TOTB (ten of the best)

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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Rob Dylan »

Simtek wrote:Hey, I drove for Toro Rosso when I was 17!

In F1 Championship Edition.

When I went through the 2004 season not that long ago I came across an interesting article in the autosport archive, where it was talking about one of the youngest (if not THE youngest) drivers ever to test an F1 car anywhere, and it was some unknown (future Toro-Rosso) driver called Sebastien Buemi when he was 15. Just thought that was an interesting tidbit.
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
Felipe Nasr - the least forgettable F1 driver!
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Francis23 »

Top 10 F1 circuits on the calendar right now:
10- Albert Park- To be honest I see this layout and with the exception of the fast 11 & 12 chicane it doesn't look like an especially amazing track, but it normally produces a good race, although that may be more to do with the fact that it's the first race of the season.

9- Sepang- hopefully it has a place on the calendar next year, but given the return of India, the new race in Baku and the possible races in Korea and New Jersey it looks doubtful. Highlights for me are the turns 1 & 2 complex, the fast sweepers of 5 & 6, the double right hander of 7 & 8 and of course turn 14 (after many laps on F1 games I still can't nail the apex there).

8- Interlagos- fun, fast, undulating, flowing layout. Much like Albert Park it's one of those circuits which produces good racing, and what with falling advertising hoardings and rivers flowing through turn 3, it's perhaps the closest F1 has come to Mario Kart.

7- Montreal- Again, like Brazil and Australia it produces a good race 9 times out of 10, for a street circuit it flows really really well.

6- Red Bull Ring- Probably the best backdrop in F1 right now, it's a short, remarkably simple circuit, but it flows so well, and the last 2 corners, amongst others, are very difficult.

5- Silverstone- With the pre 2010 layout it would be higher, but I just feel the arena section just disturbs the flow too much, other than that i'm proud to say (as I live about 10 miles from there) that thanks to copse and maggots/becketts it's one of the most exciting laps on the calendar right now. If only they kept the bridge circuit!!! :(

4- CotA- May be a bit controversial to put it this high, but I think this is by far Tilke's best creation, the first sector is just awesome to watch, and there's a good mix of traction zones and curved braking zones toward the middle and end of the lap. Should it (and indeed F1) live another 30 years I can see pictures of turn 1, like this, becoming iconic:


3- Monza- Long straights, history, tifosi, high speed, course it's on the list :D

2- Suzuka- I can't think of a single bad corner here, each one offers a different challenge, I think the fact that everyone went mental when Fuji (which really isn't a bad circuit) replaced it just shows how good it is. Didn't Moreno and Suzuki both get podiums here too?

1- Spa- No surprises here, the fact that the original layout can get butchered and you're still left with an awesome circuit just sums it up, if I had to nitpick I would say that the old bus stop should have been kept, but even so, I would say that that 4 or 5 of the 10 best corners in F1 belong to this masterpiece.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by tommykl »

Top 15 (YES, 15!) F1/GP Rejects inside jokes (warning - may contain chatroom references)

15. The Hemoglobin, or however it's spelled - the Goblin doesn't like his name spelled wrong. Then again, he's never here to complain anymore...
14. ANSCHLUSS - always a risk when Klon is around.
13. Pasta Maths - ever present on the wiki tables.
12. Manfred the mechanic - cocking up all F1 pitstops since 2015!
11. RealRagingRoots - when he's mad, the Canadian gets salty. And breaks out his shovel. Prepare to get buried.
10. Wizzie's Free Popcorn - sold near all remotely interesting internet fights in your cyber-neighbourhood!
9. Phoenglish - our moderator's English skills have remarkably improved since then.
8. Kicking Klon - our chatroom's favourite pastime.
7. <banned picture> - who would have thought that SuperAguri's dislike of one single Donald Duck-related picture would be referenced this much in months to come?
6. RejectBalls - this place's own version of Polandballs. Basically a compilation of chatroom inside jokes.
5. Max "Talent" Chilton - the spiritual heir, or possibly actual offspring, of the number 1 spot. He's just so perfect...
4. Swimming horses - thank you, watka, for this act of general randomness.
3. 1049 - the Wurz conspiracy - brought about the creative genius (?) of Jocke1 to light.
2. Shoe spam - sparked off one of the greatest threads this forum has ever seen.
1. HWNSNBM - what else?
kevinbotz wrote:Cantonese is a completely nonsensical f*cking alien language masquerading as some grossly bastardised form of Chinese

