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Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE 22 FEB

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 11:13
by pasta_maldonado
There will be a race today chaps, darkapprentice will post with the details.


Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 11:49
by Gerudo Dragon
Race 1 at Knockhill will start at 19:30 and will be run over 30 laps, it wll be streamed here and the chatroom will be #F1Rejects. Race 2 will also last 30 laps and will be run straight after race 1, that's it really.


Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 11:55
by RonDenisDeletraz
Can my original team return for the rest of 2015, my new idea won't come in until 2016


Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 14:20
by andrew
I am considering entering this for next season.


Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 19:21
by Gerudo Dragon
Knockhill Race 1 Qualifying

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 20:29
by andrew
Can I enter this?

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 20:49
by Gerudo Dragon
andrew wrote:Can I enter this?
Yes, after race 2 is done...

Race 1 Results
A dominating performance by the Twinings BMWs, looks like they'll be the team to beat in 2015.


Code: Select all

19:37   YourHostDark   shame for alfa in monaco, if horford hadn't bathplugged up he might've picked up alfa's first point
19:37   Pasta   That's what he thought of it!
19:38   Pasta   YourHostDark they scored a couple last year
19:38   Pasta   But yeah it's a shame for them
19:40   YourHostDark   think i'll wait until 19:50 and if no one enters by then i'll start
19:40   Pasta   I'd give it until eight o clock
19:40   Pasta   Everyone's watching ant and dec
19:40   Pasta   I am
19:40   YourHostDark   k
19:41      *** Salamander joined #F1Rejects
19:41   Pasta   Evening
19:42   Salamander   sup
19:42   Pasta   You watching ant and dec?
19:43   Salamander   nope
19:43   Pasta   Ah. It's pretty decent
19:44   Salamander   whats going on there then?
19:44   Pasta   They've unveiled the new little ant and secs
19:45   Pasta   And for ant v dec, they had to crawl ona flag pole 24 storeys up
19:45      *** Pasta quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
19:47      *** Pasta joined #F1Rejects
19:48   Pasta   Looking forward to the etch
19:49   Pasta   *rtcc
19:49      *** RealRacingRoots joined #F1Rejects
19:49   Salamander   im guessing you're on a phone?
19:49   Pasta   iPad
19:49   RealRacingRoots   Sup guys
19:49   Salamander   same difference
19:49   Salamander   sup
19:49   Pasta   Salamander ill be honest
19:49   YourHostDark   hi
19:50   Pasta   Timings are favourites for the title
19:50   Pasta   Now jones, wvm, and eBay motors are gone
19:50   YourHostDark   yep, their car is on pole for race 1
19:50   Salamander   aww yeah
19:50   Pasta   The ford was the best car, now it's gone
19:50   RealRacingRoots   RTCC?
19:50   Salamander   yeah
19:51   RealRacingRoots   kk
19:51   Pasta   Surprised to see you here RRR
19:51   RealRacingRoots   I was a big chatterbox over at GTPlanet
19:51   RealRacingRoots   then the chat died
19:51   Pasta   Enthral led by the wider world of RWRS now??
19:52   RealRacingRoots   Maybe....
19:52   RealRacingRoots   I'm also watching the nascar race right now
19:52   Pasta   Danica 'no talent' Patrick retired didn't she?
19:52   RealRacingRoots   engine died
19:53   RealRacingRoots   Johanna "all the potential" Long aint doing too bad
19:53   Pasta   Who??
19:53   YourHostDark   pasta you have to have some talent to get pole at daytona
19:53   RealRacingRoots   exactly
19:53   RealRacingRoots   Johanna is the other women in Nationwide
19:53   RealRacingRoots   Piquet Jr is in the field somewhere
