Scrub Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by TomWazzleshaw »

Team: Monteverdi

Sponsor 1: Canon (5 star)
Sponsor 2: Braun (3 star)
Sponsor 3: 7-Up (2 star)
Sponsor 4: Goodyear (1 star)
Sponsor 5: Pirelli (1 star)
Sponsor 6: Monteverdi (1 star)
Biscione wrote:"Some Turkemenistani gulag repurposed for residential use" is the best way yet I've heard to describe North / East Glasgow.
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1991 Sponsor RNG

Post by Aislabie »

With all the bids in (including an Elf bid by AGS received by Discord DM), it's time for 1991 Scrub Era Sponsor RNGs.

Our first sponsor is Benetton. Shockingly, they sign for Benetton Formula without an RNG. Sponsorship amounts to £600,000, with a goal of winning at least one Grand Prix.

Next, Camel. The only applicant for their sponsorship is exactly the one they wanted: McLaren Honda. Sponsorship amounts to £1,000,000, with a goal of winning the World Constructors Championship

Next, Canon. They also have only one applicant: an audacious bid from Monteverdi who have targeted the million-pound goal.

Canon are somewhat sceptical, having seen Marlboro's experience with Zakspeed last year. As a result, there are odds:
1-50 - Canon take the plunge, and Monteverdi bag an extra million
51-100 - Canon declines the offer and departs from Formula 1

46 - They initially weren't going to go for it, but some serious carneying brings them round. Their goal will be to win the World Constructors Championship.

Next up we have Elf. They too only have one bid - an autopilot bid from Team AGS. They accept and continue the relationship for another year

Next, Epson. Two teams want a part of their £400,000 deal in return for using a Japanese engine supplier. Those teams are Arrows and Lotus. Their 1990 seasons were pretty much completely comparable, but Lotus already have a Japanese engine supplier so the odds will be somewhat in their favour:
1-60 - Lotus
61-100 - Arrows

31 - So far, so sensible. Lotus immediately become the first team to successfully achieve their sponsor goal

Next, FIAT. Ferrari pinkie-promises to win the World Drivers Championship, presumably with Ayrton Senna

Now, Footwork. They continue their relationship with Project Four, with the goal of winning a Grand Prix.

Et maintenant c'est l'heure pour <<Gitanes>>! Ligier completes their deal, and the very achievable goal of a podium finish

I promise this will get more interesting. But not right now because Jagermeister continue their relationship with Tyrrell, and have no need for RNG. Their goal is only to score five points so they'll be fine.

Lamborghini continue to sponsor Lamborghini. Leyton House continue to sponsor Leyton House. No need to waste time on them.

Now, Lucchini. They have two nice Italian offers: one from Coloni and one from Minardi. Minardi had a much better season in 1990, and this will be reflected in the odds:
1-75 - Lucchini signs with Minardi
76-100 - Lucchini stays with Coloni for another year
86 - You just can't buy loyalty!

Marlboro have been chastened with their experience working with Zakspeed, and will think carefully about any offers that come their way.
Williams have promised Marlboro that they will win a Grand Prix in 1991. Newcomers Eddie Jordan Racing have promised the same thing, with a solid F3000 track record behind them. Onyx have a more modest proposal: a promise to hire Marlboro driver Michele Alboreto.
1-65 - Williams seems like the obvious choice here; they were second in 1990 after all
66-80 - Eddie Jordan works his magic on the telephone and manages to wangle a deal
81-95 - Agrees to place Michele Alboreto at Onyx for the season
96-100 - Choose to focus their sponsorship on a healthy and stable series like Indy Car instead and leaves F1 behind

10 - RNGesus is behaving very sensibly today

After the disappearance of Gonzalez Luna, GLAS became Escuderia Pemex after their one remaining sponsor. (Kevin had some behind-the-scenes decision making for the GLAS storyline and this was one of his options)

Now we move onto the big one: Porsche. Four teams are jostling to become Porsche ___ Racing. They are:
Zakspeed - A distinctly German team who finished eighth in the WCC last year
Osella - The most established team on the list, but only 17th in the WCC
Rial - Also a very German team, but they came in 18th in the WCC
Fondmetal - The former Larrousse outfit had a shocking year (19th in the WCC) and is looking for yet another new partnership

Obviously these odds are going to heavily favour the strongest team
1-70 - Porsche Zakspeed Racing
71-85 - Porsche Rial Racing
86-95 - Porsche Osella Racing
96-100 - Porsche Fondmetal Racing

69 - Nice.

Finally, West sign on the dotted line with Scuderia Italia. Their goal is to finish in the top 10 of the World Constructors Championship.

This ends the first round of bids. Happily we can move directly onto the second round. Remember, any bids on sponsors that have already been taken are disregarded.

- - - - - - - - - -

First up, Braun. They have bids from Arrows and Rial. Arrows did considerably better last year and that will be reflected in the odds
1-75 - Braun Arrows
76-100 - Braun Rial

43 - It makes complete sense for Braun, but things are not going well for Rial.

Next Lapidus also has competition. Minardi @Bleu and Osella @NickyDustyOwl - two relatively comparable teams, but Osella already has a working relationship with Lapidus
1-60 - Osella Squadra Corse Lapidus
61-100 - Minardi Team Lapidus

27 - This has been a very tame RNG.

