AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

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AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by pasta_maldonado »

1976 wiki page ... One_season
1978 wiki page ... One_season
1978 wiki page ... One_season
1979 wiki page ... One_season
1980 wiki page ... One_season
1981 wiki page ... One_season
1982 wiki page ... One_season

1976 thread - A new Era begins -
1977 thread - Two much two handle - ... 67#p374118
1978 thread - Two's Company, Three's a Crowd -
1979 thread - Fourtunate Son - ... 49#p402828
1980 thread - Five Nights at Bernie's - ... 09#p406709
1981 thread - Your Six Is On Fire -

AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth
Thanks to pinkd56 for the title suggestion.

Harmony has blossomed in the paddock. United in the face of harmonic heartbreak, Formula One projects a sport marching into this new decade freed from the decadent dissent that once plagued it. However, as the wind wipes the blossom from the branches of the tree, Old Master Time and the smell of octane will seek to disrupt the status quo. They say in Heaven, only one can come first...

1982 Spreadsheet

[ ... sp=sharing]Link[/url] in case table does not work properly for you.
Last edited by pasta_maldonado on 16 Jul 2023, 23:09, edited 4 times in total.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by pasta_maldonado »


- Budget spreadsheet is in the first post
- Budgets should be updated after each race, but I am lazy. For up-to-the-minute information, visit the discord and ask me.
- More information is provided on the Budgets tab of the spreadsheet.
- Opening budgets include any current driver contracts and engine contracts for works teams and pre-signed customers.. Anything else is not included.

Team Stats
- Team Stats describe your ability to build grounds effects chassis, as well as your reputation towards drivers.
- Team stats are now visible on the Budgets tab of the spreadsheet.
- Reputation is affected both by the historical relevance of your team, and by WCC finishing order.
- Nationality bonus only affects drivers of the same nationality as your team.
- Reputation and nationality bonuses affect the RNG odds when you sign drivers, designers, suppliers, and tyres.

- NEW: There is no alignment choice for 1982.

- All teams must renew their engine supply.
- NEW: Engine manufacturers are controlled by users. Each manufacturer is allocated a works team.
- NEW: Users must negotiate with the manufacturers to gain an engine supply.
- NEW: Manufacturers cannot change the price of the engines, but they can impose any Terms they wish on customers.
- NEW: Customers can sign a 1 year engine contract with an option to extend for a second year
- NEW: Customers and manufacturers must post in the thread to confirm a supply.
- NEW: Towards the end of the season, manufacturers will have 10 tokens to spend to upgrade their engines for the next season.
- Ford Cosworth remain free to sign anybody.
- More information is provided on the Engines tab and Engine Contract tab of the spreadsheet.

- Chassis generation table has been updated with 1982 ranges.
- NEW: Grounds Effects chassis can no longer be constructed.
- A team can use the chassis they used in 1981 for 1982. However, they MUST purchase the B (or C!) spec chassis conversion (on the Chassis tab) to run the old chassis.
- A team may introduce a new chassis mid season
- Teams can sell custom chassis to collectors for 10% of it's build price.
- NEW: A team cannot sell their chassis to collectors if they plan on upgrading it and running it this season...
- Each team MUST build it's own chassis
- The cost of each chassis is for TWO chassis.
- More information is provided on the Chassis tab of the spreadsheet.

- Designers are like drivers – they have team preferences, must be paid a wage, can be hired for a maximum of 1 year, and are subject to RNG.
- Designer contracts are 1-year.
- Designers do not affect mid-season upgrades.
- You must pick one bonus and one penalty for your chosen designer. This cannot be changed after they have been hired.
- You can get 2 bonuses for double the designers wage, but you also get 2 penalties.
- A designer can only be offered the wage stated on the spreadsheet OR double the wage stated on the spreadsheet.
- All teams must sign a designer to build and upgrade chassis.
- NEW: If you select the ???? Designer bonus, you will be PM'd the results on discord or the forums.
- More information is provided on the Designers tab of the spreadsheet.

Travel Costs
- All teams must pay some form of travel costs.
- NEW: Full season travel package for all teams is £400,000.
- Part-time European travel is no longer available
- More information is provided on the Tyres and Travel Costs tab of the spreadsheet.

