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Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 21:55
by dr-baker
JeremyMcClean wrote:Question: Does that affect Canada in any way?
And I imagine that it might impact the commentary that Australia gets?
Anyway, there's been another article on the premium section of Autosport that, to me, sounds like that they're in Bernie's pocket and trying to sell the product to us.
Pay-to-view sport: why it's the future
With some fans angry over the UK's newly-announced broadcast coalition for 2012, Sky Sports presenter and former motorcycle racer Keith Huewen explains why he thinks pay-to-view TV is the way forward for live sport
By Keith Heuwen
Sky Sports presenter
So the news is out - Formula 1 will be on Sky Sports from 2012. Despite months of speculation, the best-kept secret at Sky Sports broke on Friday July 29. F1 is one of the prized, last big-subscription 'drivers' left for the London-based organisation, and it wanted it.
There is no rocket science here, the cost of 21st century sports broadcasting is so high that free-to-air broadcasters are under siege as they wrestle with shrinking budgets, burgeoning rights fees and the cost of new technologies to bring our favourite programmes into our lives.
And so a coalition of a more interesting kind is born in Britain. Who will end up being the stronger party remains to be seen, but for now fans can relish the battle of two big broadcasters to bring us the best F1 coverage ever seen. It's enough to stand the hairs up on every fan's neck!
There will, of course, be the usual outcries from people automatically opposed to absolutely anything to do with subscription TV. Change is difficult; not everyone likes it, and paying more for that change makes it all the harder. But value cannot be measured by how cheap something is, only how the price compares to the product. Sport was once cheap TV, but in the early 1990s Rupert Murdoch's empire invested heavily and showed just how well a sport could be covered, how it should be covered, and just how much a sport could earn from television in the process. For most of us the extra cost was acceptable as sports coverage massively improved in both content and quality since the Murdoch intervention. And not just on pay TV; broadcasters had to match the competition, so all sports broadcasting improved.
There are exceptions; wherever they can get away with it, whenever they can buck that ratio of cost to quality.
Take MotoGP, currently live in the UK only on the BBC. The world's premier motorcycle racing series has a very large and [usually] loyal audience but recently, since the grid line-up shrank and racing became less spectacular, more of us have focused on the 'show'. And fans have noticed that what we get is no longer up to scratch. Fantastic racing once diluted any dissatisfaction with programme quality, but not any more. Specialist forum and social media sites have featured increasingly adverse comments; the old Beeb has been slow to respond. In fact, it hasn't.
Compare this with its F1 coverage and the difference is stark.
MotoGP is comparatively cheap compared to F1 and the audience is usually less demanding. For these reasons alone the BBC will want to keep the bikes. But fans apparently expect more from Britain's biggest broadcaster. Are they being short-changed or should viewers just be grateful for free-to-air coverage and accept the quality that the station can afford? Every broadcaster has an eye on costs, but at what cost to the sports fan?
Good television is the product of teamwork. Great television is the product of a team of dynamic people with genuine passion and understanding of a sport. The best environment for such people - a dedicated sports department – is increasingly rare in terrestrial TV. Now, the modern practice is to outsource production to save money - find a firm prepared to produce it for the least cost. But when the cost restricts quality or content, the result is a product that doesn't match the public’s expectation. And nowadays a motorsport fan has high expectations.
The F1 deal with Sky Sports signals a recognition that, despite having a business model built around free-to-air TV, even Mr Ecclestone and his partners recognise that the biggest tournaments in the world will - eventually - have to look to subscription broadcasters for support. Big single events may survive on terrestrial TV after government intervention or policy, but because we expect our sport to be covered comprehensively, absolutely live, and with the best possible quality production, only subscription channels will be able to sustain such high demands.
The huge sums of cash saved by our grand old licence fee-funded institution, along with the other bastions of terrestrial TV, could be better spent and appreciated in other programming.
The future of sports broadcasting may concern some fans, but it is logical in every way that this evolution in sports coverage will prevail; the impossible alternative is to go back to what we had pre-1990. I suspect you'd soon join me in scrambling for a credit card and the telephone, begging for a HD subscription, no, sod it, 3D! Now, hand me those daft glasses…
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 21:58
by Libertango
sswishbone wrote:*edit: - I am hoping Eurosport show it as I'll try and grab their feed like I did for Le Mans
Don't count on it. Eurosport shows the free practices and quali live but the races are delayed. The races are shown live on a free channel in France : TF1.
