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Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 08:47
by TomWazzleshaw
Guess what? It's that time of year again. The F2RWRS Commission would like to announce two off-season non-championship races to keep the clowns in the corporate boxes entertained, and to give some F3RWRS and RoLFS young guns a shot in F2RWRS machinery.

The rules are almost identical to last year in that any F3RWRS and RoLFS driver can take a seat as long as they have done less than 3 F2RWRS races. For this year, we're also accepting drivers from Ferrarist's IndyCar series so long as they fufill the less than 3 races criteria. Entries are open to any team on the 2016 F2RWRS entry list but since there's only eleven slots, it'll be on a first come, first served basis. The first race will be the Luxembourg Grand Prix, held at the Lausitzring on Lappy's suggestion after he witnessed a crazy test race there. The second will be the Tropican Grand Prix, at a venue to be decided at a latest date and no doubt funded by the Mad Uncle himself.

Anyways, here's the entry list below:

Slot 1 - MRT-BMW
1. David Franklin
2. Andrea Bianchi

Slot 2 - Gillet ENB-BMW
1. Roberto Dinella
2. Alexandre Dorval

Slot 3 - Red Bull WRT-Aston Martin
1. Cave Johnson
2. Sebastien Prost

Slot 4 - GRM Young Lions-Holden
1. Dean Melville
2. Renato Baulko

Slot 5 - Simpson-BMW
1. Rick Simpson
2. Luc Pellerin

Slot 6 - Kingfisher-Holden
1. Frank Hammond
2. Chris Winter

Slot 7 - Falik Arrows-BMW
1. Jordan Davies
2. Peter Port

Slot 8 - Aeroracing-Lancia
1. Paul Swanson
2. Gary Pacer

Slot 9 - Beirao-BMW
1. Marko Jantscher
2. João Antonio Soares

Slot 10 - Jones-Aston Martin
1. Nathanael Cameron
2. Shane Walsh

Slot 11 - Dofasco-Audi
1. Diego Alvarez Torrente
2. Cezary Samelko

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 08:49
by tommykl
Gillet will enter two cars, one of them for Roberto Dinella, in order to thank Sammy Jones for sticking with Eric despite his bad start to the season. The second driver will be announced later on.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 08:51
by RonDenisDeletraz
Wizzie wrote:Guess what? It's that time of year again. The F2RWRS Commission would like to announce two off-season non-championship races to keep the clowns in the corporate boxes entertained, and to give some F3RWRS and RoLFS young guns a shot in F2RWRS machinery.

The rules are almost identical to last year in that any F3RWRS and RoLFS driver can take a seat as long as they have done less than 3 F2RWRS races. For this year, we're also accepting drivers from Ferrarist's IndyCar series so long as they fufill the less than 3 races criteria. Entries are open to any team on the 2016 F2RWRS entry list but since there's only eleven slots, it'll be on a first come, first served basis. The first race will be the Luxembourg Grand Prix, held at the Lausitzring on Lappy's suggestion after he witnessed a crazy test race there. The second will be the Tropican Grand Prix, at a venue to be decided at a latest date and no doubt funded by the Mad Uncle himself.

Anyways, here's the entry list below:

Slot 1 - Melrose Racing Team
Slot 2 - Available
Slot 3 - Available
Slot 4 - Available
Slot 5 - Available
Slot 6 - Available
Slot 7 - Available
Slot 8 - Available
Slot 9 - Available
Slot 10 - Available
Slot 11 - Available

Slot 3 - Red Bull World Race Team
1. Dale Hamilton
2. TBA

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 08:53
by the Masked Lapwing
GRM will enter Dean Melville in one car, but haven't figured out the second yet.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 09:02
by pi314159
Thiago Mazzacane would be available. Although he has only 4 F3 races by then.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 09:06
by MinardiFan95
Gulf M/Power will enter the non-championship races, with part time F3RWRS driver Rick Simpson driving one car. The second seat is open to any driver interested in racing F2RWRS machinery. If one of the drivers performs well, then they may well get a seat on the team in 2016.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 09:08
by Salamander
Jordan Davies would like to announce his availability and interest in taking part in the non-championship F2RWRS rounds.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 09:21
by AdrianSutil
Kingfisher will take a slot. Drivers TBA.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:17
by WaffleCat
Quentin Reatherson and Paul Traversen are available for spots in the non-championship races.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:18
by pasta_maldonado
Plus One would like to announce that Franc Piiscine, Takuma Taki, Marcos Marcia, and Martyn Rietacher are all available for drives :)