- NEW: Sponsor tier goal payments have been updated with 1982 values.
- Sponsors provide money in three tiers in return for goals being achieved.
- Each team has one sponsor with three goals, Tier 1 goals offering the most money (and are the hardest to achieve) and Tier 3 goals offer the least money (and are the easiest to achieve).
- You may only target one tier at a time, even if your choices fulfill all three tiers. This must be stated.
- NEW: Tiers 1 and 2 have two goals to fulfil. To appease the sponsor, you must achieve both the performance and driver goal by the end of the season.
- More information is provided on the Sponsors tab of the spreadsheet.
- NEW: Tobacco sponsors will be banned for the 1981 British and German Grands Prix. Any team with a tobacco sponsor will run a non-tobacco livery.

- NEW: Suppliers will not be a game mechanic for 1982.

Chassis Upgrades
- The upgrade system has been altered. Instead of slots and tiers, you can make up to ten upgrades to your chassis in the areas of Grip, Weight, Drag and Handling
- Each upgrade costs exponentially more than the last.
- You can make 1 upgrade in each area between races, and 1 pre-season
- NEW: The upgrade ranges have been adjusted for 1982.

- Drivers are paid up front for their contracted wages
- If a driver is sacked, you do not get repaid their wages. (Severance fee)
- If a driver on a two season contract is sacked in the first year of his contract (defined as any time until the first round of the second season of the contract), you must pay him the rest of the first season’s wages only.
- Minimum wage for the season is £50,000 for paid drivers - That is £2,941 per race.
- A team MUST enter TWO drivers into each race weekend they enter in order to be eligible for both championship points and all prize money
- The maximum contract length is 2 years.
- Wages deemed to be grossly unfair (£50,000 for a championship winner, for instance) will be blocked.
- You do not pay the wages of an injured driver. (This is covered by insurance)

Pay Drivers
- All young drivers start as pay drivers, until their success warrants a paid wage.
- NEW: All drivers start as Tier 2 pay drivers.
- NEW: The Pay Driver tiers have been slightly adjusted. Tier 1 drivers can be signed for 2 years, Tier 2 can only be signed for 1 year (unless given a paid offer), and Tier 3 drivers cannot be signed for the whole season.
- A pay driver may be offered a paid wage to double your odds of securing them in the RNG. However, this transforms a driver from a pay to a normal driver for the rest of their careers.
- NEW: I reserve the right to move drivers from a pay driver to a paid driver based on their success and/or storyline purposes.
- A RNG will be conducted once a driver receives an offer to see how much money they will bring for the season.
- If you wish to hire a pay driver for less than the full season (16 races), his/her money pot will be divided by 16, and then multiplied by the length of his/her contract.
- All pay drivers pay their money up front.
- If a pay driver is sacked, your forfeit the money they would have paid for the duration of their contract.

- A team may not go into debt. Any team that cannot purchase a chassis (if applicable) or engine is declared bankrupt.
- I reserve the right to remove struggling teams from the game, if their presence is not historically accurate.

- Drivers signed to replace injured drivers may be signed on the injured driver's terms, or may be signed to a new contract,
- You do not pay the wages of an injured driver. (This is covered by insurance)
- Injuries are decided by RNG.

- I reserve the right to refuse unrealistic/ill-thought out entries of any description.
- Each team can enter a maximum of TWO cars into every race weekend.
- There will be 26 starters for every Grand Prix. In the case of attracting more than 28 entries, a Pre-Qualifying session will be run, with the fastest teams on combined times going through to Qualifying.

Prize Money
- NEW: Prize Money has been revised for 1982.

Race Prize Money
Point Scorers: £75,000
Top 10, but no points: £40,000
Top 15: £20,000
Below 15, finish: £15,000
DNF: £7,500
DNQ: £5,000
DNPQ: £2,000
DSQ: -£100,000

-Prize money is does not double. I.e. Two point scorers =/= £200,000

End of Season Prize Money
- NEW: Thanks to the Concorde Agreement, end of season prize money is fixed, as shown below.
1 £3,000,000
2 £2,600,000
3 £2,400,000
4 £2,200,000
5 £2,000,000
6 £1,800,000
7 £1,600,000
8 £1,400,000
9 £1,200,000
10 £1,000,000
11 £800,000
12 £700,000
13 £600,000
14 £500,000
15 £400,000
16 £300,000
17 £200,000
- NEW: Signing a new Concorde Agreement can change the value of the prize money awarded.

Points System
9-6-4-3-2-1, with the best 11 results counting towards the championship.

