th November 1966) (RTCC, A24H, GT-R, WTCC88): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Nathan Nurmester (United Kingdom, 24th June 1972) (RTCC, ProstGP, AltCART, A24H): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Niko Nurminen (Finland, 11th July 1970) (F1RGP2C, ProstGP): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Dietrich Anger (Switzerland, 26th June 1958) (ProstGP, AltCART, WTCC88): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Thomas Nurmester (United Kingdom, 25th September 1946) (rFAF1, WTCC88): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Arsenio Matarazzo (Italy, 19th May 1956 - 8th July 2005) (rFAF1, LGPS, WTCC88): DECEASED (historical series still possible)
Egide Ngendandumwe (Burundi, 22nd August 1996): RWMT

OnxyWrecked Dossier of Drivers
Clint Hillman, Canadian, IndyCar for Cassidy Racing (RTCC, Replaces Kalliope Spiros due to her poor performance) Birthdate: November 19th, 1991
Roy Guidry, Canadian (at least on the wiki), IndyCar for Onyx (signed to Onyx for next season but can be bought out)
Shane Morris, Australian, SRL for Onyx (GT-R WC for Onyx 2017)
Marisa Carrera, Brazilian, RRT for Onyx (2017 AutoReject 2.0 NA for Onyx) Birthdate: November 27th, 1996
Milan Vukovic, Croatian, GT-R WC for Onyx (GT-R WC for Onyx 2017)
Wakana "Kana" Morioka, Brazilian, GT-R WC for Onyx (ACO for 2017)
Marika Vranes, Czech, SARS for Onyx Master Spark (ACO for 2017)
Pavel Kana, Slovak, RRC for Onyx
Marijo Kovacevic, Croatian, RRC for Onyx
Pierre-Alexandre Veilleux, Canadian, RRT Trabant for Onyx Blackstone
Akinori Kikkawa, Japanese, SARS for Onyx Master Spark (ACO for 2017)
Kalliope Spiros, Greek, F1RSTC for Onyx AS (Free Agent)
Hjalmar Bergenheim, Swedish, F1RSTC for Onyx AS (F1RSTC for Onyx in 2017)
Tomasz Gabrysiak, Polish, (RTCC for Onyx in 2017)
Hideshi Takanashi, Japanese, RTCC for Onyx Toyota (Free Agent for 2017)
Kimi Harju, Finniah, F1R V-Powered Championships (NEW)
Giovanni Valvano, Italian, F1R V-Powered Championships (NEW)
Ernesto Padilla, Bolivian, AutoReject 2.0 NA (NEW) Birthdate: January 2nd, 1998
Grant Hillman, Canadian, (NEW) Birthdate: September 13th, 1999 (AR 2.0 NA, 2nd driver for Simpson Racing)


Janne Kagstrom (FIN) (AR3.5 with Speedworld)
Aldo Pellizotti (ITA) (AR2.0 with Voeckler)
Arnaud Nandan (FRA) (AR2.0 with Red Bull)
Vincent Nandan (FRA) (I'll find a use for him someday)
Nobihiro Okada (JAP) (FRENCH with Okayama)
Aaron Bellman (GBR) (F1RSTC in his own trash car)


Martin van der Maeyede (NED) (F2RWRS,F3RWRS): AR 3.5
Andrea Bianchi (ITA) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, RoLFS, F1RICS): F3RWRS
Denis van Walwijk (RSA) (PGPS GTRWC): GTRWC
Alexis Tantovich (UKR) (F1RDS): AR ST
AJ Castaneda (PER) (F1RDS): LMC
Scott Marsden (GBR) (F1RDS IFRC): F3RWRS
Martyn Rietacher (GER) (RoLFS, F2RWRS): F1RWRS
Martin van der Meyde (NED) (F1RICS): TBA
Franc Piscine (SUI) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
David Koczo (HUN) (F1RWRS): LMC
Gary Pacer (CAN) (F3RWRS): AR 3.5
Helio Hernandez (MEX) (RoLFS, F1RICS): AVAILABLE
Pedro Renales (BRA) (PGPS, Lupo): AR GTi
Jan van der Maeyede (NED) (Life GP, F1RSTC): LMC part-time
Sope Stever (GBR) (RTSS,F1RSTC): LMC part time, AR ST part time
Hope Stever: (GBR) (rFAF1): AVAILABLE (historic)


Thomas Day 06/08/1976 - British (Life GP, Rejects-1) - Le Mans Cup 2017
Deanna McMohan 24/12/1975 - British (Life GP, Rejects-1, F1RGP2C, PRC,Aston 24) Le Mans Cup 2017
Laura Hamilton 15/11/1996 - British Female Formula Series 2017
David Simmons 01/07/1993 - American (PRC Aston 24) Available for 2017
Nikolas Hirvonen 17/04/1981 - Finnish Available for 2017

Francois Olivier 02/10/1985 - French RMWT 2017
Kazuki Hisakawa 17/04/1981 - Japanese (F1RSTC) ARST
Thomas Westernberg 23/01/1997 - Dutch (F1RSTC) ARST
James Morgan 04/09/1998 - British (French) Autoreject 3.5
Chelsie Knight 25/07/1991 - British (French) Formula Female 2017
Kim Sung Ri - 16/08/1987 -North Korean Avaliable for 2017
Hamid Barmak - 16/01/1982 - Afghanistan- Le Mans Cup 2017
Pyotr Mikoyan - 05/03/2000 - Russian - Autoreject 2.0NA 2017
Vlastimir Brankovich - 04/09/1994 - Macedonian RMWT 2017
Luke Gilson-Clarke - 27/10/2000 - Falkland Islands Autoreject 2.0NA 2017


Brucie Kibbutz (ISRAEL) (RoLFS/IFRC, F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Judd McAllister (SPAIN) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS): F2RWRS
Akira Yamamura (JAPAN) (RoLFS/IFRC, F2RWRS): IFRC
Juan Manuel Scalabroni (ARGENTINA) (F1RDS, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Andoni Garrido (SPAIN) (GTRWC): GTRWC
Olivier Gardin (FRANCE) (GTRWC): GTRWC
Phoenix McAllister (SPAIN) (F1RWRS, RTCC): RTCC
Jackie Gardner (UNITED KINGDOM) (RSS): RSS
Jochen Märko (AUSTRIA) (RSS): RSS
Mikko Fäkkinen (FINLAND) (F1RGP2C, F1RWRS): F1RGP2C, but AVAILABLE elsewhere
Danilo di Longo (UNITED STATES) (LGPS): LGPS
Charles Jericho (UNITED STATES) (LGPS): LGPS
Callum McAllister (SPAIN) (rFAF1): rFAF1

Steffen Belso (GT-R): available for 2017
Kazuki Fushida (AltCART): retired
Mattias Kjellerup (GT-R): GT-R
Jasper Lerby (ProstGP, RTCC, F1RSTC, GT-R): RTCC, F1RSTC
José Pablo Mazzacane (LifeGP, ProstGP, AltCart, F1RSTC, Indy500 one-off in IndyCar,GT-R): GT-R
Thiago Mazzacane (F3RWRS,IFRC,IndyCar): available for 2017
Jules Connes (LifeGP): retired
Chiara Rossi (SARS): GT-R
Éric Hadamard (PRC): available for 2017
Laerke Kjellerup (PRC): available for 2017
Tuomas Suomanen (F3RWRS,RDS): AR3.5
Hans Einhrin (F3RWRS,RDS): available for 2017
Gabriela Scopelli (Lupo): Lupo
Aron Kagström (Lupo): ARST
Leonie Connes (RRC): available for 2017
Solvy Odegard (AR2.0): AR2.0
Romain Hadamard (AR2.0 test): AR GTi


Ken Wyn Jones (GBR) - Born 5/2/2001 in Llandudno, Wales. (No canon experience) Currently without a drive.
Brucie Kibbutz (ISR) - (F1RWRS, RoLFS/IFRC) Currently racing for MK Scuderia in FIA Prototype Series.
Hilko Leifeld (DEU) - Born 15/5/1979 in Würzburg, West Germany. (GBRC) Currently racing for ADAC Nordbayern in GBRC.
Henry Paul (GBR) - Born 24/11/1994 in Bath, England. (IFRC, LMC) Currently racing for MK Scuderia in the GBRC and Supertrucks.
Adil Rehman (GBR) Born 7/12/1997 in Bradford, England. (GBRC) Currently racing for AIM Foundation in GBRC.
Carlos Sandoval (HON) - Born 19/3/1989 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. (GBRC) Gentleman driver currently without a drive.

