The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Klon »

I will be on holiday to Basel from Saturday until the Saturday after that and will most likely not be available during that time at all. Given as I am in horrible mental shape right now, I don't think I will do anything before Saturday either. I will try to get the Turkish GP I report done before flying away, but outside of that don't expect anything from me.

If you got any business with me before that, contacting me through Steam is your best bet.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by DemocalypseNow »

I was admitted to hospital yesterday, and by the looks of it may be here for a whole who knows if I'll be around or not during the next 7 days. :?
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by kevinbotz »

I will be unavailable for the following week due to final exams.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by pi314159 »

I'm going to the Italian Grand Prix, so I'm going to be away from Wednesday until the following Wednesday.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Nessafox »

I'm not really away, but people noticed i'm less active. I still check private messages every day though.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by WaffleCat »

Alright, guys, my usual army thing means I'll be gone for three weeks as I do an overseas exercise and all, but I've been wondering if I should do this for a while now, and it seems like I must...

I'm gonna leave the ASMF. Period, full stop.

Simply put, the army already gave me a lot of things on my plate, and to try and manage my ASMF duties, even if they are very small at this present moment (pretty much just F3 Eurasia and GTRWC, unless I'm forgetting something), are quite low at my priorities, and I don't feel like bothering you a whole lot at this stage with my constant absence. Even after my army stint (which ends in two months), I've still got a bit of stuff in the real world to do, like internships, holidays and eventually university.

So put all of drivers on the free agency list (Paul Traversen, Ryota Wong, Fabian Rei, Shane Sparks, Nestra & Dimitra Aya, Gerald Pereria, Owen Carvill, Behrmann Reith, Rene LeClerc and whatever happened to Quentin Reatherson), and I'll probably withdraw Linton-Solindahl and GP/PA at the end of their respective seasons.

I'm in no way abandoning GP Rejects full time, though. I'll still be active in the Black Stig forum, join y'all in race chat when time is kind to me and I still plan on writing down an actual reject profile in the vein of my constant reddit posts whenever possible. As for the ASMF, though, it's all yours. If there's any last matters, PM me.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Miguel98 »

I'll be away for the next 3 days in a trip to Spain.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Gonzalez »

Not really nipping out, but it's to announce of my change of activity here.

As stated earlier in the Alt-57 thread, I am having to start to slowly reduce my commitments in canon involvement. I am going to College in London for the next few months so as a result, I will be resigning from the following series at the end of their respective seasons:


Anglo Irish F4 may also the one to leave, however I will maintain control of Carlin for at least another season, which will cover 2020. Carlin is set to be open for interests in the coming months or throughout midway of the season.

I will be withdrawing completely from non-canon involvement.

The rest of my involvement in other series will remain unchanged as it is, for now.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Ataxia »

This is more of a post to say that I'm scaling everything back across the virtual series. Since my interest is now firmly on the editorial side of the website, I want to spend my time making that as good as it possibly can be.

Whether this means 2020 IndyCar and ELMS will go ahead, I haven't decided yet - I genuinely can't plan that far ahead.

I think I've cut all of my alt-F1 ties, there's a plan in place to hand over AR2.0, and any other obligations will be dealt with accordingly.

I plan to also hand over a few drivers across the canon leagues, and as such I'll host a giveaway session in the GPR chat at some point in the near future.

Cheers laddies x
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by TheFlyingCaterham »

I'm not gonna be on here from next Friday to the Monday after that, as I'm heading up to Newcastle for the V8s and I doubt I'll have internet access there.

I'm also going to be in Britain from the 12th of December to around a month after that, and I don't know how often I'm going to be able to access the site while I'm there.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by pasta_maldonado »

I won't be around at all between Monday 20th November and Saturday 25th November, so drop anything urgent in a PM.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by SuperAguri »

Less nipping out, more kicking on the door requesting to be let back in.

I've been away for a few months due to work and various illnesses. Needless to say I've recovered and am back, so will be going through ARWS tonight to see how badly Kahama, Katayama and Keunan have been doing. :facepalm:

Currently in Rio in Brazil where it's currently wet, humid and I worry about getting mosquito illnesses.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Salamander »

SuperAguri wrote:Less nipping out, more kicking on the door requesting to be let back in.

