Until now. Or soon. Ish.
Yes, I am writing ArgEditor - a new editor for F1GP - from scratch. It will have all the expected features from F1Ed and then some. And it will work on modern Windows installations (Windows 7 and later). I have a whole bunch of ideas. But for now, just the basics, including but not limited to:
- Naming teams and drivers
- Setting their performance
- Painting the cars and pit crews
- Painting the drivers' helmets
- Setting the player car horsepower
I have already come quite a bit, and I am intending to release a first rough beta version within the next few weeks. No guarantees though. But not to far off that, hopefully.
Since this is my favorite F1 forum, I'm making the "announcement" here first. If anyone of you is interested in trying the beta out, say something here or send an e-mail to fredrik AT codemeyer DOT net (replace you-know-what with an @ and a dot). Or I'll just post updates here in this thread, I guess.
I'm still messing about with the user interface, but here is a work-in-progress, ugly, intentionally resized (to hide the ugliness) screenshot of the car/pit crew painting screen:
Oh, and "Arg" in ArgEditor means Ancient Racing Game. Of course. I know what happens when you call stuff something with "F1" these days.