7up goes to Eddie Jordan without an RNG

Venturi has both Fondmetal and Onyx competing to rename their chassis after the Monegasque marque. Onyx did do slightly better last year, which will be reflected in the odds
1-55 - Venturi Onyx F1 Team
56-100 - Fondmetal Venturi Racing (I presume GT_Forti1 will just rename the entire team to Venturi here)

79 - RNGesus chooses to smite down the actions of Hammercat during his time as manager and the team will become Venturi.

- - - - - - - - - -

For Round Three bids, there are three unfortunate teams:
  • Minardi will be sponsored by Pirelli
  • Onyx (who have now had two years running of shite RNGs) will be sponsored by Goodyear
  • Rial, the only team with no remaining valid sponsor bids, will offer (and have accepted without RNG) our bid for PIAA sponsorship
For a quick rundown of everyone's sponsors:

Please don't post any driver bids until I've put up a message about that phase
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It's time to sign your 1991 drivers!

Post by Aislabie »

Sign Your Drivers!

Greetings all - it is time to sign your sponsors. This will be a huge step for a lot of teams, so let us first go over the rules:
- Drivers are either "Salaried Drivers" or "Pay Drivers"
- Salaried Drivers have a suggested salary listed; teams can offer more or less than this value, but this affects their RNG odds.
- If a Salaried Driver is sacked partway through the season, their team will be expected to pay the remainder of their contract. If they are injured, then their salary will be covered by insurance.
- "Pay Drivers" pay a predetermined amount; you cannot ask them for any more money. If a Pay Driver is offered a salary, they cease to be a pay driver for the rest of their career.
- Pay Drivers pay their money up front for the agreed amount of races; should they be fired before completing their full contract, they will be repaid the difference.
- A maximum of one driver may be offered a two-year contract; one-year extensions can be offered during the pre-season of what would be the driver's final contracted year.
- Teams may not use more than four drivers in a season without specific dispensation from the FIA (me), and cannot fire a driver before they have been entered to a race weekend.
- If a team has a "Current Budget" of less than £500,000 at the time of the main Driver RNG. The team may choose to set a reserve price for one of its race seats. This would see their team automatically withdraw their bid if the driver in question didn't bring enough money.
You are of course welcome to go off-spreadsheet with your driver bids, but such drivers are by no means guaranteed to serve your team well.

The following teams have a "Current Budget" of under £500,000, and may therefore choose to set a reserve price on one of their seats:
  • Marlboro Williams Renault (5|6)
  • Osella Squadra Corse Lapidus (17|18)
  • Minardi Team Piretlli (23|24)
  • Scuderia Ferrari FIAT (27|28)
  • Venturi Racing (29|30)
  • Porsche Zakspeed (34|35)
  • PIAA Rial Racing (38|39)
  • Escuderia Pemex (42|43)
  • EuroBrun Subaru (44|45)

Code: Select all


Seat: (First or Second Driver)
Driver Choice 1: (available sponsors are listed on the spreadsheet)
Offered Salary: (if the driver is being offered their seat as a pay driver, please put "Pay Driver")

Driver Choice 2:
Offered Salary:

Driver Choice 3:
Offered Salary: 

Driver Choice 4:
Offered Salary: 

Driver Choice 5:
Offered Salary: 

- - - - -

Driver Choice 1: 
Offered Salary: 

Driver Choice 2:
Offered Salary:

Driver Choice 3:
Offered Salary: 

Driver Choice 4:
Offered Salary: 

Driver Choice 5:
Offered Salary: 

Deadline for bidding is at roughly 16:00 GMT on Boxing Day
Last edited by Aislabie on 23 Dec 2022, 09:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Dom_Wings »

Team: McLaren

Seat: 1st
Driver Choice 1: Alain Prost
Offered Salary: 905k, 1 year

- - - - -

Seat: 2nd
Driver Choice 1: Jean Alesi
Offered Salary: 250k, 1 year - if Alesi finishes in the top 4 of the WDC, his contract is automatically extended @ 300k, 1 year + 5k for every race win
(e.g. 4 wins in 1991 = 1992 salary of 320k)

Seat: 2nd
Driver Choice 2: Stefano Modena
Offered Salary: PD

Seat: 2nd
Driver Choice 3: Mark Blundell
Offered Salary: 125k, 1 year

Seat: 2nd
Driver Choice 4: Karl Wendlinger
Offered Salary: PD

If possible, McLaren would also like to give Martin Donnelly the option to become the official test driver for McLaren (for free, he won't have to pay anything) and substitute in case of any injuries.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Kinnikuniverse »

Team: Benetton Formula

Seat 1
Thierry Boutsen (already under contract)

Seat 2

Eric Van de Poele

Stefano Modena

Ukyo Katayama

Mauricio Gugelmin
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Shawn040217 »

Braun Arrows
Seat 1 :
Johnny Herbert (GBR)
PD Status

Erik Comas (FRA)
PD Status

Heinz-Harald Frentzen (GER)
PD Status

Hitoshi Ogawa (JPN)
PD Status

Seat 2
Laurent Aiello (FRA)
PD Status

Ukyo Katayama (JPN)
PD Status

Martin Donnelly (GBR)
PD Status
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Aislabie »

