During the Mexico GP, I was thinking in remake an old F1 track, and I was looking the most important motor countries without a GP, and one of this is France.
The selected track is Nevers Magny Cours (no Newers or Newer xD), and I looked the track old configurations, F1 race videos in this track (the overtaking is very complicated), and the installations, and make and new affordable layout for the F1, with more overtaking possibilities. Post a message with your favourite proposal.
The most voted proposal would be converted to rFactor, and can be sent to the FIA, FOM and Magny Cours responsibles!
And here, my three proposals (you can submit your proposal):
-Proposal 1:

-Proposal 2:

-Proposal 3:

I hope that you like it.
Please, comment your impressions about my three proposals, and the possible improvements.