1991 WTCM - Macau posted, final standings are up! 1992 soon!
1991 WTCM - Macau posted, final standings are up! 1992 soon!
Hello, and welcome to the new World Touring Car Masters season! It's time for 1991, which means... it's Super Touring time! The new rule package will replace the current Group A formula (car list and manufacturers available will be announced in the next few days), but hey, it's happening!
Meanwhile, here's the rules. Any feedback regarding the new rules for 1991 and Super Touring is welcome to improve the experience!
Weekend Structure:
Pre-Qualifying (cars split into two 20 car heats). Pre-Qualifying is preceded by a 20-minute qualifying session. The race is 50km’s long.
Each heat will have the factory cars (heat 1) and the second heat will be feature the private entries. The top 12 of each race will follow into the main races.
The first heat will count towards the manufacturer championship and the second heat will count towards the privateer championship.
The real weekend starts with a 60-minute qualifying session. The weekend has two races: one longer races at 200km’s and one shorter on 100km’s. The top 10 from the first race is reversed for the second race. The endurance weekends and the street circuits (Pau and Macau) only have 1 race on a certain length.
Both real life and canon drivers can be used.
Performance drivers will be based on canon results and real life results.
In case a canon driver doesn’t have any previous background associated, he’ll get his talent file RNG’ed.
Drivers have a minimum wage of £5,000 per round.
A driver can be classified as a paydriver. A driver can only be classified as a paydriver if you can associate him with a certain sponsor (for real life drivers, make sure you research about this). Depending on the sponsor and the driver, the driver will be determined to be either a tier 1 paydriver or a tier 2 paydriver.
Tier 1 paydriver can bring a quantity of up to 75,000 a year (if it ran all races) and a minimum of 30,000 (if it ran all races).
Tier 2 paydriver can bring a quantity of up to 40,000 a year (if it ran all races) and a minimum of 10,000 (if it ran all races).
There can be manufacturer efforts and privateer efforts.
Manufacturer efforts can decide how many chassis of each specification they’ll build, and which engines to provide to privateers. Privateers can make their own changes to engines and chassis.
Each team can have a maximum of 2 car per weekend, each one with 1 driver.
Teams will have two main drivers and a test driver. Manufacturers can enter the third driver in their home race as an entry if needed, but that driver won't count towards manufacturer or team points. In races where the third driver is entered, only the two best placed cars in each race (PQ, feature and sprint) will count for budgets.
A maximum of 50 entries per round will be allowed. From those, 20 will be available to manufacturers, 20 to full time-privateers and the remaining to part-timers.
Each manufacturer sets a goal before the start of the season. If the goal is achieved, a manufacturer gets 150k of bonus at the end of the season. There is a budget cap of 1 million for teams to spend.
A user can place a maximum of one manufacturer entry, two full-time privateers and 2 one-off per round.
At the end of each season, each manufacturer is evaluated based on the previous season performance, and the manufacturer decides if that team will carry as being their factory team.
Chassis and Engines:
For the first time in WTCM, there’ll be a chassis system. While previously you could just automatically get a chassis every weekend, manufacturers now must build chassis, while privateers must buy them.
Each chassis will have a wear between 0 and 100%. When a chassis hits 100% wear, it will be considered totaled and a new chassis must be purchased. Each 1% of wear will mean a decrease in multiple stats in the car’s aerodynamic file. A chassis will get hit with 20% after each year it’s running.
Each manufacturer elects how many chassis to build and how many and who to they sell them too. Each new chassis-built cost £10,000. The selling cost is for the manufacturer team to decide. Manufacturer teams can decide if the engine sent to the privateer is a detuned version or not.
Manufacturers and privateers can make developments to each of their chassis. They can buy updates to their cars and develop specific parts of the car individually. Manufacturers can elect to release upgrades to privateers and buy upgrades from privateers if desired.
Manufacturers can sell upgrades to privateers at a value of 50% the price of the original upgrades.
In order to buy privateer upgrades, manufacturers have to pay the full price.
Scrapping a chassis will provide £2,000 to the team.
Budget, Repair and Upgrades:
Manufacturers will be given £500,000 to work with (previous WTCM budgets are voided).
Privateers will be be given their budget in the following percentage of schedule they enter:
>=75% - £200,000
50-75% - £125,000
25-50% - £75,000
<=25% - €50,000
Building a new chassis costs £10.000, while repairing a new chassis considers that 1% damage is worth 100€.
A 10% chassis wear means a crease in 0.001 in the car aerodynamic stats.
A team can only buy upgrades if they're budget is above zero. If you're in the negative, you can't buy upgrades.
Upgrades can come in 4 package or driver upgrades:
Car Upgrades:
Overall upgade: £75,000
-> Improves downforce (Front Grip - 0.002 to 0.010; Rear Grip - 0.002 to 0.008; BodyDragBase - 0.0005 to 0.0020)
-> Improves engine power (Power - 5HP to 10HP)
-> Worses reliability and fuel consumption (decreases reliability by 10 per each HP, and increases fuel consumption by 0.001 by each HP)
-> Increases weight (0.2kg extra for each Hp)
Engine Upgrade can come in 4 types: small, medium, large or entire rebuild.
Small: £50,000
-> Improves engine power (Power - 1HP to 4HP)
-> Worses reliability and Fuel Consumption (decreases reliability by 10 per each HP, and increases fuel consumption by 0.001 by each HP)
-> Increases weight (0.2kg extra for each Hp)
Medium: £100,000
-> Improves engine power (Power - 5HP to 10HP)
-> Worses reliability and Fuel Consumption (decreases reliability by 10 per each HP, and increases fuel consumption by 0.001 by each HP)
-> Increases weight (0.2kg extra for each Hp)
Large: £150,000
-> Improves engine power (Power - 10HP to 20HP)
-> Worses reliability and Fuel Consumption (decreases reliability by 10 per each HP, and increases fuel consumption by 0.001 by each HP)
-> Increases weight (0.2kg extra for each Hp)
Entire Rebuild: £250,000
The engine gets brand new stats.
Downforce Upgrade: £100,000
-> Improves downforce (Front Grip - 0.005 to 0.020; Rear Grip - 0.005 to 0.015; BodyDragBase - 0.0010 to 0.0050)
Reliability Upgrade: £75,000
-> Increases reliability (50 to 150 increase)
-> Increases car weight (1kg for each 25 points)
Weight Upgrade: £125,000
-> Decreases car weight (between 5 and 15kg’s)
-> Decreases reliability (10 for each KG’s)
Driver Upgrades:
Race Class Upgrades: £50,000
-> Race Ability - 0.10 to 0.30
-> Qualifying Ability - 0.05 to 0.20 (worses)
-> Agression - 0.1 to 0.30
-> Passing - 1 to 2
Qualifying Class Upgrade: £50,000
-> Race Ability - 0.05 to 0.20 (worses)
-> Qualifying Ability - 0.10 to 0.30
-> Agression - 0.1 to 0.30
Wet Weather Class Upgrade: £50,000
-> Wet Weather Ability - 0.10 to 0.30
-> MinRacing Skill - 0.05 to 0.10
-> Composure - 0.0001 to 0.0005
Overall Class Upgrade: £50,000
-> Race Ability - 0.02 to 0.10
-> Qualifying Ability - 0.02 to 0.10
-> Wet Weather Ability - 0.02 to 0.10
-> Passing - 0.1 to 1
-> Crash - 1 to 5 (decrease)
-> MinRacing Skill - 0.01 to 0.05
A maximum of 8 upgrades can be asked per season.
If a team runs two different car models, requested upgrades will be applied by car. For example, if you run an E30 M3 and a 318i, and if you ask a overall upgrade, you'll have to pay for it twice, as it requires double the development for each car.
Test Drivers:
Teams can hire test drivers, which can be used to increase upgrade values.