PIAA Rial Racing

First Driver (#38)
All PD, reserve price: £400,000
  1. Image Christian Fittipaldi (2 years)
  2. Image Michael Bartels (2 years)
  3. Image Mika Salo (2 years)
  4. Image Paul Warwick (2 years)
  5. Image Emanuele Naspetti (2 years)
  6. Image Otto Rensing (2 years)
  7. Image Damon Hill (2 years)
  8. Image Jorg Muller (2 years)
  9. Image Wolfgang Kaufman (2 years)
  10. Image Marco Werner (2 years)
  11. Image Eric Helary (2 years)
  12. Image "John Winter" (1 year)
  13. Image Fritz Kreutzpointner (2 years)
  14. Image Vittorio Zoboli (2 years)
  15. Image George Fouché (2 years)
  16. Image Mercedes Stermitz (2 years)
  17. Image Michael Krumm (2 years)

    If none of these can bring the money then we really are in trouble.
Second Driver (#39)
  1. Image Toshio Suzuki (PD) (1 year)
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by novitopoli »

Team: West Scuderia Italia
All contracts are 1 year unless otherwise stated.

Driver 1:
Pierluigi Martini (120000)
Stefano Modena (PD)*
Heinz-Harald Frentzen (PD)*
Karl Wendlinger (PD)*
Gianni Morbidelli (PD)
Gabriele Tarquini (PD)

Driver 2:
Stefano Modena (PD)*
Heinz-Harald Frentzen (PD)*
Karl Wendlinger (PD)*
Gianni Morbidelli (PD)
Gabriele Tarquini (PD)
Nicola Larini (PD)
Fabrizio Barbazza (PD)
Alessandro Zanardi (PD)
Enrico Bertaggia (PD)

Contracts marked in * have the following clause added:
If the team finishes top 10 in the WCC, a 2nd year option is added with the PD payout reduced to 0.
sw3ishida wrote:Jolyon Palmer brought us closer as a couple, for which I am grateful.

Ataxia wrote:
Londoner wrote:Something I've thought about - what happens to our canon should we have a worldwide recession or some other outside event?

We'll be fine. It's Canon, non Kodak.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Ataxia »

TEAM: Lamborghini Motor Racing Developments

Driver 1:
Mark Blundell (1 year, £125,000)
Karl Wendlinger (1 year, PD)
Heinz-Harald Frentzen (1 year, PD)

Driver 2:
Stefano Modena (1 year, PD)
Ukyo Katayama (1 year, PD)
Alex Caffi (1 year, PD)
Mauricio Gugelmin (1 year, PD)
Eddie Irvine (1 year, PD)
Mitch Hedberg wrote:I want to be a race car passenger: just a guy who bugs the driver. Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Man, you really like Tide...
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Collieafc »

Team: Tyrrell

Driver 1:
Gerhard Berger (already under contract)

Driver 2:
First choice: Mika Hakkinen (pay driver) as handshaked.
2 year contract - if Mika scores at least 75% of Berger points in 1991, we will instead pay Hakkinen for the second year a salary of 150k for the second year. If he scores less than 75% we will still keep Hakkinen on board for 1992.

Second Choice:
Christian Fittipaldi (pay driver)

Third Choice:
Damon Hill (pay driver)
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Forti »

Venturi Formula E... oh wait, Venturi Formula 1 Team bids

Driver 1

Eric van de Poele (25k, 2 years, will increase his 1992 salary to 100k if he is in the WDC top 15 or we're in the WCC top 10)
Andrea de Cesaris (PD, 2 years)
Stefano Modena (PD, 2 years)
Damon Hill (PD, 2 years)
Eddie Irvine (PD, 2 years)
Yannick Dalmas (PD, 2 years)
Pascal Fabre (PD, 1 year

Driver 2
On sale for 300k to any interested driver for 1 year or 2 if Fabre is signed (do I have to name any?)
Bids if naming specific drivers is required, otherwise disregard

Mika Salo (PD, 1 year/2 if Fabre signed)
Alex Zanardi (PD, 1 year /2 if Fabre signed)
Paul Warwick (PD, 1 year /2 if Fabre signed)
Pedro Chaves (PD, 1 year)
Vincenzo Sospiri (PD, 1 year)
Enrico Bertaggia (PD, 1 year)
Perry McCarthy (PD, 1 year)
Last edited by Forti on 23 Dec 2022, 21:09, edited 1 time in total.
🇺🇲 Stanley-Goodridge, 🇦🇹 Team Bert Anderwald, 🇬🇧 Aston Martin, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 TLDR, and 🇨🇴 Automotriz Ortiz.
Optimus Prime wrote: Be strong enough to be gentle.
It would be funny if FortiWinks resurfaced only to find out that I'm the Forti in town now.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Rob Dylan »


Driver 1: Nigel Mansell - we already have a two-year ¤1 million contract which we would like to break because he didn't win the world championship and we have plenty of money. We would like to re-sign him for ¤1 million, except this time it will be spread over ten years instead of one, with 10% interest. In other words by the end of 2000 he will receive 1.1 million.

Driver 2: Michael Schumacher we had an agreement with Rial that in the unlikely event where we would need him for 1991, that we would have guaranteed use of him. There is no question about this and Michael Schumacher drives for us in 1991. If Mansell throws a hissy fit and leaves then we put Schumacher in the #1 car and worry about another driver later.

