I also managed to forget on the day - cheers for that, Minecraft - and have had so many problems trying to get My5 to work that it was only today that I saw the race. Only the qualifying session (did anyone know they show that on Spike?) was listed in the "Catch Up" section, not the race - I had to use the Search bar to find it, and every time I saw the same message:
My5's on-screen message wrote:Whoops!
The programme you're trying to watch isn't currently available. Please try again later.
The text immediately below the screen wrote:Last broadcast: 18 February, 2017
Available until: 21 March, 2017
Lies, all lies, Channel 5. You know, it's not 1997 anymore, the time where only a fraction of the country could actually watch your channel, not that anyone who could ever did, but sort it out anyway.
What I had to do to be able to watch the race was abandon the Mac completely - having tried Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera and always seen the same message - and switch to my ten-year-old Windows laptop and use Internet Explorer. Whereupon the adverts always played perfectly but when it came to the race coverage I was gree...
...ted by the need for it to grind to a halt every min...
...ute while it thought for a minute and a half what it was suppo...
...sed to be doing, which was VERY ANNOYING. At least that cleared up by the time the race started, and I'd already restarted the computer twice by that point and set the page on My5 to the home page so it didn't load MSN or any of that other Flash-heavy extraneous junk that would clog up the memory.