2012 IRDU Rejects Cup

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2012 IRDU Rejects Cup

Post by Pointrox »

I just came up with a brilliant idea of
F1Rejects LFS Cup

What is it?
The idea is simple - we'll run some races with AI-controlled drivers. It's not very different from F1RWRS or F1 Challenge Championship, but this time our artificial rejects will be racing in Live for Speed.
That's right. Although there are no real tracks and most of the cars bear only a slight resemblance to the real cars, I think it's gonna be just great - mostly because of how rejectful the AI in LFS is.

Race car
All the AI drivers will be driving this beauty:
Some specs:
3.0 litre V 8
341 kW (458 bhp) @ 8972 rpm
401 Nm (295 lbft) @ 7059 rpm
Total Mass:
600 kg (1323 lbs)
568 W/kg (775 bhp/ton)
Weight dist:
45.0 F 55.0 R

First test race will be held soon on South City Sprint, with participation of the greatest rejects from Perry McCarthy Memorial Forum :D

Fondmetal South City 200
South City Long, 50 laps

SUPER AGURI! Kyoto 300
Kyoto Ring Oval, 100 laps

OzJet Westhill Grand Prix
Westhill International, 38 laps

EuroBrun Aston 500
Aston Grand Touring, 62 laps

Colin Kolles Special
Blackwood GP, 58 laps

HWNSNBM Challenge
Fern Bay Black, 40 laps

Race format
Every race is limited to 200 kilometers, otherwise stated in the name of the race.
It begins with 20-minute qualifying session, then shortly after starts the race.
Every car has an equal fuel load of 100 per cent, and are equally set up with hard tyres and a basic setup. Tyres will be replaced when they will be 90% worn out, and refueled, when only 5% of fuel will be left in the car.

1st place - 10 points
2nd place - 8 points
3rd place - 6 points
4th place - 5 points
5th place - 4 points
6th place - 3 points
7th place - 2 points
8th place - 1 points
Additional points for pole position and fastest lap of the race.

Drivers and teams
We only have 20 slots, that makes 10 teams with two drivers each.

Scuderia de Cesaris
Image 1 - Vincent de Nieuwe
Image 2 - Ismail Sbai
Image TEST DRIVER - Ivan Djurkin

Castrol Jones Racing
Image 3 - Sammy Jones
Image 4 - Joey Tempest
Image TEST DRIVER - Dave Simpson

Rosenforth Engineering
Image 5 - Rhys Davies
Image 6 - Frank Zimmer
Image TEST DRIVER - John Zimmer

Sunshine Infiniti
Image 7 - Barii Mori
Image 8 - Shinobu Katayama
Image TEST DRIVER - Hagane Shizuka

Virgin Inter Corse
Image 9 - Daniel Cockburn
Image 10 - Phil McCracken
Image TEST DRIVER - Ólafur Ragnar Hannesson

Engine Failure Racing
Image 11 - Adam Armenta
Image 12 - Sebastian Groves
Image TEST DRIVER - Kimi Jauho

Foxdale Auto Racing Team
Image 13 - Pippa Mann
Image 14 - Douglas Mann

Parklife Motorsport
Image 15 - Richie White
Image 16 - Damon Cannon
Image TEST DRIVER - Poppy Whitechapel

Image 17 - Daniel Melrose
Image 18 - Phillippe Nicolas
Image TEST DRIVER - Mark Dagnall

Sega Blastcorp-Aqua F1
Image 19 - Bernard Shellhammer
Image 20 - Kirsty Price
Image TEST DRIVER - Nathanael Spencer

I'm waiting for your entries :)
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by dr-baker »

What the heck, Foxdale needs more test data to improve their chassis in F1RWRS, so why not join another AI series to gain that data, eh?


Foxdale Auto Racing Team

13 - Pippa Mann
14 - Douglas Mann
Test driver - Ben Fleet
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

Done :D
Keep 'em coming, lads - believe me, this is going to be biblical.