Williams intends to be in touch with the FIA to "negotiate" our money situation.
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
Felipe Nasr - the least forgettable F1 driver!
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by NickyDustyOwl »

Osella Squadra Corse Lapidus Driver Bids

Seat: 1st

Driver Choice 1: Andrea de Cesaris (150K, 2 Years)

Seat: 2nd (Reserve Price: 200K)

Driver Choice 1: Damon Hill (PD)

Driver Choice 2: Stefano Modena (PD)

Driver Choice 3: Johnny Herbert (PD)

Driver Choice 4: Mika Salo (PD)

Driver Choice 5: Eddie Irvine (PD)

Driver Choice 6: Christian Fittipaldi (PD)

Driver Choice 7: Paul Warwick (PD)
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Hermann95 »

Porsche Zakspeed driver bids:

Seat 1:
Karl Wendlinger (PD, 1 year)
Heinz-Harald Frentzen (PD, 1 year)
Bernd Schneider (PD, 1 year)
Roberto Moreno (PD, 1 year)
Gabriele Tarquini (PD, 1 year)
Volker Weidler (PD, 1 year)
Allan McNish (PD, 1 year)
Nicola Larini (PD, 1 year)

Seat 2 (reserve price: 270k - the amount over 50k brought by Seat 1):
Mauricio Gugelmin (PD, 2 years)
Aguri Suzuki (PD, 1 year)
Alex Caffi (PD, 1 year)
Mika Salo (PD, 1 year)
Christian Fittipaldi (PD, 1 year)
Damon Hill(PD, 1 year)
Alex Zanardi(PD, 1 year)
Eddie Irvine (PD, 1 year)
Jean-Marc Gounon (PD, 1 year)
Alain Menu (PD, 1 year)
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Nessafox »

Ligier number 25 bids, all drivers are expected to bring money. Edit: all drivers except Comas and Bernard must bring at least 400K for a full season. If you're gonna be shite, you better pay for it.

1 Erik Comas, 2 year deal
2 Andrea De Cesaris, 2 year deal.
3 Paul Belmondo, race-by-race deal
4 Jean-Marc Gounon
5 Olivier Grouillard
6 Yannick Dalmas
7 The Ferté brotherq (sharing a seat)
8 Didier Artzet race-by-race deal
9 Stéphane Prioulx race-by-race deal
10 Jean-Denis Délétraz race-by-race deal
11 Philippe gache race-by-race deal
12 Laurent Aiello race-by-race deal
13 Eric Hélary race-by-race deal
14 Alain Menu race-by-race deal
15 Emmanuel Collard race-by-race deal
16 Franck Fréon race-by-race deal
17 Thierry Délubac race-by-race deal
18 Claude Bourbonnais race-by-race deal
19 Didier Theys race-by-race deal
20 Jacques Goudchaux race-by-race deal
21 Éric Chéli race-by-race deal
22 David Velay race-by-race deal
23 Dominique Delestre race-by-race deal
24 Eric Bachelart race-by-race deal
25 Eric Bernard (sorry forgot about him)
26 Bertrand Gachot

Ligier nr 26: Alliot is contracted and if he scores a podium this season, he will receive an offer to extend his contract for another year, if he wins a race he'll get a 2 year extension.
Last edited by Nessafox on 25 Dec 2022, 15:10, edited 2 times in total.
I don't know what i want and i want it now!
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by This Could Be You »

Footwork Project Four bids:

#48 Bids:
1. Stefano Modena (PD, Tier B)
2. Mika Hakkinen (PD, Tier B)
3. Michael Schumacher (PD, Tier C)

#49 Bids:
1. Mika Hakkinen (PD, Tier B)
2. Michael Schumacher (PD, Tier C)
3. Mauricio Gugelmin (PD, Tier A)
4. Bertrand Gachot (PD, Tier B)
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Gertrand Bachot »

Team: 7up Edmund Patrick Jordan Racing

Seat: #1
Driver Choice 1: Michael Schumacher
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Seat: #1
Driver Choice 2: Mika Hakkinen
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Seat: #1
Driver Choice 3: Andrea de Cesaris
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Seat: #1
Driver Choice 4: Stefano Modena
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Seat: #1
Driver Choice 5: Mauricio Gugelmin
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

- - - - -

Seat: #2
Driver Choice 1: Mika Salo
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Seat: #2
Driver Choice 2: Eddie Irvine
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Seat: #2
Driver Choice 3: Laurent Aiello
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Seat: #2
Driver Choice 4: Vincenzo Sospiri
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Seat: #2
Driver Choice 5: Paul Warwick
Offered Salary: Pay Driver
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Frogfoot9013 »

Team: Ferrari

Ayrton Senna is already under contract for the first seat

Seat: 2
Driver Choice 1: Andrea de Cesaris
Offered Salary: Pay driver

Seat: 2
Driver Choice 2: Fabrizio Giovinardi
Offered Salary: Pay driver

Seat: 2
Driver Choice 3: Mauricio Gugelmin
Offered Salary: Pay driver

Seat: 2
Driver Choice 4: Mika Hakkinen
Offered Salary: Pay driver

Seat: 2
Driver Choice 5: Philippe Alliot
Offered Salary: Pay driver
James Hunt, commentating on the 1991 German Grand Prix wrote:The Benettons looking very smart together on the track, mostly because they're both going so slowly.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Nessafox »