Each driver is attributed with a certain feedback stat, that can be:
Very Bad:
-> Looses 10% of the values gained by RNG
-> Looses 5% of the values gained by RNG
-> Gains 0% of the values gained by RNG
-> Gains 5% of the values gained by RNG
Very Good:
-> Gains 15% of the value gained by RNG
-> Gains 25% into the value gained by RNG
Test Driver bonus can't be applied in each upgrade: they have a maximum of 3 uses per season.
Upgrade Rules:
Upgrades can only be done between race weekends.
Upgrades will be applied automotically into the team's car.
You cannot ask for testing and individual upgrade (overall, engine, downforce, reliability, weight) at the same time. So, if you go for testing this time by, you cannot buy an upgrade this time.
If you do go for individual upgrades, you can ask a maximum of two, and cannot be of the same type between races.
A maximum of 8 upgrades can be asked per season.
Engines will be capped at 310HP for this first year.
Points Structure:
1st – 10
2nd – 8
3rd – 6
4th – 5
5th – 4
6th – 3
7th – 2
8th – 1
Pole – 1 point
FL – 1 Point
Feature Race & Sprint:
1st – 15
2nd – 12
3rd – 10
4th – 8
5th – 6
6th – 5
7th – 4
8th – 3
9th – 2
10th - 1
Pole – 1 point
FL – 1 Point
Endurance Race:
1st – 20
2nd – 15
3rd – 12
4th – 10
5th – 8
6th – 7
7th – 6
8th – 5
9th – 4
10th – 3
11th – 2
12th - 1
Pole – 1 point
FL – 1 Point
Leading a Lap – 1 Point
Race Prizes:
1st: 50.000
2nd: 30.000
3rd: 20.000
4th: 15.000
5th: 10.000
6th: 9.000
7th: 8.000
8th: 7.000
9th: 6.000
10th: 5.000
11th: 4.000
12th: 3.000
<13th: 2.000
DNF: 1.000
Pole Position: 5.000
Fastest Lap: 5.000
Race Prizes (Independent):
1st: 15.000
2nd: 10.000
3rd: 6.000
4th: 5.000
5th: 4.000
6th: 3.000
7th: 2.000
<8th: 1.000
Pole Position: 1.000
Fastest Lap: 1.000
Pre-Qualifying Prizes:
1st: 10.000
2nd: 8.000
3rd: 6.000
4th: 5.000
5th: 4.000
6th: 3.000
7th: 2.000
<8th: 1.000
Pole Position: 2.000
Fastest Lap: 2.000
Championship Prizes (Overall):
1st: 250.000
2nd: 200.000
3rd: 150.000
4th: 100.000
5th: 75.000
6th: 70.000
7th: 60.000
8th: 50.000
9th: 45.000
10th: 40.000
11th: 35.000
12th: 30.000
13th: 25.000
14th: 20.000
15th: 15.000
16th: 10.000
17th: 5.000
18th: 4.000
19th: 2.000
<20th: 1.000
Championship Prizes (Independents):
1st: 150.000
2nd: 100.000
3rd: 75.000
4th: 70.000
5th: 60.000
6th: 50.000
7th: 40.000
8th: 30.000
9th: 15.000
10th: 10.000
11th: 5.000
12th: 2.500
<13th: 1.000
Championship Prizes (Teams):
1st: 150.000
2nd: 100.000
3rd: 75.000
4th: 70.000
5th: 60.000
6th: 50.000
7th: 40.000
8th: 30.000
9th: 15.000
10th: 10.000
11th: 5.000
12th: 2.500
<13th: 1.000
Championship Prizes (Manufacturer):
1st: 500.000
2nd: 400.000
3rd: 300.000
4th: 250.000
5th: 200.000
6th: 150.000
7th: 100.000
8th: 50.000
9th: 25.000
10th: 10.000
<11th: 5.000
1st - 60kg
2nd - 50kg
3rd - 40kg
4th - 30kg
5th - 25kg
6th - 20kg
7th - 15kg
8th - 10kg
Don't post nothing regarding entries yet! You can post feedback to the rules and suggest things, but entries will be handled after I post the car list and manufacturer list to create the transaction between Group A and the new Super Touring rules, and how it will work.
Waiting List (for factory entries):
1. Frogfoot9013
2. Spooder918
3. takagi_for_the_win
Meanwhile, here's the rules. Any feedback regarding the new rules for 1991 and Super Touring is welcome to improve the experience!
Weekend Structure:
Pre-Qualifying (cars split into two 20 car heats). Pre-Qualifying is preceded by a 20-minute qualifying session. The race is 50km’s long.
Each heat will have the factory cars (heat 1) and the second heat will be feature the private entries. The top 12 of each race will follow into the main races.
The first heat will count towards the manufacturer championship and the second heat will count towards the privateer championship.
The real weekend starts with a 60-minute qualifying session. The weekend has two races: one longer races at 200km’s and one shorter on 100km’s. The top 10 from the first race is reversed for the second race. The endurance weekends and the street circuits (Pau and Macau) only have 1 race on a certain length.
Both real life and canon drivers can be used.
Performance drivers will be based on canon results and real life results.
In case a canon driver doesn’t have any previous background associated, he’ll get his talent file RNG’ed.
Drivers have a minimum wage of £5,000 per round.
A driver can be classified as a paydriver. A driver can only be classified as a paydriver if you can associate him with a certain sponsor (for real life drivers, make sure you research about this). Depending on the sponsor and the driver, the driver will be determined to be either a tier 1 paydriver or a tier 2 paydriver.
Tier 1 paydriver can bring a quantity of up to 75,000 a year (if it ran all races) and a minimum of 30,000 (if it ran all races).
Tier 2 paydriver can bring a quantity of up to 40,000 a year (if it ran all races) and a minimum of 10,000 (if it ran all races).
There can be manufacturer efforts and privateer efforts.
Manufacturer efforts can decide how many chassis of each specification they’ll build, and which engines to provide to privateers. Privateers can make their own changes to engines and chassis.
Each team can have a maximum of 2 car per weekend, each one with 1 driver.
Teams will have two main drivers and a test driver. Manufacturers can enter the third driver in their home race as an entry if needed, but that driver won't count towards manufacturer or team points. In races where the third driver is entered, only the two best placed cars in each race (PQ, feature and sprint) will count for budgets.
A maximum of 50 entries per round will be allowed. From those, 20 will be available to manufacturers, 20 to full time-privateers and the remaining to part-timers.
Each manufacturer sets a goal before the start of the season. If the goal is achieved, a manufacturer gets 150k of bonus at the end of the season. There is a budget cap of 1 million for teams to spend.
A user can place a maximum of one manufacturer entry, two full-time privateers and 2 one-off per round.
At the end of each season, each manufacturer is evaluated based on the previous season performance, and the manufacturer decides if that team will carry as being their factory team.
Chassis and Engines:
For the first time in WTCM, there’ll be a chassis system. While previously you could just automatically get a chassis every weekend, manufacturers now must build chassis, while privateers must buy them.
Each chassis will have a wear between 0 and 100%. When a chassis hits 100% wear, it will be considered totaled and a new chassis must be purchased. Each 1% of wear will mean a decrease in multiple stats in the car’s aerodynamic file. A chassis will get hit with 20% after each year it’s running.
Each manufacturer elects how many chassis to build and how many and who to they sell them too. Each new chassis-built cost £10,000. The selling cost is for the manufacturer team to decide. Manufacturer teams can decide if the engine sent to the privateer is a detuned version or not.
Manufacturers and privateers can make developments to each of their chassis. They can buy updates to their cars and develop specific parts of the car individually. Manufacturers can elect to release upgrades to privateers and buy upgrades from privateers if desired.
Manufacturers can sell upgrades to privateers at a value of 50% the price of the original upgrades.
In order to buy privateer upgrades, manufacturers have to pay the full price.
Scrapping a chassis will provide £2,000 to the team.