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:20
by SuperAguri
Falik Arrows would like to enter and sign Jordan Davies for the two non championship races.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:26
by TomWazzleshaw
pasta_maldonado wrote:Plus one would like a slot, please :)

We'll be running Franc Piscine and Martyn Rietacher

I accepted the Red Bull entry because they're a full-time entry for next year. However, your entry doesn't fill that criteria. Therefore, it has been declined. You're still free to send tour drivers over to other teams though.

Which reminds me, Eurobrun has the choice between Aston Martin and Holden engines for the two events as BMW are already at their quota, Lancia probably aren't going to give you guys engines in a month of Sundays and Audi are pulling out at the end of the year. You're free to change engine suppliers after those two races though depending on what's available.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:31
by pasta_maldonado
Wizzie wrote:
pasta_maldonado wrote:Plus one would like a slot, please :)

We'll be running Franc Piscine and Martyn Rietacher

I accepted the Red Bull entry because they're a full-time entry for next year. However, your entry doesn't fill that criteria. Therefore, it has been declined. You're still free to send tour drivers over to other teams though.

Which reminds me, Eurobrun has the choice between Aston Martin and Holden engines for the two events as BMW are already at their quota, Lancia probably aren't going to give you guys engines in a month of Sundays and Audi are pulling out at the end of the year. You're free to change engine suppliers after those two races though depending on what's available.

I had second thoughts about the legality of my entry anyway before you posted that, so I'd already edited my post

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:38
by RonDenisDeletraz
Just out of curiosity Pasta, would you be happy with Taki getting a full time F2RWRS drive for 2016? I hace no one better to put in

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:40
by pasta_maldonado
eurobrun wrote:Just out of curiosity Pasta, would you be happy with Taki getting a full time F2RWRS drive for 2016? I hace no one better to put in

He's all yours IF you want to take over his management, because he'll put me over my 5 driver limit next year (Rietacher, Pacer, VDM, Piscine,and a surprise announcement)

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:43
by TomWazzleshaw
pasta_maldonado wrote:
eurobrun wrote:Just out of curiosity Pasta, would you be happy with Taki getting a full time F2RWRS drive for 2016? I hace no one better to put in

He's all yours IF you want to take over his management, because he'll put me over my 5 driver limit next year (Rietacher, Pacer, VDM, Piscine,and a surprise announcement)

I can take him if you want because I'm down to either three (Macklin, J. Melrose and Douglas) or four (Nicolas) drivers next year depending on how the off-season goes

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:46
by RonDenisDeletraz
pasta_maldonado wrote:
eurobrun wrote:Just out of curiosity Pasta, would you be happy with Taki getting a full time F2RWRS drive for 2016? I hace no one better to put in

He's all yours IF you want to take over his management, because he'll put me over my 5 driver limit next year (Rietacher, Pacer, VDM, Piscine,and a surprise announcement)

Bathplug, I guess that might be possible depending on if other people are interested in a couple new free agents I am creating. So maybe

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 10:49
by TomWazzleshaw
eurobrun wrote:
pasta_maldonado wrote:
eurobrun wrote:Just out of curiosity Pasta, would you be happy with Taki getting a full time F2RWRS drive for 2016? I hace no one better to put in

He's all yours IF you want to take over his management, because he'll put me over my 5 driver limit next year (Rietacher, Pacer, VDM, Piscine,and a surprise announcement)

Bathplug, I guess that might be possible depending on if other people are interested in a couple new free agents I am creating. So maybe

For the record, if Pasta approves, I have absolutely no problem sending Taki down to Red Bull.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 11:02
by pasta_maldonado
Wizzie wrote:
I can take him if you want because I'm down to either three (Macklin, J. Melrose and Douglas) or four (Nicolas) drivers next year depending on how the off-season goes

You are welcome to take him on :) If you need to dump him at any time that'll also be no problem

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 11:52
by Phoenix
Aeroracing Engineering will enter the non-championship round with Raul Souto Maior in one of the cars.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 11:59
by TomWazzleshaw
Phoenix wrote:Aeroracing Engineering will enter the non-championship round with Raul Souto Maior in one of the cars.