Francois Albertini (19.01.1968, MON) - F1RWRS
Diederik Soucy (ca. 1986, SUI) - F1RSTC

Jean-Vincent Albertini (27.07.1990, MON) - F1RWRS
Goran Jordanovic (F1RICS): ARST
Andries van Heel (F1RICS): ARST
Anton Bosevic (09.08.1985, CRO) - F2RWRS, RoLFS, TMRC : RejecTrucks
Branko Ristic (17.09.1993, MKD) - F3RWRS, F2RWRS ACO LMC

Mirko Bosevic (12.04.1976, CRO)


Hristo Nikolov (BUL) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Rafael Gonzalez (ESP) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Nikola Nikolov (BUL) (DTM, F1RICS): RETITED
Oliver Kunz (GER) (RFAF1): RFAF1


Casper Toft (DEN) (SARS): GT-R WC
Veli Waltari (FIN) (F3RWRS): F1RSTC
Marzio Giovanelli (ITA) (N/A): Porsche Reject Cup
Mauro Giazzon (ITA) (N/A): Porsche Reject Cup
Mikkel Olsen (DEN) (N/A): RRT


Natascha Zaugg (AUT - 1/11/72) (LGPS, AltCART, A24, RTCC) - RTCC Available for 1994 - 2001 and 2017 - ?
Mathilde Thybes (FRA - 28/02/98) (IFRC) - IFRC
Katie Lea Winter (GER - 11/10/97) (IFRC) - IFRC
Florian Grünewald (GER - 7/03/98) (F1RDS) - Available. (Created by Ataxia)


Nathan McKane (SCO) (July 18, 1983) - Former: Canon F1, RoLFS - Current: F1RWRS
Nikov Time (KAZ) (March 25, 1996) - Former: None - Current: F2RWRS? (Super-Sub Only)

Darren Cardel (ENG) (January 18, 1985) - Former: Aston 24 2015, GT-R WC - Current: AR STS
Michael Cardel (ENG) (August 6, 1956) - Former: N/A - Current: Alt-WTCC 80s (Unavailable for Drives)
Antonio Fazio (ITA) (September 5, 1996) - Former: RoLFS, Aston 24 2015 - Current: GT-R WC
Markus Jacobson (FIN) (April 28, 2000) - Former: N/A - Current: IFRC
Roger Ibe (PHI License, CDN Born) (November, 13, 1998) - Former: FRENCH - Current: AR 2.0 NA
Michela Martin (ENG) (February 22, 2000) - Former: N/A - Current: Lupo GTi + AR 2.0 EU
Miguel Colon (PRI) (October 18, 2002) - Former: N/A - Current: CRL


Archibald March (GBR) (Rejects 1, LGPS ): Semi retirement
Mikhail Karimov (Uzbekistani) (Rejects 1, LGPS ): Semi retirement
Bob Lomas (GBR) (GTR-WC, GBRC ): GBRC
Jason Gonzi (Malta) (ARST, ARNC ): Available
Marek Smazlykowski (Poland) (ARST ): Available
Rob Lomas Jr (GBR) (Auto Reject GTI, Seat Leon Supercopa ): Seat Leon Supercopa
Graham Lomas (GBR) (Rejects World Motorcycle Trophy ): Available
Shir Rostami (Iran) (Auto Reject GTI ): Available
Manny Marquez (Cuba) (Rejects World Motorcycle Trophy ): Available
Nerses Taniel Darbinian (Armenia) (Formula 5000): Available
Jason Gonzi (Malta) (Lupo GTI, IPC ): Available
Boris Pavlovic (Serbia) (AR 2.0 NA, IPC ): Available
Paul Fenech-Adami (Malta) (AR 2.0 NA ): Available


Active drivers:
Jason Hamilton [AUS] Formula 2
Miguel Silva [ESP] Formula 2
Volker Scrattenheim [GER] AR3.5
Vaclav Malsyz [CZE] AR2.0
Matt Grove [AUS] F5000
John Muirhead [AUS] F5000
Chris Whiting [GBR] IPC
Shane Atkinson [GBR] ARGTI
Pablo Galaz [MEX] AR3.5

Inactive drivers
Andrea Battani [ITA]
Jorg Scrattenheim [GER] semi-retired
Mika Paasonen [FIN]
Deiter Hallenstein [GER]
Miko Glotch [NED]
Dale Hamilton [AUS] retired
Bobby Dollar [USA] retired
Anthony North [GBR]
Markus van de Schoot [NED]
Cave Johnson [USA] retired
Sebastien Prost [FRA] retired


Guillaume Gauthier (French, 6th January, 1956) (rFaF1): Contracted to Williams (rFaF1), retired as of 1997
Brendon Cassidy Sr. (American, 17th May, 1957) (rFaF1): Contraced to Arrows (rFaF1), retired as of 2000
Geoff Donnelly (British, 3rd June, 1968) (LifeGP, Rejects1, PGPS AltCART, IFRC, RTSS): Contracted to Fusion Motorsports (F1RWRS) for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Cameron Maroon (Cameroonian, 9th December, 1971) (LifeGP, Rejects1, AltCART, RTCC): Contracted to Al Smith Racing Enterprises (Rejects1) for 1994), retired as of 2017, PAY DRIVER
Lawrence Tucker (American, 1st April 1973) (F1RGP2C): Contracted to Sauber (F1RGP2C) for 1999, likely retired by 2017, PAY DRIVER
James James Davies (British, 14th September 1975) (LifeGP, F1RGP2C, AltF1, F1RICS): Contracted to Denso Toyota PORE (LMC) for 2017, McLaren (F2RGP2C) for 1999
Paul Jenkins (British, 28th November 1979) (RTCC): Contracted to Globex Scorpio Racing (RTCC) for 2017, looking for a GTR-WC seat for 2018
Brendon Cassidy Jr. (American, 15th April 1980) (AltCART, F1RICS): Retired as of 2016, available for any historic IndyCar series that may pop up
James Davies (British, 17th March, 1983) (F1RWRS): Contracted to Voeckler GPE (GTR-WC) for 2017
Pedro Luis Gonzalez (Mexican, 1st November, 1984) (F1RICS): Uncontracted for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Franz Hofmeister (German, 31st July, 1986) (RWMT): Contracted to Globex Equipe Gauthier (RWMT) for 2017
Pierre Deschênes (French, 18th October, 1987) (RRC): Uncontracted for 2017
Seres Adél (Hungarian, 9th February, 1988) (SARS): Contracted to Plus One Women's Engineering (FFWC) for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Manny Geinhart Jr. (American, 17th Decemeber, 1988) (RTSS): Uncontracted for 2017
Johnny Boudermann (American, 25th March, 1988) (F1RSTC): Uncontracted for 2017
Jacob Tucker (American, 7th October, 1989) (SARS): Contracted to Audi Equipe Gauthier (LMC) for 2017
Ashley Cassidy (American, 4th August 1989) (F1RICS): Contracted to CR Motorsport (ARIWC) for 2017
Dave Cassidy (American, 18th March 1991) (AltF1): Contracted to Sauber (AltF1) for 2014
Tamerlan Hasanov (Azerbaijani, 26th November, 1990) (RRT): Uncontracted for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Laurent Gauthier (French, 27th March, 1991) (SARS): Contracted to Audi Equipe Gauthier (LMC) for 2017
Daniel Polák (Czech, 31st May, 1992) (RRC): Uncontracted for 2017
Hanna Edens (Dutch, 16th June, 1992) (SARS): Contracted to Mad-Croc Pulsar Racing Team (LMC) for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Ryan McReynolds (Canadian, 22nd September, 1992) (F1RICS): Contracted to Avis Michael Bright Racing (ARIWC) for 2017
Arthur Daniels (British, 16th August, 1993) (F1RSTC): Uncontracted for 2017
Jean-Francois Deschênes (French, 26th April, 1994) (RRT): Contracted to Globex Equipe Gauthier (RWMT) for 2017
Jordan Davies (British, 19th February, 1995) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, IFRC): Contracted to Aeroracing Engineering (F2RWRS) for 2017
Calvin Brooks (Canadian, 19th February, 1995) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, IFRC, F1RWRS): Contracted to BITW Porsche (LMC) for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Manon Blanchett (French, 6th June, 1996) (F3RWRS): Contracted to ZimSport (F3RWRS) for 2017
Sandra Cessler (American, 18th July, 1996) (RTSS): Uncontracted for 2017
Ryan Carlton (British, 8th July, 1997) (RTCC): Contracted to Harris Finance GT (LMC) for 2017
Marcos Marcia (Spanish, 27th July, 1997) (RoLFS, IFRC): Contracted to Álvarez Competición GT (LMC) for 2017
Gregg Donnelly (British, 22nd August, 1998) (AR2.0E): Contracted to Nurminen Racing Engineering (AR2.0E) for 2017
Alex Geinhart (American, 19th October, 1999) (AR2.0NA): Contracted to Exide Cassidy Racing (AR2.0NA) for 2017
Jonas Söderström (Swedish, 7th December, 1999) (Lupo Cup): Contracted to Globex Scorpio Racing (Lupo Cup) for 2017
James Jones (British, 13th July, 2000) (AR2.0E): Contracted to Definitely Maybe Racing (AR2.0E) for 2017
Aimée Gauthier (French, 17th January 2001) (F1RDS, IFRC): Contracted to Voeckler GPE (F3RWRS) for 2017
Wiremu Tamati (New Zealand, 26th July 1997) (F5000): Contracted to Ford Performance Racing (F5000) for 2017