19:54   Salamander   YourHostDark   well, she's in a stewart-haas car, and those have been pretty good at daytona...
19:55   Pasta   She's a slut
19:55   Pasta   She poses for all these magazine interviews
19:55   Pasta   No one cares your a woman girl
19:55   Salamander   yeah...
19:56   RealRacingRoots   They see assets, not talent
19:56   Pasta   Except the hicks who've never seen a woman
19:57   RealRacingRoots   Johanna Long is in 12th, Piguet Jr is 28th
19:57   YourHostDark   i don't even get it, apparently she's only famous because she's a woman, but there have been plenty of women drivers in racing
19:57   Salamander   she's only famous because she does all the magazine shoots and stuff
19:57   RealRacingRoots   Susie Wolff, The Force Sisters,
19:58   Salamander   otherwise no-one would give a shite
19:58   YourHostDark   makes sense
19:58   RealRacingRoots   Maria Di Vilotta
19:58   Pasta   It's the way apparently she's such a great racer
19:58   Pasta   No, you just like her tits espn
19:59   RealRacingRoots   Her non-existant tits?
19:59   Pasta   
19:59   Pasta   Good point
20:00   YourHostDark   k, it's eight o clock now so should i start??
20:00   Pasta   If you want to
20:01   RealRacingRoots   Trevor Bayne's engine has grenaded
20:01   YourHostDark   there MIGHT be voice commentary, don't be surprised if there isn't
20:01   RealRacingRoots   we should do a 4-man commentary team
20:01   RealRacingRoots   muhahahaha
20:02   Salamander   indeed
20:02   Pasta   Here we go
20:02   Salamander   oh shite
20:02   Salamander   looks like zimmer ran out of talent
20:02   Salamander   again
20:03   Pasta   Sim sanity
20:03   Pasta   Zimsanity
20:03   Salamander   sure seems like it
20:05   Salamander   oh crap, jenkins is walking away with this...
20:05   RealRacingRoots   Leeroy?
20:05   Salamander   nope, paul
20:05   Salamander   i shouldve called him leeroy though...
20:05   RealRacingRoots   Jeeroy Lenkins
20:05   Salamander   XD
20:06   Pasta   Twinigs are running away with it
20:06      *** Pasta quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
20:06   Salamander   mostly because they actually know how to take that corner
20:06   RealRacingRoots   Also I got a spare seat with R.T.S over at the IRFC, if anyone got a driver they want to plonk there they are more than welcome to
20:07   Salamander   sure, i'll put marcos marcia there, why not
20:07      *** Pasta joined #F1Rejects
20:08   Pasta   Chaos!!
20:08   Salamander   more zimsanity
20:09   Pasta   Well
20:09   Pasta   The first rtcc race is a er...
20:09   Pasta   Success
20:10   YourHostDark   lemme just test my mic, i'll say "hello" if you hear it then type...whatever
20:10   Salamander   hello dark
20:10   RealRacingRoots   James May, "hello"
20:10   RealRacingRoots   also can i get a link?
20:10   YourHostDark   my voice sounds shite doesn't it
20:10   YourHostDark   yes
20:10   Salamander
20:11   Salamander   better than mine
20:11   Salamander   probably
20:11   YourHostDark   ha, beat me to it
20:11   RealRacingRoots   spins, spins everywhere
20:12   Salamander   nice save from northfield
20:12   Pasta   It's chaos out there
20:12   Salamander   utter madness
20:13   Salamander   close call for carlton there
20:14   Pasta   It's funny dark
20:14   RealRacingRoots   All these spins at one spot is like watching the TMMC 2011 race at Vancouver
20:14   Pasta   Your voice sounds like typing
20:16   YourHostDark   lol
20:17   Salamander   carlton stop challenging jenkins
20:17   Salamander   youre not supposed to be doing that
20:17   Salamander   i guess jenkins' car is damaged or something
20:17   RealRacingRoots   Kyle Busch's engine has grenaded
20:18   Salamander   lol
20:18      *** Pasta quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
20:20   RealRacingRoots   Also if someone could help me with fitting the GT-R WC calendar into the RWRS calendar, that would be appreciated.