Gonzo wrote:Wasn't there some sort of communisim in the East part of Germany?
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by watka »


Man I love this place. Genuinely the only internet forum I frequent!
Watka - you know, the swimming horses guy
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

tommykl wrote:Top 15 (YES, 15!) F1/GP Rejects inside jokes (warning - may contain chatroom references)

15. The Hemoglobin, or however it's spelled - the Goblin doesn't like his name spelled wrong. Then again, he's never here to complain anymore...
14. ANSCHLUSS - always a risk when Klon is around.
13. Pasta Maths - ever present on the wiki tables.
12. Manfred the mechanic - cocking up all F1 pitstops since 2015!
11. RealRagingRoots - when he's mad, the Canadian gets salty. And breaks out his shovel. Prepare to get buried.
10. Wizzie's Free Popcorn - sold near all remotely interesting internet fights in your cyber-neighbourhood!
9. Phoenglish - our moderator's English skills have remarkably improved since then.
8. Kicking Klon - our chatroom's favourite pastime.
7. <banned picture> - who would have thought that SuperAguri's dislike of one single Donald Duck-related picture would be referenced this much in months to come?
6. RejectBalls - this place's own version of Polandballs. Basically a compilation of chatroom inside jokes.
5. Max "Talent" Chilton - the spiritual heir, or possibly actual offspring, of the number 1 spot. He's just so perfect...
4. Swimming horses - thank you, watka, for this act of general randomness.
3. 1049 - the Wurz conspiracy - brought about the creative genius (?) of Jocke1 to light.
2. Shoe spam - sparked off one of the greatest threads this forum has ever seen.
1. HWNSNBM - what else?

Don Pentecost? Or is that number 16? :P
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by CoopsII »

My Top Ten Original Star Wars Figures What I Had As A Kid

1 - Han Solo Bespin Outfit - Han Solo, but casual
2 - Boba Fett - Didn't have a rocket that fired but it looked like it could
3 - Dengar - Rumour had it at school that this one was rare, despite nearly everyone at school having one.
4 - Tie Fighter Pilot - Like a Stormtrooper but more hunched. Looked like he could win a few bar-fights.
5 - Lando Calrissian - Staying classy with a blaster
6 - Lando Carlrisiian Skiff Disguise - Staying classy with a stick and a removable mask
7 - Hammerhead - I told my friends he was a Jedi and they believed me. Idiots.
8 - Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight - Ditched the stupid white shirt for some groovy black duds.
9 - Princess Leia Boushh disguise - The only Leia figure it was safe to play with without your older brothers calling you 'a puff'
10 - Maximillion From The Black Hole - Technically not a Star Wars figure but he often doubled up as one as he was a big red robot who often colluded with Darth Vader to further his evil plans. Plus he had a cool stand.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by AdrianBelmonte_ »

Rob Dylan wrote:
Simtek wrote:Hey, I drove for Toro Rosso when I was 17!

In F1 Championship Edition.

When I went through the 2004 season not that long ago I came across an interesting article in the autosport archive, where it was talking about one of the youngest (if not THE youngest) drivers ever to test an F1 car anywhere, and it was some unknown (future Toro-Rosso) driver called Sebastien Buemi when he was 15. Just thought that was an interesting tidbit.

Where's that article?

And, just for contribution (and for avoiding doubleposting)...


10: Chadli XCX

I made this in september, and despite failing a bit on the neck, i found it quite funny

9: Demi Lobato

This is a mashup between Demi Lovato and spanish tv F1 commentator Antonio Lobato

8: Ikechukwu Usher

Another mashup, this is a bit more spanish-related, and maybe this is only funny on Spain, despite this, i like it

7: Diego Armando "Maradonna"

I made this after his facial lifting, and i laughed so hard when i finished it

6: Emma Stone

Quite literally...

5: Lallana Del Rey

One of my oldest, this is more for english people

4: Harry Kanye

A recent one, i like it

3: Doutzen Kroos

The power of only one letter represented in one photoshop...

2: Cholina & The Diamonds

The most recent one and my actual avatar on Twitter, "Cholina" is the nickname that received the team talks from Cholo Simeone, and the rest is history...

And, finally...


I made this on october, this had a previous version, bud i didn't like it at all, and i made a second version, that was this one, hundreds of RTs on Twitter proved that this is my best photoshop ever

Honourable mention to Juventus de Madrid, made after know that Juventus will face Real Madrid on UCL semifinals, very recent also...