I set up the YouTube account to upload some highlights from the races: http://www.youtube.com/user/LFSRejectsCup :D
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by DemocalypseNow »

Virgin Inter Corse
9 Daniel Cockburn [CAN]
10 Phil McCracken [GBR]
69 [T] Alex Katajamaki [FIN]
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

Added to the list.
I'd also like you to tell me the nationalities of the drivers, for the TV coverage purpose - I want to add these awesome overlay graphics with names and stuff.
I guess Douglas and Pippa Mann are Manx/British and both Virgin Inter Corse drivers are British.
Also, we still have 14 places to give away! :D
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by the Masked Lapwing »

Why not join this one? :D

Rosenforth Engineering (What? :P)

5 - Rhys Davies (AUS)
6 - Frank Zimmer (AUS)
TEST - John Zimmer (AUS)
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Londoner »

Why not! :D :D

Parklife Motorsport ( 8-) 8-) )

15 - Richie White
16 - Damon Cannon
Test - Poppy Whitechapel

Three friends, who set up their own team.

All nationalities are GBR.
Fetzie on Ferrari wrote:How does a driver hurtling around a race track while they're sous-viding in their overalls have a better understanding of the race than a team of strategy engineers in an air-conditioned room?l
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by AndreaModa »

Ohh go on then...! :D

Castrol Jones Racing
#3 Sammy Jones (GBR)
#4 Joey Tempest (SWE)

EDIT: Subscribed to the channel (Crackers250) - good idea!
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Ducktanian »

Why the heck not?

Sega Blastcorp-Aqua F1 (A Science Conglomerate gone racing =D)

#19 Bernard Shellhammer (UK)
#20 Kirsty Price (UK)
TD: Nathanael Spencer (UK)
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Aerospeed »

Squidworm Auto Racing
11. Adam Armenta (ESP)
12. Sebastian Groves (AUS)
TD1. Kimi Jauho (FIN)
TD2. Issac Evans (GBR)
TD3. James Schell (CAN)
TD4. Lucas Vogel (GER)
TD5. Reynir Garðarsdóttir (Iceland)
TD6. Alessandro Marchesi (ITA)
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by SuperAguri »

Like to enter the Japanese dream team of

Sunshine Infiniti

7 - Barii Mori
8 - Shinobu Katayama
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by TomWazzleshaw »


17. Daniel Melrose (AUS)
18. Phillippe Nicolas (FRA)
Test Driver. Mark Dagnall (GBR)

EDIT: Didn't realise Spencer already had a drive
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by tommykl »

Gillet-Ecurie Nationale Belge
1. Thomas De Bock (BEL)
2. Aurelien Moll (BEL)
TD: Laurent Swerts (BEL)
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Shizuka »

Whoops. I'm too late... :D

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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

tommykl wrote:Gillet-Ecurie Nationale Belge
1. Thomas De Bock (BEL)
2. Aurelien Moll (BEL)
TD: Laurent Swerts (BEL)

Shizuka wrote:Whoops. I'm too late... :D

But still you're welcome to join us in another season :D

Thank you very much for all the entries! The first race will start soon, but before that, a 30-minute pre-season test session will be held at Kyoto National GP. Results soon!
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

Mori sets the pace
Barii Mori gave a hint of Sunshine-Infiniti's pace as he set the fastest time on the first pre-season test at Kyoto, although the differences between the top three drivers are marginal.
Sbai's performance came as a surprise, when he set the fourth time. It was even more surprising, when minutes later Phil McCracken set exactly the same time as the Moroccan.
Three female drivers that will compete in the series took part in this session - the best was Kirsty Price, that set the 3rd fastest lap and had a very little margin to both Zimmer and Mori. Manx Pippa Mann set 11th fastest time, between the legendary Australian Daniel Melrose and Sega Blastcorp-Aqua's Bernard Shellhammer, and Japanese Shinobu Katayama finished 17th, between Rhys Davies and the newcomer from the Netherlands Vincent de Nieuwe.


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1. Barii Mori ...... 1:31.70
2. Frank Zimmer ...... 1:31.75
3. Kirsty Price ...... 1:31.77
4. Ismail Sbai ...... 1:31.82
5. Phil McCracken ...... 1:31.82
6. Adam Armenta ...... 1:31.97
7. Richie White ...... 1:32.01
8. Daniel Cockburn ...... 1:32.11
9. Sammy Jones ...... 1:32.16
10. Daniel Melrose ...... 1:32.22
11. Pippa Mann ...... 1:32.41
12. Bernard Shellhammer ...... 1:32.50
13. Sebastian Graves ...... 1:32.60
14. Rhys Davies ...... 1:32.60
15. Shinobu Katayama ...... 1:33.03
16. Vincent de Nieuwe ...... 1:33.07
17. Phillippe Nicolas ...... :33.43
18. Douglas Mann ...... 1:33.61
19. Damon Cannon ...... 1:33.72
20. Joey Tempest ...... 1:34.73


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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Londoner »

Pointrox wrote:The sole female driver in the series, Pippa Mann, set 11th fastest time, between the legendary Australian Daniel Melrose and Sega Blastcorp-Aqua's Bernard Shellhammer.