Hayato Kazami (JAP) (IWC)
Mateo Vasquez (PER) (IWC)
Shin Ramirez (PER) (ARST)
Artesia Mass (GBR) (ARST)
Sasha Hawke (GER) (RSTS)
Ricardo Llosa (ESP) (GTR-WC, ACO)
Jordan McKenna (USA) (GTR-WC, ACO)
Karl Lichter Shultz (AUT) (GTR-WC, ACO)
Alphonse Ribeiro (BRA) (GTR-WC, ACO)
Eusebio Limaes (POR) (ACO)
Saheeh el-Hawami (UAE) (ACO)
Casval Rojas (CAN) (ACO)
John D. Sullivan (USA) (AR2.0NA)
Jorge del Río (MEX) (AR2.0NA)
Naoki Shinjo (JAP) (F3RWRS)

Tsubasa Portilla (ITA) (Reserve)
Milos Kaletic (SBR) (Reserve)
Allistair McHale (AUS)(Reserve)
Fernando Costas (URU)(Reserve)


Hagane Shizuka (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Joe Harmsky (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Pjotr Madunochev (LifeGP): INJURED


Simon Redman (AUS) (ex F1RWRS, ACO LM Cup): In ACO Le Mans Cup
Joe Bloggs (AUS) (LGPS): Rejects-1 - no longer under my control
Barry "Bazza the Bogan" Smith (about 1959-early 2010's, AUS) (LGPS): unavailable.
Will Roberts (AUS) (LGPS): retired from racing outside of Australia at end of 1993, retired completely in 2008.
Charlie Darrell (AUS, born 1976) (PGPS): Retired from racing completely at end of 2001.
Hilton Blain (ENG, born 1998) (F1RSTC): F1RSTC
Sam Pritchard (NZL, born 1972) (Rejects-1): Rejects-1

Barii Mori (JPN) - F1RWRS (2017 - Available)
Shinobu Katayama (JPN) - F1RWRS, IRDU (2017 - ACO)
Yuka Katayama (JPN) - F2RWRS (2017 - F1RWRS)
Kyoko Katayama (JPN) - FRENCH (2017 - FFWCS)
Kenji Katayama (JPN) - FRENCH (Semi retired, however wants an 200x ALTcart seat)
Rosco Vantini (ITA) - F1RWRS, IFRC (2017 - AR3.5)
Nobou Takahashi (JPN) - IFRC, GT-R (2017 - Availible)
Francesco Fagioli (ITA) - F3RWRS (2017 - ARST)
Sam Keppler III (USA) - (2017 - ACO)
Akinjide Ezerioha (USA) - F3RWRS (2017 - ACO)
Sani Morgan (NGR) - F2RWRS (2017 - ACO)
Turki Al Faisal (SAU) - (2017 - ARST)
Saeed Al Faisal (SAU) - F1RWRS, GTR (2017 - ACO)
Nonofo Masisi (BOT) - (2017 - AR2.0 NA)
Didier Honore (FRA) - Never Raced, was announced as 2012 IRDU driver


Abdel Genazzi Algerian (IFRC): IFRC
Serge Blanco French (IFRC): Currently unsigned
Henry Paul British (IFRC): IFRC (ACO LMC for 2017)
Tim Horan Australian (AltCART, F1RICS): F1RICS
Naas Botha South African (F1RDS): F1RDS
Diego Pereira Portuguese (F1RDS): F1RDS (PRIC in off-season)
Luis Pereira Portuguese (RTCC): RTCC (ACO LMC for 2017)
Dominic Strass-Cahn French (RTCC): No drive (ACO LMC for 2017)
Conor Dunne British (RTCC): RTCC
Andrei Kolodin Russian (Lupo Cup): Lupo Cup
Artur Smolarek Polish (Lupo Cup): Lupo Cup
Mika Litmanen Finnish (RRC): RRC
Grant Fox New Zealander (RRC): RRC
Antoine Sunu French (RRT): RRT
Giorgio Ganz Italian (RRT): RRT
Eduardo Alimento Portuguese (F1RSTC): F1RSTC
Asmir Landovic Bosnian (F1RSTC): F1RSTC
Evgeny Restov Russian (F1): F1 (as of 2012)
Paul Eckeridge British (AltCART): Unsigned - Partially retired
Edward Restov Junior Russian (F1RGP2C): Retired since 2005
John Holmes British (LifeGP): Retired since 1992
Derek Gray British (LifeGP): Retired since 1992
Waisale Serevi Fijian (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Alexander Obolensky Russian (F3RWRS): F3RWRS


André Mignolet - Belgium (RRC; F1 test driver) Rejecttruck Series
Erik Courbois - Belgian Congo/Zaïre/Congo (Life GP; 2014 Formula One Rejects Big Car Championship season; RTCC) Available
Gio/Gia Van Dycke - Belgium (F1RWRS; REECCS; LFS; F1RGP2C; F1 Challenge Championship; RTCC; GT-R WC)Available
Carlos Marquez - Cuba (Life GP; Rejects-1; safety car driver) Available
Josip Stalic - Yugoslavia/ Serbian Kosovo (Life GP) Available
Frederico Angeli - Argentina (Life GP) Available
Friedl Kallström - Sweden (Life GP) Available
Kim Jong Sung - North-Korea (Life GP;F1RGP2C; GTRWC) Autorejects Nations Championship. Available
Dimitry Vitkin - USSR/Kazakhstan (Life GP; 1994 Microprose Alternate Formula One season) Rejecttruck Series
Ron Mignolet - Belgium (F1RGP2C; F1 Challenge Championship; RoLFS; REECCS ; F1 Rejects Nations Cup; F1RWRS) FIA Prototype Challenge
Dennis Mignolet - Belgium (Altcart; Prost GP Series; F1RGP2C; 2014 Formula One Rejects Big Car Championship season; REECCS; GTRWC) FIA Prototype Challenge
Wouter Lamberigts - Belgium (REECCS; F2RWRS) - F1RWRS
Justin Case - Canada - (IFRC; RoLFS; F3RWRS) F2RWRS - Available
Dorien Lamberigts - Belgium (IFRC; RoLFS; F3RWRS; F5000) Available
Kevin Bainomugisha - Uganda (IFRC; RoLFS; F3RWRS; F2RWRS) ] Available
Roel Lamberigts - Belgium (F5000) Available
Kenny Rosseels - Belgium AR 2.0
Georges Mignolet - Retired from racing in 1960


Rhys Davies - AUS, 11/8/78 (F1RWRS): ACO LMC with Gauthier
Frank Zimmer - AUS, 11/1/83 (F1RWRS): GT-R with Rosenforth
Pieter Kickert - NED, 12/2/71 (Life GP, F1RGP2C, RTCC, GT-R): ACO LMC with ZimSport, GT-R with Rosenforth
Jimmy Rosenforth - GBR, 16/9/71(Prost GP, GT-R): GT-R with Rosenforth
Mike Stern - GBR, 4/10/76 (Prost GP, GT-R): ACO LMC with ZimSport, GT-R with Rosenforth
Carter Simpson - AUS, 7/6/91 (F3RWRS, F2RWRS): F2RWRS with ZimSport
Daniel Melville - AUS, 13/7/95 (F3RWRS, F2RWRS): Nothing (currently Kamaha test driver)
Dean Melville - AUS, 13/7/95 (F3RWRS, RTCC, F1RSTC): F1RSTC with ZimSport
Ryan Zimmer - AUS, 4/5/89 (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, RTCC, F1RICS, RTSS): RTSS with ZimSport (assuming it's still a thing)
Emma Kickert - NED, 28/2/96 (IFRC, F3RWRS): AR 3.5 with ZimSport
Mark Kirby - AUS, 11/2/80 (RRC, RRT): Nothing
Iakopo Fuamatu - SAM, 14/11/96 (F1RDS): AR 2.0 with Rosenforth
John Cunningham - AUS, 11/5/92 (Lupo Cup): F1RSTC
Chloe O'Sullivan - IRE, 1/11/98 (Lupo Cup): AR ST
JP Laurent - USA, 5/8/87 (GT-R, F1RICS): Nothing (probably ACO LMC)
Yoshi Suzuki - JPN, 11/2/91 (RRC): Nothing
Henrik Dehn - DEN, 2/3/93 (RTCC): AR ST