I've been away for a few months due to work and various illnesses. Needless to say I've recovered and am back, so will be going through ARWS tonight to see how badly Kahama, Katayama and Keunan have been doing. :facepalm:

Currently in Rio in Brazil where it's currently wet, humid and I worry about getting mosquito illnesses.

Good to see you back, man. :)
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by tommykl »

SuperAguri wrote:Less nipping out, more kicking on the door requesting to be let back in.

I've been away for a few months due to work and various illnesses. Needless to say I've recovered and am back, so will be going through ARWS tonight to see how badly Kahama, Katayama and Keunan have been doing. :facepalm:

Currently in Rio in Brazil where it's currently wet, humid and I worry about getting mosquito illnesses.

You'll always be welcome around this corner of the internet! It's great to know you're in better health, and I hope you'll get right back in the swing of things.
kevinbotz wrote:Cantonese is a completely nonsensical f*cking alien language masquerading as some grossly bastardised form of Chinese

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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Miguel98 »

SuperAguri wrote:Less nipping out, more kicking on the door requesting to be let back in.

I've been away for a few months due to work and various illnesses. Needless to say I've recovered and am back, so will be going through ARWS tonight to see how badly Kahama, Katayama and Keunan have been doing. :facepalm:

Currently in Rio in Brazil where it's currently wet, humid and I worry about getting mosquito illnesses.

Welcome back Super! <3 We've missed you around here, and it's great to know you feel better! :D
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.

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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by SuperAguri »

Thanks guys.

Me wrote:I've been away for a few months due to work and various illnesses. Needless to say I've recovered and am back, so will be going through ARWS tonight to see how badly Kahama, Katayama and Keunan have been doing. :facepalm:

A podium for Shinobu and points for Kamaha but it's as bad as I thought. :shock:
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by AndreaModa »

SuperAguri wrote:Thanks guys.

Me wrote:I've been away for a few months due to work and various illnesses. Needless to say I've recovered and am back, so will be going through ARWS tonight to see how badly Kahama, Katayama and Keunan have been doing. :facepalm:

A podium for Shinobu and points for Kamaha but it's as bad as I thought. :shock:

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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by SuperAguri »

Barii Mori wrote:Typical Sammy Jones, I am sick and in hospital for ages and the first thing he mentions when I am back is how badly he is doing.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Klon »

After I have been involved in a minor car accident, I may be involved in leg surgery and may need to stay in hospital from Monday onwards. Even sitting in front of the PC gets difficult after some time.
Therefore I will probably have a more passive role next week
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by dr-baker »

Klon wrote:After I have been involved in a minor car accident, I may be involved in leg surgery and may need to stay in hospital from Monday onwards. Even sitting in front of the PC gets difficult after some time.
Therefore I will probably have a more passive role next week

Sorry to hear that. Hoping you make a quick recovery.
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Klon »

dr-baker wrote:
Klon wrote:After I have been involved in a minor car accident, I may be involved in leg surgery and may need to stay in hospital from Monday onwards. Even sitting in front of the PC gets difficult after some time.
Therefore I will probably have a more passive role next week

Sorry to hear that. Hoping you make a quick recovery.

Thank you very much for the well-wishes. :)
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by dr-baker »

Klon wrote:
dr-baker wrote:
Klon wrote:After I have been involved in a minor car accident, I may be involved in leg surgery and may need to stay in hospital from Monday onwards. Even sitting in front of the PC gets difficult after some time.
Therefore I will probably have a more passive role next week

Sorry to hear that. Hoping you make a quick recovery.

Thank you very much for the well-wishes. :)

How are you feeling now?
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
dinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Klon »

dr-baker wrote:How are you feeling now?

Things turned out less worse than expected, I "only" have a torn ligament and have been ordered to rest for the next few weeks, managed to avoid surgery and am, for the most part, not in acute pain. So yeah, just lying around like fruit.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by dr-baker »

Klon wrote:
dr-baker wrote:How are you feeling now?

Things turned out less worse than expected, I "only" have a torn ligament and have been ordered to rest for the next few weeks, managed to avoid surgery and am, for the most part, not in acute pain. So yeah, just lying around like fruit.

Glad to hear that it's not as bad as it could have been, but still sounds frustrating nonetheless.
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
dinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Klon »

dr-baker wrote:
Klon wrote:
dr-baker wrote:How are you feeling now?