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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by dinizintheoven »

Simtek wrote:Don Pentecost? Or is that number 16? :P

Guess who? wrote:That's be'cos all y'all are GODDAMN COMMIES AND HIPPIES and all critters in the Arizona desert know DON'S GREAT FORCE1USA TEAM AIN'T NO GODDAMN COMMIE HIPPY JOKE, y'all, so it has no place on your COMMIE HIPPY TOP 15 OF JOKES... (and so on and so on, including gratuitous references to guns, scramble bike racing in the 1970s, knife fighting, definitely not being in jail, defininitely not drinking moonshine from a toilet cistern in F-wing, Mexicans crossing the border, more guns, God, the "Formula One Rejects Scam", God again, NASCAR, Pastor Maldonado, even more guns, and a cactus just outside Scottsdale that's been there a-hunnerd-thousand years even though God hadn't made the world then. Also, something not very complimentary about Barack Obama.)

That's that mystery solved...
James Allen, on his favourite F1 engine of all time:
"...the Life W12, I can't describe the noise to you, but imagine filling your dustbin with nuts and bolts, and then throwing it down the stairs, it was something akin to that!"
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Rob Dylan »

AdrianBelmonte_ wrote:
Rob Dylan wrote:
Simtek wrote:Hey, I drove for Toro Rosso when I was 17!

In F1 Championship Edition.

When I went through the 2004 season not that long ago I came across an interesting article in the autosport archive, where it was talking about one of the youngest (if not THE youngest) drivers ever to test an F1 car anywhere, and it was some unknown (future Toro-Rosso) driver called Sebastien Buemi when he was 15. Just thought that was an interesting tidbit.

Where's that article?

And after going through autosport for ages, getting lost, giving up, trying again, the idea came to me of actually just going on the search button and typing in "buemi" then "oldest first". Found it immediately :D
Only problem after that was finding out which forum I'd made this point in. Now I've got to go for a lie-down.
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
Felipe Nasr - the least forgettable F1 driver!
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by FullMetalJack »

Simtek wrote:
tommykl wrote:Top 15 (YES, 15!) F1/GP Rejects inside jokes (warning - may contain chatroom references)

15. The Hemoglobin, or however it's spelled - the Goblin doesn't like his name spelled wrong. Then again, he's never here to complain anymore...
14. ANSCHLUSS - always a risk when Klon is around.
13. Pasta Maths - ever present on the wiki tables.
12. Manfred the mechanic - cocking up all F1 pitstops since 2015!
11. RealRagingRoots - when he's mad, the Canadian gets salty. And breaks out his shovel. Prepare to get buried.
10. Wizzie's Free Popcorn - sold near all remotely interesting internet fights in your cyber-neighbourhood!
9. Phoenglish - our moderator's English skills have remarkably improved since then.
8. Kicking Klon - our chatroom's favourite pastime.
7. <banned picture> - who would have thought that SuperAguri's dislike of one single Donald Duck-related picture would be referenced this much in months to come?
6. RejectBalls - this place's own version of Polandballs. Basically a compilation of chatroom inside jokes.
5. Max "Talent" Chilton - the spiritual heir, or possibly actual offspring, of the number 1 spot. He's just so perfect...
4. Swimming horses - thank you, watka, for this act of general randomness.
3. 1049 - the Wurz conspiracy - brought about the creative genius (?) of Jocke1 to light.
2. Shoe spam - sparked off one of the greatest threads this forum has ever seen.
1. HWNSNBM - what else?

Don Pentecost? Or is that number 16? :P

Number 17 would no doubt be several threads in 2012 becoming like The F1 Slate.

I miss that site. :cry:
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by dinizintheoven »

It got to the point where I was convinced The F1 Slate was being written by one of us.

Was it?
James Allen, on his favourite F1 engine of all time:
"...the Life W12, I can't describe the noise to you, but imagine filling your dustbin with nuts and bolts, and then throwing it down the stairs, it was something akin to that!"
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by dr-baker »

Ten of the F1 races I would be keen to attend in person

1. Montreal
2. Monaco
3. Monza
4. Melbourne
5. Silverstone
6. Spa (if in B&B/hotel rather than camping)
7. Austin
8. Suzuka
9. Interlagos
10. Dunno if there is a 10. Hockenheim? Nurburgring? San Marino? I fancy a trip to Spain, but Barcelona ain't that exciting for a GP... Indy 500 hasn't been F1 either for a few decades...
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by DemocalypseNow »

Top 10 Voecklers

10. Thomas Voeckler
French cyclist. Closest a Frenchman has come to winning the Tour de France in recent history. Nobody cares.