Thomas De Bock (10 June 1986, Heusy) (BEL) (F1RWRS, F1RBCC): F1RWRS
Aurelien Moll (21 September 1988, Verviers) (BEL) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Laurent Seron (24 May 1991, Dinant) (BEL) (REECCS, F2RWRS, F1RWRS (non-championship), SARS, ACO): ACO
Eric Swerts (26 November 1991, Namur) (BEL) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Alexandre Dorval (23 July 1994, Liège) (BEL) (RoLFS, IFRC, F2RWRS): F2RWRS
Simon Mestach (21 October 1996, Wavre) (BEL) (F1RDS, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Rupert Keegan (26 March 1955, Southend-on-Sea) (GBR) (rFAF1): Retired, available for historic series
Yaël De Bock (25 August 1999, Heusy) (BEL): AR 2.0 Europe

Johannes Rueckert (GER) (F2RWRS): F2RWRS, F1RWRS Tester
Lukas Zuber (FRA) (IFRC): IFRC
Dan Greenlaw (USA) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, F1RNC): F2RWRS
Roberto Zayas (USA) (F3RWRS, A24, PRC): PRC
Lewis Wolfgang (GER) (PRC): PRC
David Lee (KOR) (F1RICS): F1RICS
Veronika Asimov (RUS) (F1RICS): F1RICS
Collin Pratchett (USA) (F1RWRS, A24, F1RICS, RoLFS): F1RICS
Juan Jose Rendon (ESP) (F1RSTC): F1RSTC
Max von Hegel (GER) (F1RGP2C): retired
Alexander von Hegel (GER) (F1RGP2C): looking for a drive
Clivio Durand (FRA) (F1RGP2C): out of a job
Plinio Vida (BRA) (F1RGP2C): F1RGP2C, but retired by 2017
Stephano Baroncelli (ITA) (F1RGP2C): F1RGP2C, retired by 2017
Alejandrina Rodriguez (MEX) (F1RGP2C): F1RGP2C, retired by 2017
Boris Offenhauser (AUS) (AltCart, ProstGP): AltCart
Hobson Tarantino (USA) (IFRC, Lotus Racing League, F1RICS): IFRC
Alvaro Gonzalez (MEX) (AltCart, ProstGP): AltCart
Fred Maarschalkerweerd (NED) (RRT): RRT
Richard Hershall (GBR) (F3RWRS, SRL): SRL, F1RWRS Tester
Danny Ramone (USA) (Life GP): Life GP retired 2017
Marky Howard (USA) (Life GP): Life GP retired 2017
Quinton Vos (USA) (RTSS, Cycling): RejectTrucks
Preston Senerson (USA) (Bathurst 24 Hours, Cycling, RRT2): RRT2
Jonas Mortarhouse (USA) (REEECS, Cycling): Probably going to be used at some point.
Rusty Gannit (USA) (F1RWRS!, F1RICS, A24, IFRC, SRL): F1RICS
Shane Walsh (USA) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Algernon Bell (USA) (Life GP): Life PG: retired
Padraig O'Connell (IRE) (RaF1, F1RGP2C): retired
Nathanael Spencer (GBR) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS


Björn Ekdal (SWE) (F1RDS): AR3.5
Karl van der Zwaart (NED) (RoLFS, IFRC):RSTC
Jan de Friis (NED) (RoLFS): SEMI-RETIRED*
Urmas Pärn (EST): AR3.5
Harri Korte (FIN): WTCC 1988
Johan Fredriksson (FIN): WTCC 1988

Bernard Beauchene (FRA) - Available (Endurance racing)
Hugo Carvalho (POR) - GBRC (2 races)/Available (Rallying/tin-tops)
Julian Clark (GBR) - IPC
Ross Clark (GBR) - GBRC/IPC (2 races)
Benjamin Foster-Thompson (AUS) - Available (Open wheelers)
Vern Fraser (AUS) - GBRC (1 race)/Available (Rallying)
Kaitlyn Harris (NZL) - SEAT Leon Supercopa
Kelly Harris (NZL) - GBRC
Kristina Harris (NZL) - Available (Tin-tops)
Renaldo Jimenez (TRO) - Indy
Verna Klien (AUT) - AR3.5
Ludvig Kristoffersen (DEN) - Available (endurance racing)
Ragnar Larsen (SWE) - IPC (2 races)/GBRC (1 race)/Available (anything)
Angelica Lopez (MEX) - Available (open wheelers)
Viktor Pasitchnjuk (RUS) - Indy/IPC (2 races)
Steven Mackintosh (GBR) - Indy
Tony Scrugham III (USA) - Available (open wheelers)
Dakota Summers (CAN) - Available (open wheelers)
Skye Summers (CAN) - AR2.0
Randall Wade (USA) - IPC (2 races)/Available (endurance racing/tin-tops)
Catalina Zhang (CHN) - Available (tin-tops)
Alvin Ziegler (GER) - GBRC (3 races)/Available (tin-tops/rallying)
Lukas Zuber (FRA) - F2


Paul Traversen (DEN)(Age:24)(F3RWRS,Aston 24h):IFRC,SRL,Nations Cup
Ryota Wong (JAP)(Age:31)(Indycar):SRL,RRT
Quentin Reatherson (GBR)(Age:23)(F3RWRS,Aston 24h):IFRC
Fabian Rei (KOR)(Age:22)(TMRRC):GTRWC,RRT
Owen Carvill (USA)(Age:29):RRT(part time),PRC
Rene LeClerc (FRA)(Age:22):F3RWRS
Gerald Pereria (USA)(Age:40)(Prost GP):GTRWC--Available for historical series between 2002-2015
Shane Sparks (USA)(Age:34)(Prost GP):GTRWC-- Available for historical series between 2002-2015
Nestra Aya (MAS)(Age:22)(I have money)(F1RDS):GTRWC
Dimitri Aya (MAS)(Age:37):RRC
Rory McGately (SCO)(Age:43)(RTCC '98):RTCC--Available for historical series between 1998-2014
Rck Tyryn (WAL)(Age:39)(RTCC '98):RTCC--Available for historical series between 1998-2014
Behrman Reith (GER)(Age:14):F1RDS
James Linton (GBR)(Age:38)(Aston24h):Only for one-off races with own team


Daniel Melrose - Australian (F1RWRS, AltCart, RoLFS, IndyCar): IndyCar/AR IWC
Phillippe Nicolas - French (F1RWRS, LFS Cup): F1RWRS
Mitchell Macklin - Australian (F2RWRS, F1RWRS, ACO LMC): ACO LMC
Gregor Pascal - Swiss (RoLFS, F2RWRS, FRENCH, F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Takuma Taki - Japanese (IndyCar, F3RWRS, FRENCH, F2RWRS): F2RWRS
Joel Melrose - Australian (F3RWRS, IFRC, FRENCH, GT-R): GT-R
James Douglas - New Zealander (F3RWRS, RTCC, PRC): RTCC
Tom Douglas - British (LGPS, F1RGP2C, AltCart, RTCC, GT-R): GT-R
Gonzalo Solari - Argentinian (F1RGP2C, RSTS, PRC, GT-R): GT-R
Dean O'Lauchlan - Australian (F1RWRS, IndyCar): To be confirmed
Vidal Reyna-Sanchez - American (F1RWRS, IndyCar): To be confirmed
Antonio Reyna-Sanchez - American (F3RWRS, IndyCar): To be confirmed
Joao Cavalcanti - Brazilian (F3RWRS, IndyCar): To be confirmed
Jeroen Krautmeir - German (F1RWRS, Alt-F1, RRT): Unavailable
Pierre Depault - German (RfAF1, RSTS): RSTS
Antonio Didac Puerta - Venezuelan (CRL, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Gianluigi Pazzini - Italian (F3RWRS, F2RWRS): F2RWRS


Matsuo Tadayoshi (Japan) (None) (AR GTI)
Juuso Mäki (Finland) (None) (Unemployed)
Last edited by pasta_maldonado on 14 Jan 2015, 21:32, edited 25 times in total.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by pi314159 »

Steffen Belso (GT-R): GT-R
Kazuki Fushida (AltCART): Currently nothing
Mattias Kjellerup (GT-R): GT-R
Jasper Lerby (ProstGP, RTCC, F1RSTC, GT-R): RTCC, F1RSTC
José Pablo Mazzacane (LifeGP, ProstGP, AltCart, F1RSTC, Indy500 one-off in IndyCar): F1RSTC
Thiago Mazzacane (F3RWRS): AVAILABLE
Jules Connes (LifeGP): Currently Nothing
Chiara Rossi (SARS): GT-R
Éric Hadamard (PRC): PRC
Laerke Kjellerup (PRC): PRC
Oliviero Cinotti (F3RWRS, PRC): F3RWRS, PRC
Tuomas Suomanen (F3RWRS,RDS): F3RWRS
Hans Einhrin (F3RWRS,RDS): F3RWRS
Gabriela Scopelli (Lupo): Lupo
Aron Kagström (Lupo): Lupo
Leonie Connes (RRC): AVAILABLE
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by AustralianStig »

Junior Bannock (Jamaica) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Raju Chalise (Nepal) (SARS): SARS
Ganesh Basnet (Nepal) (SARS): SARS
Asim Adhikari (Nepal) (SARS): SARS
Ashok Sitoula (Nepal) (SARS): SARS
Wulfric Wombesi (Congo) (PRC): PRC
Last edited by AustralianStig on 08 Jan 2014, 23:16, edited 2 times in total.
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CoopsII wrote:
Biscione wrote:To the surprise of no-one, Daniil Kvyat wins ROTR for Sochi, by a record margin that may not be surpassed for some time.