20:20   RealRacingRoots   I may switch around some of the euro dates so I can support the F1RWRS
20:22   Salamander   i'll see what i can do
20:22   RealRacingRoots   shanks
20:22   RealRacingRoots   I still have to work on the Zonda GR template and making all the team files
20:22   RealRacingRoots   the second part is easy
20:23   RealRacingRoots   first part, not so much
20:27   Salamander   come on jenkins
20:27   Salamander   youre supposed to be better than carlton
20:28   Salamander   there we go
20:30   Salamander   oh dear
20:30   Salamander   that couldve been bad
20:31      *** Pasta joined #F1Rejects
20:31   Pasta   Is everyone still being loonies?
20:31   Salamander   pretty much
20:31   Salamander   jenkins lost the lead to carlton for a bit
20:31   Salamander   but now hes leading again
20:32   Salamander   not really sure why
20:32   Pasta   Everyone else a lap down yet?
20:33   Salamander   i think mcallister's still on the lead lap
20:33   Pasta   See YourHostDark, this is why 30 laps is a bad idea
20:33   Salamander   maybe maddock too
20:33   Salamander   OH GOD
20:33   Salamander   maddock got completely screwed
20:33   RealRacingRoots   That one corner is catching out everyone
20:33   Salamander   everyone except the top 4
20:33   Pasta   Is there voice commentary?
20:33   Salamander   maddock was right behind mcallister then got held up by a big crash there
20:34   Salamander   mcallister's sure doing a good job here...
20:35   Salamander   also no, there's no voice commentary Pasta
20:35   RealRacingRoots   Oh man Pastrana was getting bullied there xD
20:35   Pasta   The Plus One Group just bought Knockhill as well
20:35   RealRacingRoots   8 to go at Daytona
20:35   Salamander   what happened?
20:36   RealRacingRoots   Pastrana got caught out and made it 4 wide
20:36   RealRacingRoots   6 cars out in front, 10 car-length gap to main pack
20:37   Salamander   who's in the lead pack?
20:37   RealRacingRoots   it's now a 4 car lead
20:37   Pasta   Well, that went well
20:37   RealRacingRoots   stweart, regan smith, keselowski,
20:37   Salamander   sure did for me
20:37   RealRacingRoots   someone else
20:37   Salamander   go smith
20:37   RealRacingRoots   stweard, smith,hornish jr., keselowski
20:38   RealRacingRoots   oh here's the big one
20:38   RealRacingRoots   a dozen cars in it
20:38   YourHostDark   that was the most dominating team performance i think i've ever seen in an F1RWRS
20:38   RealRacingRoots   on noes johanna long was in it
20:38   Salamander   
20:39   Salamander   really dark?
20:39   YourHostDark   not F1
20:39   YourHostDark   
20:39   Pasta   Did you watch the 1980 Monaco GP
20:39   Salamander   ah
20:39   YourHostDark   in an RWRS race i mean
20:39   Salamander   i still dont really think so
20:39   Salamander   mcallister was less than 5 seconds back
20:40   Salamander   maddock would've been as well if he wasnt totally screwed halfway through
20:40   Pasta   So basically
20:40   Pasta   If yourne not in a bmw or Audi
20:40   Pasta   Youre stuffed.
20:40   Salamander   pretty much
20:41   YourHostDark   so, can anybody catch the conquering twining BMWs??
20:41   Salamander   i hope not
20:41   Pasta   The IBRS were next best
20:41   Salamander   yeah
20:41   Salamander   rafael modena wasnt that bad actually
20:41   YourHostDark   fastest lap: ryan carlton 57.807
20:41   Salamander   only spun a couple times
20:41   RealRacingRoots   haha Travis
20:42   YourHostDark   that chicane was ridicolous
20:42   Salamander   any idea why jenkins fell back midway through
20:42   Salamander   then caught back up
20:42   Salamander   i dont think carlton was held up that badly
20:44   RealRacingRoots   Wow the crash started right in front of Pastrana, and it missed it
20:45   YourHostDark   travis was in colin mcrae DiRT..he's cool