Edited a clause about how much the scrubs must bring to be considered for top team ligier.
I don't know what i want and i want it now!
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Bleu »

Minardi driver bids (all as pay drivers)

Car 23:
Alex Caffi
Stefano Modena
Gianni Morbidelli
Mauricio Gugelmin
Bertrand Gachot

Car 24:
Heinz-Harald Frentzen
Nicola Larini
Allan McNish
Roberto Moreno
-- (jumps straight here if first three options for car 23 fail, getting one Italian driver is important)
Gabriele Tarquini
Alessandro Zanardi
Emanuele Naspetti
Andrea Montermini
Vincenzo Sospiri

All contracts for 1 year.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by kevinbotz »

Team: Escuderia Pemex

If not otherwise specified, all contracts are one-year

First Seat

Seat: First
Driver Choice 1: Christian Fittipaldi
Offered Salary: PD, two-year contract

Seat: First
Driver Choice 2: Alex Caffi
Offered Salary: PD

Seat: First
Driver Choice 3: Emanuele Naspetti
Offered Salary: PD

Seat: First
Driver Choice 4: Marco Apicella
Offered Salary: PD

Seat: First
Driver Choice 5: J.J Lehto
Offered Salary: PD

- - - - -

Second Seat, Reserve Pricing Active

Seat: Second
Driver Choice 1: Paolo Barilla
Offered Salary: PD, reserve £700,000, two-year contract

Seat: Second
Driver Choice 2: Domenico Schiattarella
Offered Salary: PD, reserve £400,000

Seat: Second
Driver Choice 3: Giovanni Aloi
Offered Salary: PD, reserve £500,000

Seat: Second
Driver Choice 4: Stephane Proulx
Offered Salary: PD, reserve £400,000

Seat: Second
Driver Choice 5: Paul Belmondo
Offered Salary: PD, reserve £400,000
Klon, on Alt-F1 wrote: I like to think it's more poker than gambling, though.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Frentzen127 »

Seeing as Coloni already have the first seat locked in (and will take legal action if contract is broken) we shall seek the following drivers in order of priority, all on gib maximum money basis:

Andrea de Cesaris
Enrico Bertaggia
Stefano Modena
Gianni Morbidelli
Alex Caffi
Gabriele Tarquini
Nicola Larini

To also make our intentions plain, if for whatever reason Fabrizio Giovinardi does jump ship to Ferrari, we shall expect from him a contract buyout clause of no less than 35% monies owed to be paid at once on top of those funds originally owed Coloni as per the original agreement. We shall reach a separate agreement with the scuderia if and when that bridge is crossed.
DEPORTIVO CA... pfft hahaha can't say that with a straight face!
Misses Minardi dearly. :(
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Aerond »

Onyx Driver Bids -


1. Andrea de Cesaris - 2 year contract PD first year; promise to offer a salary outbiding current Osella offer in the 2nd year if the team scores at least two points finishes and freeing the driver after the 1st year if a top 5 team in the championship offers him a seat-.
2. Mauricio Gugelmin (PD, 1 year) - offered auto-renewal for a second season if the team scores at least two points finishes-
3. Bertrand Gachot (PD, 1 year)
4. Stefano Modena (PD, 1 year)
5. Aguri Suzuki (PD, 1 year)
6. Volker Weidler (PD, 1 year)
7. Yannick Dalmas (PD, 1 year)

SECOND SEAT - Reserve price 400k - Will only build a second car if the reserve price is reached - All drivers offered PD 1 year contracts -

1. Enrico Bertaggia
2. Laurent Aiello
3. Pedro Chaves
4. Alessandro Zanardi
5. Andrea Chiesa
6. Philippe Favre
7. Michel Ferté
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by pi314159 »

AGS will only run a single car in 1991. Two drivers will get 8 races each:

Driver 1:
1. Yannick Dalmas (PD, 8 races)
2. Eric Comas (PD, 8 Races)
3. Pierre-Henri Raphanel (PD, 8 races)

Driver 2:
1. Eric Helary (PD, 8 races)
2. Laurent Aiello (PD, 8 races)
3. Paul Belmondo (PD, 8 races)
pasta_maldonado wrote:The stewards have recommended that Alan Jones learns to drive.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Rob Dylan »

Williams announce that they are seeking legal and financial reclamation from Alessandro Nannini for not fulfilling his contract. This is being done on the basis that the Italian driver did not give prior warning before terminating his contract during his reckless arm-losing antics. The Williams team were put at a severe disadvantage financially from this, and are now blaming him for losing both championships and for putting the team in their current financial predicament.

The Williams team are seeking anywhere between the €37,500 of Nannini's salary that went to two races he did not fulfil, to €1,037,500 cost for both the salary and to Williams losing the constructors' championship. Anywhere between those two sums would suit the team nicely.
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Aislabie »

Rob Dylan wrote: 26 Dec 2022, 13:28 Williams announce that they are seeking legal and financial reclamation from Alessandro Nannini for not fulfilling his contract. This is being done on the basis that the Italian driver did not give prior warning before terminating his contract during his reckless arm-losing antics. The Williams team were put at a severe disadvantage financially from this, and are now blaming him for losing both championships and for putting the team in their current financial predicament.

