Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

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Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

Since everybody's a fan (fun?) of andrea moda, i've started some research on italian newspapers archives. I'll post the original article followed by its english translation. I hope it might bring up something news that might help update the team profile.

All these articles are taken from "La Stampa". If people will be interested i might make similar digs on other newspapers or about other teams (LIFE anyone? :D ).
Singolare il caso della nuova squadra italiana, l'ANDREA MODA, che ha rilevato alla fine della passata stagione l'attivita' della Coloni. ANDREA Sassetti, imprenditore marchigiano nel campo delle calzature, ha voluto provare il brivido della Formula 1. Sassetti ha messo a posto l'officina, ha ingaggiato Alex Caffi e Enrico Bertaggia iscrivendo due vetture al campionato. Ma sono subito cominciati i guai. La maggioranza dei costruttori ha chiesto a Sassetti di eliminare una vettura perche', se il numero dei partecipanti ai Grandi Premi fosse sceso a 31, sarebbe stato possibile evitare le micidiali prequalificazioni del venerdi'. Tale turno e' previsto in base al regolamento del Mondiale quando - appunto - vi sono 32 monoposto in gara. L'ANDREA MODA non ha accettato. E cosi' ieri, durante le verifiche tecniche, c'e' chi si e' premurato di far sapere che le vetture della piccola squadra italiana non sono regolari in quanto il telaio e' un Coloni, mentre il retrotreno con la sospensione posteriore e' della Dallara. Le norme del regolamento tecnico della Formula 1 prevedono che il costruttore debba provvedere alla realizzazione completa della vettura, fatta eccezione per il motore.

Cosi' oggi alle 18 (dopo i due turni di prove libere previsti dalla 13 alle 14 e dalla 15 alle 16 locali, un'ora prima per l'Italia) i commissari sportivi diranno a Caffi e Bertaggia se domani mattina potranno partecipare alle prequalificazioni.

Se il problema della scuderia ANDREA MODA si risolvera' positivamente, le altre vetture impegnate domani mattina dalle 8 alle 9 nelle prequalificazioni saranno: due Venturi-Larrousse (Gachot e Katayama), una Fondmetal (Chiesa) e una Footwork (Suzuki).

A singular case the one of the new italian team, Andrea Moda that acquired coloni's businness at the end of last season. Andrea Sassetti, a shoes enterpriser, wanted to try the thrill of F1. Sassetti fixed the garage and enlisted Alex Caffi and Enrico bertaggia, signing 2 cars to the championship. But immediatly arised troubles. The majority of the constructors asked sassetti to get rid of a car because if the entries would be 31 instead of 32 it would have been possible to avoid the nasty wensday's pre-qualifyings. This extra turn is mandatory in case there's 32 cars in race. Andrea Moda refused. So yesterday, during the technical checks, someone made sure to tell that the cars of the small italian team are irregular because the chassis is from Coloni, but the rear bumpers are from Dallara. The f1 rules states that the cars must be completely build by the constructor, with the only exception of the engine.

So today at 18 (after the 2 free sessions in program at 13 to 14 and 15 to 16 (local time)) the technical directors will tell Caffi and Bertaggia if they'll be able to take part in pre-qualifyings. If The problems of Andrea Moda will resolve positively, the other cars tackling the morning pre-qualifyings from 8 to 9 will be: 2 venturi-larrousse (gachot e and katayama) a fondmetal (Chiesa) and a Footwork (Suzuki).

that's all for now, sorry for my eventual engrish in the translation. I'm a little rusty :P
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Tealy »

No need to apologise for the translation, it's close enough to read without getting confused. The fact that I don't understand a word of Italian means that I should probably be apologising to you for not having a clue what is said in the original article :P

This is interesting reading, I hope you can find more articles on them. I would love to read some from after the Monaco GP and after Belgium because there is a shroud of mistery regarding what happened to Mr Sassetti in the imediate aftermath of his arrest there.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

i have some more, but i'm checking for interest before posting and bothering to translate some more :P
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

for the only one interested i'll post a little more. ;)

l' ANDREA Moda e' riuscita a fare un solo giro con Caffi. E sara' l' unico della stagione perche la Fisa ha deciso di escludere la piccola scuderia italiana, in quanto non ha costruito le vetture portate in pista. Ci si chiede perche' lo stesso provvedimento non sia stato adottato nei confronti della March che manda in pista le Leyton House dello scorso anno e non ha neppure cambiato i colori delle vetture. L' esclusione della ANDREA MODA ha comunque fatto la felicita' di almeno 5 piloti perche' le prequalificazioni a questo punto sono state abolite. "Uno scherzo ha detto ANDREA Sassetti, proprietario del team squalificato che mi e' costato 3 miliardi e mezzo. Questa e' la mafia della F1".

