The GP Rejects Hunger Games -- It's Finished! (Page 3)

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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games

Post by Nessafox »

Klon looks the favourite to win this. Humming and questioning sanity are the signs of a true psychopath.

TheFlyingCaterham wrote:I think I'm starting to morph into a member of District 11 now :|

Don't fool yourself, district 11 is something you're born into! The book never mentions this, but District 11 is run by a descendant of Nick Heidfeld.
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games

Post by dr-baker »

This wrote:
TheFlyingCaterham wrote:I think I'm starting to morph into a member of District 11 now :|

Don't fool yourself, district 11 is something you're born into! The book never mentions this, but District 11 is run by a descendant of Nick Heidfeld.

So District 11 is slightly boring then!
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games

Post by WaffleCat »

GP Rejects Hunger Games #1: Survivors at Day 5

District #1
-- WaffleCat (M)
-- RedEyes504 (F)

District #2
-- Pacific (M)
-- Ice1Racing (F)

District #3
-- Collieafc (M)
-- tommykl (F)

District #4
-- roblomas (M)
-- go_rubens (F)

District #5
-- FMecha (M)
-- V8fan12 (F)

District #6
-- RejectDom (M)
-- AdrianBelmonte_ (M)

District #7
-- AxelP800 (M)
-- Normal32 (F)

District #8
-- FullMetalJack (M)
-- CaptainGetz12 (F)

District #9
-- Klon (F)
-- Simtek (M)

District #10
-- TheFlyingCaterham (M)
-- pi314159 (F)

District #11
-- This (F)
-- UgncreativeUsergname (M)

District #12
-- dr_baker (F)
-- AustralianStig (M)

Night 5

-- tommykl thinks about home.

-- Collieafc, FMecha, Klon, and TheFlyingCaterham sleep in shifts.

Day 6

-- Klon and FMecha split up to search for resources.

-- Collieafc tracks down and kills tommykl.

-- TheFlyingCaterham camouflauges himself in the bushes.

The Commentator's Announcement
The Commentator wrote:*yawn*..good mor- evening tributes. Damn, I had a beautiful nap just now, dreaming of my family once I get back from this simple day job of mine. You know why I was sleeping? There's NOTHING going on! Literally zilch! Well, apart from one kill, but the rest of you team up like goody-two-shoes or paint yourself like a tree!

Anyway, onto our only death of the day:

Female, District #3, tommykl. Just because you're in the same district doesn't mean you guys are working together, which is what caused this poor girl's demise. Mind you, District #3 was the district that went the furthest in these games with two members, but looks like Collieafc wants the glory all to himself. And who can balme him, only one will survive at the end!

So, now we're down to four, and I said this once and I'll say it again...PICK UP THE SLACK! I know a lack of kills brings about dramatic tension and all into these types of situations, but we don't need tension! WE WANT ACTION! And since all of you have a 25% of winning, it's best you get cracking!


OOC: Short warning, the Hunger Games will end very soon, probably in a couple days, so get ready for the finale real soon, where standings of Districts, individuals and kill statistics will be released, along with the announcement of the inaugural winner of the GP Rejects Hunger Games!
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The GP Rejects Hunger Games--The Final Update

Post by WaffleCat »

GP Rejects Hunger Games #1: Survivors at Day 6

District #1
-- WaffleCat (M)
-- RedEyes504 (F)

District #2
-- Pacific (M)
-- Ice1Racing (F)

District #3
-- Collieafc (M)
-- tommykl (F)

District #4
-- roblomas (M)
-- go_rubens (F)

District #5
-- FMecha (M)
-- V8fan12 (F)

District #6
-- RejectDom (M)
-- AdrianBelmonte_ (M)

District #7
-- AxelP800 (M)
-- Normal32 (F)

District #8
-- FullMetalJack (M)
-- CaptainGetz12 (F)

District #9
-- Klon (F)
-- Simtek (M)

District #10
-- TheFlyingCaterham (M)
-- pi314159 (F)

District #11
-- This (F)
-- UgncreativeUsergname (M)

District #12
-- dr_baker (F)
-- AustralianStig (M)

Night 6

-- Klon defeats TheFlyingCaterham in a fight, but spares his life.

-- FMecha severely injures Collieafc and leaves him to die.

Day 7

-- Klon and FMecha threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.


The Commentator's Announcement
The Commentator wrote: Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to a conclusion to the GP Rejects Hunger Games! I will announce the victor shortly, but first, we have to cover the final deaths of the competition.

Male, District #3, Collieafc. FMecha wasn't kind to you at all, now was he? He did not give you a quick and easy death, he just left you to suffer the agony of your injuries. Well, that's what happens when you kill your partner from your own district. Karma bites, buddy.