The Williams team are seeking anywhere between the €37,500 of Nannini's salary that went to two races he did not fulfil, to €1,037,500 cost for both the salary and to Williams losing the constructors' championship. Anywhere between those two sums would suit the team nicely.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by DigitDan7 »

Team Lotus Driver Bids:

Driver 1:
Heinz-Harald Frentzen (2 years, PD, flexible)
Eddie Irvine (1 year, PD)

Driver 2:
Enrico Bertaggia (1 year, PD)
Ukyo Katayama (1 year, PD)
Gregor Foitek (1 year, PD)
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by TomWazzleshaw »

Team: Monteverdi

Seat: Second Driver
Driver Choice 1: Andrea de Cesaris
Offered Salary: Pay Driver

Should our offer for De Cesaris be unsuccessful, Monteverdi will downsize to being a one car team for 1991
Biscione wrote:"Some Turkemenistani gulag repurposed for residential use" is the best way yet I've heard to describe North / East Glasgow.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Aerond »

Onyx chassis / engine / tyres bids

Tyres: Goodyear for all options

Option 1:
Chassis: Dallara
Engine: Ford HBA4

Option 2:
Chassis: D-tier
Engine: Ford HBA4
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Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Driver RNG

Post by Aislabie »

IT IS TIME for the first edition of 1991 Driver RNGs. It appears that Leyton House and EuroBrun are hanging back and waiting to see how the first round of bids play out, which is an approach that certainly has its merits. So without further ado let us start the

First-Choice Bids

Our first driver will be Laurent Aiello. The 21-year-old Frenchman won the Monaco F3 Grand Prix last year, and he has a single offer from Braun Arrows.

He accepts without needing an RNG, but how much money will he bring? £478,000 - Arrows strike gold immediately.


Our next driver is Jean Alesi. He has only one offer, from McLaren; it is exactly what he asked for, so he accepts.


Now Paolo Barilla. Barilla has announced his intention to step away from Formula One to focus on his business interest. Despite that, Escuderia Pemex has approach him with an offer: they would like to offer him a two-year deal, if he can bring 350k per year to the table.

1-75 - "I am no longer a Formula One driver"
76-100 - "Let's see if I have any spare money knocking about"
66 - He was tempted, but Barilla stays retired


Next, Gerhard Berger confirms his deal with Tyrrell.


Enrico Bertaggia is the next driver; he has attracted the attention of both Onyx and Lotus, for his driving abilities of course. However, he is not able to bring the 400k that Onyx asked for and that means he signs with Lotus-Isuzu.


Mark Blundell has an offer from Lamborghini. It is exactly what he was asking for, and he accepts.


Thierry Boutsen confirms his Benetton contract.


Alex Caffi has only one offer at the moment - a PD offer from Minardi.

He accepts, but how much money will he bring? £236,000.


Erik Comas scored in an AGS last year, but he still only has one first-choice offer. It is a two-year deal with Ligier, which he readily accepts.

How much money will he bring? £105,000 per year.


Yannick Dalmas has only one offer - it's a half-season with AGS.

With no other realistic options he accepts, and will probably dovetail it with other series. He would bring £198,000 for a full season, which works out at £99,000 for AGS.


Now, we have THE BIG ONE: Andrea de Cesaris. He has five offers:

1-60 - Every Italian wants to drive for Ferrari, and finally this is de Cesaris' chance
61-80 - Osella want to actually pay him and that goes a long way
81-90 - de Cesaris sees potential in the Canon Monteverdi project
91-95 - Onyx
96-100 - Coloni

1 - Well, that was decisive. And it looks like Monteverdi will downsize to a one-car team.


Christian Fittipaldi has two offers on the table. One has a reserve price on it though, so we'll have to see how much money he brings: £182,000 is unfortunately not enough for Rial, so Christian Fittipaldi signs with Pemex for two years.


Our next driver is Heinz-Harald Frentzen.

1-80 - Accepts a two-year deal with his current team Lotus
81-100 - Is spooked by the Bertaggia deal and decides to jump ship to Minardi

53 - Frentzen stays with Lotus until at least the end of 1992, and brings £107,000 per year,


Fabrizio Giovanardi stays with Coloni.


Mauricio Gugelmin has a two-year deal on the table with Zakspeed-Porsche, but he needs to bring a certain amount of money to get it.

He can only get £193,000 together, and we'll find out in a second whether that's enough by rolling...


Karl Wendlinger: His only first-choice offer is from Porsche Zakspeed for their other car. He naturally accepts.

How much does he bring? £132,000 is enough that Gugelmin's money is enough. This completes the Porsche Zakspeed line-up.


Now, Mika Hakkinen gets confirmation of his handshake deal in the form of a two-year contract, with a performance-related bonus clause. He accepts without RNG, as the handshake deal is also the best one on the table.


Eric Hélary has the second half of the AGS season offered to him, and nothing else.

He accepts, but how much will he bring? £261,000 per year works out as £130,500 for AGS.


Johnny Herbert is up next. He's Arrows' first choice, and happily accepts. He'll even bring £144,000 to the team.