Budget, Repair and Upgrades:
Manufacturers will be given £500,000 to work with (previous WTCM budgets are voided).
Privateers will be be given their budget in the following percentage of schedule they enter:
>=75% - £200,000
50-75% - £125,000
25-50% - £75,000
<=25% - €50,000
Building a new chassis costs £10.000, while repairing a new chassis considers that 1% damage is worth 100€.
A 10% chassis wear means a crease in 0.001 in the car aerodynamic stats.
A team can only buy upgrades if they're budget is above zero. If you're in the negative, you can't buy upgrades.
Upgrades can come in 4 package or driver upgrades:
Car Upgrades:
Overall upgade: £75,000
-> Improves downforce (Front Grip - 0.002 to 0.010; Rear Grip - 0.002 to 0.008; BodyDragBase - 0.0005 to 0.0020)
-> Improves engine power (Power - 5HP to 10HP)
-> Worses reliability and fuel consumption (decreases reliability by 10 per each HP, and increases fuel consumption by 0.001 by each HP)
-> Increases weight (0.2kg extra for each Hp)
Engine Upgrade can come in 4 types: small, medium, large or entire rebuild.
Small: £50,000
-> Improves engine power (Power - 1HP to 4HP)
-> Worses reliability and Fuel Consumption (decreases reliability by 10 per each HP, and increases fuel consumption by 0.001 by each HP)
-> Increases weight (0.2kg extra for each Hp)
Medium: £100,000
-> Improves engine power (Power - 5HP to 10HP)
-> Worses reliability and Fuel Consumption (decreases reliability by 10 per each HP, and increases fuel consumption by 0.001 by each HP)
-> Increases weight (0.2kg extra for each Hp)
Large: £150,000
-> Improves engine power (Power - 10HP to 20HP)
-> Worses reliability and Fuel Consumption (decreases reliability by 10 per each HP, and increases fuel consumption by 0.001 by each HP)
-> Increases weight (0.2kg extra for each Hp)
Entire Rebuild: £250,000
The engine gets brand new stats.
Downforce Upgrade: £100,000
-> Improves downforce (Front Grip - 0.005 to 0.020; Rear Grip - 0.005 to 0.015; BodyDragBase - 0.0010 to 0.0050)
Reliability Upgrade: £75,000
-> Increases reliability (50 to 150 increase)
-> Increases car weight (1kg for each 25 points)
Weight Upgrade: £125,000
-> Decreases car weight (between 5 and 15kg’s)
-> Decreases reliability (10 for each KG’s)
Driver Upgrades:
Race Class Upgrades: £50,000
-> Race Ability - 0.10 to 0.30
-> Qualifying Ability - 0.05 to 0.20 (worses)
-> Agression - 0.1 to 0.30
-> Passing - 1 to 2
Qualifying Class Upgrade: £50,000
-> Race Ability - 0.05 to 0.20 (worses)
-> Qualifying Ability - 0.10 to 0.30
-> Agression - 0.1 to 0.30
Wet Weather Class Upgrade: £50,000
-> Wet Weather Ability - 0.10 to 0.30
-> MinRacing Skill - 0.05 to 0.10
-> Composure - 0.0001 to 0.0005
Overall Class Upgrade: £50,000
-> Race Ability - 0.02 to 0.10
-> Qualifying Ability - 0.02 to 0.10
-> Wet Weather Ability - 0.02 to 0.10
-> Passing - 0.1 to 1
-> Crash - 1 to 5 (decrease)
-> MinRacing Skill - 0.01 to 0.05
A maximum of 8 upgrades can be asked per season.
If a team runs two different car models, requested upgrades will be applied by car. For example, if you run an E30 M3 and a 318i, and if you ask a overall upgrade, you'll have to pay for it twice, as it requires double the development for each car.
Test Drivers:
Teams can hire test drivers, which can be used to increase upgrade values.
Each driver is attributed with a certain feedback stat, that can be:
Very Bad:
-> Looses 10% of the values gained by RNG
-> Looses 5% of the values gained by RNG
-> Gains 0% of the values gained by RNG
-> Gains 5% of the values gained by RNG
Very Good:
-> Gains 15% of the value gained by RNG
-> Gains 25% into the value gained by RNG
Test Driver bonus can't be applied in each upgrade: they have a maximum of 3 uses per season.
Upgrade Rules:
Upgrades can only be done between race weekends.
Upgrades will be applied automotically into the team's car.
You cannot ask for testing and individual upgrade (overall, engine, downforce, reliability, weight) at the same time. So, if you go for testing this time by, you cannot buy an upgrade this time.
If you do go for individual upgrades, you can ask a maximum of two, and cannot be of the same type between races.
A maximum of 8 upgrades can be asked per season.
Engines will be capped at 310HP for this first year.
Points Structure:
1st – 10
2nd – 8
3rd – 6
4th – 5
5th – 4
6th – 3
7th – 2
8th – 1
Pole – 1 point
FL – 1 Point
Feature Race & Sprint:
1st – 15
2nd – 12
3rd – 10
4th – 8
5th – 6
6th – 5
7th – 4
8th – 3
9th – 2
10th - 1
Pole – 1 point
FL – 1 Point
Endurance Race:
1st – 20
2nd – 15
3rd – 12
4th – 10
5th – 8
6th – 7
7th – 6
8th – 5
9th – 4
10th – 3
11th – 2
12th - 1
Pole – 1 point
FL – 1 Point
Leading a Lap – 1 Point
Race Prizes:
1st: 50.000
2nd: 30.000
3rd: 20.000
4th: 15.000
5th: 10.000
6th: 9.000
7th: 8.000
8th: 7.000
9th: 6.000
10th: 5.000
11th: 4.000
12th: 3.000
<13th: 2.000
DNF: 1.000
Pole Position: 5.000
Fastest Lap: 5.000
Race Prizes (Independent):
1st: 15.000
2nd: 10.000
3rd: 6.000
4th: 5.000
5th: 4.000
6th: 3.000
7th: 2.000
<8th: 1.000
Pole Position: 1.000
Fastest Lap: 1.000
Pre-Qualifying Prizes:
1st: 10.000
2nd: 8.000
3rd: 6.000
4th: 5.000
5th: 4.000
6th: 3.000
7th: 2.000
<8th: 1.000
Pole Position: 2.000
Fastest Lap: 2.000
Championship Prizes (Overall):
1st: 250.000
2nd: 200.000
3rd: 150.000
4th: 100.000
5th: 75.000
6th: 70.000
7th: 60.000
8th: 50.000
9th: 45.000
10th: 40.000
11th: 35.000
12th: 30.000
13th: 25.000
14th: 20.000
15th: 15.000
16th: 10.000
17th: 5.000
18th: 4.000
19th: 2.000
<20th: 1.000
Championship Prizes (Independents):
1st: 150.000
2nd: 100.000
3rd: 75.000
4th: 70.000
5th: 60.000
6th: 50.000
7th: 40.000
8th: 30.000
9th: 15.000
10th: 10.000
11th: 5.000
12th: 2.500
<13th: 1.000
Championship Prizes (Teams):
1st: 150.000
2nd: 100.000
3rd: 75.000
4th: 70.000
5th: 60.000
6th: 50.000
7th: 40.000
8th: 30.000
9th: 15.000
10th: 10.000
11th: 5.000
12th: 2.500
<13th: 1.000
Championship Prizes (Manufacturer):
1st: 500.000
2nd: 400.000
3rd: 300.000
4th: 250.000
5th: 200.000
6th: 150.000
7th: 100.000
8th: 50.000
9th: 25.000
10th: 10.000
<11th: 5.000
1st - 60kg
2nd - 50kg
3rd - 40kg
4th - 30kg
5th - 25kg
6th - 20kg
7th - 15kg
8th - 10kg
Don't post nothing regarding entries yet! You can post feedback to the rules and suggest things, but entries will be handled after I post the car list and manufacturer list to create the transaction between Group A and the new Super Touring rules, and how it will work.
