These templates offer some alternate designs drawn in a similar style to (and often loosely based off) the previous templates, only implementing design features from newer F1 cars in an attempt to update the style of the templates, while still remaining compatible with the older ones, even using the same naming scheme as the Turbogirl designs (Letter denotes decade, first number denotes series, fourth number denotes variation of series)
D1xx Series (2020s designs, miscellaneous)
Based off the most recent Jones chassis, only with even more aggressive sidepod and airbox packaging, and more complex winglets, this is a is a high-downforce design, albeit one likely to perform poorly without a competitive engine.
A clean, tidy chassis design with 2017/18 Renault style air intake, and a Ferrari F2001-esque drooping nose
A design produced purely to emulate some of the distinctive design features of the 1996 Forti FG03 (that's what the "F" stands for), including the near vertical nose and long sidepods. Only reject teams need apply.
D2xx Series (2020s, long wheelbase, split intake
A design inspired by the Mercedes GP W01B, complete with a long wheelbase, split intake, and integrated rollhoop/fin. This variant features a high nose, copied from the 2019 Fusion.
Effectively the same design as D201, but with a low, curved nose reminiscent of the preseason 2016 Renault design
Another joke experimental design, this is the same basic D2xx design only with a nosecone based of the Lotus E22 "tusks", which like the real thing are asymmetric on this template.
A D2xx design with a conventional 2018 F1/F2 style nose
More ARWS designs are to come, as well as templates for other series such as upcoming altBTCC series