9. Marc-André Voeckler
Most unaware he exists. For good reason.

8. Timothée Voeckler
Once a cyclist, now a club racer. One podium doesn't suddenly make him noteworthy.

7. Louis-Antoine Voeckler
His career began so long ago most forget about him too. People forget he was critically important in the grand scheme of things to the dynasty even existing.

6. Zénaïde Voeckler
Not a great start to her career. Maybe she'll pick things up in F3.

5. Adélaïde Voeckler
Somehow went from complete unknown to top flight driver in space of a year. Money does wonderful things.

4. Alexandre-Laurent Voeckler
He may be an F1 race winner, but he will forever live in the shadow of his more successful father.

3. Frédéric-Maxime Voeckler
No doubt there was plenty of talent, and continues to be a senior figure in the Voeckler dynasty, but once again, is forced to live in the shadow of his older brother.

2. Jérémy-Étienne Voeckler
The boss, the don. Runs the show. Racing legend. Has a flipping circuit named after him.

1. Benoît Voeckler
The undisputed greatest of all buying rides. If he hasn't raced in something, it probably doesn't actually exist and is merely an urban myth. If your team is on the brink of catastrophic financial disaster and you need an emergency injection of cash, regardless of the crippling side-effects to race performance, who you gonna call? Benoît!
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by dinizintheoven »

Top Ten drivers who competed in the Indianapolis 500 and any other races in the Formula One seasons 1950-1960
1. Alberto Ascari (1952) - need I say more about him
2. Rodger Ward (1959) - Indy driver who also had a shot at the US Grand Prix that year
3. Er...
4. ...that's it.
5. Brilliant idea, wasn't it, to include a race in the first 11 F1 World Championships that ran to a completely different set of rules, was sometimes held on the same day as another Grand Prix, was contested by drivers that had no interest in competing outside America, and was routinely ignored by the F1 teams for its entire run on the calendar... with only one exception in each case.

NOW! That's What I Call Rejectful!
James Allen, on his favourite F1 engine of all time:
"...the Life W12, I can't describe the noise to you, but imagine filling your dustbin with nuts and bolts, and then throwing it down the stairs, it was something akin to that!"
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by tommykl »

dinizintheoven wrote:Top Ten drivers who competed in the Indianapolis 500 and any other races in the Formula One seasons 1950-1960
1. Alberto Ascari (1952) - need I say more about him
2. Rodger Ward (1959) - Indy driver who also had a shot at the US Grand Prix that year
3. Er...
4. ...that's it.
5. Brilliant idea, wasn't it, to include a race in the first 11 F1 World Championships that ran to a completely different set of rules, was sometimes held on the same day as another Grand Prix, was contested by drivers that had no interest in competing outside America, and was routinely ignored by the F1 teams for its entire run on the calendar... with only one exception in each case.

NOW! That's What I Call Rejectful!

Ah dammit, are you even trying?

You forgot about Troy Ruttman and, arguably, Giuseppe Farina. ;)
kevinbotz wrote:Cantonese is a completely nonsensical f*cking alien language masquerading as some grossly bastardised form of Chinese

Gonzo wrote:Wasn't there some sort of communisim in the East part of Germany?
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by dinizintheoven »

tommykl wrote:Ah dammit, are you even trying?
You forgot about Troy Ruttman and, arguably, Giuseppe Farina. ;)

Troy Ruttman doesn't count; the one year he competed in "any other races" (France & Germany, 1958) he was conspicuously absent from the Indy 500. Neither does Farina, seeing as the only reason his F1 career lasted until 1956 was because of that half-an-attempt at the 1956 Indy 500, and he contested no other races in the 1956 F1 season.