Right now, I'll be lenient and use the most literal definition of race (i.e. race starts, not how many weekends they've driven the car) but be warned that Souto Maior's entry is only provisional (And having witnessed one of the most bathplugged up pre-qualifying sessions ever a few hours ago, it's with very good reason too).

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 12:00
by DanielPT
Licor Beirão will also enter and with Marko Jantscher and João Antonio Soares as drivers.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 12:04
by Phoenix
Wizzie wrote:
Phoenix wrote:Aeroracing Engineering will enter the non-championship round with Raul Souto Maior in one of the cars.

Right now, I'll be lenient and use the most literal definition of race (i.e. race starts, not how many weekends they've driven the car) but be warned that Souto Maior's entry is only provisional (And having witnessed one of the most bathplugged up pre-qualifying sessions ever a few hours ago, it's with very good reason too).

OK, if Souto Maior can't participate I'll enter Gary Pacer. And please give me a clue as to how Souto Maior performed and if we were using Lancia engines by any chance :lol:

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 12:06
by TomWazzleshaw
Phoenix wrote:
Wizzie wrote:
Phoenix wrote:Aeroracing Engineering will enter the non-championship round with Raul Souto Maior in one of the cars.

Right now, I'll be lenient and use the most literal definition of race (i.e. race starts, not how many weekends they've driven the car) but be warned that Souto Maior's entry is only provisional (And having witnessed one of the most bathplugged up pre-qualifying sessions ever a few hours ago, it's with very good reason too).

OK, if Souto Maior can't participate I'll enter Gary Pacer. And please give me a clue as to how Souto Maior performed and if we were using Lancia engines by any chance :lol:

I may let you use the Lancias but I'll probably discuss this tomorrow during the Italian GP when I can get most of the team owners online at the same time.

And all I can say is an Audi team somehow made it into the race at the ultimate power circuit. It wasn't Dofasco.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 12:45
by Klon
Since I cannot be bothered to type out media releases I would like to see Jef Verbeeck or Kenan Ardaoglu in F2RWRS cars at the end of the year.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 12:47
by Ataxia
Anyone fancy giving Torrente a run in F2 machinery for the NC race? This is unless Dofasco enter, of course.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 14:39
by Aerospeed
Aston Martin will not enter the non-championship round to focus on next years car and to give new entries a shot at the F2RWRS. This leaves Tomo Kazama and Tommy Nash free to join other teams for the race. But Tommy also does not want to join the race for other reasons. However, he is interested in a top team signing him for 2016.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 14:55
by Warren Hughes
Nathanael Cameron is available for the F2RWRS non-championship races. Although he is one of the most inconsistent drivers I've ever seen.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 15:07
by AndreaModa
Right, announcement time.

Autosport wrote:Options open for Jones in search for Shioya replacement

Sammy Jones has declared his options are still open as he searches for a driver to replace Hansuke Shioya after the F2RWRS Italian GP. Despite Dan Greenlaw's management declining his offer, Jones says he is still interested in giving Alexy Buyvolov the drive but as yet the Russian nor his management have commented on the offer. Another potential driver to take the seat has emerged as Hydook driver Johannes Rueckert, with Jones stating that either Buyvolov or Rueckert would be ideal for the drive, but admitting that he'd like to see what Russian Buyvolov could do in more competitive machinery than the Dofasco-Audi car which has struggled for pace. Whoever is signed to the drive will be given a mandate by Jones himself to score points in at least 3 of the 5 races before the season's end in an attempt to boost the outfit's position in the teams' championship. Shioya has had a disappointing year, having failed to score points in any of his races despite having won for the KitKat team in 2014, and his poor form has given Jones no option but to replace him or risk his team slipping into pre-qualifying with Hawkin's points total not enough to keep the team safe.