TF1 has a contract until 2012 and they already said that they'll probably drop F1 because of low ratings. Which means no more coverage on TF1 or Eurosport because TF1 actually owns Eurosport (it's one of their paid channel).
Rumor has it that another major french free chanel (M6) will try to bid in 2012 to take up the coverage but Canal+ (paid channel) has much more $$$ and will probably win it.
So in the next few years I think most european countries will have F1 boradcasted on paid channels. Sounds great for a sport that relies on TV audience!
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 21:58
by ADx_Wales
Keith Who-Why-When is a douchebag.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 22:01
by Peter
WeirdKerr wrote:JeremyMcClean wrote:Question: Does that affect Canada in any way?
yes.... if they take the bbc feed?
and get this trending on twitter #BOYCOTF1
(i know there are 2 t's in boycott....)
We don't need to boycott F1. It'll tumble like a Canadian track marshal as soon as the first race next year.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 22:11
by thehemogoblin
First, some moderator administrative bullcrap I have to tend to:
If you're going to quote articles, a) link to them; b) don't copy and paste the entire article, but instead just grab the relevant paragraphs, c) analyze them to make your own point. That's how you take your post from plagiarism to fair use.
Now, a couple of constructive points. (I know it's stunning.)
*Note: I'm aware of some specific applied fallacies that would counter small portions of this discussion, but I'm going for the overarching perspective here. Please forgive the occasional truism.
The fact of the matter is, Formula One is a business. As much as we want to be the ones enjoying the show unilaterally, the teams and owners and broadcasters and everyone else involved are outlaying billions of dollars into the sport and have to be able to recoup that money somewhere. Without the insane profit margins, we don't get the insane development, and the sport loses its footing as the most cutting-edge type of motorsport.
With all of the terrible things people have said about Bernie Ecclestone, there aren't many who have besmirched his ability to turn a profit. From a corporate standpoint, Formula One is one of the most financially viable businesses in all of sport. For the sport to continue, it has to generate money, and that's why he's in charge.
Does it suck that he's shafting the average consumer here? From your end, absolutely. But there are plenty of ways to still get your fix of coverage. You can subscribe to Sky, which seems anathema to many of you, for various reasons. You can take in races by radio and seek out replays/follow live timing. You can go to a place that has the channel, such as a bar or the house of family or friends. You can also pool with friends to get enough money to mitigate the cost of a subscription, which is a popular thing to do for pay-per-view sports; I've done it for a couple different Ultimate Fighting Championship events and it works well.
It's not the end of the world that you have to pay for the coverage, either. Here in America, SPEED has News Corporation ownership, commercials, an announcing team that is in a studio in Charlotte, N.C., and is mired on expensive upper tiers of broadcast packages for most cable and satellite television providers. In fact, I haven't been able to legally watch a Formula One race since last July because of these barriers of entry. (There's also illegal methods that I will neither condone nor discuss further.)
So yeah, it sucks, and some of you will probably miss some races because of this, but realize that is probably is a better move for the long-term viability of the sport as a whole and that you still have plenty of options to get your F1 fix. It's not the end of the world.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 22:12
by thehemogoblin
WeirdKerr wrote:JeremyMcClean wrote:Question: Does that affect Canada in any way?
yes.... if they take the bbc feed?
and get this trending on twitter #BOYCOTF1
(i know there are 2 t's in boycott....)
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 22:20
by ADx_Wales
Also, Keith Heuwen has been sky sports motorsport "presenter" since the early days of Superbikes. He's BOUND to say favourable thigns about their UTTELY SHODDY Motorsports coverage.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 22:32
by ADx_Wales
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 22:40
by shinji
ADx_Wales wrote:
Of all people, his is one of the opinions I'd respect most on this matter, in my mind at least he represents the F1 fanbase at large. And so his reaction probably reflects that of most fans.
I wonder will there be any totally positive reaction to this story, from anyone at all other than Sky?
It is rare that there is a 100% consensus on something.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 23:21
by ADx_Wales
I dont think theres gonna be more than 15% consensus on this.
Anyone wanting to buy this coverage is has more money than sense.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 23:21
by stupot94
Since it is split between two channels? Will they have two different teams of presenters and commentators on each channel?
That is I think the biggest pitfall in the deal. Since Mr Brundle may be contracted to BBC and not permitted to join any other corporation he is missing out on many of the races.
And I like Martin Brundle's commentary

Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 00:46
by eagleash
stupot94 wrote:Since it is split between two channels? Will they have two different teams of presenters and commentators on each channel?