Last edited by pasta_maldonado on 25 Jun 2023, 00:41, edited 1 time in total.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Phase 1: Sponsors and Travel Fees [Engine Tokens] needed!

Your opening gambit of the 1981 season will be to select your sponsor tier goal and pay Travel Fees.

By doing so, you will confirm your ongoing participation in AltF1 for 1982. If you wish to withdraw, please announce this in your post.

All travel for this year is for the full season and will be deducted automatically from your budget after you have posted.

The information on your sponsor tier goals can be found on the spreadsheet. If you have any questions, ask me on Discord.

Dom, Hermann, pi314159, Frogfoot, and Frentzen need to Discord PM me their engine token usage or risk forfeiting them!

Please submit your choices using the form below:

Code: Select all

Team Name:

Sponsor Tier Goal:

1982 Pre-Season phases:

Phase 1: Sponsor tier and Travel Costs [Engine Tokens]
Phase 2: Drivers and Designers
Phase 3: Chassis
Phase 4: Engines, Tyres, GPDA election
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Klon »

Team Name: Marlboro McLaren International
User: Klon

Sponsor Tier Goal: Tier 2
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Nessafox »

Team Name: Equipe Ligier
User: Nessafox

Sponsor Tier Goal: 1

**can renault please confirm our engine deal?
I don't know what i want and i want it now!
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Dom_Wings »

Team Name: Systime BMW Team Tyrrell
User: Dom

Sponsor Tier Goal: 2

After two consecutive third-place finishes in the World Constructors' Championship, it was announced that Penthouse magazine and Tyrrell are parting ways. We thank Penthouse for their well produced magazines as well as the fruitful partnership over the past 4 and a half seasons.
Join the GPR Discord server!
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Hermann95 »

Team Name: Scuderia Ferrari
User: Hermann95

Sponsor Tier Goal: 3
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Nuppiz »

Team Name: ATS Kauhsen
User: Nuppiz

Sponsor Tier Goal: 1

We're crazy, and we're still in business
Eurosport broadcast for the 1990 Mexican GP prequalifying:
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Gertrand Bachot »

Team Name: Alfa Romeo
User: GB

Sponsor Tier Goal: 1

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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Frogfoot9013 »

Team Name: Renault
User: Me

Sponsor Tier Goal: 1
James Hunt, commentating on the 1991 German Grand Prix wrote:The Benettons looking very smart together on the track, mostly because they're both going so slowly.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Pinkd56 »

Arrows will go for Tier 1.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by tommykl »

Penthouse Magazine wrote:Penthouse drops sponsorship from Tyrrell Racing

Following the recent announcement of this publication's replacement as title sponsors of the Tyrrell Formula One team by Systime, there was a period of uncertainty regarding the future of the relationship between the two entities. We can now announce that the sponsorship of Tyrrell Racing has ended following discussions with both Ken Tyrrell and the board of Systime.

This is not the end of our association with Formula One as a championship, however. We firmly believe that our readership is of the sort that is inherently attracted to the high octane world of motorsport, and we will continue to look for a team whose ethos matches ours.
Motor Sport Magazine wrote:Robert Kagan swaps Tyrrell for new challenge at Spartec

After finishing arguably his best season yet in terms of pace in a disappointing ninth place in the championship, questions were raised about Robert Kagan's future in Formula One. He has continued to be outpaced comprehensively by Harvey Jones, but we understand it's the BMW engine's unreliability scuppering most of his chances at top results that have shaken the Brit's confidence in Tyrrell.

The recent parting of Tyrrell with Kagan's long-time sponsor is understood to have sealed the parting of the driver with the team as well, despite Kagan securing his maiden victory (and Tyrrell's first in several years) at the German Grand Prix.

