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Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 17:40
by roblo97


Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 18:32
by go_Rubens

1. UgncreativeUsergname (24)
2. peteroli34 (20)
3. AxelP800 (16)
4. dr-baker (6)
5. go_Rubens (4)

Well, it was a good fight, and UgncreativeUsergname wins this time around. So, he picks next!


1. pi314159 (26)
2. roblomas52 (22) (including UgncreativeUsergname's actions regarding Axel's vote)
3. go_Rubens (8)
4. dr-baker (8)

pi314159's wish for worst track was granted, so he wins that competition this time around.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 00:19
by UncreativeUsername37
go_Rubens, Axel picked you for his second reject vote. It doesn't change the winner, though.

Anyway, the next design brief. I'm always annoyed when I'm making a track and what would otherwise be a nice, wide road is divided into two. So presenting...
The Central Reservation Destruction Challenge!

1. Use only existing roads except for rule 3
2. Track length must be 3-9 km
3. You must destroy at least one kilometre of central reservation

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 11:58
by dr-baker
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:go_Rubens, Axel picked you for his second reject vote. It doesn't change the winner, though.

Anyway, the next design brief. I'm always annoyed when I'm making a track and what would otherwise be a nice, wide road is divided into two. So presenting...
The Central Reservation Destruction Challenge!

1. Use only existing roads except for rule 3
2. Track length must be 3-9 km
3. You must destroy at least one kilometre of central reservation

So is this removing central reservations to widen roads? Motorways and wide A-roads, or just minor a-roads and B-roads with central reservations? Not sure how those roads translate to different countries, other than in France, motorways = Autoroutes, A-roads = R-roads, B-roads = RN/N roads...)

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 15:20
by UncreativeUsername37
dr-baker wrote:
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:go_Rubens, Axel picked you for his second reject vote. It doesn't change the winner, though.

Anyway, the next design brief. I'm always annoyed when I'm making a track and what would otherwise be a nice, wide road is divided into two. So presenting...
The Central Reservation Destruction Challenge!

1. Use only existing roads except for rule 3
2. Track length must be 3-9 km
3. You must destroy at least one kilometre of central reservation

So is this removing central reservations to widen roads? Motorways and wide A-roads, or just minor a-roads and B-roads with central reservations? Not sure how those roads translate to different countries, other than in France, motorways = Autoroutes, A-roads = R-roads, B-roads = RN/N roads...)

Yes. And if it's a divided road, you can destroy the divider and it counts. No matter how major or minor it is. Even if the road is already wide enough for racing divided.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 16:18
by tommykl
Alright, I've got a whole Boulevard d'Avroy to dig up :P

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 17:02
by dr-baker
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:
dr-baker wrote:
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:go_Rubens, Axel picked you for his second reject vote. It doesn't change the winner, though.

Anyway, the next design brief. I'm always annoyed when I'm making a track and what would otherwise be a nice, wide road is divided into two. So presenting...
The Central Reservation Destruction Challenge!

1. Use only existing roads except for rule 3
2. Track length must be 3-9 km
3. You must destroy at least one kilometre of central reservation

So is this removing central reservations to widen roads? Motorways and wide A-roads, or just minor a-roads and B-roads with central reservations? Not sure how those roads translate to different countries, other than in France, motorways = Autoroutes, A-roads = R-roads, B-roads = RN/N roads...)

Yes. And if it's a divided road, you can destroy the divider and it counts. No matter how major or minor it is. Even if the road is already wide enough for racing divided.

Cool. Give me a few days and then I'll see what I can do!

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 17:14
by tommykl

There we go. The Boulevards d'Avroy, de la Sauvenière, Piercot and Saucy have all had their central reservations removed.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 17:50
by roblo97
M3 based with the central reservation removed to create a chicane.
Based on AVUS :D

The track I am entering, now with 1.1km of the central reservation removed :D

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 00:43
by watka
Here's mine (the A74 being carved up), the Borderlands GP!:

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 12:18
by Peteroli34

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 13:02
by DemocalypseNow
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:3. You must destroy at least one kilometre of central reservation

Must this be an entire km in one place, or can it also be an accumulation of reservations that total up to 1km? I'm about 200 metres short if it has to be one stretch for the total...

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 15:26
by UncreativeUsername37
Stramala wrote:
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:3. You must destroy at least one kilometre of central reservation

Must this be an entire km in one place, or can it also be an accumulation of reservations that total up to 1km? I'm about 200 metres short if it has to be one stretch for the total...

It doesn't need to be contiguous.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 17:18
by dr-baker
Could these car park spaces count as central reservation, or is it only the traditional concrete barrier/grass verge/crash barrier that counts? (There is indeed one lane of traffic on each side of these spaces, that go in opposite directions.)


Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 23:52
by go_Rubens

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 03:54
by UncreativeUsername37
dr-baker wrote:Could these car park spaces count as central reservation, or is it only the traditional concrete barrier/grass verge/crash barrier that counts? (There is indeed one lane of traffic on each side of these spaces, that go in opposite directions.)


Okay, that's where I draw the line. Parking spaces are not central reservation.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 06:08
by tommykl
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:
dr-baker wrote:Could these car park spaces count as central reservation, or is it only the traditional concrete barrier/grass verge/crash barrier that counts? (There is indeed one lane of traffic on each side of these spaces, that go in opposite directions.)


Okay, that's where I draw the line. Parking spaces are not central reservation.

How about parking spaces bordered by sidewalks and then by the road lanes? In other words, is my circuit perfectly legal, or is it back to the drawing board for me?

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 10:54
by Peteroli34
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:
dr-baker wrote:Could these car park spaces count as central reservation, or is it only the traditional concrete barrier/grass verge/crash barrier that counts? (There is indeed one lane of traffic on each side of these spaces, that go in opposite directions.)


Okay, that's where I draw the line. Parking spaces are not central reservation.

I have included this area in my track design however i have included central reservation in the design, the area before the car park begins and towards the railway line at the top of the track so hopefully it is still legal.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 13:25
by dr-baker
peteroli34 wrote:
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:
dr-baker wrote:Could these car park spaces count as central reservation, or is it only the traditional concrete barrier/grass verge/crash barrier that counts? (There is indeed one lane of traffic on each side of these spaces, that go in opposite directions.)


Okay, that's where I draw the line. Parking spaces are not central reservation.

I have included this area in my track design however i have included central reservation in the design, the area before the car park begins and towards the railway line at the top of the track so hopefully it is still legal.

When I asked that question, I hadn't actually realised that you had already used Southend as a basis for your track! I was going to look to do something there myself. Time to go and look for somewhere else!

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 14:35
by UncreativeUsername37
peteroli34 wrote:I have included this area in my track design however i have included central reservation in the design, the area before the car park begins and towards the railway line at the top of the track so hopefully it is still legal.

Actual central reservation is fine. Flat road doesn't count.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 18 Nov 2013, 20:14
by DemocalypseNow

Elm Row, Leith Walk, Leith Street, George IV Bridge and part of Regent Road all have central reservation. Combined it's more than 1km.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 19 Nov 2013, 17:42
by dr-baker
Here's my effort. If removing the tree-lined reservation along Park Lane (the £350 property in London Monopoly for non-Brits...) is heresy and blasphemous, there's plenty of reservation along Oxford Street (£300 in Monopoly) and Regent Street (also £300).

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 22:22
by go_Rubens

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 23:03
by watka
You've got an incorrect link for mine.

As for my vote:

1) tommykl
2) peteroli34

1) Stramala (sorry, not a fan of crossovers!)
2) roblomas52 (sorry, not a fan of Avus!)

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 23:29
by go_Rubens
watka wrote:You've got an incorrect link for mine.

As for my vote:

1) tommykl
2) peteroli34

1) Stramala (sorry, not a fan of crossovers!)
2) roblomas52 (sorry, not a fan of Avus!)

Sorry, fixed the link. Should be good :)

Yo, that's awesome!

1. Stramala
2. watka

What was that?!

1. roblomas52
2. dr-baker

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 23:42
by UncreativeUsername37
I've only had a Kindle for the past tennish days, so I wasn't able to judge the legality of everyone's tracks until now. They're all fine, though.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 23:45
by DemocalypseNow
watka wrote:1) Stramala (sorry, not a fan of crossovers!)

Y u no like crossover? :(

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 10:49
by pi314159
Good tracks:
1) watka
2) tommykl
Honorable Mention: go_Rubens, it was really difficult to decide between these 3 tracks.

Reject tracks:
1) roblomas52
2) dr-baker

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 18:21
by Peteroli34


Not So Good


Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 25 Nov 2013, 23:33
by watka
Stramala wrote:
watka wrote:1) Stramala (sorry, not a fan of crossovers!)

Y u no like crossover? :(

Yes, but there is a crossroad elsewhere, which equals carnage! I suppose you could have done it like Singapore, having back to back 90 degree corners. Anyway, don't listen to me as I'm clearly the only one with a problem with it!

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 03:12
by UncreativeUsername37
1. watka (14)
2. Stramala (12)
3. tommykl (10)
4. peteroli34 (4)

Most rejectful
1. roblomas52 (22)
2. dr-baker (12)
3. Stramala (6)

Lest we forget: go_Rubens

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 11:58
by roblo97
Annother emphatic win for ne in the last place competition ROBLOMASWINSLOL

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 13:25
by dr-baker
roblomas52 wrote:Another emphatic win for Me in the last place competition. ROBLOMASWINSLOL

I held that position over the summer. Yet to win overall...