Waiting List (for factory entries):
1. Frogfoot9013
2. Spooder918
3. takagi_for_the_win
Last edited by Miguel98 on 11 Jun 2020, 19:16, edited 56 times in total.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Here comes Super Touring! - Rule feedback
1st Round: Symmons Plains Raceway
2nd Round: TI Circuit Aida
3rd Round: Watkins Glen
4th Round: Lagos
5th Round: Donington Park (Endurance – 500km)
6th Round: Pau
7th Round: Brno
8th Round: Monza
9th Round: Brands Hatch
10th Round: Anderstorp
11th Round: Spa (Endurance – 500km)
12th Round: Nurburgring GP
13th Round: Macau (Guia Race – 30 laps)
Car List:
BMW E30 M3 (Price: £29,000)
BMW E30 M3 Evo (Price: £30,000)
BMW 318i (Price: £28,000)
Ford Sierra RS Cosworth (Price: £35,000)
Ford Sierra Sapphire (Price: £35,000)
Mazda 323F (Price: £25,000)
Mercedes-Benz 190E (Price: £40,000)
Mercedes-Benz 190E (Price: £40,000)
Mitsubishi Galant (Price: £20,000)
Nissan Primera P10 (Price: £25,000)
Peugeot 405 (Price: £25,000)
Toyota Carina (Price: £30,000)
Vauxhall Cavalier (Price: £27,500)
Volkswagen Golf Mk3 (Price: £20,000)
Budgets and Startlists:
The budgets for the teams and startlists for each event can be found here:
Budgets and Startlists
1st Round: Symmons Plains Raceway
2nd Round: TI Circuit Aida
3rd Round: Watkins Glen
4th Round: Lagos
5th Round: Donington Park (Endurance – 500km)
6th Round: Pau
7th Round: Brno
8th Round: Monza
9th Round: Brands Hatch
10th Round: Anderstorp
11th Round: Spa (Endurance – 500km)
12th Round: Nurburgring GP
13th Round: Macau (Guia Race – 30 laps)
Car List:
BMW E30 M3 (Price: £29,000)
BMW E30 M3 Evo (Price: £30,000)
BMW 318i (Price: £28,000)
Ford Sierra RS Cosworth (Price: £35,000)
Ford Sierra Sapphire (Price: £35,000)
Mazda 323F (Price: £25,000)
Mercedes-Benz 190E (Price: £40,000)
Mercedes-Benz 190E (Price: £40,000)
Mitsubishi Galant (Price: £20,000)
Nissan Primera P10 (Price: £25,000)
Peugeot 405 (Price: £25,000)
Toyota Carina (Price: £30,000)
Vauxhall Cavalier (Price: £27,500)
Volkswagen Golf Mk3 (Price: £20,000)
Budgets and Startlists:
The budgets for the teams and startlists for each event can be found here:
Budgets and Startlists
Last edited by Miguel98 on 16 Apr 2020, 12:00, edited 6 times in total.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Here comes Super Touring! - Rule feedback
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
- CaptainGetz12
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Re: 1991 WTCM - Here comes Super Touring! - Rule feedback
(Error, please delete this post)
Last edited by CaptainGetz12 on 30 May 2019, 14:33, edited 2 times in total.
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
- FortiWinks
- Posts: 302
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- Location: Behind you
Re: 1991 WTCM - Here comes Super Touring! - Rule feedback
Miguel98 wrote:Don't post nothing regarding entries yet!
CaptainGetz12 wrote:I'll reserve an entry.
Something doesn’t add up here...
Knows two facts about ducks and both of them are wrong
Re: 1991 WTCM - Here comes Super Touring! - Rule feedback
Autosport, November 1990 wrote:FISA announce homologated cars for 1991 WTCM season
Last night, FISA released a statement to the worldwide press with details regarding the 1991 World Touring Car Masters.
With the already announced switch to the new Super Touring formula, introduced last year in BTCC - with support for some Group A cars, mainly those that were labelled as Class C last year, that will be able to continue to run in the series, albeit with changes to their specs to match those of Super Touring.
Besides the obvious formula switch, FISA have also announced a switch in the style of races, with a focus now in shorter sprint races versus the longer endurance races that the Group A era of touring car racing was famous era. Despite that, the new provisional calendar features 2 endurance races, with more details on those to be released later on the year by the FISA.
The press also included the homologated cars for the 1991 season, which are:
Super Touring:
BMW 318is
Ford Sierra Sapphire
Mazda 323F
Mitsubishi Galant
Nissan Primeira P10
Peugeot 405 Mi16
Toyota Carina
Vauxhall Cavalier
Volkswagen Golf Mk3
Group A:
BMW E30 M3
BMW E30 M3 Evolution
Mercedes-Benz 190E
There are a fairly handful of previous manufacturers from WTCM that are absent from the list, the most notorious being Audi, who endured their best season in WTCM to date last year with their V8.
After being contacted by Autosport, an Audi representative answered us by saying that "The new WTCM formula is a major change to Audi's operations in touring cars, so we opted to carry on with the development of the V8 in DTM while prepparing a Super Touring for a 1992 or 1993 assault. We wish the best of luck to our competitors and hope to see them in the future".
The Vauxhall entry is conducted by General Motors as a whole, as the car will be rebranded accordingly if necessary. The Vauxhall entry will be conducted by last year's Opel personel, although there are rumours of two separate GM manufacturers entering the frame starting already next year.
The new manufacturers that join the WTCM frame are Mazda and Peugeot, while Renault, Holden and Volvo leave the frame. Renault are already said to be in development of a Renault 21 Super Tourer that might be introduced later in the season, but didn't reply to our inquiry about this fact.
More details are expected to come from FISA over the next few months, specially regarding the full calendar and the ruleset, as the new age of touring car is upon us.
This means that I'll run the manufacturer evaluation on the following teams:
Mercedes-Benz (Pinkd56)
Opel/Vauxhall (Dom)
Toyota (SeedStriker)
Nissan (Biscione)
Volkswagen (pasta_maldonado)
Mitsubishi (peteroli34)
Ford (Rated)
BMW (Novitopoli)
I'll post this tomorrow. After that, managers will have 1 week to answer regarding their intent to stay in the series managing their manufacturer. Afterwards, I'll start the manufacturer entry process.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Here comes Super Touring! - Manufacturers!
Opel - Dom
Goal: Finish ahead of at least one of the VW entries
The GM factory entry from 1990 disappears, and becomes Vauxhall for this year, but Dom can carry on managing the team, as Bernd Schneider took the Class D honours last year with a 90 gap to VW’s Massimo Sigala. Overall, the GM assault in 1990 was a perfect rehearsal for a 1991 overall title assault, as the new Vauxhall operation uses a lot of the Team Irmscher assets combined with the development already made in the BTCC last year. Let’s see what Vauxhall can do!
BMW – novitopoli
Goal: Win the C-Class championship
BMW endured a very successful 1990, despite losing their star Roberto Ravaglia. Thus, a german named Marc Hessel stepped up, and combining regularity with wins, took the C Class honors for the first time, while BMW endured a 1-2-3-4 in the class championship. Despite a strong challenge from Mercedes throughout the year, the regularity of the E30 M3 Evolution worked wonders for them, and novitopoli can carry on managing the team.
Mercedes-Benz – Pinkd56
Goal: Win the C-Class championship
You look at Mercedes last year line-up, and they had both the WTCM champions. They had two of the most consistent performers to join Harvey and Ratzenberger, but in the end, they finished 5th through 8th in the C Class championship, with Mauro Baldi the leading Mercedes 66 points off Hessel total. The big reason seemed it was the inability of the 190E to deal with the success ballast imposed in PQ, that took a toll in its performance often and suffering more reliability hoes than BMW as well. Despite the failure, Mercedes updated the 190E to try to score an overall title and pinkd56 will continue to manage the team for one final attempt at glory.
