However, Roman (who usually does the RCR outro song) gets to narrate the RCR Stories, and does so deadly seriously. To that end, and because I knew in advance that it wouldn't annoy me (not until the end, anyway...) I have just found the time to spend the three and a half hours that "The Life and Death of Saab" requires.
Take someone who might never have heard of Saab, or someone who has heard of the company and their cars but just can't see what all the fuss was about, or was too young to have noticed them while they were in existence. That person, after watching this video, will completely understand at the end of it and will give the big "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" when the final curtain falls. Tales of military aircraft, two-stroke engines, wacky designs by free-thinking designers, turbochargers, and Erik Carlsson's rallying success (there's some motorsport-related content just in case there are any indignant screeches of "OFF TOPIC!" that should remain resolutely silent) will feature heavily. As, unfortunately, will an American automotive giant.
This is, without a shadow of doubt, magnificent. Do yourselves a favour and put aside three and a half hours of your own lives for it.
And here's some bonus magnificence from my recent visit to Festival of the Unexceptional. This - alongside the earlier 99 Turbo (preferably in black, with the brick-red velooouuurrrr! seats) - would be in my Ideal Garage of Chod.