Damon Hill has an offer with a Formula One team - namely Osella.

All he has to do is rustle up 200k, which he does in the form of £285,000.


Stefan Johansson continues with Monteverdi, probably as their only driver.


Now we have a fun one.

Nigel Mansell has a two-year contract with Williams for £1,000,000 per year. In the first year of his contract he came second in the World Drivers Championship.

However, due to their much self-publicised financial problems, they've called him into the head office to see if they can renegotiate something.

Williams wants to pay Mansell £100,000 for this year.

And then £102,222 in 1992.
And then £104,444 in 1993.
And then £106,667 in 1994.
And then £108,889 in 1995.
And then £111,111 in 1996.
And then £113,333 in 1997.
And then £115,556 in 1998.
And then £117,778 in 1999.
And then £120,000 in 2000.

This will come to £1,100,000, paid across ten years regardless of whether or not Mansell remains at the team past 1991.

Of all the Scrub Era offers, this is certainly one of them. I've honestly got no idea how to fairly set the odds for this deal, so I did some pre-RNGs to determine the odds:

1-30 - Mansell demands the full £1,000,000 written in his contract
31-55 - Mansell accepts the offer that is on the table because £1,100,000 is greater than £1,000,000
56-81 - Mansell puts forward a counter-offer (second RNG)
82-93 - Mansell walks out on the team, telling them to keep their money
94-100 - Mansell walks out on the team, and sues them for constructed dismissal or whatever (also second RNG)

26 - Nigel wants to stay at Williams, but he will only do it if he gets his full £1,000,000 this year.

We await to hear back from Williams about this important issue.


Pierluigi Martini has a first-choice offer from Scuderia Italia. They want to pay him £120,000 - a slight pay cut on his 1990 salary, but still a decent wage:

1-70 - Accepts
71-90 - Accepts, but wants the remaining 28k upon completion of the season.
91-100 - Refuses

79 - It'll be 120k now, and another 28k later, but Martini accepts.


Stefano Modena has three offers on the table:

1-40 - Carries on after a really strong season with Footwork Project Four
41-70 - Accepts a works Lambo drive
71-100 - Accepts a Scuderia Italia contract with the carrot of a second year, free of charge

85 - That is a big get for Scuderia Italia as he brings the same £293,000 as previously.


Alain Prost confirms his McLaren deal for another year.


Mika Salo now; he has two offers, but one has a reserve price on it. £71,000 is not enough for Venturi, so he signs for Eddie Jordan Racing.


Next is Michael Schumacher. He has two offers on the table, but he's already made a handshake deal for one of them. As with Hakkinen, the handshake deal is with the second-best team in the game (as of the end of the 1990 World Constructors Championship), so he accepts with Williams. He brings £50,000 as previously agreed.


Toshio Suzuki accepts with Rial, as part of their joint sponsor obligations, and Toshio brings £81,000 to the team.


Now, Eric van de Poele has two offers on the table.

1-75 - Continues with Benetton as the best career move.
76-100 - Is excited by the prospect of getting Paid (TM) at Venturi.

36 - van de Poele stays at the top team. And he brings a huge £266,000.


That is the end of the first choice bids. Which means...


Second-Choice Bids

Michael Bartels has an offer from Rial. Of course it comes with a 400k reserve price, but against the odds he stumps up £430,000.


Next is Pedro Matos Chaves. He has an offer from Onyx with a 400k base price, he's Tier B (100-300) though, and won't be making that base price.


Next is Luxembourg's Bertrand Gachot. He has two offers - one from Footwork and one from Onyx. Obviously Footwork is the better team on 1990 form, but Gachot still considers both offers carefully:

1-75 - Footwork claims the last driver on their list
76-100 - Onyx finally gets a good roll

39 - Gachot brings £164,000 directly to Big Ron.


Eddie Irvine has only one deal, from Venturi. He accepts, but brings only £78,000 with him.


Ukyo Katayama has an offer from his old team Lamborghini. He accepts and reunites with Blundell, but how much money does he bring?

The answer is £298,000 and that will be huge for Lambo.


Next, Nicola Larini goes to Minardi. He brings a modest £70,000.


Gianni Morbidelli has an offer from Coloni. It is his only offer. He accepts it and brings £198,000 with him to the Italian team.


Domenico Schiattarella (whose name I can only hope I've spelled correctly) has an offer from Pemex. He just needs to cough up 400k.

Unfortunately he's only a Tier C pay driver.


Alessandro Zanardi accepts an offer to join Venturi, but he brings only 70k... Venturi who demand 300k, and Zanardi misses out.


Third-Choice Bids

Pemex have asked Giovanni Aloi to please pay 500k. As we know, this is the exact maximum amount a driver can bring, and is about a one in 1800 chance of happening

This is one of the other 1799 - he's Tier B.


Now, Andrea Chiesa has been approached by Onyx, who would like 400k pretty please. He rolls in with a fat briefcase stuffed to the brim with £498,000 and accepts.


Onyx have also approached Aguri Suzuki. Suzuki accepts as this is his only offer and brings a hearty £266,000.


Next, Paul Warwick. Venturi would like 300k from him, and his £230,000 comes up just short.


Fourth-Choice Bids

Can Stephane Proulx find 400k for Pemex?