Motor Sport Magazine now understands that Kagan has finally accepted a long-standing offer to join Spartec, where he is due to replace Stephen South. It is expected that Penthouse will accordingly be the title sponsor of Spartec as part of a two-year deal.
kevinbotz wrote:Cantonese is a completely nonsensical f*cking alien language masquerading as some grossly bastardised form of Chinese

Gonzo wrote:Wasn't there some sort of communisim in the East part of Germany?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Aislabie »

With this news, Spartec can confirm we're going for a Tier 1 sponsor goal.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Hermann95 »

Gazzetta dello sport, 13 Gennaio wrote: Talento francese per la Ferrari
AMuS am 13.01.1982 wrote: Französisches Talent für Ferrari
L'Équipe, 13 Janvier 1982 wrote: Le talent français pour Ferrari
The Sun on January 15th 1982 wrote: Ferrari signs french driver
According to exclusive information gathered by The Sun, Ferrari signed french driver Guillaume Gauthier on a 2 year deal.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by CaptainGetz12 »

Team: Osella Squadra Corse
User: CaptainGetz12

Sponsor Tier: 1
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Rob Dylan »

Lotus will go for Tier 2 with JPS, although we may just fire Alan Jones anyway ;)
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
Felipe Nasr - the least forgettable F1 driver!
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by pasta_maldonado »

The driver market is now OPEN! The driver and pay driver lists are intended as a guide rather than a definitive list, so feel free to bid for those not listed.

The complete list of signed drivers can be found here: ... One_season

Drivers with a signed contract are listed in red on the spreadsheet.

Please also bear in mind some drivers are unable to be signed. View the Unavailable Drivers tab on the spreadsheet for more info.

Remember that the maximum driver contract length is 2 years.

Pay Drivers
Pay drivers are now in three tiers. Tier 1 drivers can be signed for the full 2 year contract, or just 1 year if you wish.
Tier 2 drivers can only sign for 1 season. The majority of new drivers will now debut as a Tier 2 pay driver.
Tier 3 drivers can only sign for a handful of races maximum. Some new drivers will debut as a Tier 3 pay driver.

NEW - You can ask as pay driver to increase the money they bring. This will be treated as a secondary RNG. Should they refuse, the contract will be cancelled.

Offering a pay driver a wage stays the same, this will dramatically increase your chance of signing them, and stop them from becoming a pay driver.

Da Rules wrote:: Designers
- Designers are like drivers – they have team preferences, must be paid a wage, can be hired for a maximum of 1 year, and are subject to RNG.
- Designer contracts are now 1-year.
- Designers do not affect mid-season upgrades
- You must pick one bonus and one penalty for your chosen designer. This cannot be changed after they have been hired.
- NEW: You can get 2 bonuses for double the designers wage with only 1 penalty.
- A designer can only be offered the wage stated on the spreadsheet OR double the wage stated on the spreadsheet.
- All teams must sign a designer to build and upgrade chassis.
- NEW: If you select the ???? Designer bonus, you will be PM'd the results on discord or the forums.
- More information is provided on the Designers tab of the spreadsheet.
Designers have preferences toward teams, and are signed via RNG like drivers, except you cannot offer a designer more or less money than the value listed. They can be signed for a maximum of 1 year at a time. All teams must sign a designer to build and upgrade chassis.

You must select a bonus and a penalty for each designer you make an offer to. This cannot be changed if they accept your offer. Remember, that for double the wage you can get double the bonuses for one penalty.

All values apart from grip range are added to your chassis after construction.

The following teams have a mandatory designer:
- March: Robin Herd
- Lotus: Colin Chapman

Please submit driver and designer bids using the form below.

Budgets on the sheet have been updated to take into account mergers, sponsors, and travel fees.

Code: Select all

Team Name:

Designer #1:
Wage: (Base or Double)
Bonus 2: (if applicable)
Designer #2: (If applicable)
Wage: (Base or Double)
Bonus 2: (if applicable)

Driver #1
DEC: (Fictional drivers only)
Wage: (Per race or per season, please state)
Contract Length: (Max 2 years)
Ask to find more money?: (Ask a pay driver to increase the money they bring, if applicable)
Races: (Which races will the driver take part in? Part time drivers only.)
Repeat as many times as necessary

Driver #2
DEC: (Fictional drivers only)
Wage: (Per race or per season, please state)
Contract Length: (Max 2 years)
Ask to find more money?: (Ask a pay driver to increase the money they bring, if applicable)
Races: (Which races will the driver take part in? Part time drivers only.)
Repeat as many times as necessary
You have until 12:00 Sunday 2nd July to submit your driver and designer choices.

Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, and Spartec only need to submit designer bids

Brabham, March, Williams, and Toleman will need to submit their sponsor tier goal in addition to drivers by this date.