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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by go_Rubens »

Thank you for creating this Pasta! :) Thank you!

My list of drivers in random series:


Jukka-Pekka Kankaanpää (FIN): (RTSS, F1RSTC, PRC) RTSS, F1RSTC, PRC
Clément Grandmaison (FRA): (RTSS, F1RSTC, PRC) RTSS, F1RSTC, PRC
Agnes Henri (USA): (RRT) RRT
Åke Sörensen (DEN): (RRT) RRT
Dimitrije Anastasijevic (SRB): (RRT2) RRT2

Once again, this was very much needed. Thank you for getting the jump on this important topic.
Last edited by go_Rubens on 08 Jan 2014, 23:47, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by pasta_maldonado »

go_Rubens wrote:Thank you for creating this Pasta! :) Thank you!

No problem! :)

Please, can everyone make sure that the current series is BOLDED when they post, like in the template. It'll make things easier to see. Thanks for that.

And also, can everyone make sure that when their driver changes series they post an update in this thread? Then I can refresh the list on the front page.

And because I was silly, can everyone add their nationalities to their drivers as well? Thanks a lot :)

As long as that happens, this should be a success!
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by Ferrarist »

Hwok Kwol-Cho (F1RDS, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
O.N. Duck Jr. (Alt-CART, F1RICS): Semi-Retirement
O.N. Duck III (F1RICS, SRL): Available
John Bean (Alt-F1, F1RICS, SRL): Available
Wayne Shepherd (RTSS): RTSS
Werner Stahl (RRT): RRT
Timothy Taylor (RRT): RRT
Manny Fernandez (F1RSTC): Available
Klaus Walze (F1RSTC): Available
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by MinardiFan95 »


Dave Simpson (F1RWRS): AVAILABLE (though likely to enter the RejectRallyTrophy soon)
Michael Robertson (F2RWRS, F1RICS): F1RICS
Rick Simpson (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Roland Davidson (F3RWRS, GT-R WC): GT-R WC
Garry Jones (RTCC): RTCC
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Hermann95 »


T.K. Wolf(AUT): RRT
Noriaki Tokio(JAP): RRT
Lasse Tilkesson(SWE): RRT²
Hubert Loyer(AUT): RSTC
Antonio Menzache(ITA): RSTC
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by TomWazzleshaw »

Wizzle fo' Shizzle

Daniel Melrose - Australian (F1RWRS, AltCart, RoLFS, IndyCar): IndyCar Regular Driver
Phillippe Nicolas - French (F1RWRS, LFS Cup): F1RWRS Regular Driver
Mitchell Macklin - Australian (F2RWRS, F1RWRS): F2RWRS Regular Driver
Gregor Pascal - Swiss (RoLFS, F2RWRS): F2RWRS Pay Driver
Takuma Taki - Japanese (IndyCar, F3RWRS, FRENCH): F3RWRS, FRENCH Pay Driver
Joel Melrose - Australian (F3RWRS, IFRC): F3RWRS Regular Driver
James Douglas - New Zealander (F3RWRS, RTCC, PRC): RTCC, PRC (Part-time) Pay Driver
Tom Douglas - British (LGPS, F1RGP2C, AltCart, RTCC, GT-R): RTCC (Full-time), GT-R (Part-time) Regular Driver
Gonzalo Solari - Argentinian (F1RGP2C, RSTS, PRC, GT-R): RSTS (Full-time), PRC (Part-Time) Pay Driver
Dean O'Lauchlan - Australian (F1RWRS, IndyCar): IndyCar Pay Driver
Vidal Reyna-Sanchez - American (F1RWRS, IndyCar): IndyCar Pay Driver
Antonio Reyna-Sanchez - American (F3RWRS, IndyCar): IndyCar Pay Driver
Joao Cavalcanti - Brazilian (F3RWRS, IndyCar): IndyCar Regular Driver
Jeroen Krautmeir - German (F1RWRS, RRT): RRT Regular Driver
Gabriele MacGowen - Italian (RRT): RRT Pay Driver
Pierre Depault - German (RfAF1, RSTS): RSTS Regular Driver
Jan Maylander - German (F3RWRS, GT-R): GT-R Pay Driver
Last edited by TomWazzleshaw on 27 Feb 2014, 11:41, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by the Masked Lapwing »

Rhys Davies - AUS (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Frank Zimmer - AUS (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Pieter Kickert - NED (Life GP, F1RGP2C, RTCC, GT-R): RTCC/GT-R
Jimmy Rosenforth - GBR (Prost GP, GT-R): GT-R
Mike Stern - GBR (Prost GP, GT-R): GT-R
Carter Simpson - AUS (F3RWRS, F2RWRS): F2RWRS
Daniel Melville - AUS (F3RWRS, F2RWRS): F2RWRS
Dean Melville - AUS (F3RWRS, RTCC, F1RSTC: F1RSTC
Emma Kickert - NED (IFRC, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Mark Kirby - AUS (RRC, RRT): RRT
Iakopo Fuamatu - SAM (F1RDS): F1RDS
John Cunningham - AUS (Lupo Cup): Lupo Cup/F1RSTC
Chloe O'Sullivan - IRE (Lupo Cup): Lupo Cup
JP Laurent - USA (GT-R): GT-R
Yoshi Suzuki - JPN (RRC): RRC/PRC
Henrik Dehn - DEN (RTCC): RTCC
Eddy Spencer - USA (RRT²): RRT²
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by Ataxia »


Marko Jantscher (AUT, 21/1/95) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS) - F2RWRS
Diego Álvarez Torrente (ESP, 4/7/96) (RoLFS, F2RWRS) - F2RWRS
Jorge Álvarez Torrente (ESP, 12/1/99) (F3RWRS) - F3RWRS
Jerry de Boer (USA, 11/2/97) (F1RDS, F3RWRS, IFRC) - IFRC
Jari Lappalainen (FIN, 24/5/97) (F1RDS, F3RWRS) - F1RDS
Nino Barlini (ITA, 3/12/97) (F1RDS) - F1RDS
Jiri Komarek (CZE, 18/12/96) (RoLFS, F3RWRS, F1RICS, F1RSTC) - F1RICS
Deividas Lukauskis (LTU, 9/2/98) (Lupo, SARS, IFRC) - Lupo/SARS

Jules Vergne (FRA, 16/5/97) (F3RWRS, RoLFS, IFRC, F1RICS) - F1RICS
Laurent Couteau (FRA, 15/10/93) (F1RSTC, Lupo) - Lupo
Leandro Moreira (BRA, 7/12/96) (F3RWRS, SARS) - SARS
Jack Connolly (GBR, 11/11/98) (F1RDS, RRT) - RRT
Nicklas Kristiansen (DEN, 14/8/78) (F1RGP2C, PRC) - PRC
Daniel Kristiansen (DEN, 2/11/84) (RRT) - RRT
Pawel Bukowski (POL, 18/7/94) (RRT) - RRT
Daisuke Yanagawa (JPN, 17/5/96) (F3RWRS) - F3RWRS
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Peteroli34 »

Thomas Day - British (Life GP) - Available
Deanna McMohan - British (Life GP F1RGP2C PRC) PRC
Laura Hamilton- British (PRC) PRC
David Simmons - American (PRC) PRC
Nikolas Hirvonen - Finnish (RRT) RRT
Francois Olivier- French (RRT) RRT
Kazuki Hisakawa - Japanese (F1RSTC) F1RSTC
Thomas Westernberg- Dutch (F1RSTC) F1RSTC
James Morgan - British Available
Chelsie Knight - British Available
Kim Sung Ri - North Korean (PRC) PRC
Hamid Barmak - Afghanistan (RRT²) RRT²
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Nuppiz »