Andrea Moda managed to complete only one lap with Caffi. And it'll be the season's last because Fisa chose to ban the small italian team because it didn't build itself its cars. We are wondering why the same judgement haven't been used on March that is sending on the track last year's Leyton House and haven't even changed the car's outfit. The exclusion of Andrea Moda made happy at least 5 drivers, because the pre-qualifyings have been abolished. "A joke" the disqualifyied team owner, Sassetti said, "that costed me 3,5 billions (in italian lire). this is the F1 Mafia."

3.5 billions would have been around 2200000 $ of the time.

Non ci saranno le pre qualificazioni in quanto il team ANDREA MODA, dopo aver annunciato l' invio di due nuove vetture, ha trasmesso un fax per far sapere di aver avuto problemi con l' aereo che doveva trasportare le vetture stesse. Una storia che ha il sapore di una scusa.

There won't be pre-qualifyings, because team Andrea Moda after announcing to have shipped 2 cars, senta a fax saying that they had problems with the aircraft that was to ship them. A tale that smells like an excuse.

San Paolo
In mattinata, nelle prequalificazioni, disputate da 5 vetture (in palio quattro posti) aveva fatto il suo debutto la scuderia ANDREA MODA, ex Coloni. Squalificata a Kyalami, non pronta con le vetture in Messico, abbandonata dai piloti Caffi e Bertaggia, delusi da una situazione deprimente, la piccola squadra italiana aveva recuperato Roberto Moreno e lo sconosciuto inglese Perry McCarty, ex collaudatore della Reynard in Formula 3. Quest' ultimo aveva pagato 700 dollari per avere la superlicenza obbligatoria in F1 e l' aveva ricevuta arrivando in Brasile. Poi, l' altra sera, il permesso gli e' stato ritirato, in quanto McCarty non aveva i requisiti necessari per ottenerlo. Una leggerezza da parte del pilota e della squadra, ma anche improvvisazione della Federazione che prima ha concesso il visto e poi lo ha annullato. E' sempre un gioco di potere. Per la cronaca, Moreno, alla guida della nera monoposto ANDREA MODA ha fatto solo due giri, il piu' veloce dei quali di 15 secondi superiore al peggiore dei rivali ed e' stato eliminato. Tante storie per nulla.

San Paolo, brazil
In the morning, in the pre-qualifyings run by 5 cars (4 slots available) made its debut Andrea Moda, ex Coloni. Disqualified at kyalami, not ready with its cars in Mexico, abandoned by its drivers Caffi and Bertaggia (sad due to the depressing situation) the small italian team got Roberto Moreno and the unknown english driver Perry Mc Carty, ex test driver for reynard in F3. Perry had payied 700$ for getting the mandatory superlicence and got it while reaching brasil. Then, last afternoon his licence was revocated because he didn't had the requisites for getting it. A mistake from the driver and team, but also an imprepared federation that first allowed and them retired the licence. It's always a game of power. As for the facts, Moreno, made only 2 laps driving the black Andrea Moda car, the fastest of wich was 15 seconds slower than its rivals and was eliminated. So much fuss for nothing.

this is all for now!

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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by ibsey »

I'm enjoying these articles Karsten. Please keep them coming. Grazie.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by ADx_Wales »

More proof that if you have money, dont immediately enter F1, Toyota spent a year getting ready and then a further 8 being mediocre, preparedness makes us powerful, sasseti merely makes us laugh.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Collieafc »

Im finding it interesting :)
DanielPT wrote:Life usually expires after 400 meters and always before reaching 2 laps or so. In essence, Life is short.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Jack O Malley »

You're doing a very interesting research Karsten, please go on! Indeed, I often wonder about how the Andrea Moda and Life debacles could have been reported by the Italian press :)
And I'm glad to see that there are some others Italian F1rejects followers :P
Sorry guys, I had a little outing.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Phoenix »

Tante storia per nulla. Quei pazzi... :lol:
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by ibsey »

Jack O Malley wrote:You're doing a very interesting research Karsten, please go on! Indeed, I often wonder about how the Andrea Moda and Life debacles could have been reported by the Italian press :)

Indeed. I often think that film crews should make documentaries on these teams, as they would be much more interesting that "another" documentary on Ferrari or Mclaren.