Nissan – Biscione
Nissan’s continuous promise failed to meet again. The team was more regular this year, but the R32 continued to suffer problems with unreliability that took a toll on the driver’s performance. Nagasaka finished 3rd in the championship with 3 wins, while Hasemi and Asch scored another win apiece throughout the year. The R32 has been sent to the JTCC this year, and the Primeira is brought to be Nissan’s first assault on the WTCM with Super Touring. The team wants to run under the Impul banner, but negotiations are still occurring within the Impul campsite to see what happens. Biscione will continue to run the team under the Impul mantra starting this year.
Volkswagen – pasta_maldonado
Goal: Score at least three in-class victories
6 Class D victories from Volkswagen’s first assault as a factory effort in WTCM. Goal achieved, Pasta can continue to manage the team.
Toyota – SeedStriker
Goal: Improve the numbers of last season
Well, Toyota were surprised definitely, as the new Audi V8 was all conquering, even taking the fight to A Class cars throughout the season. Only 4 class victories through the year was even good considering the gap between Audi and Toyota in most tracks through the year. Despite that, Toyota are hopeful of a continuous relationship with USD and the team will continue to run their factory team, but now much closer to their Japanese Tom’s counterpart. SeedStriker will continue to manage the team.
Mitsubishi - peteroli34
Goal: Top 5 Class B
Mitsubishi development of the Starion stalled, and their goal of finishing in the top 5 of class wasn’t even close to being achieved. The team endured a worse year than 1989, and the momentum of 1989 should have been carried into 1990, but the overall performance of the team left much to desire. The team has developed a Super Touring car, but the team is looking for a new team to manage it. Peteroli34 won’t manage Mitsubishi next season, but he can apply for any of the other manufacturers (including Mitsubishi but under a different name).
Ford – Rated
Goal: Keep both titles
Despite their rivals being much closer, and overall, feeling like they had a faster car, the Sierra RS500 developed by Zakspeed continued to be the class of the field, and it dominated the season at the hands of their driver Manuel Reuter, breaking pretty much all of the WTCM season records already. They won everything once again, and Rated will carry on as manager of Ford.
The following managers have 1 week, until 6th June 11:59pm, to confirm their interest in carrying on managing their respective manufacturers.
Goal: Finish ahead of at least one of the VW entries
The GM factory entry from 1990 disappears, and becomes Vauxhall for this year, but Dom can carry on managing the team, as Bernd Schneider took the Class D honours last year with a 90 gap to VW’s Massimo Sigala. Overall, the GM assault in 1990 was a perfect rehearsal for a 1991 overall title assault, as the new Vauxhall operation uses a lot of the Team Irmscher assets combined with the development already made in the BTCC last year. Let’s see what Vauxhall can do!
BMW – novitopoli
Goal: Win the C-Class championship
BMW endured a very successful 1990, despite losing their star Roberto Ravaglia. Thus, a german named Marc Hessel stepped up, and combining regularity with wins, took the C Class honors for the first time, while BMW endured a 1-2-3-4 in the class championship. Despite a strong challenge from Mercedes throughout the year, the regularity of the E30 M3 Evolution worked wonders for them, and novitopoli can carry on managing the team.
Mercedes-Benz – Pinkd56
Goal: Win the C-Class championship
You look at Mercedes last year line-up, and they had both the WTCM champions. They had two of the most consistent performers to join Harvey and Ratzenberger, but in the end, they finished 5th through 8th in the C Class championship, with Mauro Baldi the leading Mercedes 66 points off Hessel total. The big reason seemed it was the inability of the 190E to deal with the success ballast imposed in PQ, that took a toll in its performance often and suffering more reliability hoes than BMW as well. Despite the failure, Mercedes updated the 190E to try to score an overall title and pinkd56 will continue to manage the team for one final attempt at glory.
Nissan – Biscione
Nissan’s continuous promise failed to meet again. The team was more regular this year, but the R32 continued to suffer problems with unreliability that took a toll on the driver’s performance. Nagasaka finished 3rd in the championship with 3 wins, while Hasemi and Asch scored another win apiece throughout the year. The R32 has been sent to the JTCC this year, and the Primeira is brought to be Nissan’s first assault on the WTCM with Super Touring. The team wants to run under the Impul banner, but negotiations are still occurring within the Impul campsite to see what happens. Biscione will continue to run the team under the Impul mantra starting this year.
Volkswagen – pasta_maldonado
Goal: Score at least three in-class victories
6 Class D victories from Volkswagen’s first assault as a factory effort in WTCM. Goal achieved, Pasta can continue to manage the team.
Toyota – SeedStriker
Goal: Improve the numbers of last season
Well, Toyota were surprised definitely, as the new Audi V8 was all conquering, even taking the fight to A Class cars throughout the season. Only 4 class victories through the year was even good considering the gap between Audi and Toyota in most tracks through the year. Despite that, Toyota are hopeful of a continuous relationship with USD and the team will continue to run their factory team, but now much closer to their Japanese Tom’s counterpart. SeedStriker will continue to manage the team.
Mitsubishi - peteroli34
Goal: Top 5 Class B
Mitsubishi development of the Starion stalled, and their goal of finishing in the top 5 of class wasn’t even close to being achieved. The team endured a worse year than 1989, and the momentum of 1989 should have been carried into 1990, but the overall performance of the team left much to desire. The team has developed a Super Touring car, but the team is looking for a new team to manage it. Peteroli34 won’t manage Mitsubishi next season, but he can apply for any of the other manufacturers (including Mitsubishi but under a different name).
Ford – Rated
Goal: Keep both titles
Despite their rivals being much closer, and overall, feeling like they had a faster car, the Sierra RS500 developed by Zakspeed continued to be the class of the field, and it dominated the season at the hands of their driver Manuel Reuter, breaking pretty much all of the WTCM season records already. They won everything once again, and Rated will carry on as manager of Ford.
The following managers have 1 week, until 6th June 11:59pm, to confirm their interest in carrying on managing their respective manufacturers.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
- SeedStriker
- Posts: 1288
- Joined: 02 Jul 2012, 19:51
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturer evaluation posted!
USD will continue with the administration of the Toyota operation
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturer evaluation posted!
Opel Team Irmscher confirms that it will partake in the 1991 WTCM season under the branding of Vauxhall Sport.
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Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturer evaluation posted!
Mercedes-Benz will return to give the 190E a final send off before its replacement is announced.
- DemocalypseNow
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Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturer evaluation posted! Confirm thin
Rejectsport wrote:Nissan's WTCM campaign to take a European flavour for '91
WTCM's switch from Group A to Super Touring has led to a complete change at Nissan, with Kazuyoshi Hoshino's Impul team that ran its WTCM programme withdrawing and being replaced by British outfit Janspeed.
Nissan had fielded a sextet of Skyline GT-R R32s across two teams last year but despite several race wins, failed to mount a title challenge to the all-conquering Fords.
With the Skyline GT-R now banned from WTCM due to the regulation change, Janspeed will now take over operations of Nissan's works team, having been tasked with developing the new Primera Super Touring car.
Most of Nissan's WTCM line-up is expected to change as a result, with Hoshino, Naoki Nagasaka, Masahiro Hasemi, Takao Wada and Toshio Suzuki all expected to focus on campaigning the Skyline GT-R in the Far East and Australia instead of returning to the world championship.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturer evaluation posted! Confirm thin
Zakspeed will carry on with Ford.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturer evaluation posted! Confirm thin
The deadline is over! Both BMW and Volkswagen, novitopoli and Pasta respectivelly, didn't confirm that they are carrying on with the series, so they've lost their factory status.
These factories are available to be taken then:
You can bid for them with the following form:
An RNG will then be run for the manufacturers. You have until the 12th June 2019 to bid for them.
These factories are available to be taken then:
You can bid for them with the following form:
Code: Select all
Team Name:
Previous Racing Background (team history):
An RNG will then be run for the manufacturers. You have until the 12th June 2019 to bid for them.