That is I think the biggest pitfall in the deal. Since Mr Brundle may be contracted to BBC and not permitted to join any other corporation he is missing out on many of the races.
And I like Martin Brundle's commentary

Brundle tweeted (as mentioned at the beginning of the thread) that he will be out of contract by the time this comes about & will be examining his options.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 00:47
by ADx_Wales
James Allen Website has a Poll Going:
I will watch and support F1 on SKY 8.4% (364 votes)
I will not buy a Sky package 81.33% (3,523 votes)
I've not decided yet how I feel 10.27% (445 votes)
Total Votes: 4,332 ... cclestone/
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 00:48
by Peter
Martin's contract will end by then, and he said that he is open to any offers. To be honest, i'd like to see Brundle and Allen partner once again, which isn't unlikely, as Allen did recently cover a race I believe on Sky, and he actually did a fine, non over-reacting, non-Hamiltongasmic job.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 02:34
by TimmyB
It will be interesting to hear what Network Ten have to say tonight about how this affects Australia. I hope we don't end up with two commentary teams, or worse still, Darryl and Rusty commentating on 50% of races.
A strange plus-side for the BBC is that now they can have a regularly scheduled time (2pm Sunday) for nearly all 20 races. Does this already happen to some degree already? It may lead to an increase in viewership.
Also, will 2012 be the first year since 1992 that the UK haven't had races in their entirety on free-to-air? They've regressed 20 years!
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 02:44
by the Masked Lapwing
TimmyB wrote:It will be interesting to hear what Network Ten have to say tonight about how this affects Australia. I hope we don't end up with two commentary teams, or worse still, Darryl and Rusty commentating on 50% of races.
Was it Canada or Valencia when they couldn't get the BBC feed, and Rust had to commentate on the start? I could almost imagine the panic on his face!
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 02:54
by TimmyB
the Masked Lapwing wrote:Was it Canada or Valencia when they couldn't get the BBC feed, and Rust had to commentate on the start? I could almost imagine the panic on his face!
IIRC it was Valencia, and I think I was looking forward to hearing Rust commentate the entire race as much as he was.

Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 02:57
by Captain Hammer
According to Martin Whitmarsh, the BBC will actually show all 20 races - 10 will be live, and 10 will be on a delayed telecast.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 02:58
by Rocks with Salt
Cynon wrote:Captain Hammer wrote:
Stop whinging. Australia has always had Formula 1 with ads. We get delayed telecasts, and no coverage of practice or qualifying. England is going to pay-per-view, but you're still getting better coverage than the rest of us.
This. ^
Stateside, we get live coverage on SPEED (owned also by Rupert Murdoch) with the always-excellent combo of Bob Varsha, David Hobbs, and Steve Matchett with Will Buxton as the pit reporter, however it's at such an ungodly hour that nobody will actively get up for it unless they're insomniacs channel surfing or know about it before hand, except for four races which are broadcast tape-delayed on FOX.
I think the UK has finally joined the rest of the world with Pay TV broadcasts. SPEED is not free to air.
However, I have to ask this question; How bad of a financial state is F1 in that it has to resort to Pay TV?! Even CHAMP CAR managed to prevent that (excluding the 2007 season where three races were on ESPN Classic), and we all know that Champ Car were the masters of self-destruction...
In short, quit whining.

This whole fiasco makes me want to scream that I'm proud to be American and laugh wildly in everyone's faces, but I'm better than that. Anyway, I can't complain with SPEED coverage even if it only shows FP3, Qualifying and the race itself. For those of you who complain about the ungodly hour: Tivo/DVR works really well. If you're paying for the tier that has SPEED, then most likely you have a DVR to begin with.
In short, welcome to the real world, everybody!
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 03:01
by Captain Hammer
Cynon wrote:However, I have to ask this question; How bad of a financial state is F1 in that it has to resort to Pay TV?! Even CHAMP CAR managed to prevent that (excluding the 2007 season where three races were on ESPN Classic), and we all know that Champ Car were the masters of self-destruction...
It's not Formula 1 that's in a bad state - it's the BBC. They obviously couldn't justify keeping the rights to the sport.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 04:59
by cretoxyrhina
Captain Hammer wrote:
Stop whinging. Australia has always had Formula 1 with ads. We get delayed telecasts, and no coverage of practice or qualifying. England is going to pay-per-view, but you're still getting better coverage than the rest of us.
Same here. Qualifying delayed until well after midnight/early morning on Sunday cut short by ads, and for the race itself, well... A 2-hours ads with several glimpses of the race.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 07:19
by Captain Hammer
And yet, the British fans are still moaning about it. Some of us would gladly give up the coverage we currently get in exchange for what the BBC will cover in 2012. But they still insist that they're hard done-by.