1982 Pre-Season phases:

Phase 1: Sponsor tier, Alignment, and Travel Costs
Phase 2: Drivers and Designers
Phase 3: Chassis
Phase 4: Engines & Suppliers (incl. tyres)
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Nessafox »

Team Name:

Designer #1: Gérard Ducarouge
Wage: Double
Bonus: B
Bonus 2: A
Penalty: B

Designer #1: Maurice Philippe
Wage: Double
Bonus: B
Bonus 2: A
Penalty: A

Driver #1
Name: Patrick Tambay
Wage: 100K +50K Bonus if scoring at least one podium.
Contract Length: 2 years, if he refuses, we will offer him a 1-year deal instead before turning to other drivers.
Driver #1
Name: Jean-Pierre Jarier
Wage: 50K +50K Bonus if scoring at least one podium.
Contract Length: 1 year with option for a second year if he scores a podium
Driver #1
Name: Jacques Lafitte
Wage: 100K +50K Bonus if scoring at least one podium.
Contract Length: 2 years
Driver #1
Name: René Arnoux
Ask to find more money?: Yes
Contract Length: 1 year with option for a second year if he scores a podium

If no options left, leftover options for the second seat will be considered for the first seat.

Driver #2
Name: Thierry Boutsen
Contract Length: 2 Years
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: René Arnoux
Contract Length: 1 Year
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: Philippe Streiff
Contract Length: 1 Year
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: Philippe Alliot
Contract Length: 1 Year
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: Bruno Giacomelli
Contract Length: 1 Year
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: Patrick Gaillard
Contract Length: 1 Year
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: Thierry Tassin
Contract Length: 4 races
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: Teo Fabi
Contract Length: 4 races
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: Johnny Cecotto
Contract Length: 4 races
Ask to find more money?: Yes

Driver #2
Name: Roberto Moreno
Contract Length: 4 races
Ask to find more money?: Yes
Last edited by Nessafox on 04 Jul 2023, 19:38, edited 4 times in total.
I don't know what i want and i want it now!
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Frentzen127 »

Team Name: Brabham
User: Frentzen127

Sponsor Tier Goal: Tier 3

Designer #1: Gordon Murray (2 years)
Wage: (Double)
Bonus: A
Bonus 2: B
Penalty: B
Designer #2: Patrick Head
Wage: (Double)
Bonus: A
Bonus 2: B
Penalty: A

Driver #1
Name: Nelson Piquet
Wage: 80.000
Contract Length: 1 year
Ask to find more money?: No
Races: All

Driver #1
Name: Nigel Mansell
Wage: Gib ~100.000 (will be paid 20.000 second year)
Contract Length: 2 year
Ask to find more money?: No
Races: All

Driver #1
Name: John Watson
Wage: 50.000
Contract Length: 1 year
Ask to find more money?: No
Races: All

Driver #2
Name: Riccardo Patrese
Wage: Under contract
Contract Length: 1 year remaining (would like to extend)
Ask to find more money?: No
Races: All
DEPORTIVO CA... pfft hahaha can't say that with a straight face!
Misses Minardi dearly. :(
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Frogfoot9013 »

Renault approves the sale of engines at market price to Ligier.
James Hunt, commentating on the 1991 German Grand Prix wrote:The Benettons looking very smart together on the track, mostly because they're both going so slowly.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by pi314159 »

Williams will go for the Tier 1 sponsor goal
pasta_maldonado wrote:The stewards have recommended that Alan Jones learns to drive.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Rob Dylan »

Team Name: Lotus
User: Rob Dylan

Driver #1
Name: Nigel Mansell
Wage: pay-driver, £140k which was the same as last year
Contract Length: 2 years
Note: We will guarantee number one status for Nigel for the duration of his contract. We will also support him in his campaign to be head of the GPDA.

Name: John Watson
Wage: £50k
Contract Length: 2 years
Note: Again, we'll give him number 1 status

Name: Jonathan Palmer
Wage: Pay driver, £270k total a year, just as last time.
Contract Length: 2 years
Note: Again, we'll give him number 1 status

Repeat as many times as necessary

Driver #2
Name: Desire Wilson
Wage: Pay driver, let's see what she brings
Contract length: the flyaway rounds (1-3, 15-16)

in conjunction with her, I want to also hire

Name: Mike Thackwell
Wage: Pay driver, let's see what he brings
Contract length: Rounds 4-14, with an interest in a potential full-time drive for 1983.

if neither of these go well, we'll hire

Name: Jonathan Palmer
Wage: Pay driver, £270k total a year, just as last time.
Contract Length: 1 year