Er.. I think Shinobu Katayama is female as well

Richie White wrote:A pretty good session for me, nothing too special however. Damon seems to be struggling with the tyres, as his smooth driving style struggles to get heat into the tyres. Hopefully things will pick up by the start of the season and we can be regular point scorers.
Fetzie on Ferrari wrote:How does a driver hurtling around a race track while they're sous-viding in their overalls have a better understanding of the race than a team of strategy engineers in an air-conditioned room?l
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by TomWazzleshaw »

Pointrox wrote:...between the legendary Australian Daniel Melrose...



Daniel Melrose wrote:10th was an alright result for me but who wants to be simply "alright"? The car feels completely different to anything I've driven before as you really have to push incredibly hard to get the car to respond but that's just part of the challenge and I found it easier to adapt than Phillippe did as he simply couldn't get any tyre temp with his smooth driving style.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Phoenix »

Getting late in here but...

Team: Zapico Racing, from León, Spain.

1-Phoenix McAllister, Spain
2-Tanner Jason, EEUU
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Shizuka »

Phoenix wrote:Getting late in here but...

Team: Zapico Racing, from León, Spain.

1-Phoenix McAllister, Spain
2-Tanner Jason, EEUU

We're both late, have to wait for the next season. :oops:

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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

Epic trailer for upcoming season :D
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Aerospeed »

Pointrox wrote:Epic trailer for upcoming season :D


Also, why isn't the other five test drivers mentioned?
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

JeremyMcClean wrote:EPIC


JeremyMcClean wrote:Also, why isn't the other five test drivers mentioned?

Because there is a limitation to one test driver per team.
I still have to figure out when will they have their tests/races.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Ducktanian »

Pointrox wrote:Two female drivers that will compete in the series took part in this session - Manx Pippa Mann set 11th fastest time, between the legendary Australian Daniel Melrose and Sega Blastcorp-Aqua's Bernard Shellhammer, and Japanese Shinobu Katayama finished 17th, between Rhys Davies and the newcomer from the Netherlands Vincent de Nieuwe.

Kirsty Price is also female.

Epic trailer btw.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by SuperAguri »

Autosport wrote:Sunshine sign Shizuka

Sunshine Infiniti have signed up talented Japanese driver Hagane Shizuka as their 3rd driver. Team principal Shinji Zanmai said "We were surprised that no one had signed him up, we are going to take him and make the Japanese dream team bigger, and if Katayama has bad results then Shizuka will get races. Hagane Shizuka was not available to comment.

We are delighted at the cars pace and Barii Mori for his wonderful time, we hope we can turn these into points.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

Grandprix.com wrote:Scuderia de Cesaris signs Djurkin

Ivan Djurkin will be Scuderia de Cesaris' 3rd driver for 2011. 20-year old racing driver from Lviv caught the eye of the team principal, Andrea de Cesaris, while racing in Asian Formula Renault Challenge series. He finished a respectable 5th and was assigned for Renault young driver development programme, but it wasn't an obstacle for de Cesaris to sign Ivan.

- I'm happy to be part of the team - says Djurkin - I hope F1Rejects LFS Cup will help me reach my goals.
De Cesaris didn't want to comment on the newcomer, only confirming the fact of signing him up and expressing his happiness for Sbai's performance on pre-season tests.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by DemocalypseNow »

GPUpdate.net wrote:Test Driver switch for Virgin Inter Corse

Alex Katajamaki
has been acrimoniously dumped by Virgin Inter Corse for defaulting on sponsorship payments, however the Virgins have already found a new backup driver. Icelandic rookie Ólafur Ragnar Hannesson will take his place in the team

"This is a great place to be, know what I'm saying?" said Hannesson. "OK so people keep asking me how I can afford the seat, but what they don't know is another Nigerian prince sent me a letter offering me money that was left to him. I already sent him 50,000 kronur as a payment guarantee, so everything will work out fine agian, know what I'm saying?"

In other news, Virgin Inter Corse have also finally got round to hiring a new Team Manager - Georg Bjarnfreðarson. However, since his appointment Hannesson's track time has been severely limited, prompting some questions from the media.