I was looking down the results on Wikipedia for the 1950-60 seasons to see if any drivers attempted to boost their standing in the Drivers' Championship by competing in the Indy 500, fully expecting that nobody else in the title hunt would be doing so. Ascari effectively blew the chance to do that as he had to miss the Swiss Grand Prix to qualify at Indy - where he retired anyway. Not that it mattered even slightly, given what he did for the rest of the season. As for Rodger Ward, I've just read about his exploits at the 1959 US GP and explaining that deserves an entire Reject Neo-Centrale article...
James Allen, on his favourite F1 engine of all time:
"...the Life W12, I can't describe the noise to you, but imagine filling your dustbin with nuts and bolts, and then throwing it down the stairs, it was something akin to that!"
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

tommykl wrote:
dinizintheoven wrote:Top Ten drivers who competed in the Indianapolis 500 and any other races in the Formula One seasons 1950-1960
1. Alberto Ascari (1952) - need I say more about him
2. Rodger Ward (1959) - Indy driver who also had a shot at the US Grand Prix that year
3. Er...
4. ...that's it.
5. Brilliant idea, wasn't it, to include a race in the first 11 F1 World Championships that ran to a completely different set of rules, was sometimes held on the same day as another Grand Prix, was contested by drivers that had no interest in competing outside America, and was routinely ignored by the F1 teams for its entire run on the calendar... with only one exception in each case.

NOW! That's What I Call Rejectful!

Ah dammit, are you even trying?

You forgot about Troy Ruttman and, arguably, Giuseppe Farina. ;)

Fangio too, in 1958. And apparently Franco Rol and Piero Taruffi were entered for the 1950 race. Chuck Daigh of Scarab fame also gave it a shot in 1959.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by AxelP800 »

Top 10 circuits that should be in F1 now, without any changes, so the way it is now.

1. Bathurst
2. Sentul
3. Road America
4. Watkins Glen long without Bus Stop
5. Buenos Aires No. 12
6. Macau
7. Adelaide
8. Sentul
9. Le Mans full
10. Nordschleife

Honorable mentions if changes aren't there: Hermanos. Already good, now ruined. I lost count how many great tracks destroyed by F1
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by CoopsII »

Top Ten 90s Pre-Brit Pop British Indie Bands
1 - The Wonder Stuff
2 - Pop Will Eat Itself
3 - Happy Mondays
4 - Jesus Jones
5 - James
6 - Manic Street Preachers
7 - EMF
8 - Neds Atomic Dustbin
9 - Therapy?
10 - Saint Etienne
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

AxelP800 wrote:Top 10 circuits that should be in F1 now, without any changes, so the way it is now.

1. Bathurst
2. Sentul
3. Road America
4. Watkins Glen long without Bus Stop
5. Buenos Aires No. 12
6. Macau
7. Adelaide
8. Sentul
9. Le Mans full
10. Nordschleife

Honorable mentions if changes aren't there: Hermanos. Already good, now ruined. I lost count how many great tracks destroyed by F1

You listed Sentul twice :P
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by AxelP800 »

Simtek wrote:
AxelP800 wrote:Top 10 circuits that should be in F1 now, without any changes, so the way it is now.

1. Bathurst
2. Sentul
3. Road America
4. Watkins Glen long without Bus Stop
5. Buenos Aires No. 12
6. Macau
7. Adelaide
8. Sentul
9. Le Mans full
10. Nordschleife

Honorable mentions if changes aren't there: Hermanos. Already good, now ruined. I lost count how many great tracks destroyed by F1

You listed Sentul twice :P

:badoer: Showing nationalism :D

then 8th should be ummmmm, Autopolis
Rio Haryanto for the win!
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tommykl reads the chat logs
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by dinizintheoven »

Simtek wrote:Fangio too, in 1958...

Much trumpted by the paragraph on Wikipedia, but absent from the entry list. Even Ricardo Londoño-Bridge got closer to racing than that in 1981, and we all know his story!

Simtek wrote:And apparently Franco Rol and Piero Taruffi were entered for the 1950 race.

Farina was allegedly going to do so as well, but "allegedly" and "apparently" aren't good enough - I want to see names on the entry list, and none of these three are.

Simtek wrote:Chuck Daigh of Scarab fame also gave it a shot in 1959.

And all his other appearances on a Formula One entry list were in 1960.