We're obviously sticking with our regular designer dude man.
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
Felipe Nasr - the least forgettable F1 driver!
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Aislabie »

Driver 1
Image Robert Kagan (DEC: Tommykl)
2 years
As contracted

Driver 2
Image Derek Warwick
1 year (2nd of 2)
As contracted

Image Francois Castaing
Bonus: -1,000 BQ
Penalty: +2 drag
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by CaptainGetz12 »

Team: Osella
User: Getz

Designer #1: Gustav Brunner
Wage: Normal
Bonus: A (-500 BQ)
Penalty: B (+30 Mass)

Designer #1: Richard Owen
Wage: Normal
Bonus: A (-2 Drag)
Penalty: A (+50 Mass)

Driver Bids:

1st Driver

Driver #1: Jean-Pierre Jarier
Wage: 60.000
Contract Length: 1 year

Driver #1: John Watson
Wage: 50.000
Contract Length: 1 year

Driver #1: Keke Rosberg
Wage: 65.000
Contract Length: 1 year (with option)

Driver: Patrick Gaillard
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: Yes
Contract Length: 1 year

Second Driver:

Driver: Luciano Sighinolfi (DEC: Aislabie)
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: Yes
Races: South African GP


Driver: Bruno Giacomelli
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: Yes
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All remaining GP

Driver: Rupert Keegan
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: Yes
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All remaining GP

Driver: Brian Henton
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: Yes
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All remaining GP

Driver: Valentino Nicchi (DEC: Pinkd56)
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: Yes
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All remaining GP
Last edited by CaptainGetz12 on 02 Jul 2023, 17:55, edited 5 times in total.
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Klon »

Team Name: Marlboro McLaren International
User: Klon

Designer #1: John Barnard
Wage: Base
Bonus: B
Penalty: A
Designer #2: Tony Southgate
Wage: Base
Bonus: A
Penalty: B

Driver #1
Name: Clay Reggazzoni
Wage: £150,000
Contract Length: 2 Years

Name: Alan Jones
Wage: £150,000
Contract Length: 1 Year

Name: Keke Rosberg
Wage: £250,000
Contract Length: 1 Year

Name: Thomas Nurmester
DEC: Nuppiz
Wage: £250,000
Contract Length: 1 Year

Driver #2
Name: Jérémy-Étienne Voeckler
DEC: Pasta
Wage: £60,000
Contract Length: 2 Years
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Pinkd56 »

Team Name: Ragno Arrows North Star Beta Racing Team
User: Pinkd56

Designer #1: Tony Southgate
Wage: Base
Bonus: B
Penalty: A

Driver #1
Name: Eddie Cheever
Wage: PD
Contract Length: 1y

Name: Nigel Mansell
Wage: PD
Contract Length: 1y

Name: Jonathan Palmer
Wage: PD
Contract Length: 1y

Driver #2
Name: Thierry Boutsen
Wage: PD
Contract Length: 1y

Name: Nigel Mansell
Wage: PD
Contract Length: 1y

Name: Mike Thackwell
Wage: PD
Contract Length: 1y

Name: Jonathan Palmer
Wage: PD
Contract Length: 1y
Last edited by Pinkd56 on 01 Jul 2023, 21:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Hermann95 »

Team Name: Scuderia Ferrari
User: Hermann95

Designer #1: Gustav Brunner
Wage: Base
Bonus: A
Penalty: B

Designer #2: François Castaing
Wage: Base
Bonus: A
Penalty: B

Drivers already confirmed
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Nuppiz »

Team Name: ATS Kauhsen
User: Nuppiz

Designer #1: Gordon Coppuck
Wage: Base
Bonus: A
Penalty: A
Designer #2: Maurice Philippe
Wage: Base
Bonus: A
Penalty: B

Driver #1
Name: Manfred Winkelhock
Wage: What wage? You're paying us.
Contract Length: 2 years
Ask to find more money?: Every little bit helps.

Driver #2
Name: Rikky Leiviskä
DEC: Aislabie
Wage: What wage? You're paying us.
Contract Length: 2 years
Ask to find more money?: Every little bit helps.

Driver #2
Name: René Arnoux
Wage: What wage? You're paying us.
Contract Length: 1 year
Ask to find more money?: Every little bit helps.

Driver #2
Name: Jonathan Palmer
Wage: What wage? You're paying us.
Contract Length: 1 year
Ask to find more money?: Every little bit helps.