Last edited by Miguel98 on 08 Jun 2019, 10:47, edited 1 time in total.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
- FortiWinks
- Posts: 302
- Joined: 17 Nov 2018, 00:21
- Location: Behind you
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
Team Name: BMW Team Schnitzer
Manufacturer: BMW
Previous Racing Background (team history): The loyal BMW team bids again for the manufacturer deal with the German marquee which we have had great success since the ‘60’s and feel like we can go further at international level.
If we fail to attract the factory BMW contract we are more than willing to run the cars privately.
Manufacturer: BMW
Previous Racing Background (team history): The loyal BMW team bids again for the manufacturer deal with the German marquee which we have had great success since the ‘60’s and feel like we can go further at international level.
If we fail to attract the factory BMW contract we are more than willing to run the cars privately.
Last edited by FortiWinks on 09 Jun 2019, 02:53, edited 2 times in total.
Knows two facts about ducks and both of them are wrong
- Gertrand Bachot
- Posts: 904
- Joined: 22 Oct 2017, 14:25
- Location: Kingstein auf dem Müll
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
Team Name: Peugeot Talbot Sport
Manufacturer: Peugeot
Previous Racing Background (team history): Ran the Peugeot factory team in the WRC since 1984, and the Peugeot factory team in the WSC since 1990. Hopes to expand Peugeot’s factory efforts into the WTCM in 1991.
Manufacturer: Peugeot
Previous Racing Background (team history): Ran the Peugeot factory team in the WRC since 1984, and the Peugeot factory team in the WSC since 1990. Hopes to expand Peugeot’s factory efforts into the WTCM in 1991.
- Salamander
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- Location: Embittered former NASCAR fan.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
Team Name: Team Taisan
Manufacturer: Mazda
Previous Racing Background (team history): Team Taisan have a successful history in Japanese Prototype racing, having operated the Nova Engineering Porsche 962 which was driven by Kunimitsu Takahashi and Kenji Takahashi to 3 consecutive All-Japan Endurance Championships from 1985-1987.
In 1989 the team branched out to field a BMW M3 in the Japanese Touring Car Championship, winning the 2nd Division in their first season. As the calendar turns to 1991, Team Taisan have their sights firmly set on expanding to the world stage, with manufacturer backing from Mazda.
Manufacturer: Mazda
Previous Racing Background (team history): Team Taisan have a successful history in Japanese Prototype racing, having operated the Nova Engineering Porsche 962 which was driven by Kunimitsu Takahashi and Kenji Takahashi to 3 consecutive All-Japan Endurance Championships from 1985-1987.
In 1989 the team branched out to field a BMW M3 in the Japanese Touring Car Championship, winning the 2nd Division in their first season. As the calendar turns to 1991, Team Taisan have their sights firmly set on expanding to the world stage, with manufacturer backing from Mazda.
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
AutoBild wrote:Olaf Manthey leaves WTCM
Bonn-based Olaf Manthey Racing is set to depart from the World Touring Car Masters citing unreasonable costs and the switch to the new Super Touring formula. "With the elimination of the class system we have even less chance of getting results because all of the manufacturers will be competing for the same prize. As is the case with a lot of these things - the independent teams will have no chance unless they throw a stupid amount of money at the series."
The team have confirmed they will be returning to the domestic DTM series.
- CaptainGetz12
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Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
Team Name: Mitsubishi Ralliart Europe
Manufacturer: Mitsubishi
Previous Racing Background (team history): Ralliart's European branch formed in 1983 in cooperation with Andrew Cowan Motorsports, and have fielded the Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 in the World Rally Championship since 1989, placing 3rd in the WRC in 1990.
The team's experience with the Galant was the main factor in the decision to make Mitsubishi Ralliart Europe become the brand's manufacturer team with the debut of the Galant in WTCM this year. The team hopes that with new leadership that it will be able to attract more seasoned drivers from the international stage and new sponsorship and make Mitsubishi a competitive force in WTCM.
Manufacturer: Mitsubishi
Previous Racing Background (team history): Ralliart's European branch formed in 1983 in cooperation with Andrew Cowan Motorsports, and have fielded the Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 in the World Rally Championship since 1989, placing 3rd in the WRC in 1990.
The team's experience with the Galant was the main factor in the decision to make Mitsubishi Ralliart Europe become the brand's manufacturer team with the debut of the Galant in WTCM this year. The team hopes that with new leadership that it will be able to attract more seasoned drivers from the international stage and new sponsorship and make Mitsubishi a competitive force in WTCM.
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
Team Name: Volkswagen Motorsport
Manufacturer: Volkswagen
Previous Racing Background (team history): Has built cars for and run cars in the WRC between 1978 & 1990, with multiple class wins as well as an overall victory in the 1987 Rallye Côte d'Ivoire. Now having left the world of rallying, the team has ambitions to succeed in touring car racing at the global level.
Manufacturer: Volkswagen
Previous Racing Background (team history): Has built cars for and run cars in the WRC between 1978 & 1990, with multiple class wins as well as an overall victory in the 1987 Rallye Côte d'Ivoire. Now having left the world of rallying, the team has ambitions to succeed in touring car racing at the global level.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
I've added a new mechanic to the first post that I recommend everyone to check out! Give opinions about it. It's in the testing section.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
- CaptainGetz12
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Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
Miguel98 wrote:I've added a new mechanic to the first post that I recommend everyone to check out! Give opinions about it. It's in the testing section.
I like the idea, but will it overlap too much with paying for part development? And I assume we can bid for more than 1 test driver in order to keep them all rested up?
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
CaptainGetz12 wrote:Miguel98 wrote:I've added a new mechanic to the first post that I recommend everyone to check out! Give opinions about it. It's in the testing section.
I like the idea, but will it overlap too much with paying for part development? And I assume we can bid for more than 1 test driver in order to keep them all rested up?
You can only have 1 test driver. The test driver can be entered as a 3rd driver on the home race for the team.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
Team Name: TWR Volkswagen
Manufacturer: Volkswagen
Previous Racing Background: Certainly one of the more colourful characters to grace the motorsport paddock, the irascible Tom Walkinshaw has been drafted in by Volkswagen to lead the fledgling works effort to racing glory. Or, at the very least, hopefully avoid complete, abject humiliation.
Armed with an incredibly varied and impressive curriculum vitae, including the development of Jaguar's XJR sportscar programme, and the operation of Holden's works team in the ATCC, TWR should theoretically possess a wealth of experience and expertise with which to develop Volkswagen into a genuine force to be reckoned with. That is, if Mad Uncle Tom manages not to burn too many bridges...
Manufacturer: Volkswagen
Previous Racing Background: Certainly one of the more colourful characters to grace the motorsport paddock, the irascible Tom Walkinshaw has been drafted in by Volkswagen to lead the fledgling works effort to racing glory. Or, at the very least, hopefully avoid complete, abject humiliation.
Armed with an incredibly varied and impressive curriculum vitae, including the development of Jaguar's XJR sportscar programme, and the operation of Holden's works team in the ATCC, TWR should theoretically possess a wealth of experience and expertise with which to develop Volkswagen into a genuine force to be reckoned with. That is, if Mad Uncle Tom manages not to burn too many bridges...
Klon, on Alt-F1 wrote: I like to think it's more poker than gambling, though.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturers available! Bid for them!
Everyone except VW gets their bids accepted.
Mitsubishi -> CaptainGetz12
Mazda -> Salamander
Peugeot -> GertrandBachot
BMW -> FortiWinks
For VW, here's the RNG values:
1-40 - Volkswagen Motorsport
41-100 - TWR Volkswagen
RNG says: 100 - TWR Volkswagen
Volkswagen -> kevinbotz
For pimmy, sorry. But you'll be able to enter as a privateer without any concern, don't worry.