I think you've all massively misunderstood what I was getting at here.
James Allen, on his favourite F1 engine of all time:
"...the Life W12, I can't describe the noise to you, but imagine filling your dustbin with nuts and bolts, and then throwing it down the stairs, it was something akin to that!"
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by FullMetalJack »

10 circuits I want to see debut in Gran Turismo 7

10. Oulton Park
9. Interlagos
8. Silverstone pre-1991
7. Surfers Paradise
6. Rolling Hills (Fictional circuit from GP4)
5. Norisring
4. Paul Ricard
3. Circuit Gilles Villeneuve
2. Autodromo do Estoril
1. Birmingham Superprix (duh)
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

FullMetalJack wrote:10 circuits I want to see debut in Gran Turismo 7

10. Oulton Park
9. Interlagos
8. Silverstone pre-1991
7. Surfers Paradise
6. Rolling Hills (Fictional circuit from GP4)
5. Norisring
4. Paul Ricard
3. Circuit Gilles Villeneuve
2. Autodromo do Estoril
1. Birmingham Superprix (duh)

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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by FullMetalJack »

Simtek wrote:
FullMetalJack wrote:10 circuits I want to see debut in Gran Turismo 7

10. Oulton Park
9. Interlagos
8. Silverstone pre-1991
7. Surfers Paradise
6. Rolling Hills (Fictional circuit from GP4)
5. Norisring
4. Paul Ricard
3. Circuit Gilles Villeneuve
2. Autodromo do Estoril
1. Birmingham Superprix (duh)


It's circuits I want to see make their first appearance in the Gran Turismo series. Otherwise Special Stage Route 11 (GT1 layout) would be an obvious number 1.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

FullMetalJack wrote:
Simtek wrote:
FullMetalJack wrote:10 circuits I want to see debut in Gran Turismo 7

10. Oulton Park
9. Interlagos
8. Silverstone pre-1991
7. Surfers Paradise
6. Rolling Hills (Fictional circuit from GP4)
5. Norisring
4. Paul Ricard
3. Circuit Gilles Villeneuve
2. Autodromo do Estoril
1. Birmingham Superprix (duh)


It's circuits I want to see make their first appearance in the Gran Turismo series. Otherwise Special Stage Route 11 (GT1 layout) would be an obvious number 1.

Ah, I only just noticed the word 'debut' in the title. My apologies :oops:
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Rob Dylan »

After going through all his albums (there are a lot of them) up to and including 1979, I give you:
Rob Dylan's top 10 Frank Zappa / Mothers of Invention albums :deletraz:
10. Uncle Meat [1969]
9. The Grand Wazoo [1972]
8. Absolutely Free [1967]
7. Burnt Weeny Sandwich [1970]
6. Chunga's Revenge [1970]
5. Over-Nite Sensation [1973]
4. Waka/Jawaka [1972]
3. Freak Out! [1966]
2. Hot Rats [1969]
1. We're Only In It For The Money [1968]
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by FullMetalJack »

Top 10 things Rick Astley would never do

1. Give you up
2. Let you down
3. Run around
4. Desert you
5. Make you cry
6. Say goodbye
7. Tell a lie
8. Hurt you
9. Be a stranger to love
10. Not know the rules
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Spectoremg »

FullMetalJack wrote:Top 10 things Rick Astley would never do

1. Give you up
2. Let you down
3. Run around
4. Desert you
5. Make you cry
6. Say goodbye
7. Tell a lie
8. Hurt you
9. Be a stranger to love
10. Not know the rules

Every time I hear the Rick Astley joke I piss my sides! :D
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Aerond »

AxelP800 wrote:Top 10 circuits that should be in F1 now, without any changes, so the way it is now.

1. Bathurst
2. Sentul
3. Road America
4. Watkins Glen long without Bus Stop
5. Buenos Aires No. 12
6. Macau
7. Adelaide
8. Sentul
9. Le Mans full
10. Nordschleife

Honorable mentions if changes aren't there: Hermanos. Already good, now ruined. I lost count how many great tracks destroyed by F1


10.Paul Ricard -- It has everything, but the money
9.Yeongam -- It wasn't THAT bad
8.Nurburgring -- Most of the times produced good races
7.Adelaide (90's config) -- Easy to forget about with Melbourne, but it was great
6.Long Beach -- American street tracks don't get much better than this
5.Fuji -- Because it's better than Suzuka
4.Road Atlanta -- Wouldn't mind watching F1 cars through the esses
3.La Sarthe -- It would be bathplug epic; wouldn't it?
2.Bathurst -- I'll say nothing but The Chase
1.Macau -- A hyper-twisted Monaco where you can actually overtake too? GIB
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by tBone »

Ten of the (streetlegal) cars I would buy if I had infinite money

Off-season boredom makes my thoughts wander a lot, and as I'm not only a racing fan, but a car guy in general, I'll put up a list with 10 of my favourite cars. I could have made a list of 500 if I wanted to, though... No particular order here, I tried to make it a diverse list.