Driver #2
Name: Eddie Cheever
Wage: What wage? You're paying us.
Contract Length: 1 year
Ask to find more money?: Every little bit helps.

Driver #2
Name: Thierry Boutsen
Wage: What wage? You're paying us.
Contract Length: 1 year
Ask to find more money?: Every little bit helps.

Driver #2
Name: Mike Thackwell
Wage: What wage? You're paying us.
Contract Length: 1 year
Ask to find more money?: Every little bit helps.
Eurosport broadcast for the 1990 Mexican GP prequalifying:
"The Life, it looked very lifeless yet again... in fact Bruno did one, slow lap"
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by This Could Be You »

Team Name: Toleman
Sponsor Goal: Tier 1

Designer Bids:
1. Harvey Postlethwaite (£50k, A/B)
2. Tony Southgate (£50k, A/B)
3. Giacomo Caliri (£40k, B/A)

Driver 1 Bids:
1. Thierry Boutsen (PD, 1yr)
2. Jonathan Palmer (PD, 1yr)
3. Mike Thackwell (PD, 1yr)
4. Bruno Giacomelli (PD, 1yr)

Driver 2 Bids:
1. Jonathan Palmer (PD, 1yr)
2. Mike Thackwell (PD, 1yr)
3. Bruno Giacomelli (PD, 1yr)
4. Stephen South (PD, 1yr)
Last edited by This Could Be You on 02 Jul 2023, 15:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Frogfoot9013 »

Team Name: Renault
User: Me

Designer #1: Frank Dernie
Wage: Double
Penalty: B

Driver #1
Name: Alain Prost
Wage: £200k per year
Contract Length: 2 years

Driver #2
Name: Rikky Leiviska
DEC: Aislabie
Wage: gib emone
Contract Length: 1 year
James Hunt, commentating on the 1991 German Grand Prix wrote:The Benettons looking very smart together on the track, mostly because they're both going so slowly.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Dom_Wings »

Team Name: Tyrrell
User: Dom

Designer #1: Mauro Forghieri
Wage: Base
Bonus: B
Penalty: A

Driver #1
Name: Harvey Jones
Wage: as agreed with Pasta
Contract Length: 2 years

Driver #2
Name: Keke Rosberg
Wage: 80k/year
Contract Length: 1 year

Driver #2
Name: John Watson
Wage: 60k/year
Contract Length: 1 year

Driver #2
Name: Jean-Pierre Jarier
Wage: 50k/year
Contract Length: 1 year

Driver #2
Name: Hans-Joachim Stuck
Wage: 50k/year
Contract Length: 1 year
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Gertrand Bachot »

Team Name: Alfa Romeo
User: Me

Designer #1: Gustav Brunner
Wage: Double
Bonus: A
Bonus 2: B
Penalty: B
Designer #2: Ralph Bellamy
Wage: Base
Bonus: B
Penalty: A
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by pi314159 »

Team Name: Williams
Designer: Patrick Head
Wage: Double
Bonus: Both
Penalty: A

Driver #2:
Name: Alain Prost
Wage: £150,000
Contract Length: 2 Years

Driver #2:
Name: Keke Rosberg
Wage: £100,000
Contract Length: 1 Year

Driver #2:
Name: Nigel Mansell
Wage: £50,000
Contract Length: 1 Year
pasta_maldonado wrote:The stewards have recommended that Alan Jones learns to drive.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Having discussed this issue via Discord PM, Miguel98 has opted to step down from managing March.

Therefore, SolaR765 is now the manager of March

As the deal was signed during 1981, Rover will continue to supply March with engines.

March need to confirm their sponsor tier goal, driver bids, and designer bids.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Solana7 »

Team: March
User: SolaR765

Sponsor Tier: 2

Designer: Robin Herd
Wage: Double
Bonus: B
Penalty: B

Driver #1 bid: Derek Daly
Wage: $150K (PD)
Contract length: 2 years

Driver #1 bid: Stephen South
Wage: $125K
Contract length: 2 years

Driver #1 bid: Patrick Tambay
Wage: Base
Contract Length: 1 Year

Driver #2 bid: Eddie Cheever
Wage: $100K (PD)
Contract Length: 1 Year

Driver #2 bid: Marc Surer
Wage: base (PD)
Contract Length: 1 Year

Driver #2 bid: Rene Arnoux
Wage: base
Contract Length: 1 Year
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by CaptainGetz12 »

Due to the disappointing payment offer, Osella fires Brian Henton unless the situation changes.