For the others: tomorrow I'll be sending out some car stats to you, and you must answer me with sell prices for privateers. You'll have 3 days to do, until the 16th June.
Mitsubishi -> CaptainGetz12
Mazda -> Salamander
Peugeot -> GertrandBachot
BMW -> FortiWinks
For VW, here's the RNG values:
1-40 - Volkswagen Motorsport
41-100 - TWR Volkswagen
RNG says: 100 - TWR Volkswagen
Volkswagen -> kevinbotz
For pimmy, sorry. But you'll be able to enter as a privateer without any concern, don't worry.
For the others: tomorrow I'll be sending out some car stats to you, and you must answer me with sell prices for privateers. You'll have 3 days to do, until the 16th June.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
Re: 1991 WTCM - Manufacturer bids posted! Send car prices!
Since everyone but Biscione has sent me car prices, we can start the driver bids.
For a starter, a note: for canon drivers whose DEC owner is unreachable (e.g. Andrea Geisler), the RNG will be carried out as a normal, real life driver, and the person who gets the driver will also get his DEC.
Now, for the actual driving bid. Remember, for each weekend there are 20 entries for manufacturers (10 teams) and another 20 for full-time privateers (10 teams), with a further 10 available for one-off's/part-time privateers.
So, here's what you have to fill for the drivers:
First, check the wiki page for some content already: Wiki Page
For manufacturers:
Remember that, for privateers, you have to buy the cars from the manufacturers, and therefore, a deal must be in place with them for you to enter their cars.Prices can be found here: Prices and it will be added into the second post of this topic.
For privateers:
For driver bids:
You have until the 25th June to post driver bids and entries.
For a starter, a note: for canon drivers whose DEC owner is unreachable (e.g. Andrea Geisler), the RNG will be carried out as a normal, real life driver, and the person who gets the driver will also get his DEC.
Now, for the actual driving bid. Remember, for each weekend there are 20 entries for manufacturers (10 teams) and another 20 for full-time privateers (10 teams), with a further 10 available for one-off's/part-time privateers.
So, here's what you have to fill for the drivers:
First, check the wiki page for some content already: Wiki Page
For manufacturers:
Code: Select all
Team Name:
Team Country:
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country):
Team Numbers:
Remember that, for privateers, you have to buy the cars from the manufacturers, and therefore, a deal must be in place with them for you to enter their cars.Prices can be found here: Prices and it will be added into the second post of this topic.
For privateers:
Code: Select all
Team Name:
Team Country:
Number of Cars:
Team Numbers:
For driver bids:
Code: Select all
Driver Name:
Years of Contract (factory only):
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver):
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors):
Wage (per race):
You have until the 25th June to post driver bids and entries.
Last edited by Miguel98 on 21 Jun 2019, 10:16, edited 1 time in total.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: Vauxhall Sport
Team Country: Great Britain / Germany
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country): Donington Park
Vehicle: Vauxhall Cavalier
Team Numbers: 5 & 6 ( & 56 for the test driver home race entry)
Driver Name: Bernd Schneider
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 5
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 35k
Driver Name: Andrea Geisler
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 5
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 30k
Driver Name: Tim Harvey
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 6
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 40k
Driver Name: John Cleland
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 6
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 25k
Driver Name: Jeff Allam
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Test Driver
Number: 56
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: Rd 9
Wage (per race): 15k
Team Country: Great Britain / Germany
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country): Donington Park
Vehicle: Vauxhall Cavalier
Team Numbers: 5 & 6 ( & 56 for the test driver home race entry)
Driver Name: Bernd Schneider
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 5
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 35k
Driver Name: Andrea Geisler
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 5
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 30k
Driver Name: Tim Harvey
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 6
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 40k
Driver Name: John Cleland
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 6
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 25k
Driver Name: Jeff Allam
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Test Driver
Number: 56
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: Rd 9
Wage (per race): 15k
Last edited by Dom_Wings on 23 Jun 2019, 20:52, edited 3 times in total.
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- FortiWinks
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Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: BMW Team Schnitzer
Team Country: Germany
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country): Nürburgring
Vehicle: BMW M3 Evolution
Team Numbers: 42-43-44
Driver Name: Marc Hessel
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 42
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 25k
Driver Name: Christian Danner
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 43
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 25k
Driver Name: Joachim Winkelhock
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Test Driver
Number: 44
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: Rd 12
Wage (per race): 12k
Team Name: Caltex CXT Racing Team
Team Country: Australia
Vehicle: Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: Rd 1
Team Numbers: 8
Driver Name: Colin Bond
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 8
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: Rd 1
Wage (per race): 0 (team owner)
Team Country: Germany
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country): Nürburgring
Vehicle: BMW M3 Evolution
Team Numbers: 42-43-44
Driver Name: Marc Hessel
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 42
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 25k
Driver Name: Christian Danner
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 43
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 25k
Driver Name: Joachim Winkelhock
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Test Driver
Number: 44
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: Rd 12
Wage (per race): 12k
Team Name: Caltex CXT Racing Team
Team Country: Australia
Vehicle: Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: Rd 1
Team Numbers: 8
Driver Name: Colin Bond
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 8
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: Rd 1
Wage (per race): 0 (team owner)
Knows two facts about ducks and both of them are wrong
- Gertrand Bachot
- Posts: 904
- Joined: 22 Oct 2017, 14:25
- Location: Kingstein auf dem Müll
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: Peugeot Talbot Sport
Team Country: France
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country): Paul Ricard
Vehicle: Peugeot 405
Team Numbers: 13, 14 and 15 (for TD entry)
Driver Name: Philippe Alliot
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 13
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: Jean-Pierre Jabouille
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 13
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: Yannick Dalmas
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 14
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: Pierre-Henri Raphanel
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 14
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £20k
Driver Name: Christophe Bouchut
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Test Driver
Number: 15
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: Round 6
Wage (per race): £15k
Team Name: Peugeot Sport Italia
Team Country: Italy
Vehicle: Peugeot 405
Number of Cars: 2
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 16 and 17
Driver Name: Fabrizio Giovanardi
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £30k
Driver Name: Mauro Baldi
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: Tim Harvey
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £40k
Driver Name: Gary Ayles
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £20k
Team Name: Tauber Motorsport
Team Country: Germany
Vehicle: BMW M3 Evo (FortiWinks’ approval withstanding)
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 18
Driver Name: Silvio Bachot
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 18
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £10k
Team Country: France
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country): Paul Ricard
Vehicle: Peugeot 405
Team Numbers: 13, 14 and 15 (for TD entry)
Driver Name: Philippe Alliot
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 13
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: Jean-Pierre Jabouille
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 13
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: Yannick Dalmas
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 14
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: Pierre-Henri Raphanel
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 14
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £20k
Driver Name: Christophe Bouchut
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Test Driver
Number: 15
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: Round 6
Wage (per race): £15k
Team Name: Peugeot Sport Italia
Team Country: Italy
Vehicle: Peugeot 405
Number of Cars: 2
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 16 and 17
Driver Name: Fabrizio Giovanardi
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £30k
Driver Name: Mauro Baldi
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: Tim Harvey
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £40k
Driver Name: Gary Ayles
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £20k
Team Name: Tauber Motorsport
Team Country: Germany
Vehicle: BMW M3 Evo (FortiWinks’ approval withstanding)
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 18
Driver Name: Silvio Bachot
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 18
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £10k
- FortiWinks
- Posts: 302
- Joined: 17 Nov 2018, 00:21
- Location: Behind you
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Gertrand Bachot wrote:Team Name: Tauber Motorsport
Team Country: Germany
Vehicle: BMW M3 Evo (FortiWinks’ approval withstanding)
Number of Cars: 1
Knows two facts about ducks and both of them are wrong
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: Prodrive
Team Country: Great Britain
Vehicle: BMW 318i (needs aprooval by FortiWinks)
Number of Cars: 2
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 7 and 77
Driver Name: Frank Sytner
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 7
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 10k
Driver Name: Leonhard von Gottorp
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 77
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): Yes (Vacheron Constantin)
Rounds: 1-2, 4, 12-13
Wage (per race): 5k
Driver Name: Chris Hodgetts
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 77
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 5-11
Wage (per race): 10k
Driver Name: Laurence Bristow
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 77
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 5-11
Wage (per race): 10k
Team Country: Great Britain
Vehicle: BMW 318i (needs aprooval by FortiWinks)
Number of Cars: 2
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 7 and 77
Driver Name: Frank Sytner
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 7
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 10k
Driver Name: Leonhard von Gottorp
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 77
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): Yes (Vacheron Constantin)
Rounds: 1-2, 4, 12-13
Wage (per race): 5k
Driver Name: Chris Hodgetts
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 77
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 5-11
Wage (per race): 10k
Driver Name: Laurence Bristow
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 77
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 5-11
Wage (per race): 10k
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.