No. (he's Tier C)


Can Vincenzo Sospiri find 300k for Venturi?

No. (he's Tier C)


Fifth-Choice Bids

Can Paul Belmondo find 400k for Pemex?

No. (he's Tier B)


Can Perry McCarthy find 300k for Venturi?

Yes - he brings £307,000.


That leaves us some driver signings still to be made. I shall detail that in the next post.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by This Could Be You »

Footwork Project Four emergency backup bids:
1. Nelson Piquet (£400k)
2. Roberto Moreno (PD, C)
3. Michele Alboreto (£200k)
4. Martin Brundle (£180k)
5. JJ Lehto (PD, C)
6. Eric Bernard (PD, C)
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Gertrand Bachot »

Eddie Jordan would like Paul Warwick to drive for us - his £230,000 is more than acceptable.
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Teams who still need to sign drivers

Post by Aislabie »

The following teams still need to sort out their driver pairings:
  • Image Marlboro Williams Renault need to sort out their contractual snafu with Nigel Mansell.
  • Image Leyton House Racing have two vacant seats.
  • Image Osella Squadra Corse Lapidus have one vacant seat.
  • Image Elf Team AGS may choose to make further bids, despite indicating a desire to downsize to one car.
  • Image Escuderia Pemex have one vacant seat, and they can still set a reserve price on that seat as established previously.
  • Image EuroBrun Subaru have two vacant seats, and they may set a reserve price on one of those two seats. This still applies even if EuroBrun chooses to scale down to a one-car team.
  • Image Canon Monteverdi may choose to make further bids, despite indicating a desire to downsize to one car.
  • Image Footwork Project Four have one vacant seat.
  • Image 7up Eddie Jordan Racing have one vacant seat.
A selection of drivers still looking for drives includes:
  1. Image Michele Alboreto took an enforced sabbatical last year, but still hopes to return.
  2. Image Geoff Brabham brought £281,000 of funding last season.
  3. Image Martin Brundle, who has a great deal of experience and drove for Ferrari in 1990.
  4. Image Pedro Matos Chaves won the British F3000 Championship in 1990.
  5. Image Martin Donnelly is set to become a McLaren tester and reserve, but deserves a race seat if one's going.
  6. Image Mike Groff brought £443,000 of funding last year.
  7. Image Carlos Guerrero won Mexican F3 last season.
  8. Image Harald Huysman would be Norway's first ever F1 driver, and that would be fun.
  9. Image JJ Lehto won the 1990 International F3000 Championship.
  10. Image Mauro Martini finished runner-up in Japanese F3000 last year.
  11. Image Alan McNish finished as International F3000 runner-up and made a strong F1 debut with Lotus.
  12. Image Hitoshi Ogawa managed two points finishes in a mixed campaign for Arrows, and undoubtedly his best is yet to come. Also paid £130,000 last year.
  13. Image Nelson Piquet is a three-time World Champion who's out of a drive.
  14. Image Derek Warwick is one of the best drivers currently not employed by a F1 team.
  15. Image Paul Warwick brings a guaranteed £230,000 of funding this year.
Managers have until 23:59 GMT on 28th December 2022 before I start prepping the RNG; any teams without bids by the time I run the RNG will receive autopicks.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Ataxia »

As per last season, Lamborghini engines will be available for £350k for any customers.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Rob Dylan »

Williams will pay Mansell his due.
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by kevinbotz »

Pemex will offer bids to the following drivers:

Antonio Tamburini, reserve £300,000
Naoki Hattori, reserve £300,000
Jean-Marc Gounon, reserve £300,000
Marco Greco, reserve £300,000
Carlos Guerrero, PD, reserve £250,000
Masahiko Kageyama, PD, reserve £300,000

Mike Groff, PD, reserve £300,000
Fabrizio Barbazza, PD, reserve £250,000
Paul Belmondo, PD, reserve £250,000
Gregor Foitek, PD, reserve £250,000
Johnny Dumfries, PD, reserve £250,000
Giovanni Aloi, PD, reserve £250,000
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An announcement from Venturi

Post by Forti »

Venturi would like to help out their fellow cash-strapped teams by purchasing their old chassis for a price of up to 130k (if they are B-Tier or better).
Trust me, the money from the chassis will save your butts :P
Lamborghini have already expressed interest in selling to us, and we have sent a proposal to Williams as well.
🇺🇲 Stanley-Goodridge, 🇦🇹 Team Bert Anderwald, 🇬🇧 Aston Martin, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 TLDR, and 🇨🇴 Automotriz Ortiz.
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by NickyDustyOwl »

Osella last ditch bids

Geoff Brabham (PD, 250K Reserve)
Mike Groff (PD, 350K Reserve)
Nelson Piquet (250k Salary, 500K Reserve)
Martin Brundle (150K Salary, 250K Reserve)
Derek Warwick (100K Salary, 250K Reserve)
Martin Donnelly (PD, 250K Reserve)
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Aerond »

If any b-tier owner want a free 110k for their old chassis please get in contact with Onyx thaaaanks
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Re: Scrub-Era F1: 1991 - Survival of the Richest

Post by Rob Dylan »

OR Williams will pay half of Mansell's money now, and the other half at the end of the year*

*date may vary.
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
Felipe Nasr - the least forgettable F1 driver!
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