I mean, just think of all the big brother style b*tching that would have within the team :P
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by ADx_Wales »

Italian F1 teams, factory or otherwise have played a vital part in not just my viewing and understanding of F1, but I think everyone else who has looked on in wonder as a kid.

Mansell may have been at Ferrari in 89, which is why I watched, but nothing struck my eye more than when I saw Pierre Henri-Raphanel's Coloni at Monaco, with EVERY bright colour imaginable on the car.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

I do agree, and i thin that f1 is missing a lot since privateers disappeared... anyway,

A bit more :)

Insomma, nulla di nuovo sotto il sole, se non contiamo la prima qualificazione della piccola e travagliata squadra ANDREA MODA con il bravo Pupo Moreno.

Monaco nothing new under the sun, if we're not counting the first qualification for the small and troubled Andrea Moda team, with the great Pupo Moreno.

Ieri, intanto, a Liegi si e' svolta l'istruttoria riguardante la vicenda che sabato aveva portato a un plateale arresto nel circuito di ANDREA Sassetti, proprietario della scuderia ANDREA MODA. L'imputazione era di <falso e uso di falso> in relazione ai documenti che l'imprenditore di Macerata aveva esibito quando alcuni ufficiali giudiziari belgi si erano presentati ai box per cercare di sequestrare del materiale tecnico della squadra, su ingiunzione di alcuni presunti creditori. Il dibattimento e' durato quasi tutta la giornata e il magistrato alle fine ha ritenuto che non ci fossero elementi sufficienti per trattenere ulteriormente Sassetti.

Yesterday in Liegi, took place the -juridic debatement- regarding the clamorous racetrack arrest of Andrea Sassetti, the owner of team Andrea Moda. The charge was of "false statement and use of false statement" relating to documents shown by the enterpriser from macerata at the Belgian giudiciary officers, that showed up at the box for confiscating some of the team's technical material, on request of creditors. The debatement lasted almost the whole day and the judge decided that there were not enogh elements for retaing Sassetti.

next time the last piece i found on the archives of la stampa!

stay tuned for more drama! ;)
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Waris »

I love this thread! Thanks so much!
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

the last part from "la Stampa" digging and the story's end!

Non ci sara', come era gia' stato stabilito dalla Fisa, la squadra ANDREA MODA. La squadra marchigiana si era presentata in mattinata ai cancelli con un' ingiunzione del pretore di Monza secondo la quale doveva esserle concesso entrare ai box. E la polizia ha fatto rispettare la disposizione. Ma la federazione non intendeva far correre le nere vetture italiane e si e' appellata a un nuovo giudizio. E il pretore, questa volta, si e' dichiarato <incompetente>, la decisione spetta alle autorita' sportive. Le quali avevano gia' deciso l' espulsione dell' ANDREA <per indegnita' > dopo l' arresto di ANDREA Sassetti, titolare del team, in Belgio. Anche se quest' ultimo e' stato subito rilasciato.

There won't be, as Fisa deliberated, Team Andrea Moda. The team from le marche (it's a region of italy) showed in the morning at the gates with and order from the "pretore" (it's a police autority) that stated the HAD to be allowed in the boxes. The police made sure the order was respected. But the federation didn't mean to make the black italian cars run and asked for a new case. The pretore, this time declared himself unable to come up with a sentence because it's only up to the sport autorities. Autorities that had already expelled Andrea Moda for unworthiness, after the arrest of Andrea Sassetti, the team principal in belgium. Even if he was promptly released.

This is all for la stampa's articles! I'll see if i can find something on other newspapers archives!

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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Phoenix »

A sincere applause, ladies and gentlemans, before this thread goes wildly off-topic!
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by thehemogoblin »

This is absolutely wonderful.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by CarlosFerreira »

Phoenix wrote:A sincere applause, ladies and gentlemans, before this thread goes wildly off-topic!

