AS we take a look on the scoreboard, we see that Shadaza and Aislabie have reached the relatively safe havens of Congo-Brazzavile, and they'll be glad they got there, despite Aisy's penalties, knowing what's to come. This will put a few competitors in a dilemma, whilt a few others are kinda F-ed.
On the eastern front TommyKl is still leading, but it seems Nuppiz, one of the only few to finish the Google Navigation II challenge, is slowly catching up.
Stage 6 score
25 Ducktanian
18 NickyDustyOwl
15 Loadsamoney
12 Nuppiz
10 Forti
8 pasta_maldonado
6 Nessafox
4 TommyKl
2 Aislabie
1 Kinnikuniverse
In the points we see that Ducktanian, NickyDustyOwl and Loadsamoney are profiting from the good weather and the better roads where they are, allowing to catch up a little. Meanwhile Loadsamoney and Nuppiz unrjectify themself, basically only leaving me and Pasta as rejects...
62 NickyDustyOwl
58 Shadaza
53 DigitDan7
52 Ducktanian
47 Aislabie
41 Forti
39 Girry
32 Rob Dylan
32 TommyKl
31 Klon
30 Pinkd56
27 Kinnikuniverse
26 Nessafox
26 Nuppiz
21 Loadsamoney
18 Frogfoot9013
12 pasta_maldonado
Flying a bit under the radar at first, NickyDustyowl takes over the lead. There seem to be a lead group forming, The midfield is super tight still, and languishing in the back are the girls, the monstertruck and the brexit bus. Sounds like the beginning of a terrible joke.
The least km's have been covered by late starter Ducktanian, which speaks for itself and in the list of amount of countries Klon takes a commanding lead, with TommyKl and Frogfoot 9013 on his tail.
Least km's
2429 Ducktanian
3042 Rob Dylan
3693 pasta_maldonado
3837 Nessafox
3893 Forti
3925 Loadsamoney
4014 Frogfoot9013
4086 DigitDan7
4243 Klon
4272 Girry
4312 Kinnikuniverse
4332 Nuppiz
4355 Pinkd56
4460 TommyKl
4484 NickyDustyOwl
4490 Shadaza
4532 Aislabie
Most Countries
8 Klon
7 TommyKl
7 Frogfoot9013
5 Shadaza
5 Nessafox
5 Aislabie
Penalty times:
Aislabie is 132 minutes over time , that means 660 penalty minutes, this means he will not be allowed to start on leg 7 and lose an hour on leg 8
NickyDustyOwl is 18 minutes over time, that means 90 penalty minutes ... 732632&z=6
Miscellainious rng's
Are there any cars that need maintenance?
Rng amount of cars: 10! This is certainly wearing down.
Which cars are affected?
#14 Kinnikuniverse time lost 104 mins
#4 Girry time lost 101 mins
#8 Pasta Maldonado time lost 65 mins
#1 Nessafox time lost 8 mins
#9 Klon time lost 72 mins
#6 NickyDustyOwl time lost 7 mins
#11 Frogfoot9013 time lost 94 mins
#2 TommyKl time lost 83 mins
#13 Digitdan time lost 30 mins
#10 Shadaza time lost 57 mins
Please stop at a place that is suitable for car maintenance.
Random object generator: notebook
RNG:13 @Digitdan7 will need to buy a notebook somewhere.
@ Loadsamoney monster truck rng for damage
Chance of hitting something rng: 12%
Rng results: 78, no problems today either
@Pastamaldonado leave bus rng for getting stuck somewhere
Chance of getting stuck rng 25%
Rng results 71, no issues today
Rng of time lost: n/a
Rng chance of attraction unwanted attention: 99%
38, you get a telephone, on the other side of the line is what seems to be an absolutely drunk scotsman who claims to be a veteran of the race. He gives you a lot of excellent advice, but you have absolutely zero clue what he's saying. You lost the line as the person seems to have fallen off a bridge. You lost 10 mins.
Weather and civil unrest rng's
Weather (% rain) 2%
66, dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 10-20%
29, they're growing a bit tired of these damn tourists, but nothing happens
Weather (% rain) 5%, more than 30°C
63, dry, don't forget to hydrate twice
Political unrest (% of something happening) 5-10% Cabinda 20-50%
36 safe, Cabinda 61% so far the extortions gangs aren't planning revenge
Weather (% rain) 2%
71, dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
36, safe
Weather (% rain) 3%
46, dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
50 safe
Weather (% rain) 6%
9, dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
34, please go trough our country, we'l even sponsor you, please!
DR Congo
Weather (% rain) 58% west, more than 30°C 9% east
west 83, dry, don't forget to hydrate twice
east 62, dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 20-50%
40, you get stabbed by an edgy leopold II fanboy when you defend a local, it's only a fleshwound, but you need to spend a full day in the nearest hospital, if you're rng'd for car maintenance, do that first thing when you're released tomorrow.
east-congo 50-80%
46, they search your stuff, they find a copy of 'tintin in congo' in your trunk, they'll put you to work in a cobalt mine. You lose 1 day until you get fired because 'lazy white man ain't productive', if you're rng'd for car maintenance, do that first thing when you're released tomorrow.
Weather (% rain) 44%, more than 30°C
2, a light drizzle, you barely notice it, don't forget to hydrate twice
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
31 Come on, shake your body baby, do the congo. I know you can't control yourself any longer.
Weather (% rain) 52%
41, it keeps raining, you lose another hour again
Political unrest (% of something happening) 5-10%
18 Tanzen!
Weather (% rain) 5%, more than 30°C
65, dry, hydrate twice
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
89, safe
Equatorial Guinea
Weather (% rain) 7%, more than 30°C
15, dry, hydrate once (smaller country)
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
71, safe
Weather (% rain) 24%,
53, dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 5-10%
77, safe, though you've sworn you seen that guy in your neighborhood in the UK
Weather (% rain) 33%
36, a bit of mist, but dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 10-20%
22, you're safe but they're making sure you know you're not about to mess with Burundi.
eg 7 is now open, and promises to turn things on its head a bit.
Deadline is monday 22 april 2024, 23:59 GMT+1, this means you'll have an extra day over the weekend. This is due to getting a more regular schedule with deadlines always on monday night, wednesday night and friday night. As that works out the best for me.