"I will not waste my energy talking to corrupt conservatives," stated Bjarnfreðarson.

Pictured: New Virgin Inter Corse test driver Ólafur Ragnar Hannesson with the team's sole spare chassis.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

Dagnall dominates the young drivers' test
QUANTAS MRT'S Mark Dagnall set the fastest time of 1:35.25 at young drivers' test session at Kyoto.
British racing driver beat Whitechapel's time by 0.04 seconds, 0.07 seconds ahead of third Hagane Shizuka.
Jack Christopherson, former F1 driver, was a special guest on track today as he took one of the cars for a spin, setting 10th time of the session.


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1. Mark Dagnall ...... 1:35.25
2. Poppy Whitechapel ...... 1:35.29
3. Hagane Shizuka ...... 1:35.32
4. Nathanael Spencer ...... 1:35.33
5. Ólafur Ragnar Hannesson ...... 1:35.34
6. Kimi Jauho ...... 1:35.36
7. John Zimmer ...... 1:35.36
8. Ben Fleet ...... 1:35.54
9. Ivan Djurkin ...... 1:36.22
10. Jack Christopherson ...... 1:36.38

I'll soon post footage from both sessions.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by SuperAguri »

Regarding points, would the old F1 system of 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 be better? 100 points sound a bit too NASCARy for my liking.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Phoenix »

Damn it! You've left no time to join :twisted:
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by SuperAguri »

Phoenix wrote:Damn it! You've left no time to join :twisted:

Castol Jones Racing are looking for a teaboy er I mean test driver :lol:
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by AndreaModa »

SuperAguri wrote:
Phoenix wrote:Damn it! You've left no time to join :twisted:

Castol Jones Racing are looking for a teaboy er I mean test driver :lol:

Very true! :lol:

Autosport wrote:Castrol Jones Racing Sign McAllister as Test Driver
Castrol Jones Racing team owner and driver Sammy Jones announced today the signing of Spaniard Phoenix McAllister as test driver for the team in the 2011 F1RLFS Cup. The signing was somewhat controversial after the two, along with Bari Morii, had a very public spat during the 2012 season of the F1RWRS. Jones had this to say on his new signing,

"Yeah I'm delighted to sign someone of the calibre of Phoenix to the team, I mean he's no-where near good enough for an outright race seat, his attitude and and his habits piss me off like you wouldn't believe, and to be quite honest the only reason we've got him is because he's brought with him a big wad of cash. So yeah, can't wait to get working with him!"

McAllister himself was unavailable for comment at the time.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by the Masked Lapwing »

AndreaModa wrote:
Autosport wrote:Castrol Jones Racing Sign McAllister as Test Driver
Castrol Jones Racing team owner and driver Sammy Jones announced today the signing of Spaniard Phoenix McAllister as test driver for the team in the 2011 F1RLFS Cup. The signing was somewhat controversial after the two, along with Bari Morii, had a very public spat during the 2012 season of the F1RWRS. Jones had this to say on his new signing,

"Yeah I'm delighted to sign someone of the calibre of Phoenix to the team, I mean he's no-where near good enough for an outright race seat, his attitude and and his habits piss me off like you wouldn't believe, and to be quite honest the only reason we've got him is because he's brought with him a big wad of cash. So yeah, can't wait to get working with him!"

McAllister himself was unavailable for comment at the time.

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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by AndreaModa »

Alternate universe and all that! :P

Who knows time travel may be possible in that dimension? :lol:
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by dr-baker »

AndreaModa wrote:Alternate universe and all that! :P

Who knows time travel may be possible in that dimension? :lol:

Aren't these alternate universes that are equally alternate to each other? And I reckon it's like travelling between Narnia and "our" world, where time travels at a different rate in each universe.
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
dinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Phoenix »


Renowned world-class driver Phoenix McAllister has taxatively denied he signed a contract with Castrol Jones Racing.

According to McAllister, "it was all a joke by that idiot Jones. I thought he'd have matured a bit over the time, but I was proven wrong. No wonder his attractive girlfriend left him to go with me, he's such a poor lover, and so tiny..."

Furthermore, he said: "I'd rather clean the toilets for Douglas Mann than drive for Sammy Jones. He doesn't need me anyway".

McAllister intended to have its own entry into the F1RLFS Cup, with him and stock car/undercover agent Tanner Jones, from the USA, but his plans were thwarted because he was too late to file the entry. "They left very little time", the Spanish with American descents declared.