1 step of the way in FOM's Reject Of the Year 2011 campaign
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 08:15
by Yannick
It's hard to say what this means to F1's audience in the UK for anyone living in another "market" like me, but if you look at Indy Car, they have gotten limited availability to their TV coverage by splitting it up between stations Versus (who get most of the races, are receivable by a rather little number of people and bring in low ratings) and ABC (who get the flagship events and the higher ratings, but do worse coverage), the big problem for a series with blocking viewers from seeing your stuff is that the ratings will go down - and that is bad for the sponsors. And what is bad for the sponsors is bad for the series as a whole.
Since F1 is a worldwide series and this mainly concerns the UK audience, what will Bernie do if the UK audience is shrinking? Outsource the British GP to another place where they want to pay his outrageous fees.
This TV deal is clearly an impressive move as part of Bernie Ecclestone's and FOM's campaign for the "Reject Of the Year Award" for 2011.
Competition this year is not huge, so he might really win it: Colin Kolles (he's doing a good job of keeping HRT afloat despite the ongoing "Go Home Colin Colles" shouts), the 2nd drivers of Virgin and HRT whoever they are at the moment (based on low expectations which they have met, they cannot really win it), the Bahraini promoters (F1Rejects surely don't want to go too political on their award but the way FOM did not make a decision without embarrassment is rather likely playing into the hands of Bernie for winning the award ahead of these guys), Felipe Massa (anonymous but did anyone expect him to be overshadowing Alonso; his speed might have suffered more from Hockenheim last year than from his Hungarian crash 2 years ago), Lotus vs Lotus (an expensive court battle over how to waste Malaysian money - maybe the only real contender for Bernie and FOM in the category this year), Nick Wirth (since he didn't see out the whole season, it's unlikely he will win it), the current Williams car (well, it has had its moments at the hands of the Reverend McDonald and Barry Cello but so far, the big scores are still missing from them; yet they have been performing within expected margins), Red Bull Drivers Other Than Vettel (also have got a campaign running, but it's been a boring one so far and it shall end when Webber wins again and one of the others unrejectifies himself, which is rather possible this season - again no competition for FOM).
Re: 1 step of the way in FOM's Reject Of the Year 2011 campa
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 08:20
by TomWazzleshaw
If anything it's a straight fight between FOM and Bernie vs the FIA and Jean Tolt (They played a part in the Bahrain decision and let's not forget the mess they made of the blown diffuser saga)
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 09:06
by LukeB
I've been looking for an excuse to dump F1, and came up with 3 things that will do it for me.
1. Flavio Briatore is allowed back in
2. The medal system is used
3. It goes to pay-tv.
Thank you F1, I have my weekends back. The only question now, do I bother with the rest of this season since it's pretty much been won allready?
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 10:53
by ADx_Wales
Captain Hammer wrote:And yet, the British fans are still moaning about it. Some of us would gladly give up the coverage we currently get in exchange for what the BBC will cover in 2012. But they still insist that they're hard done-by.
This thread is going nowhere but around in circles , just t ype phone hacking scandal Into your favourite search engine, and see how much Murdoch and his minions look set to be losing , this is their "get out" option , buy something thats obviously gonna sell for loads and save the company that been the most corrupt in half a century.
This is more than simply "not wanting to pay to watch F1"
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 11:11
by Klon
ADx_Wales wrote:This is more than simply "not wanting to pay to watch F1"
Oh, please, do me a favour and stop pretending this is even remotely about morals. It's making you look ridiculous and I feel like you take the mick out of me. Face it, you people would not care if it were a famous sport you have no interest in. A theoretical scenario - let's say the NFL rights - would you make an outrage if Sky Sports would take the NFL rights from Free TV and save their company by make boatloads of money with them? No, you would not, because most of you have no interest in American Football. So stop playing the saint, noone is buying it.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 11:14
by JQW
If and when the full truth between Cameron and Murdoch relationship, and their joint plan against the BBC, comes out, I suspect that the whole deal will become null and void.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 12:27
by ADx_Wales
Klon wrote:ADx_Wales wrote:This is more than simply "not wanting to pay to watch F1"
Oh, please, do me a favour and stop pretending this is even remotely about morals. It's making you look ridiculous and I feel like you take the mick out of me. Face it, you people would not care if it were a famous sport you have no interest in. A theoretical scenario - let's say the NFL rights - would you make an outrage if Sky Sports would take the NFL rights from Free TV and save their company by make boatloads of money with them? No, you would not, because most of you have no interest in American Football. So stop playing the saint, noone is buying it.