Lamborghini Miura SV
What a beauty! Great sound, great looks. I love the Italian automotive industry for their designs and for me, this is the pinnacle of it. From every angle, every little curve and shape looks fabulous and none is unnecessary to make the car look good.

Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé
Because if you have infinite money, you have to show it. This is probably the ultimate car to show off your wealth, but it doesn't look over the top. At least, not without golden wheels, pink paint or other outrageous customizations.

Donkervoort D8 GT
Yes, this is pure Dutch chauvinism. But what an ultimate trackday car. Lightweight, high-tech, fast and it looks so wonderfully agressive.

Pagani Zonda C12S
This kind of list requires a 21st century supercar. There have been several very good candidates, but this one is the most extreme, or at least it looks that way. Speed is no problem with the AMG V12 and it has lots of great details such as the split rear wing, the central exhausts or the way the mirrors are mounted to the A-pillar.

Jaguar XF
You'll always need a daily driver which isn't too eye-catching. After all, if you have infinite money, you can buy lots of groceries as well! The Jaguar XF looks very classy, but is mainstream enough.

Delahaye Type 165 Figoni & Falaschi
I would have one to only look at it. This must have looked so incredible in the 1930s and it still does. When it drives, it might look like it's actually flying above the ground, because of the covered wheels.

Morgan 3 Wheeler
I cannot explain this, but everytime I read about one, I think I want to have it. Painted in this Spitfire livery, please!

Subaru Impreza GT Turbo
Some nostalgic feelings for this one, as this was THE car you wanted to play with on the GameBoy or PlayStation in those great rally games. Of course, it's ugly, but that makes it look kind of tough.

McLaren F1
I think this is still the ultimate supercar in terms of driving experience and Rowan Atkinson seems to agree. It held the world record for the fastest production car, great motorsport successes and it was a very innovative car at the time. A truly unique car.

Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S
One of the best looking four-door cars ever made, I think. And in addition to that, it seems to be a great car for travelling, fast and you're able to bring some cases for your road trip!

As I said before, about 490 cars deserve honourable mentions here, such as the Alfa Romeo Montreal, 33 Stradale and 8C Competizione, Aston Martin Vanquish, BMW Z3 M Coupe, E30 M3, E36 M5, Z8 and 507, Citroën C6, Dodge Viper GTS, Ferrari 250 GT SWB, 275 GTB, Daytona, Testarossa, 360 Modena, 550 Maranello, Enzo and 458 Italia, Fiat 131 Abarth, Ford Sierra RS Cosworth, RS200, Focus RS, GT and Mustang Fastback, Honda NSX, Jaguar E-type and F-type, Koenigsegg CCX, Lancia Delta Integrale, Beta Montecarlo and Stratos, Land Rover Defender, Maserati 3200 GT, Mazda RX-7, Mercedes 300 SL, Nissan Skyline GT-R, Peugeot 106 Rallye, 205 GTI and 607, Porsche 911 Carrera RS, 550 Spyder and Carrera GT, Renault Clio V6, Alpine 310 and Avantime, Saab 9-3 Sport Estate and 900 Turbo, Spyker C8 Laviolette, Toyota Supra, TVR T350C and Sagaris, Volvo 850 T5-R, Wiesmann GT MF3, ..., ..., ...

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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Rob Dylan »

Top 10 moments of Kamui Kobayashi's Formula 1 career (in no particular order):

1. His first and only podium Suzuka 2012, which came at his home race in Suzuka of all places! He had the crowd chanting "Kamui" for ages.
2. His very first race, Brazil 2009, where he ended up hassling a poorly-qualifying champion-to-be in Jenson Button by brusquely defending his position and having no respect for reputation for laps on end. To top it all off, he defended so hard against his fellow Japanese driver Kazuki Nakajima that the latter crashed off the circuit attempting to pass the guy.
3. The famous banzai overtakes at Suzuka 2010, where he overtook so many people into the Turn 11 hairpin that I lose count. Even when Alguersuari was clumsy and hit Kamui, the guy still came home with points and half a car.
4. A front-row start at Belgium 2012, in a Sauber.
5. Driving around in 3rd-place at Valencia 2010 on a completely different strategy to everyone else, then pitting about 3 laps from the end and overtaking an angry Fernando Alonso. Once again, no respect for reputation!
6. For being popular enough that he could be crowd-funded back into Formula 1 on the fans' money. How often does that ever happen?
7. For standing his ground when Lewis Hamilton made the clumsy overtake and crashed into him in Belgium 2011. Wasn't going to be forced off the track as some others would.
8. Taking advantage of all the red-flag shenanigans and crashes at Monaco 2011 to unrejectify himself with an awesome 5th place... in a Sauber!
9. Going fastest in Q1 in Australia 2012, then even after his team-mate hit him, he still drove solidly to a 6th-place finish.
10. Making it to the final race of 2014, after all of Caterham's issues, and all his own financial issues.
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Whiteshore »