He too was very vocal about his former team mate/employee Barii Mori, from Japan, who also take part in the series for Sunshine-Infiniti: "I've heard him saying something like "Sammy Jones needs a tea boy, errrm, I mean, a test driver". What an idiot. After confronting "Messy" Jones to defend him..."

McAllister also said that he reverted in his decision to name his team differently. "Team Phoenix sounds great, no need to change. Much better than Jones, what an ordinary name for a racing team, or Sunshine, which sounds like if a fag [sic] was in charge of the team".

McAllister has raced in F1 and the F1RWRS series, scoring wins and podiums in both championships.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by dr-baker »


Furthermore, he said: "I'd rather clean the toilets for Douglas Mann than drive for Sammy Jones. He doesn't need me anyway".


Douglas Mann would like to make it known that he would never let McAllister demean himself by cleaning the toilets at Foxdale. Mentor to the Test Driver is another matter, however.
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
dinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by Pointrox »

All right, it's high time to start the season! And we will start with a street circuit mayhem, that is...

Fondmetal South City 200
Round trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUO5oz81B0g

Phil McCracken stormed to pole position and therefore is a first point scorer of the Fondmetal South City 200. Virgin Inter Corse driver clocked 1:26.17, pipping Parklife's Damon Cannon by just 0.02 seconds. Second row was entirely taken by Sunshine Infiniti, Katayama setting 3rd fastest time, followed by Barii Mori, whose performance in testing sessions was very promising. Third row saw another close timing, with Sbai beating Cockburn's time by just a one thousandth of a second.
Frenchman Phillippe Nicolas - the 9th fastest driver of the session - delivered some entertainment when he missed the pit entrance and had to make another lap with flat rear tyres, going sideways on every corner to the cheering of the crowd.


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1. Phil McCracken ...... 1:26.17
2. Damon Cannon ...... 1:26.19
3. Shinobu Katayama ...... 1:26.22
4. Barii Mori ...... 1:26.25
5. Ismail Sbai ...... 1:26.28
6. Daniel Cockburn ...... 1:26.29
7. Rhys Davies ...... 1:26.49
8. Sammy Jones ...... 1:26.60
9. Phillippe Nicolas ...... 1:26.93
10. Kirsty Price ...... 1:27.02
11. Joey Tempest ...... 1:27.14
12. Bernard Shellhammer ...... 1:27.16
13. Pippa Mann ...... 1:27.26
14. Adam Armenta ...... 1:27.28
15. Sebastian Groves ...... 1:27.31
16. Douglas Mann ...... 1:27.35
17. Daniel Melrose ...... 1:27.40
18. Richie White ...... 1:27.50
19. Vincent de Nieuwe ...... 1:27.50
20. Frank Zimmer ...... 1:27.86
Last edited by Pointrox on 23 Jun 2011, 22:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by SuperAguri »

Phoenix wrote:He too was very vocal about his former team mate/employee Barii Mori, from Japan, who also take part in the series for Sunshine-Infiniti: "I've heard him saying something like "Sammy Jones needs a tea boy, errrm, I mean, a test driver". What an idiot. After confronting "Messy" Jones to defend him...". Much better than Sunshine, which sounds like if a fag [sic] was in charge of the team".

Barii Mori wrote:One problem with Phoenix was he never did have much of a sense of humour at times, I hate the smarmy Jones as much as Phoenix and I noticed that Jones did not have a test driver and make a jokey comment about this, but Phoenix just flew off the handle and missed the irony. As for the team name, Sunshine is a reference to Japan, the land of the rising sun, I just think that Phoenix is bitter that he sent his application with a 2nd class stamp to save a few pence. As for qualifying, we did a fantastic job and hope to get a good bag of points. We pushed but I think we pushed a little too hard and lost hundredths here and there.
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Re: 2011 F1Rejects LFS Cup

Post by AndreaModa »

Sammy Jones wrote:To be quite honest the only reason "greasy" McAllister didn't get accepted for the championship is because of his piss poor organisation skills. He'd be better off running back to the F1RWRS to try and get his team to actually finish some races rather than divert his small brain power to yet another series. He's clearly over-stretched with things as it is. Still we can't grumble at the great publicity that this joke brings to our team, keeping us at the top of the headlines which will more than make up for our decidedly average qualifying performance. Hopefully our race pace will be much better. As for a test driver, we're in no rush to appoint anyone, and we certainly won't be employing anyone of Phoenix's shockingly low calibre.
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