Oh, a very sincere applause, may I say. There's info there I didn't know of, such as those Monza shenanigans, after Sasseti was arrested.

Karsten, this does not belong only on the Forum. This, I am sure, belongs on the website somewhere, and would go peachily as a user-submitted article. If you would like it so, it would probably be quite easy, I'm sure Kuwashima would like to get it there. Also, I have an Italian friend who I can probably draft to proof-read the translations and suggest any changes.

A question: are these from the Internet websites of the newspapers, or are you going through physical copies of the things?
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

thank god i use online archives :)

soon some excerpts from "il corriere della sera" will be posted. Concerning this info to be made in an article, i think that it could be done, or maybe the informations might be inserted in the already existing article about andrea moda.... I guess i'll let the bosses here choose what's the best.

Oh, by the way, i have to sadden the LIFE fans here :| online archives from all the newspapers i checked, always start from 1992 on or so... I'll keep looking around just in case something pops up ;)
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by MikeH »

Good info - I had no idea Moda showed up at Monza.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by shinji »

CarlosFerreira wrote:
Phoenix wrote:A sincere applause, ladies and gentlemans, before this thread goes wildly off-topic!

Oh, a very sincere applause, may I say. There's info there I didn't know of, such as those Monza shenanigans, after Sasseti was arrested.

Karsten, this does not belong only on the Forum. This, I am sure, belongs on the website somewhere, and would go peachily as a user-submitted article. If you would like it so, it would probably be quite easy, I'm sure Kuwashima would like to get it there. Also, I have an Italian friend who I can probably draft to proof-read the translations and suggest any changes.

A question: are these from the Internet websites of the newspapers, or are you going through physical copies of the things?

Good thought Carlos!

These are epic. Tidied up a bit, they'd be even more epic!
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by CarlosFerreira »

karsten wrote:thank god i use online archives :)

soon some excerpts from "il corriere della sera" will be posted. Concerning this info to be made in an article, i think that it could be done, or maybe the informations might be inserted in the already existing article about andrea moda.... I guess i'll let the bosses here choose what's the best.

Brilliant! With your permission, I will copy and paste what you've put here in the F1Rejects wiki, in a new page called "Andrea Moda (update)". Putting it up in the wiki allows other people to have a look and make any necessary comments and adjustments, and will also allow me to ask my Italian friend to have a look while at the Uni.

Depending on the size and number of articles, we'll later have a word with Kuwashima and eytl to decide on whether it should go as an update to the existing article or as a stand-alone piece; right now, I think the latter is probably the best way.

It's online!
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

i had no clue there was a f1rejects wiki :) i'll take a look!
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by CarlosFerreira »

karsten wrote:i had no clue there was a f1rejects wiki :) i'll take a look!

We do. Trying to harness the power of the Internets to produce something, instead of simply complaining eytl doesn't make profiles anymore.
If you could please sign up and add the links to those stories, it'd be great.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

The Very last i can find! These 2 are taken from the "corriere della sera"

MONZA . Polemiche a bordo pista e una mezza rissa, alla vigilia del 63 Gran Premio d' Italia di F1. Ieri mattina gli addetti al team Andrea Moda, escluso martedi' scorso dal campionato mondiale, e gli uomini della Federazione Internazionale Sport Automobilistici sono quasi passati alle vie di fatto. Forti del provvedimento del pretore monzese Gianfranco D' Ajetti, che autorizzava la partecipazione alle prove, la squadra ha chiesto di entrare nei box di Formula Uno. Ma i "mastini" della Fisa si sono opposti e per sedare la lite poco sportiva e' stato necessario l' intervento delle forze dell' ordine. Il vicequestore Oronzo Scoletta ha fatto aprire "in nome della legge" i cancelli. Il Tir della squadra e' cosi' entrato, ma non ha potuto scaricare le auto. Il colpo di grazia per la scuderia del patron Andrea Sassetti e' arrivato ieri pomeriggio, quando il pretore si e' dichiarato incompetente a decidere sul caso, per difetto di giurisdizione. Il giudice ha trasmesso il fascicolo agli organi della giustizia sportiva. Il ricorso d' urgenza, presentato giovedi' pomeriggio alla magistratura monzese contro la decisione della Fisa, non e' dunque servito a nulla. E i bolidi di Andrea Sassetti sono rimasti imballati.