I'm also including DOBs, just because I can. :P

Nick Nurmester (Finland, 7th March 1988) (F2RWRS, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Anu Võsu (Estonia, 17th February 1996) (F1RDS): F1RDS
Nikolai Nurmovitsch (Russia, 18th November 1966) (RTCC, A24H, GT-R): GT-R
Stefan Kuntz (Germany, 28th January 1988) (RoLFS, F3RWRS, GT-R): GT-R
Enrico Molinaro (Italy, 19th April 1995) (F2RWRS, F3RWRS, GT-R): GT-R
Phil McCracken (Scotland United Kingdom, 28th July 1981) (F1RWRS, F2RWRS, F1RLFS, F1RICS): F1RICS
Daniela Anger (Switzerland, 5th December 1999) (IFRC, F1RDS): F1RDS
Tommi Hämäläinen (Finland, 3rd February 1997) (F1RDS, F3RWRS): F3RWRS (currently injured)
Thomas Yorke (United Kingdom, 14th May 1996) (RTCC, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Ståle Øivind Røsbjørgen (Norway, 19th November 1990) (RTCC, RRC): RRC
Sylvain Fabron (France, 4th January 1977) (RTCC): RTCC
Ragnar Larsen (Sweden, 30th March 1995) (F3RWRS, RoLFS, A24H): RETIRED
Nathan Nurmester (United Kingdom, 24th June 1972) (RTCC, ProstGP, AltCART, A24H): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Niko Nurminen (Finland, 11th July 1970) (F1RGP2C, ProstGP): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Dietrich Anger (Switzerland, 26th June 1958) (ProstGP, AltCART): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Thomas Nurmester (United Kingdom, 25th September 1946) (rFAF1): RETIRED (historical series still possible)
Arsenio Matarazzo (Italy, 19th May 1956 - 8th July 2005) (rFAF1, LGPS): DECEASED (historical series still possible)

Nick Nurmester and Rangar Larsen were also entered and raced in the F1 Rejects Nations Cup, but this happened without my permission.

Coming soon:
Egide Ngendandumwe (Burundi, 22nd August 1996)
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Nessafox »

This is all i could find, i might have forgot something, but it will not be a lot.

The old ones:
André Mignolet - Belgium RRC
Erik Courbois - Belgian Congo/Zaïre/Congo (Life GP; 2014 Formula One Rejects Big Car Championship season) RTCC
Gio/Gia Van Dycke - Belgium (F1RWRS; REECCS; LFS; F1RGP2C; F1 Challenge Championship ) RTCC
Carlos Marquez - Cuba (Life GP) currently not active
Josip Stalic - Yugoslavia/ Serbian Kosovo (Life GP) currently not active
Kim Jong Sung - North-Korea (Life GP) GTRWC
Carlo Waladi - Vanuatu (1994 Microprose Alternate Formula One season; RTCC) altough i think someone hired him for the Porsche Reject Cup
Dimitry Vitkin - USSR/Kazakhstan (Life GP ; 1994 Microprose Alternate Formula One season) Rejecttruck Series
Ron Mignolet - Belgium (F1RGP2C; F1 Challenge Championship; RoLFS; REECCS) F1RWRS; F1 Rejects Nations Cup
Dennis Mignolet - Belgium (Altcart; Prost GP Series; F1RGP2C; 2014 Formula One Rejects Big Car Championship season; REECCS) GTRWC

The reasonably young ones:
Wouter Lamberigts - Belgium (REECCS) F2RWRS

The young ones:
Justin Case - Canada - (IFRC; RoLFS; F3RWRS) F2RWRS
Dorien Lamberigts - Belgium (IFRC; RoLFS; F3RWRS) Porsche Reject Cup
Kevin Bainomugisha - Uganda (IFRC; RoLFS; F3RWRS) Porsche Reject Cup
Simon Garfünkel - Liechtenstein (RoLFS; F3RWRS) SRL ; GTRWC
Wim-Bert Horrie - Netherlands IFRC
Last edited by Nessafox on 09 Jan 2014, 14:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by WaffleCat »

This is going to be tough recalling every driver I have....and I'm not even in that many series yet!


Paul Traversen (DEN)(Age:24)(F3RWRS,Aston 24h):IFRC,SRL,Nations Cup
Ryota Wong (JAP)(Age:31)(Indycar):SRL,RRT
Quentin Reatherson (GBR)(Age:23)(F3RWRS,Aston 24h):IFRC
Fabian Rei (KOR)(Age:22)(TMRRC):GTRWC,RRT
Owen Carvill (USA)(Age:29):RRT(part time),PRC
Rene LeClerc (FRA)(Age:22):F3RWRS
Gerald Pereria (USA)(Age:40)(Prost GP):GTRWC--Available for historical series between 2002-2015
Shane Sparks (USA)(Age:34)(Prost GP):GTRWC-- Available for historical series between 2002-2015
Nestra Aya (MAS)(Age:22)(I have money)(F1RDS):GTRWC
Dimitri Aya (MAS)(Age:37):RRC
Rory McGately (SCO)(Age:43)(RTCC '98):RTCC--Available for historical series between 1998-2014
Rck Tyryn (WAL)(Age:39)(RTCC '98):RTCC--Available for historical series between 1998-2014
Behrman Reith (GER)(Age:14):F1RDS
James Linton (GBR)(Age:38)(Aston24h):Only for one-off races with own team

I do believe that's all...and,just for completionist's sake:

Team Bosses

Henry Reatherson (GBR)(DECEASED 1995):F1WRCR (Reatherson Racing Developments)--Available for historical series from 195??-1995
James Linton (GBR)(Age:38)(F3RWRS):IFRC,SRL (Linton-Solindahl Motorsports)
Jesper Solindahl (DEN)(Age:47)(F3RWRS):IFRC,SRL (Linton-Solindahl Motorsports)
Dimitri Aya (MAS)(Age:37)(TMRRC):RRC (Pan-Asia Rally Team), RRT & GTRWC (Gerald Pereria-Pan Asia Alliance)
Gerald Pereria (USA)(Age:40)(Prost GP):PRC (Gerald Pereria Racing), RRT & GTRWC (Gerald Pereria-Pan Asia Alliance)

All other team bosses are driving for their respective teams (Rory McGately)
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

Valentino Nicchi (VAT) (rFaF1): AVAILIABLE
Emanuele Nicchi (VAT) (F1RGP2C): AVAILIABLE
Domenico Nicchi (VAT): F1RSTC
Adriano Nicchi (VAT): PRC
Terenzio Nicchi (VAT) (F1RDS): F1RDS, F3RWRS
Alik Mori (FSM) (LGPS): RRT²
John Bovy (GNA) (AltF1, GTR WC): GTR WC
Jayleen Mori (FSM) (GTR WC, RTSS): GTR WC, RTSS
Adolfo Moretti (SMR) (Lupo Cup): Lupo Cup
Herberto Dominguez (AND) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Gianluigi Pazzini (ITA) (F2RWRS, F3RWRS): F2RWRS
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by V8fan12 »


Hugo Carvalho (Portugal) - (RRT): RRT
Julian Clark (UK) - (RTCC, F1RSTC): RTCC, F1RSTC (Part Time)
Vern Fraser (Australia) - (RRT): RRT
Kristina Harris (New Zealand) - (Lupo GTI, RRC): Lupo GTI, RRC
Verna Klien (Austria) - (IFRC): IFRC
Randall Wade (USA) - (GT-R WC): GT-R WC (Managed by Best In The World/Klon)
Catalina Zhang (China) - (Fall Porsche Reject Cup, F1RSTC) - Fall Porsche Reject Cup, F1RSTC (Part Time)
Alvin Ziegler (Germany) - (F1RSTC, RRC) - F1RSTC, RRC
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Biscione wrote:I mean, Renaldo Jimenez, could you ask for a more world class pay driver? Who even is Alexey Buyvolov, amirite?
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL RWRS Drivers.

Post by V8fan12 »

Would any of the following drivers marked as Available be willing to compete in the ACO Le Mans Cup?
O.N. Duck III (F1RICS, SRL): Available
John Bean (Alt-F1, F1RICS, SRL): Available


Helio Hernandez (MEX) (RoLFS, F1RICS): AVAILABLE
Hope Stever: (GBR) (rFAF1): AVAILABLE

Thiago Mazzacane (F3RWRS): AVAILABLE
Leonie Connes (RRC): AVAILABLE
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Biscione wrote:I mean, Renaldo Jimenez, could you ask for a more world class pay driver? Who even is Alexey Buyvolov, amirite?
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by AustralianStig »

That's not the purpose of this thread - take it to the Classifieds or PM the users please.
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CoopsII wrote:
Biscione wrote:To the surprise of no-one, Daniil Kvyat wins ROTR for Sochi, by a record margin that may not be surpassed for some time.