Longer term however, Jones is believed to be interested in offering Nathanael Cameron or Shane Walsh a drive for 2016 alongside Terry Hawkin who was confirmed this weekend as being re-signed for another year. Jones' original plan for Hawkin was to promote him to F1RWRS by 2016, but the discovery of Rosco Vantini who's form has been a revelation this year, and the availability of top drivers Mark Dagnall and Rhys Davies on the market, with Jones signing the latter on a two year deal, has left Hawkin no space in Jones' plans for the top tier. No offers have come in for Hawkin to drive elsewhere, and so Jones has handed the young Brit another year in F2 to try and go for the championship. In Walsh or Cameron he is looking to provide a chance for an up and coming driver, but it's also widely known that he is interested in Josh Carlisle who has had a good year at Falik Arrows, but who's future is unclear with the team declaring interest in a number of other drivers.

I'd like to put Buyvolov in the car if The Lukas agrees to it, but I'm not waiting forever for that to happen, so Rueckert can consider himself signed if there's nothing forthcoming on Buyvolov.

CJR will also enter both NC races, drivers currently TBA. We'd like to extend offers to Shane Walsh, Nathanael Cameron and also Giles Massinion and Matt Brinson from RoLFS.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 15:42
by The Lukas
Dofasco Lukoil Racing entry to non-championship race
1.Diego Alvarez Torrente
2.Cezary Samelko

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 15:46
by Nuppiz
I'm not going to enter a team, but instead I'll offer two of my most promising drivers (which isn't much, really...) Carsten Jancker and Ragnar Larsen for both of the NC races.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 15:57
by AndreaModa
The Lukas wrote:Dofasco Lukoil Racing entry to non-championship race
1.Diego Alvarez Torrente
2.Cezary Samelko

Yes or no to Buyvolov racing for Jones Racing for the last 5 races of the F2RWRS season? Would be a great help if I know...

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 15:59
by Salamander
SuperAguri wrote:Falik Arrows would like to enter and sign Jordan Davies for the two non championship races.

Jordan Davies will accept the offer and drive for Falik Arrows in the non-championship rounds.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 16:22
by FMecha
Andreas Stefano's Scuderia Aqua will enter the young Indonesian muppet Hendra Naufal and RoLFS driver Hiroto Tojo. :)

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 16:40
by DemocalypseNow
Scuderia Alitalia will take the final slot! One driver is confirmed (but it's a secret!), the other is TBA.

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 17:02
by Nuppiz
Stramala [kostas22] wrote:
tristan1117 wrote:Why hasn't Hydook sacked Molinaro yet? He's absolute crap!

More to the point, why did they hire him in the first place? He was dead last in F3RWRS last season!

Their driver management isn't that great at all. Phil McCracken of all people subbed Johannes Rueckert at the first round, and now they're looking at Anu Võsu for their next season's lineup. :lol:

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 17:23
by dr-baker
BlindCaveSalamander wrote:
SuperAguri wrote:Falik Arrows would like to enter and sign Jordan Davies for the two non championship races.

Jordan Davies will accept the offer and drive for Falik Arrows in the non-championship rounds.

Would Falik Arrows be interested in taking Peter Port as well? (He has no intention of moving up to F2RWRS next season, but would like to have a race in the series, paired up against a known quantity: his F3RWRS teammate).

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 17:33
by SuperAguri
Falik Arrows would be delighted to take Peter Port as well, well delighted in the fact that they now no longer have to worry about finding a second driver. :twisted:

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 17:57
by dr-baker
SuperAguri wrote:Falik Arrows would be delighted to take Peter Port as well, well delighted in the fact that they now no longer have to worry about finding a second driver. :twisted:

:lol: OK, that's a deal then!

Re: F2RWRS - The feeder category of the F1RWRS

Posted: 13 Jan 2013, 19:10
by tristan1117
Shane Walsh and Victoria Desai are available for non-championship drives.