Monza. Polemics at the trackside and half fight, just before the 63rd Italian F1 grand prix. Yesterday morning the emplyies of team Andrea Moda, expelled last tuesday from the world championship, and the man of FISA almost had a fight. Making a strong point of the decision of the pretore of monza Gianfranco D'Ajetti, that was allowing the team to take parts in test, the team asked to be admitted at the f1 boxes. But the "bulldogs" of the federation opposed and to stop the "unsporting" fight was needed police intervention. the Vice-questore Oronzo Scoletta made the gates open "in the name of law". So the team's truck entered, but couldn't unload the cars. The finishing blow for Andrea sassetti's team came yesterday afternoon when the pretore declared himself unable to give a sentence due to a defect of jurisdiction. The Judge sent the papers to the Sport Justice organs. In the end the emergency appeal to monza's judges of last Thursday afternoon against FISA's decision was useless. And so Andrea sassetti's Bolidi (i think it's half a joke it's something like supercars... :P ) remained wrapped.

Arrestato e rilasciato il titolare del team Andrea Moda - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPA . (g.f.) Arrestati ai box di Spa, il titolare della scuderia Andrea Moda, l' industriale calzaturiero marchigiano, Andrea Sassetti e il team.manager della squadra, il belga Zago. La polizia e' intervenuta su richiesta del giudice del Tribunale di Verviers, che ha dovuto esaminare le richieste di due creditori del team di Moreno e McCarthy. Nella documentazione presentata a difesa, i dirigenti della squadra avrebbero esibito una documentazione ritenuta non adeguata dal giudice, che ha risposto con il loro arresto ai box. I due sono stati portati a Verviers, ma dopo nove ore di interrogatorio sono stati rilasciati perche' il giudice istruttore non ha raggiunto prove concrete.

Arrested and released the Andrea Moda's team owner-------------------------SPA Arrested at Spa's boxes, the owner of team Andrea Moda, the shoes enterpriser Andrea sassetti, and the belgian team manager Zago. The police acted on request of the judge of the tribunal of Verviers, that had to examinate the requests of two creditor's of Mc Carty's and moreno's team. In the documentation shown in defence, the team principals would have shown a documentation considered inadeguated by the the judge, that had the arrested at the boxes. The two were brought to Verviers, but after NINE HOURS OF INTERROGATION were released because the judge didn't find any solid evidence.

This is all! :)

Now what i wonder is:

1) who might be the creditor that the tribunal of Verviers acted for? It must have been a belgian creditor i guess?
2) How the hell did the interrogated someone for nine hours!? And for nothing relevant at all like some creditors debate?

I think there's something weird that we never heard about.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Phoenix »

karsten wrote:
Now what i wonder is:
How the hell did the interrogated someone for nine hours!? And for nothing relevant at all like some creditors debate?

They clearly didn't use electrodes.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by CarlosFerreira »

Karsten, I've managed to draft my Italian friend to have a look at the texts some time next week. Any more materials?
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by LucaPacchiarini »

if you need me to translate something, feel free to ask
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by CarlosFerreira »

LucaPacchiarini wrote:if you need me to translate something, feel free to ask

Really? Luca, could you please sing up to the wiki, here:

And have a look at the page "Andrea Moda (update)"?

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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by LucaPacchiarini »

CarlosFerreira wrote:
LucaPacchiarini wrote:if you need me to translate something, feel free to ask

Really? Luca, could you please sing up to the wiki, here:

And have a look at the page "Andrea Moda (update)"?


Yes, but what should I do? check if the transations are correct?
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by CarlosFerreira »

LucaPacchiarini wrote:
CarlosFerreira wrote:
LucaPacchiarini wrote:if you need me to translate something, feel free to ask

Really? Luca, could you please sing up to the wiki, here:

And have a look at the page "Andrea Moda (update)"?


Yes, but what should I do? check if the transations are correct?

Yeah. Hammer up the grammar where you think it's appropriate, and stuff. Just make it sound readable while following the original as close as possible.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by karsten »

luca se hai tempo libero ci sarebbe
questo: ... ssetti.swf :mrgreen:
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by LucaPacchiarini »

Right Karsten, I'm going to do that.