I always knew Marko read this forum.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by HawkAussie »

Fidel Edwards (AUS) (F3RWRS, RTCC): RTCC
Barry Edwards (AUS) (F3RWRS, RRC): RRC
Joe Gaera (AUS) (Life GP): AVAILABLE (1994-)
Carl Jordan (AUS) (F1RSTC): AVAILABLE (During season)
Simon Bourne (NZL) (RRC): RRC
Sam Sun (NZL) (Life GP): AVAILABLE (1994-)
Elinor Yurko (FIJ) (F1RICS): F1RICS
Maea Blog (SAM) (Life GP, SARS): AVAILABLE (1994-2015)
Sam Baronomo (BEL) (F1RICS, SARS, F1RSTC): SARS
Samson Medina-Márquez (ESP) (RRT): RRT
Christian Poulsen (DEN) (RRT): RRT
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Shizuka »


Hagane Shizuka (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Joe Harmsky (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Pjotr Madunochev (LifeGP): INJURED

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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by tommykl »

Thomas De Bock (10 June 1986, Heusy) (BEL) (F1RWRS, F1RBCC): F1RWRS
Aurelien Moll (21 September 1988, Verviers) (BEL) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Laurent Seron (24 May 1991, Dinant) (BEL) (REECCS, F2RWRS, F1RWRS (non-championship), SARS, ACO): ACO
Eric Swerts (26 November 1991, Namur) (BEL) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, F1RWRS (non-championship)): F2RWRS (available for the first four rounds at least)
Alexandre Dorval (23 July 1994, Liège) (BEL) (RoLFS, IFRC, F2RWRS): F2RWRS
Simon Mestach (21 October 1996, Wavre) (BEL) (F1RDS, F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Rupert Keegan (26 March 1955, Southend-on-Sea) (GBR) (rFAF1): Retired, available for historic series
Yaël De Bock (25 August 1999, Heusy) (BEL): AR 2.0

I believe that's all.
Last edited by tommykl on 05 May 2014, 15:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by kevinbotz »


Benjamin Gladstone (GBR) (PRC): PRC
Ito Shidehara (JPN) (RRT): RRT
Pierre St. Laurent (CAN) (F1RDS): F1RDS
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by AndreaModa »


Sammy Jones (GBR) (F1, F1RWRS, ACO LMC, RoLFS): Retired (Will return for ACO LMC in 2017)
Danny van Rijkens (RSA) (F1RWRS, RoLFS): F1RWRS
Terry Hawkin (GBR) (F2RWRS, IFRC, F3RWRS): IFRC
Josh Carlisle (GBR) (F2RWRS, FRENCH, IFRC, RoLFS, F3RWRS): IFRC (FRENCH in off-season)
Connor O'Heagan (ROI) (F2RWRS, FRENCH, IFRC, RoLFS): IFRC (FRENCH in off-season)
Roberto Dinella (ITA) (FRENCH, F3RWRS): F3RWRS (FRENCH in off-season)
Stan Frankham (GBR) (FRENCH, F1RDS): F1RDS (FRENCH in off-season)
Chuck Barrett (USA) (PRIC, F1RDS): F1RDS (PRIC in off-season)
Mike Vulcano (USA) (ACO LMC): ACO LMC (in 2017)
Anders Helsborg (NOR) (RRT): RRT
Matteo Gambi (ITA) (RRT): RRT

Harvey Jones (GBR) (F1, rFAF1): Deceased
Marshal Jenkins (GBR) (rFAF1): Retired
Dave Wilson (GBR) (LifeGP): Retired
Tex Pearson (GBR) (LifeGP): Retired
Joey Tempest (SWE) (RoLFS): Self imposed retirement for being named after this guy.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Thank you everyone for posting your drivers, the list in the second post has been updated :) Still, there's a lot of embers who havent posted their DECs yet, so get to it! :P

To serve as a handy guide for newer members, here's a list of series abbreviations.

F1RWRS: Formula 1 Rejects World Race Series
F2RWRS: Formula 2 Rejects World Race Series
F3RWRS: Formula 3 Rejects World Race Series
F1RDS: Formula 1 Rejects Development Series
(F1RDS WC: Formula 1 Rejects Development Series Winter Cup)
IFRC: International Formula Reject Challenge
PRIC: Pacific Rim International Cup
RoLFS: Rejects of Live For Speed - Defunct (sadly)
F1RLFSC: F1 Rejects Live For Speed Cup - Defunct (RoLFS precursor)
GTR-WC: GT Rejects-World Championship
PRC: Porsche Spring Reject Cup / Porsche Fall Reject Cup
RTCC: Rejects Touring Car Championship
LupoCup: Lupo GTi Championship
F1RSTC: F1 Rejects Super Touring Cup
LMC: ACO Le Mans Cup
SARS: Siemens Ausdaeur Reject Series
LGPS: Life Grand Prix Series
PGPS: Prost GP series
AltCART: Alternate CART
F1RGP2C: F1 Rejects Grand Prix Series
rFAF1: rFactor Alternate Formula One
Alt-F1: Klon's Alternate Formula One
F1WRCR: F1:We Recreate Reality (tommy's F1 series)
A24: Aston 24 Hours
F1RICS: F1 Rejects Indy Championship Series
F1RBCC: F1 Rejects Big Car Championship
RTSS: RejecTrucks Super Series
RRC: Rejects Rallycross Championship
RRT: Reject Rally Trophy
F1RNC: F1 Rejects Nations Cup

Try and stick to these abbreviations, so then everyone will know what everyone else is talking about :)
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Vepe »


Björn Ekdal (SWE) (F1RDS): IFRC
Karl van der Zwaart (NED) (RoLFS):IFRC
Jan de Friis (NED) (RoLFS): SEMI-RETIRED*

*IFRC reserve driver, one-offs possible
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Klon »

Well, let's do this:

Adriano Nicchi (VAT) (ALTF1 CE): ALTF1 CE
Alberto Cara (TRP) (RWS2, AR 3.5): RWS1
Anita Horford (USA) (RWS3, SARS): GT-R WC
Chacko Palaniappan (IND) (GTR-WC): ACO Le Mans
Herbert Aston (AUT) (F1RICS): ARST
Kay Lon (GER) (RWS1, RTSS, AR 3.5): RWS1
Kenan Ardaoglu (GER) (F1RICS, RTSS, AR 3.5): AR 3.5
Koyomi Setou (JPN) (LupoCup, RTCC): ARST
Leonhard von Gottorp (GER) alias Jaropolk Petrovich (RUS) (Life GP, F1RGP2C, RWS1, RTSS): RWMT
Li Qi (CHI) (ALTF1 CE, LupoCup): ACO Le Mans
Phoenix Frisch (USA) (RTSS): RTSS
Renaldo Jimenez (TRP) (RWS3, RWS1): ACO Le Mans
Roberto Horford (RFAF1): Passed Away in 1986
Sandra Yoo (F5000): F5000
Tomo Kazama (JPN) (RWS3, RWS2, RWS1): RWS1
Yu Hao (CHI) (RWS1, GTR-WC): ACO Le Mans
Zaituni Dileita (SOM) (LupoCup): Lupo Cup

Updated for 2017 as far as possible.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Klon »

Helpful Klon is on the move:


Mark Dagnall (GBR) (F1RWRS, F1RNC): F1RWRS
Fredo Mestolio (ITA) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Nathan Scott (GBR) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Hansuke Shioya (JPN) (F2RWRS, F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Jesus Plaza (MEX) (F1RWRS): F1RWRS
Alberto Donegro (ESP) (F3RWRS): None
Heizo Takekawa (JPN) (GTR-WC): GTR-WC
Unai Veira (ESP) (GTR-WC): None
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by V8fan12 »

V8fan12 wrote:V8fan12

Hugo Carvalho (Portugal) - (RRT): RRT
Julian Clark (UK) - (RTCC, F1RSTC): RTCC, F1RSTC (Part Time)
Vern Fraser (Australia) - (RRT): RRT
Kristina Harris (New Zealand) - (Lupo GTI, RRC): Lupo GTI, RRC
Verna Klien (Austria) - (IFRC): IFRC
Randall Wade (USA) - (GT-R WC): GT-R WC (Managed by Best In The World/Klon)
Catalina Zhang (China) - (Fall Porsche Reject Cup, F1RSTC) - Fall Porsche Reject Cup, F1RSTC (Part Time)
Alvin Ziegler (Germany) - (F1RSTC, RRC) - F1RSTC, RRC

New list. (New drivers in italics)

Hugo Carvalho (Portugal) - (RRT): RRT
Julian Clark (UK) - (RTCC, F1RSTC): RTCC, F1RSTC (Part Time)
Vern Fraser (Australia) - (RRT): RRT
Kaitlyn Harris (New Zealand) - (None): 2017 ACO Le Mans Cup
Kelly Harris (New Zealand) - (None): 2017 ACO Le Mans Cup

Kristina Harris (New Zealand) - (Lupo GTI, RRC): Lupo GTI, RRC
Verna Klien (Austria) - (IFRC): IFRC
Randall Wade (USA) - (GT-R WC): GT-R WC (Managed by Best In The World/Klon)
Catalina Zhang (China) - (Fall Porsche Reject Cup, F1RSTC) - Fall Porsche Reject Cup, F1RSTC (Part Time)
Alvin Ziegler (Germany) - (F1RSTC, RRC) - F1RSTC, RRC
Owner of the Peak Motorsport Group.