Top 10 worst racing engines
1. Life W12 (had no life)
2. Subaru Flat-12 (there was no confidence in motion, only confidence in failure)
3. Lotus IndyCar engine (gave Alesi's racing career a humiliating end)
4. 2015 Honda (made McLaren a backmarker)
5. Indy 500 Stubebaker V8 (On the first attempt to crank it up the starter shaft broke and they couldn't get it running.)
6. Turbine engines in general (Unreliable and poor at steering)
7. "Motori-Moderni" V6 (Another hopelessly unreliable engine)
8. Porsche V12 (Only an idiot would bolt 2 V6 engines together and call it a new engine)
9. Renault wide-angle V10 (turned a solid mid-field team to backmarkers)
10. Yamaha V8 (Zakspeed had the disgrace of one of their drivers DNPQing everywhere)
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

Top ten Pink Floyd albums

10. More
9. A Saucerful of Secrets
8. Atom Heart Mother
7. A Momentary Lapse of Reason
6. Animals
5. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
4. The Wall
3. Meddle
2. Wish You Were Here
1. The Dark Side of the Moon
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by DOSBoot »

My Top Ten Pink Floyd Albums:

10. Piper at the Gates of Dawn
9. More
8. A Momentary Lapse of Reason
7. Obscured By Clouds
6. The Wall
5. Animals
4. Atom Heart Mother
3. Dark Side of the Moon
2. Wish You Were Here
1. Meddle
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Spectoremg »

DOSBoot wrote:My Top Ten Pink Floyd Albums:

10. Piper at the Gates of Dawn
9. More
8. A Momentary Lapse of Reason
7. Obscured By Clouds
6. The Wall
5. Animals
4. Atom Heart Mother
3. Dark Side of the Moon
2. Wish You Were Here
1. Meddle

Dark Side of the Moon third! Are you deranged?
Here's how it works:
1. Dark Side of the Moon
2-10 The rest.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

Spectoremg wrote:
DOSBoot wrote:My Top Ten Pink Floyd Albums:

10. Piper at the Gates of Dawn
9. More
8. A Momentary Lapse of Reason
7. Obscured By Clouds
6. The Wall
5. Animals
4. Atom Heart Mother
3. Dark Side of the Moon
2. Wish You Were Here
1. Meddle

Dark Side of the Moon third! Are you deranged?
Here's how it works:
1. Dark Side of the Moon
2-10 The rest.

I personally would almost put Meddle first on the strength of "Echoes" alone (far and away my favourite song in the Floyd catalogue and possibly my favourite song of all time), but the rest of the album for me doesn't have anything to match with such greats as "Us and Them" and "Time", hence I relegated it to third on my list.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by Spectoremg »

Dark Side's great strengths are that it's a complete album of superb material. Some of their other's have great moments but are incomplete.
Wish You Were Here has grown on my over the years.
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by CoopsII »

As they've finally managed to crank out a tenth album after over 35 years of trying here's my Top Ten New Order Albums Top Ten Thing

1 - Music Complete
2 - Technique
3 - Power, Corruption & Lies
4 - Republic
5 - Brotherhood
6 - Low-Life
7 - Get Ready
8 - Lost Sirens
9 - Movement
10 - Waiting For The Sirens Call
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Re: TOTB (ten of the best)

Post by tommykl »

tommykl's top 10 personal favourite Rush songs (not albums because there's too many and I haven't even heard things from ten of them and because I bloody well can)
10. Fly by Night
9. Working Man
8. Tom Sawyer
7. Subdivisions
6. Freewill
5. YYZ
4. Limelight
3. The Spirit of Radio
2. 2112 (the whole 20 minutes)
1. Red Barchetta
kevinbotz wrote:Cantonese is a completely nonsensical f*cking alien language masquerading as some grossly bastardised form of Chinese

Gonzo wrote:Wasn't there some sort of communisim in the East part of Germany?
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