18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
- FortiWinks
- Posts: 302
- Joined: 17 Nov 2018, 00:21
- Location: Behind you
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Miguel98 wrote:Team Name: Prodrive
Team Country: Great Britain
Vehicle: BMW 318i (needs aprooval by FortiWinks)
Number of Cars: 2
Knows two facts about ducks and both of them are wrong
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: Graff Racing
Team Country: France
Vehicle: Peugeot 405 (needs aprooval by GertrandBachot)
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 34
Driver Name: Philippe Gache
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 34
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 1-2, 4-12
Wage (per race): 15k
Driver Name: Franck Fréon
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 34
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 3
Wage (per race): 10k
Driver Name: Didier Artzet
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 34
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 13
Wage (per race): 10k
Team Country: France
Vehicle: Peugeot 405 (needs aprooval by GertrandBachot)
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 34
Driver Name: Philippe Gache
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 34
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 1-2, 4-12
Wage (per race): 15k
Driver Name: Franck Fréon
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 34
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 3
Wage (per race): 10k
Driver Name: Didier Artzet
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 34
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 13
Wage (per race): 10k
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- Gertrand Bachot
- Posts: 904
- Joined: 22 Oct 2017, 14:25
- Location: Kingstein auf dem Müll
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Reject_Dom wrote:Team Name: Graff Racing
Team Country: France
Vehicle: Peugeot 405 (needs aprooval by GertrandBachot)
Number of Cars: 1
- Salamander
- Posts: 9617
- Joined: 29 Mar 2009, 20:59
- Location: Embittered former NASCAR fan.
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: Mazdaspeed Team Taisan
Team Country: Japan
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country): Autopolis
Vehicle: Mazda 323F
Team Numbers: 26, 36
Driver Name: Will Hoy
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 26
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 12k
Driver Name: Kenji Takahashi
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 26
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 8.5k
Driver Name: Hideo Fukuyama
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 36
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): Yes (Kikkoman Corporation)
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 0 (Pay driver)
Team Country: Japan
Home Base (test-track, must be in team country): Autopolis
Vehicle: Mazda 323F
Team Numbers: 26, 36
Driver Name: Will Hoy
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 26
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 12k
Driver Name: Kenji Takahashi
Years of Contract (factory only): 2
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 26
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 8.5k
Driver Name: Hideo Fukuyama
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 36
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): Yes (Kikkoman Corporation)
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 0 (Pay driver)
Sebastian Vettel wrote:If I was good at losing, I wouldn't be in Formula 1
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Nathan Nurmester is interested in any and all offers for a WTCM drive.
Eurosport broadcast for the 1990 Mexican GP prequalifying:
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
- SeedStriker
- Posts: 1288
- Joined: 02 Jul 2012, 19:51
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: Union Saver Developments
Team Country: Austria
Home Base: Osterreichring
Vehicle: Toyota Carina
Team Numbers: 16, 17
Driver Name: David Leslie
Years of Contract: 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 15k
Driver Name: Will Hoy
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 15k
Driver Name: Andy Rouse
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 15k
Driver Name: Patrick Watts
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 12k
Driver Name: Alain Menu
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 12k
Driver Name: Matt Neal
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 12k
Team Country: Austria
Home Base: Osterreichring
Vehicle: Toyota Carina
Team Numbers: 16, 17
Driver Name: David Leslie
Years of Contract: 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 15k
Driver Name: Will Hoy
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 15k
Driver Name: Andy Rouse
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 15k
Driver Name: Patrick Watts
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 12k
Driver Name: Alain Menu
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 12k
Driver Name: Matt Neal
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): no
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): 12k
- Gertrand Bachot
- Posts: 904
- Joined: 22 Oct 2017, 14:25
- Location: Kingstein auf dem Müll
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: Peugeot Sport Italia
Team Country: Italy
Vehicle: Peugeot 405
Number of Cars: 2
Rounds: 6
Team Numbers: 16 and 17
Driver Name: Fabrizio Giovanardi
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 8
Wage (per race): £30k
Driver Name: Mauro Baldi
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 8
Wage (per race): £25k
Team Name: Eggenberger Motorsport
Team Country: Switzerland
Vehicle: Vauxhall Cavalier/Opel Vectra (with Dom’s permission)
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 45
Driver Name: Jeff Krosnoff
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 45
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 1-4, 13
Wage (per race): £20k
Driver Name: Klaus Niedwiedz
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 45
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 5-6, 8-12
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: László Szász
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 45
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 7
Wage (per race): £5k
Team Name: Peugeot Sport Italia
Team Country: Italy
Vehicle: Peugeot 405
Number of Cars: 2
Rounds: 6
Team Numbers: 16 and 17
Driver Name: Fabrizio Giovanardi
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 16
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 8
Wage (per race): £30k
Driver Name: Mauro Baldi
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 17
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 8
Wage (per race): £25k
Team Name: Eggenberger Motorsport
Team Country: Switzerland
Vehicle: Vauxhall Cavalier/Opel Vectra (with Dom’s permission)
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 45
Driver Name: Jeff Krosnoff
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 45
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 1-4, 13
Wage (per race): £20k
Driver Name: Klaus Niedwiedz
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 45
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 5-6, 8-12
Wage (per race): £25k
Driver Name: László Szász
Years of Contract (factory only): 1
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 45
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 7
Wage (per race): £5k
Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Eggenberger's car decision has been approved
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Re: 1991 WTCM - BISCIONE NEEDED! Post driver bids until 25th
Team Name: Team Take One
Team Country: Japan
Vehicle: BMW 318i (with FortiWinks' approval]
Number of Cars: 2
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 60 & 61
Driver Name: Sean Walker
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 60
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): Yes - FAI Auto Parts
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £10k
Driver Name: Charles Kwan
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 61
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £15k
Team Name: Terry Moss Racing
Team Country: South Africa
Vehicle: VW Golf Mk3 (with kevinbotz' approval]
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 38
Driver Name: Terry Moss
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 38
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 1-4, 6-10, 12-13
Wage (per race): £5k
Driver Name: Wayne Taylor
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 38
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 5, 11
Wage (per race): £25k
Team Country: Japan
Vehicle: BMW 318i (with FortiWinks' approval]
Number of Cars: 2
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 60 & 61
Driver Name: Sean Walker
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #2
Number: 60
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): Yes - FAI Auto Parts
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £10k
Driver Name: Charles Kwan
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): #1
Number: 61
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: All
Wage (per race): £15k
Team Name: Terry Moss Racing
Team Country: South Africa
Vehicle: VW Golf Mk3 (with kevinbotz' approval]
Number of Cars: 1
Rounds: All
Team Numbers: 38
Driver Name: Terry Moss
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 38
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 1-4, 6-10, 12-13
Wage (per race): £5k
Driver Name: Wayne Taylor
Driver Status (#1, #2, Equal, Test Driver): Equal
Number: 38
Pay-Driver (yes/no and must name sponsors): No
Rounds: 5, 11
Wage (per race): £25k