"There are worse things in life"
Alright, point frickin taken.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 13:10
by DemocalypseNow
Klon wrote:ADx_Wales wrote:This is more than simply "not wanting to pay to watch F1"
Oh, please, do me a favour and stop pretending this is even remotely about morals. It's making you look ridiculous and I feel like you take the mick out of me. Face it, you people would not care if it were a famous sport you have no interest in. A theoretical scenario - let's say the NFL rights - would you make an outrage if Sky Sports would take the NFL rights from Free TV and save their company by make boatloads of money with them? No, you would not, because most of you have no interest in American Football. So stop playing the saint, noone is buying it.
This has made me livid. You have no way of knowing this whatsoever. You can't speak on behalf of other people.
Hell, would you like me to phone up the Scottish Qualifications Authority and fax you a copy of the essay I wrote denouncing Rupert Murdoch's corrupt monplolising media empire
two years ago?BSkyB buying F1 was not the spark which started the hate. It's the final dousing of fuel that has escalated it to a full-blown rage.
And someone else's point about F1 going from one pay channel to another is completely redundant. The license fee doesn't just buy us rights to watch TV. By UK constitution, they must spend the money they recieve as well as possible to serve the viewing public. What aggrieves me is that not showing the full F1 season does not meet this need. Viewing figures average 5 million viewers per race, a big proportion of viewers on UK TV. The only kind of sports on free-to-air TV that can match that are the FA Cup Final and the Olympics. After that you're struggling.
Now, while the BBC do need to make savings, why did the have to make this sort of sacrifice? Why not get rid of Free Practises instead to save a little bit of money and make cuts on other unpopular BBC services? What kind of rubbish programming would replace F1 anyway?
By not broadcasting the full F1 season, the BBC are not fulfilling their reason for existence. This was the wrong solution. I understand times are tough but there were several other, better solutions.
For instance. how about this - create a new, dedicated BBC Sport channel, which is subscription based, for £5 a month. It would be much cheaper than any other commercial alternative and would still have a range of sporting events that could rival other commercial channels. And, a dedicated channel would mean better coverage for all sports concerned as their would be no need to work around other schedules.
OK, so if you like F1 and no other sports, it's not the ideal solution, but would you rather pay £5 a month, or £30 a month plus £100 for equipment and installation?
Even if this means F1 reduced from a viewership of 5M to 2M, thats £120M of revenue from yearly subscriptions alone. This would easily cover F1 along with several other sports. Hell, they could pad out the later hours with American sports which are selling their rights for peanuts to rubbish cable networks right now (such as NASCAR), among other things.
But, these are the cards the public have been dealt by the powers that be...and Sky had The Joker.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 13:33
by Archie2K
How much could have been saved by stripping down BBC's F1 coverage? Not flying out a full team to each race, and having the presenting done from a studio in Salford, and cutting the hour long previews from both qualifying and the race down to 15 minutes. These aren't perfect solutions, but they are hell of a lot better than the solution that has been reached. If the BBC isn't committed to F1 then it should have pulled out of live broadcasts entirely, and put in a ridiculously derisory offer for highlights, a la Match of the Day. Quite why the BBC is playing along with Sky when Murdoch's press machine has spent many years slamming every decision the BBC has taken is beyond me.
It's such a shame because I've been singing the praises of BBC's sports coverage. Between F1, MotoGP, Match of the Day, The Football League Show, the Athletics and recently Triathlon coverage I've been very well served. Justifies the license fee by itself.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 14:44
by Dom
Klon wrote:ADx_Wales wrote:This is more than simply "not wanting to pay to watch F1"
Oh, please, do me a favour and stop pretending this is even remotely about morals. It's making you look ridiculous and I feel like you take the mick out of me. Face it, you people would not care if it were a famous sport you have no interest in. A theoretical scenario - let's say the NFL rights - would you make an outrage if Sky Sports would take the NFL rights from Free TV and save their company by make boatloads of money with them? No, you would not, because most of you have no interest in American Football. So stop playing the saint, noone is buying it.
Hang on, that's not fair. Loads of people dislike Murdoch's nasty, vicious and criminal media empire, we just don't moan about it F1 forums because it hasn't affected F1 before. We complained when cricket went to Sky, but cricket is a very different sport to F1 and the radio commentary is nearly as good, if not better, than watching it on TV. On top of this there's the background issue of the government attempting to cripple the BBC, either through some rigorously applied anti-public sector principle or because of pressure from the Murdochs.