Otherwise, Osella makes the following emergency bids for its second seat:

Driver: Ricardo Londono
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: No
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All

Driver: Ricardo Zunino
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: No
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All
Last edited by CaptainGetz12 on 04 Jul 2023, 23:01, edited 1 time in total.
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Frogfoot9013 »

Renault shall offer 125k for Jean-Pierre Jarier for one year as a contingency bid.
James Hunt, commentating on the 1991 German Grand Prix wrote:The Benettons looking very smart together on the track, mostly because they're both going so slowly.
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by CaptainGetz12 »

Since Jarier has been released for contract after payment by Renault, Osella places the following bids for the open seat:

(We note to our sponsor that we did sign Jarier and thus have not broken the driver agreement of our Tier 1 sponsor goal.

We also accept Rover's arrangement for the 1983 engine deals due to attempting to sign Keegan unsuccessfully.)

Driver: Patrick Gaillard
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: No
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All

Driver: Vittorio Brambilla
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: No
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All

Driver: Eje Elgh
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: No
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All

Driver: Jan Lammers
Wage: PD
Ask to find more money?: No
Contract length: 1 year
Races: All
Klon wrote:What did poor André do to you for him to be insulted like that?
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by Rob Dylan »

After putting down the phone on Jonathan Palmer, Mr Chapman returns to his tea and biscuits with Ms. Wilson. Although they have just signed their contract, he politely asks if she can do the whole season?
Murray Walker at the 1997 Austrian Grand Prix wrote:The other [Stewart] driver, who nobody's been paying attention to, because he's disappointing, is Jan Magnussen.
Felipe Nasr - the least forgettable F1 driver!
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Re: AltF1 Turbo Era - 1982 - Ooh, Seven Is A Place On Earth

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Rob Dylan wrote: 05 Jul 2023, 12:06 After putting down the phone on Jonathan Palmer, Mr Chapman returns to his tea and biscuits with Ms. Wilson. Although they have just signed their contract, he politely asks if she can do the whole season?
Desiree Wilson accepts this offer.

With that, driver and designer signing is now complete. The current lineups can be viewed here: ... nd_drivers

The budgets on the spreadsheet have been updated.


New chassis are constructed in just the same way as last season. Your designer adds their bonuses and penalties after chassis construction. You can either:
- Construct a brand new chassis
- Give your 1981 chassis a B-spec.
- 1981 chassis cannot be run without upgrading

NEW: For this year, you can delay your new chassis construction until the first round of the European season (Race 4, Imola).
NEW: You can be adventurous, for a 25% extra cost for that tier and more performance, or conservative for 25% less cost for that tier and less performance.
NEW: If you delay your chassis construction, you cannot sell your existing chassis until race 4.
NEW: If you delay your chassis, a temporary B-Spec will be constructed for no extra cost. Your designer bonuses will still apply.
NEW: I will roll the stats of delayed chassis now, but you will not find out these stats until race 4. You can learn your b-spec stats now though.

As always, the variables you need to know are:
- Grip: duh
- Build Quality (BQ): Inherent reliability of your car. 1 point = 1 rel
- Handling: Random Grip Range. 1 point = 100 RGR
- Drag: 1 point = -1 BHP
- Mass: 1 point = -1 grip

Chassis tier information is on the spreadsheet.

Sell Chassis
You have the option to sell your chassis to collectors for 10% of it's build value. This ONLY applies to chassis you have built yourself.
You cannot sell chassis to other teams.
Obviously, if you sell your chassis, you have to build or buy a new one.
You cannot sell your chassis and develop a B-Spec for 1981.

Please use the following form to submit your chassis information.

Code: Select all


New Chassis construction: Y/N
New Chassis Tier: A-E
Delay new chassis: Y/N
Delay category: Adventurous/Conservative
Sell chassis:

B-spec chassis: Y/N
1982 Pre-Season phases:

Phase 1: Sponsor tier and Travel Costs [Engine Tokens]
Phase 2: Drivers and Designers
Phase 3: Chassis
Phase 4: Engines, Tyres, GPDA election
Last edited by pasta_maldonado on 05 Jul 2023, 18:52, edited 1 time in total.
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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