Male, District #5, FMecha and Female, District #9, Klon. ha......err......huh??? So you guys threaten to do a double suicide. When you're in the final three. And fail and go through with it? You guys...killed each other together?...Giving certain victory away?...


And...well.......after that, we present to you your survivor and victor of the inaugural GP Rejects Hunger Games....TheFlyingCaterham!!! You managed to win by basically doing nothing the entire game, except for one thing...

...forming a key friendship...
Day One Report wrote:-- TheFlyingCaterham, Ice1Racing, and Klon track down and kill CaptainGetz12.
Night One Report wrote:-- Klon and TheFlyingCaterham talk about the tributes still alive.

and...on what would turn out to be the final and Klon squared off...
Night Six Report wrote:-- Klon defeats TheFlyingCaterham in a fight, but spares his life.

Your friend throughout the first day of this competition spared you on the last...what a friendship for the record books. This will increase the replayability of watching this Hunger Games tenfold! Speaking of which, you can grab the inaugural GP Rejects Hunger Games DVD, featuring winner's interviews, a list of the most gruesome deaths, and the 10 moments you cried during the Hunger Games, on DVD and Blu-Ray in 2 weeks time!

And that concludes the inaugural GP Rejects Hunger Games! TheFlyingCaterham, go right up to receive your accolade as the winner of the Hunger Games. Families of the deceased can pick up their corpses for burial or cremation at the queue to the right of the viewing gallery. And as for me, well, I'll just leave you with the statistics for the Hunger Games. Till the next one, goodbye for now!


GP Rejects Hunger Games: Individual Standings

1. TheFlyingCaterham
2. FMecha
3. Klon
4. Collieafc
5. tommykl
6. This
7. AxelP800
8. Normal32
9. UgncreativeUsergname
10. RedEyes504
11. RejectDom
12. AustralianStig
13. roblomas
14. pi314159
15. Ice1Racing
16. dr_baker
17. WaffleCat
18. AdrianBelmonte_
19. FullMetalJack
20. Simtek
21. Pacific
22. CaptainGetz12
23. V8Fan12
24. go rubens

District Standings

1. District 10
2. District 5
3. District 9
4. District 3
5. District 11
6. District 7
7. District 1
8. District 6
9. District 12
10. District 4
11. District 2
12. District 8

Kills Made

3: tommykl
2: FMecha
2: Collieafc
1: AxelP800
1: WaffleCat
1: Ice1Racing
1: Klon
1: TheFlying Caterham
1: AustralianStig
1: dr baker
1: pi314159

Reject of the Hunger Games

Open to you for discussion, but personally, I have to share it between FMecha and Klon. Sure, they made it to the final three. Which they take full advantage of by committing double suicide. I love this simulator.
And thanks everyone for participating, you made this a really enjoyable Hunger Games. Who knows, once I'm done with exams, I'll start another one. Or a Big Brother series. Or a Survivor series. Yep, there's simulators for that too. Again, thanks everyone!
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games -- It's Finished! (Page 3)

Post by TheFlyingCaterham »

Well that wasn't expected. I'll take it though.

Anyways, if there was a vote for the ROTHG, I would have to give it to the two people who starved to death. I mean, were you really fasting through training to starve that quick?
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games -- It's Finished! (Page 3)

Post by Nessafox »

Nah ROTHG must go to FMecha, because everyone knew Klon was batshit insane, so forming a suicide pact with Klon? You should have seen it coming..
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games -- It's Finished! (Page 3)

Post by UncreativeUsername37 »

Klon may have lost all intelligence starting night 6, but meh, I'm still going for go_Rubens.
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games -- It's Finished! (Page 3)

Post by Collieafc »

I am stuck for my vote between the first act of the game (Go_rubens and his landmine) or the final act (The failed double suicide that ended in death - isnt that failing at failing?)

Though dishonourable mention for whoever starved to death on day 2
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games -- It's Finished! (Page 3)

Post by pi314159 »

How is starving to death because you are a poor and malnourished girl from an oppressed district more rejectful than forming suicide pacts or trusting other tributes not to kill you?
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games -- It's Finished! (Page 3)

Post by go_Rubens »

I vote myself. So stupid... :facepalm:
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Re: The GP Rejects Hunger Games -- It's Finished! (Page 3)

Post by TheFlyingCaterham »

pi314159 wrote:How is starving to death because you are a poor and malnourished girl from an oppressed district more rejectful than forming suicide pacts or trusting other tributes not to kill you?

Well, you get all the food you want for a month before the Games (at least in the books), so yeah :P
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