It's an Autosprint article by Mario Donnini, absolutely cracking.
The first part contains interesting stories of Andrea Moda, the second part is the only interview EVER! with ANDREA SASSETTI :shock: :lol:

I'm going to translate it in various parts, here you are...PART ONE!



"Cuore Da Corsa" (the name of the column) investigating about the only "expelled" team in F1 history.
He (Sassetti) hasn't uttered a word since 1992, but now he has chosen to tell his incredible story.
In Montecarlo he umilated Damon Hill, thanks to his S921. The Andrea Moda boss changed his life and that of his driver, McCarthy. He was the last "human" team principal, in both in the good sides and in the bad...


The Londoner Perry McCarthy, with an unimpressive career thus far, faces a turning point.
He has a goal: racing in Formula One, and a table: with this rhythm, in April his bank account will be closed, in May his telephone line will be cut and in June he will be evicted from his house.

But he's a warrior: he's sitting in his living room, with underwear only, gazing at the phone...which starts to ring. Perry answers and thinks: "God, give me a chance, just one, even in a regional single-marque championship...".
"Hello, Fred Rogers of Jordan, are you Perry?"
"Yes, that's me"
"Congratulations, you're going to become a F1 driver"
"Here I come" asnwers McCarthy. Destination: Bambury, Simtek. It's like a blind date.

In the factory there is the man he's looking for: Andrea Sassetti, who reportedly asked Nick Wirth two brand new F1. Wirth thinks he's mad, but Sassetti indeed isn't:
he opened a plastic case forming a pyramid of money on the table. "I want them within twenty days" is the last sentence.

Wirth starts the project, as quick as a rocket: it's pure madness, but rejecting those millions would be ever more nonsensical.
"The engines I already have them", says Sassetti, showing a contract for twelve Judd unities for 800.000 dollars. Wirth starts to sweat: he won't stop doing so for four weeks.

To gain that pyramid of money he recruits a prodigious human chain of almost egyptian ispiration, formed by turnists taken from benetton, Lotus, McLaren and Williams, at 150 pence each.


Wirth makes it. Within the month, two Andrea Moda S92 are produced. That's the name of Sassetti's team.
He is the owner of tha omonimous shoe firm based in Morrovalle Di Macerata and the owner of the fashion line that has suddenly made him incredibly rich. Rich, but not idiot.
After a long and roundabout introduction, he tells McCarthy: "you will be my driver, but I'm not paying you. Travelling will be at your expense".
Ok, deal done.

March the 31th, Perry receives the superlicense.
And his cousin lends him 800 pounds for a Varig flight to Brazil, in economy class. Then Perry drinks a couple of bottles of red wine.

Sao Paulo, Friday, April the 3rd:

The Andrea Moda of Moreno completes 4 laps, four seconds slower than the penultimate-placed driver.
His teammate Perry is in an even tougher situation: superlicense revoked. He starts to cry in front of the crowd, but also in front of Ecclestone, who sometimes is a sensitive bloke.
He (McCarthy) returns home with two certainties: he doesn't have the requirements for the license, but he will have it back.
Because Ecclestone energically told to a member of the commission: "This is Mr McCarthy: he has a problem, you must solve it for him"
When Perry checks the fax messages, he finds that everything is now fine.

End of part one. ;)
Last edited by LucaPacchiarini on 27 Feb 2010, 20:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Yannick »

Thank you for your great work in translating. I can't wait for episode 2. But I guess it's pounds, not pence. ;-)
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by DemocalypseNow »

Yannick wrote:Thank you for your great work in translating. I can't wait for episode 2. But I guess it's pounds, not pence. ;-)

£8 flights to Brazil? Where do I sign up?!?!!? :lol:
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by LucaPacchiarini »

awww :o a stupid mistake :oops: :mrgreen:
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Max »

After 30 years, we managed to tell the whole truth about the history of Andrea Moda... and we discovered that the story is even more incredible than what has been written to date... here is the docu-series produced by
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Re: Andrea Moda Digging in italian Newspapers

Post by Har1MAS1415 »

Gregor Foitek dodged a bullet by not joining them despite their interest in him.

Who could blame him after the Monteverdi debacle? ... am_so_bad/
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