Look, I understand your point, but please don't tell us we're being hypocritical in disliking Sky - the issues behind this are much more complicated than they might appear from the outside.
By the way, Sky already hold most of the NFL rights, but that isn't really a problem because it's a minority sport frequently broadcast at awkward times. A much better analogy would be to compare F1 to Sky buying the rights to Wimbledon, the Olympics or the World Cup, all of which would be illegal under the 1996 Broadcasting Act.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 15:13
by DonTirri
Okay Kostas, you act as if UK is the only country where A) F1 has been on freeview for a LONG time and B) Where you need to pay a license fee.
First off, Finland has the same system, we have to pay a license-fee every month (or every 3 months/yearly depending on your payment plan) to Yleisradio, even if we never watch the channel (For the record, the highest rated show in the main channel Ylen Ykkönen is the 9'o clock news. And not even that can touch the viewer figures of MTV3.). F1 was on freeview TV at MTV3 ATLEAST from 94 (Thats' when I began following not sure about who aired the races before that) till 2007. That's when it moved to MTV3 MAX that's a subsciption-based paychannel. Did we bitch and moan and complain to the degree you have already done? No. Why? Because for a true fan it is irrelevant WHO airs the races as long as someone does and for a true fan it doesn't matter whether he needs to pay or not. Hell, I got the subscription to the channel for the F1-races ALONE.
You're just spoiled.
Now I don't know about Murdoch's issues (It doesn't get ANY airtime in Finland, and for a good reason) but strictly from an F1-fans perspective... what does it matter?
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 15:45
by ADx_Wales
How much don?
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 15:53
by DonTirri
ADx_Wales wrote:How much don?
The license fee? 21e a month. The subscription? 25e a month. (Granted, it has 7 other channels too, but since the channels cannot be bought separately and since I only really wanted MTV3 MAX... its basically 25e)
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 16:19
by Dom
DonTirri wrote:ADx_Wales wrote:How much don?
The license fee? 21e a month. The subscription? 25e a month. (Granted, it has 7 other channels too, but since the channels cannot be bought separately and since I only really wanted MTV3 MAX... its basically 25e)
Wow, your TV licence is expensive! The UK colour TV licence is about 13 Euros a month and a Sky package to view F1 will be about 60 Euros a month (possibly more). The really annoying thing is that Sky won't ever offer a subscription to one particular sport so if you want to watch F1 you have to buy loads of other channels showing wall-to-wall football between August and May.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 16:23
by fjackdaw
DonTirri wrote:You're just spoiled.
Anyone who complains about
anything is spoiled. We've all got it better than someone in any aspect of life - if you go to a restaurant, the waiter abuses your wife, punches you in the face and over-charges you for cold food, you're still better off than someone starving and living in some awful regime in the third world. That doesn't mean we should just shut up and take it. I bet you complain about stuff when you feel you're getting a bum deal.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 16:37
by DonTirri
fjackdaw wrote:DonTirri wrote:You're just spoiled.
Anyone who complains about
anything is spoiled. We've all got it better than someone in any aspect of life - if you go to a restaurant, the waiter abuses your wife, punches you in the face and over-charges you for cold food, you're still better off than someone starving and living in some awful regime in the third world. That doesn't mean we should just shut up and take it. I bet you complain about stuff when you feel you're getting a bum deal.
Gee whiz, that comparison is SO much like Brits complaining to OTHER F1 fans how THEIR F1-broadcast is going to a paychannel... NOT.
Really. Why do you bitch and moan about this HERE? Not all of us here are Brits, I'm not certain but I would hazard a guess that if not half then atleast one third of the users here are unaffected by British broadcasting.
So while you MIGHT have a valid gripe... it's out of place here. Yes, I am not a mod, and thats only my opinion but my opinion is just as valid as yours.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 17:09
by ADx_Wales
...Not so out of place as you may think, I hope this hasnt already been repeated, remember when Mosely was found with those women dressed in nazi uniforms? Who owned the newspaper that "discovered" these pictures? I wouldn't say it has everything to do with whats happening now, but believe me, the conspiracy theorists are doing more than just standing up on this one.
OK I'm going to stop, before there is one massive divide between those who care and those who think we're being stupid.
Re: F1 To Be Split Between BBC 1 and Sky Sports from 2012
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 17:25
by shinji
I'm not a 'Brit' and it directly affects me...