Things turned out less worse than expected, I "only" have a torn ligament and have been ordered to rest for the next few weeks, managed to avoid surgery and am, for the most part, not in acute pain. So yeah, just lying around like fruit.

Glad to hear that it's not as bad as it could have been, but still sounds frustrating nonetheless.

Unfortunately, stuff went 0 to 100 real quick and I suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by thromboses.

I am now in hospital and will be unavailble until next Friday at the very least.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Ataxia »

Klon wrote:
Unfortunately, stuff went 0 to 100 real quick and I suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by thromboses.

I am now in hospital and will be unavailble until next Friday at the very least.

Oh man that's f*cked, really wish you all the best. Get well soon, please take care man.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by dr-baker »

Ataxia wrote:
Klon wrote:
Unfortunately, stuff went 0 to 100 real quick and I suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by thromboses.

I am now in hospital and will be unavailble until next Friday at the very least.

Oh man that's f*cked, really wish you all the best. Get well soon, please take care man.

What he said.
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
dinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by tommykl »

Klon wrote:Unfortunately, stuff went 0 to 100 real quick and I suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by thromboses.

I am now in hospital and will be unavailable until next Friday at the very least.

Damn, that's some rotten luck. I hope it all clears up soon!
kevinbotz wrote:Cantonese is a completely nonsensical f*cking alien language masquerading as some grossly bastardised form of Chinese

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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Salamander »

Klon wrote:Unfortunately, stuff went 0 to 100 real quick and I suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by thromboses.

I am now in hospital and will be unavailble until next Friday at the very least.

Oh no, hate to hear that. :(

Hope you get well soon!
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Salamander wrote:
Klon wrote:Unfortunately, stuff went 0 to 100 real quick and I suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by thromboses.

I am now in hospital and will be unavailble until next Friday at the very least.

Oh no, hate to hear that. :(

Hope you get well soon!

Get well soon! :deletraz:
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Klon »

I wish to thank all of you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. I will be in hospital for a couple of days so my blood dilution is sufficiently increased, but I will survive and recover. See y'all real soon.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

Klon wrote:I wish to thank all of you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. I will be in hospital for a couple of days so my blood dilution is sufficiently increased, but I will survive and recover. See y'all real soon.

I'll add to the chorus of well-wishers, and will take your ability to reply as a positive sign. :)

I also want to address my sudden recent lack of activity: For reasons I don't want to delve into too deeply, I'm going to be taking a temporary step back from ASMF series management and, more unfortunately, I'm dropping all of my short term editorial plans. It may take as much as a few months, but I do intend to return to these when I regain the time and mental strength to do so.

By the way, seeing as IndyCar 2020 is in its early preparation phase, if anyone wants and is prepared to take over Pro Mazda, even as a low-maintenance QuickSim series, please PM me.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Dexter249 »

Had a fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit (39 for literally everyone including me).
Cannot be bothered to do anything so yeah.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Dom_Wings »

Get well soon Klon!
Join the GPR Discord server!
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Klon »

I for one have escaped death and am now back in my regular role.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by yannicksamlad »

Good to hear that you're ok ...It was quite worrying really to follow your 'progress'.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by CaptainGetz12 »

Klon wrote:I for one have escaped death and am now back in my regular role.

Good to see ya! Hopefully I'll be back more often too after a lull 2017.
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Klon »

For personal reasons, I am going to leave this place immediately for a very long time.

Here are links to my Alt-F1 carsets, so you can close out the respective seasons:

Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again.
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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by WaffleCat »

Klon wrote:For personal reasons, I am going to leave this place immediately for a very long time.

Here are links to my Alt-F1 carsets, so you can close out the respective seasons:

Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again.

Till we meet again, you wild-ass German. We'll miss ya.
My friend's USB drive spoiled, spilled tea on her laptop and had a bird poo in her hand.

What did she do in her past life to deserve this?

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Re: The 'just nipping out for a while' thread

Post by Miguel98 »

Klon wrote:For personal reasons, I am going to leave this place immediately for a very long time.

Here are links to my Alt-F1 carsets, so you can close out the respective seasons:

Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again.

But, but... :( :( :( :(

Till we meet again you crazy giant german... don't know when, don't knooooow where... but I know we'll meet again... some sunny daaaaaay! <3
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.

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