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 03 Dec 2013, 23:54
by watka
Woot! Thanks guys! I'll think of a theme tomorrow evening, too tired to think now.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 04 Dec 2013, 00:15
by go_Rubens
dr-baker wrote:
roblomas52 wrote:Another emphatic win for Me in the last place competition. ROBLOMASWINSLOL

I held that position over the summer. Yet to win overall...

You've actually designed some decent, if not great tracks since the summer.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 04 Dec 2013, 15:05
by DemocalypseNow
watka wrote:Yes, but there is a crossroad elsewhere, which equals carnage! I suppose you could have done it like Singapore, having back to back 90 degree corners. Anyway, don't listen to me as I'm clearly the only one with a problem with it!

There are no crossroads. It's all overpass/underpass. If you are referring to Waterloo Pl/Calton Rd, then, Calton Road runs in a tunnel underneath Waterloo Place.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 04 Dec 2013, 15:16
by dr-baker
go_Rubens wrote:
dr-baker wrote:
roblomas52 wrote:Another emphatic win for Me in the last place competition. ROBLOMASWINSLOL

I held that position over the summer. Yet to win overall...

You've actually designed some decent, if not great tracks since the summer.

Thank you! :)

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 04 Dec 2013, 23:54
by watka
Stramala wrote:
watka wrote:Yes, but there is a crossroad elsewhere, which equals carnage! I suppose you could have done it like Singapore, having back to back 90 degree corners. Anyway, don't listen to me as I'm clearly the only one with a problem with it!

There are no crossroads. It's all overpass/underpass. If you are referring to Waterloo Pl/Calton Rd, then, Calton Road runs in a tunnel underneath Waterloo Place.

Sorry, you're right. In which case seeing as I've yet to come up with anything, would you like to set the next theme?

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 05 Dec 2013, 00:52
by go_Rubens
watka wrote:
Stramala wrote:
watka wrote:Yes, but there is a crossroad elsewhere, which equals carnage! I suppose you could have done it like Singapore, having back to back 90 degree corners. Anyway, don't listen to me as I'm clearly the only one with a problem with it!

There are no crossroads. It's all overpass/underpass. If you are referring to Waterloo Pl/Calton Rd, then, Calton Road runs in a tunnel underneath Waterloo Place.

Sorry, you're right. In which case seeing as I've yet to come up with anything, would you like to set the next theme?

Well, the voting is over. As much of a gentleman move that is on your part watka, I'm not sure whether doing that would be allowed. Although, someone besides a competition winner did decide a challenge as the one who won that time didn't show up for a while to decide, but that's it. Since I'm one who tends to post tracks and results during a competition, but doesn't have a grasp or authority on deciding anything in such situations, I think I'll let UgncreativeUsergname decide the fate, as he ran this for a long time before I came along. My personal opinion is that we should stick with what actually happened, but if it was a misunderstanding (and it appears it was), and Stramala would them get a vote from you watka now that the misunderstanding is resolved, which would propel him into winning status, I believe the next theme should be drawn up by Stramala as a solution, as this thread should not be run too strictly. It's all for fun, right?

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition

Posted: 05 Dec 2013, 01:42
by UncreativeUsername37
go_Rubens wrote:Well, the voting is over. As much of a gentleman move that is on your part watka, I'm not sure whether doing that would be allowed. Although, someone besides a competition winner did decide a challenge as the one who won that time didn't show up for a while to decide, but that's it. Since I'm one who tends to post tracks and results during a competition, but doesn't have a grasp or authority on deciding anything in such situations, I think I'll let UgncreativeUsergname decide the fate, as he ran this for a long time before I came along. My personal opinion is that we should stick with what actually happened, but if it was a misunderstanding (and it appears it was), and Stramala would them get a vote from you watka now that the misunderstanding is resolved, which would propel him into winning status, I believe the next theme should be drawn up by Stramala as a solution, as this thread should not be run too strictly. It's all for fun, right?

The scores have been announced, so the vote's closed, so watka is still the winner of the competition. It's not like Jimmy46 where he disappeared, he just can't think of anything, so he gets to keep the win.

So here's the new rule, since apparently I can autocratically make them when needed: if the winner can't think of anything, the runner-up can make a challenge if they want. So if Stramala wants to make a track brief, he can, as he's the next one in line. If he doesn't feel like it, then tommykl gets the privilege next. Here's the full list for this round:
1. watka
2. Stramala
3. tommykl
4. peteroli34
5 (at this point we decide by fewest reject points; this is not a new tiebreaker for the regular results). go_Rubens
6. dr-baker
7. roblomas52

Of course, it's unlikely it'll ever get down very far in a competition, but it's better to be safe.