DanielPT wrote:CoopsII wrote:I sometimes wonder just what the powers that be want for F1, why things have to be so difficult for those teams at the back. I agree there needs to be some sense of a team getting rewards for results, not just for turning up, but the odds seemed stacked against the little teams so greatly I often wonder why they bother. The old adage of to make a million dollars in F1 you need to spend two should be updated for the modern era up to about five.
It doesn't have to be that way, but power from the top teams and those who gather the money are busy with their own winning/making money agendas. This while FIA passively watches things go awry for many. I am even starting to wonder if some theories going around the net saying that FIA wants the whole thing to go up in smoke before starting over this time without a certain 100 years comercial rights contract. I say F1 is in a worse position than ever. That EU meddling that led to FIA give up the rights was the worst thing it happened to F1.
Then again, it might have helped if the commercial rights were actually publicly auctioned off by the FIA rather than privately sold off to Bernie for a relatively trivial sum in comparison to their true worth.
To be honest, I read it more as a case of Todt being so apathetic about actually running the FIA that he is happy to let F1, and quite a few other strands of motorsport, simply decay away. This is, after all, a man who turned up to the Monaco GP last year and left midway through the race for seemingly no reason other than being disinterested in the event and has been privately accused of only wanting the role of FIA president to satiate his personal vanity rather than actually wanting to do anything for the FIA.
It is, after all, not just F1 that is suffering - the WRC has decayed further, and yet the FIA took no action even when we saw some utterly farcical events (such as being unable to time the individual stages because the company operating the timing system was bankrupt). Even now the FIA is doing nothing when VW is openly criticising the rules, having complained that the series is 'stagnating' and hinting they will withdraw.
As for national racing series, the FIA's response seems to have simply been to throw more series out there when the existing ones are already struggling enough to attract enough entrants. Why was there no response from the FIA when the British Formula 3 series announced it was shutting down? Why the lack of support for GT racing series (series such as the Blancpain series are really run by national clubs with very little support from the FIA itself)?