Biscione wrote:I mean, Renaldo Jimenez, could you ask for a more world class pay driver? Who even is Alexey Buyvolov, amirite?
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Rated »


Natascha Zaugg (AUT - 1/11/72) (LGPS, AltCART, A24, RTCC) - RTCC Available for 1994 - 2001 and 2017 - ?
Mathilde Thybes (FRA - 28/02/98) (IFRC) - IFRC
Katie Lea Winter (GER - 11/10/97) (IFRC) - IFRC
Florian Grünewald (GER - 7/03/98) (F1RDS) - Available. Created by Ataxia
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by go_Rubens »

For the record, Kankaanpää will do ACO LMC in 2017. Thank you.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by pycku »


Hristo Nikolov (BUL) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Rafael Gonzalez (ESP) (F3RWRS): F3RWRS
Nikola Nikolov (BUL) (DTM, F1RICS): RETITED
Oliver Kunz (GER) (RFAF1): RFAF1
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Salamander »


Guillaume Gauthier (French, 6th January, 1956) (rFaF1): Retired as of 1997
Brendon Cassidy Sr. (American, 17th May, 1957) (rFaF1): Retired as of 2000
Geoff Donnelly (British, 3rd June, 1968) (LifeGP, PGPS AltCART, IFRC, RTSS): Available for anyone who wants a pay driver not named Benoit Voeckler, PAY DRIVER
Evelyn Gomes (Brazilian, 9th September, 1969) (LifeGP): DEC is available for anyone who's interested
Brett Miller (American, 3rd January, 1972) (AltCART): DEC is available for anyone who's interested
Lawrence Tucker (American, 1st April 1973) (F1RGP2C): Uncontracted for 1999, likely retired by 2017, PAY DRIVER
James James Davies (British, 14th September 1975) (LifeGP, F1RGP2C, AltF1, F1RICS): Contracted to DENSO Toyota PORE (LMC) for 2017
Paul Jenkins (British, 28th November 1979) (RTCC): Contracted to Globex Scorpio Racing (RTCC) for 2017
Brendon Cassidy Jr. (American, 15th April 1980) (AltCART, F1RICS): Retired as of 2016
James Davies (British, 17th March, 1983) (F1RWRS): Contracted to USD Chevrolet (LMC) for 2017
Pedro Luis Gonzalez (Mexican, 1st November, 1984) (F1RICS): DEC is available for anyone who's interested, PAY DRIVER
Pierre Deschênes (French, 18th October, 1987) (RRC): Uncontracted for 2017
Seres Adél (Hungarian, 9th February, 1988) (SARS): Uncontracted for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Manny Geinhart Jr. (American, 17th Decemeber, 1988) (RTSS): Likely to return to NASCAR for 2017
Johnny Boudermann (American, 25th March, 1988) (F1RSTC): Uncontracted for 2017
Jacob Tucker (American, 7th October, 1989) (SARS): Contracted to Audi Equipe Gauthier (LMC) for 2017
Ashley Cassidy (American, 4th August 1989) (F1RICS): Contracted to Cassidy Racing (F1RICS) for 2017
Tamerlan Hasanov (Azerbaijani, 26th November, 1990) (RRT): Uncontracted for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Laurent Gauthier (French, 27th March, 1991) (SARS): Contracted to Audi Equipe Gauthier (LMC) for 2017
Alex Geinhart (American, 19th October, 1991) (PRC): Uncontracted for 2017
Daniel Polák (Czech, 31st May, 1992) (RRC): Uncontracted for 2017
Hanna Edens (Dutch, 16th June, 1992) (SARS): Contracted to Mad-Croc Pulsar Racing Team (LMC) for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Ryan McReynolds (Canadian, 22nd September, 1992) (F1RICS): Uncontracted for 2017
Arthur Daniels (British, 16th August, 1993) (F1RSTC): Uncontracted for 2017
Jean-Francois Deschênes (French, 26th April, 1994) (RRT): Uncontracted for 2017
Jordan Davies (British, 19th February, 1995) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, IFRC): Uncontracted for 2017
Calvin Brooks (Canadian, 19th February, 1995) (F3RWRS, F2RWRS, IFRC, F1RWRS): Contracted to Porsche by BITW (LMC) for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Manon Blanchett (French, 6th June, 1996) (F3RWRS): Uncontracted for 2017
Sandra Cessler (American, 18th July, 1996) (RTSS): Uncontracted for 2017
Ryan Carlton (British, 8th July, 1997) (RTCC): Uncontracted for 2017
Marcos Marcia (Spanish, 27th July, 1997) (RoLFS, IFRC): Contracted to Álvarez Competición GT for 2017, PAY DRIVER
Jonas Söderström (Swedish, 7th Decemeber, 1999) (Lupo Cup): Contracted to Globex Scorpio Racing (Lupo Cup) for 2017
Aimée Gauthier (French, 17th January 2001) (F1RDS, IFRC): Uncontracted for 2017
Last edited by Salamander on 08 Feb 2014, 17:53, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by SeedStriker »

Not counting RRT's Hyundai Factory rookies and adding the drivers from FRENCH


Mateo Vasquez (PER) (RICS)
Shin Ramirez (PER) (RRT)
Tsubasa Portilla (ITA) (AltCART)
Artesia Mass (GBR) (AltCART, RRT)
Casval Rojas (CAN) (AltCART)
Sasha Hawke (GER) (RSTS, RRT)
Ricardo Llosa (ESP) (GTR-WC, LMC)
Jordan McKenna (USA) (GTR-WC, LMC)
Karl Lichter Shultz (AUT) (GTR-WC, LMC)
Alphonse Ribeiro (BRA) (GTR-WC, LMC)
Eusebio Limaes (POR) (LMC)
Saheeh el-Hawami (UAE) (LMC)
Milos Kaletic (SBR) (RRT²)
Allistair McHale (AUS)(RSTC)
Fernando Costas (URU)(RSTC)
John D. Sullivan (USA) (PRC)
Jorge del Río (MEX) (PRC)
Hayato Kazami (JAP) (FRENCH)
Naoki Shinjo (JAP) (FRENCH)
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Hound55 »

Joey Alliot (AltCART): GT-R
Jacques Malenfant (AltCART): GT-R
Matteo Rossi (N/A): GT-R
Oliver Jones (N/A): GT-R
Bjorn Allinder (N/A): PRC
Daniel Charlebois (N/A): PRC

Things I was wrong about:
Kimi to Ferrari, Perez out of McLaren, Maldonado to Lotus, Kobash comes back, Gutierrez stays, Chilton stays, Boullier leaves Lotus.

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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by AxelP800 »


Attention, my drivers' birthday is written in DD/MM/YYYY format
James Generic (Canada) (19/01/1961) (LGPS, AltCART): Retired since 2007
Ronald Tenpecost (USA) (26/01/1961) (LGPS, AltCART): Retired since 2007
Petrus Handoyo (Indonesia) (30/03/1975) (LGPS, AltCART): Available till the end of 2016
Stephan Generic (Canada) (08/09/1994):RTSS
David Tenpecost (USA) (22/06/1994): Will raced in RSTC, but available to open-wheel series offer
While my Markus family is for my personal use, unfortunately not open to anyone
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by Rasmus »


Casper Toft (DEN) (SARS): GT-R WC
Veli Waltari (FIN) (F3RWRS): F1RSTC
Marzio Giovanelli (ITA) (N/A): Porsche Reject Cup
Mauro Giazzon (ITA) (N/A): Porsche Reject Cup
Mikkel Olsen (DEN) (N/A): RRT
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by pasta_maldonado »

AxelP800 wrote:AxelP800

Attention, my drivers' birthday is written in DD/MM/YYYY format
James Generic (Canada) (19/01/1961) (LGPS, AltCART): Retired since 2007
Ronald Tenpecost (USA) (26/01/1961) (LGPS, AltCART): Retired since 2007
Petrus Handoyo (Indonesia) (30/03/1975) (LGPS, AltCART): Available till the end of 2016
Stephan Generic (Canada) (08/09/1994):RTSS
David Tenpecost (USA) (22/06/1994): Will raced in RSTC, but available to open-wheel series offer
While my Markus family is for my personal use, unfortunately not open to anyone

Still, they need to be listed.
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Re: Comprehensively Comprehensive list of ALL Canon Drivers.

Post by AxelP800 »

pasta_maldonado wrote:Still, they need to be listed.

Ah sorry, here they are:
All of them are Australian
Qyerl Markus: Would be Rejects-1 SC driver
Mauricce Markus (AltCART)
Huttington Markus
Rio Haryanto for the win!
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tommykl returns from the bathroom
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tommykl has a stroke