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 20:57
by Salamander
Jimmy McJimmerson, halfway through the race wrote:Ryan, you need to let Paul pass. Let Paul pass now.
Ryan Carlton wrote:No way, I'm leading!
Paul Jenkins wrote:You let me through you little squirt, or you're going in the goddamn gravel trap!
Ryan Carlton wrote:Uhhhh... okay, I guess...

Paul Jenkins, after the race wrote:YEAHHHH! I'M THE BEST!

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 20:59
by andrew
Cool, can I make the entry now, ready for the next race.

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 21:04
by Gerudo Dragon
Knockhill Race 2 Qualifying

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 21:35
by Gerudo Dragon
Race 2 Results


Code: Select all

21:05   RealRacingRoots   big one at the finish line
21:05   Salamander   okay then
21:05   Salamander   oh dear
21:05   RealRacingRoots   whole front pack in it
21:05      *** pi3141 joined #F1Rejects
21:05   RealRacingRoots   car caught catch fence
21:06   Salamander   yikes O_O
21:06   RealRacingRoots   tony stewart wins it
21:06   RealRacingRoots   again
21:06   Salamander   aww
21:06   Salamander   did regan smith finish well at least?
21:06   RealRacingRoots   he got spun, leading to the biggie
21:06   Salamander   shame
21:06   RealRacingRoots   he had the win
21:07   RealRacingRoots   keslowski was behind him, took a look and spun regan
21:07   Salamander   
21:07   RealRacingRoots   an engine and front assembly sheard off on the catchfence, at bottom of grandstands
21:07   RealRacingRoots   Kyle Larson's car got into catch fence
21:08   RealRacingRoots   the engine in the grandstands is on fire
21:08   Salamander   christ
21:08   RealRacingRoots   bit of oil and gas leaked out it looked like
21:09   YourHostDark   gogogogggg
21:09   RealRacingRoots   here comesa replay it looks like
21:09   RealRacingRoots   it's on motors tv
21:09   Salamander   well this is going to be interesting
21:09   Salamander   mums watching tv in the other room though
21:09   Salamander   im sure ill be able to catch it on youtube or something though
21:09   RealRacingRoots
21:10      *** pi314159 joined #F1Rejects
21:10   Salamander   cheers
21:10   RealRacingRoots   
21:10      *** pi314159 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
21:11   Salamander   yikes
21:11   Salamander   that catch fencing O_O
21:12   Salamander   less carnage when its raining
21:12   Salamander   go figure
21:12      *** pi3141 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
21:13   RealRacingRoots   even tony stewart is subdued right now
21:13   Salamander   yeah
21:14   RealRacingRoots   i wonder how a nascar race at daytona would go if they used the bus-stop chicane, like i've said numerous times before
21:15   YourHostDark   the driver's are actually driving better when it's raining then when it's dry
21:15      *** pi3141 joined #F1Rejects
21:15   Salamander   yeah
21:15   Salamander   RRR i dunno, if someone screws up entering the busstop they could collect a bunch of cars exiting it
21:16   RealRacingRoots   but it would break up the packs, which normally cause this chaos
21:16   Salamander   true
21:17   Salamander   jenkins not making any progress at all
21:24   RealRacingRoots   here comes the replay
21:25   RealRacingRoots   
21:25   Salamander   damn
21:26   RealRacingRoots   i think only 2 or 3 cars at the front made it through clean
21:30   RealRacingRoots   [TITLE: Horrible HUGE wreck Finish 2013 Drive4COPD 300 @DAYTONA VIEWS: 118 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 1 UPLOADED: LuisAlbertoPerez2008 ] [TITLE: Horrible HUGE wreck Finish 2013 Drive4COPD 300 @DAYTONA VIEWS: 118 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 1 UPLOADED: LuisAlbertoPerez2008 ]
21:30   RealRacingRoots   Actually, Tony was the only car to make it through that clean.
21:31   YourHostDark   holy bathplug shite
21:31   RealRacingRoots   ikr
21:32   YourHostDark   fastest lap was paul jenkins 1:01.990
21:32   Salamander   that was pretty damn terrible
21:32   Salamander   also i guess i'll take fastest lap

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 21:53
by andrew
1993 Nissan Primera for all drivers

Team name: Barley sports

Driver 1 : Bob Sampson

Driver 2: Jason wintermeter

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 22:51
by Gerudo Dragon
andrew wrote:1993 Nissan Primera for all drivers

Team name: Barley sports

Driver 1 : Bob Sampson

Driver 2: Jason wintermeter
Noted, but...
1) What are the nationalities of Wintermeter and Barley Sports?
2) What are Sampson and Wintermeter's racing numbers?

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 00:42
by Nuppiz
I guess the points system will still remain the same as in 1998/2015?

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 00:42
by Gerudo Dragon
Nuppiz wrote:I guess the points system will still remain the same as in 1998/2015?

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 00:57
by Nuppiz
darkapprentice77 wrote:
Nuppiz wrote:I guess the points system will still remain the same as in 1998/2015?

Good, that means 17 points for us in Knockhill. Which is about half of what we reached in the same amount of races in 1998. :lol:

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 02:16
by Gerudo Dragon
Driver's Championship

For the sake of convinience, I've removed the drivers who are no longer in the series. I'll add them back in once the season's over.

1 Jack Maddock 59
2 Paul Jenkins 56
3 Rory McGatley 43
4 Ryan Carlton 40
5 Phoenix McAllister 36
6 Ralf Alden 26
7 Rafael Modena 22
= Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 22
9 Pieter Kickert 18
10 Nathan Nurmester 17
11 Rick Tyryn 14
12 Aram Stuart 13
= John Zimmer 13
= Alexander Megone 13
15 Tom Douglas 7
16 Barry Steel 5
17 Garry Jones 4
18 Nikolai Nurmovitsch 3
19 Dominic Strass-Cahn 2
20 Everyone Else 0

Team's Championship

1 Twinings 96
2 AeroRacing 95
3 RMcG 57
4 IBR 44
5 ZimSport 31
6 Prism 26
= Alpha 26
8 Nurminen 20
9 Douglas-Cliff 7
10 CFR 5
11 Lolvo
12 Restov 2
13 Everyone Else 0

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 03:45
by WaffleCat
Rory McGately wrote:Ey,take that ye bathpluggin scumbags!I'm the true king of Knockhill,and ye all know it!

Yeah,I'm crap at imitating a Scotsman.

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 04:45
by TomWazzleshaw
Forgive me if I've missed something but in what universe is Douglas-Cliff Racing a manufacturer team?

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 04:51
by the Masked Lapwing
Wizzie wrote:Forgive me if I've missed something but in what universe is Douglas-Cliff Racing a manufacturer team?

Dunno, but apparently ZimSport is too :lol:
And Douglas-Cliff haven't got any team points anymore. Neither do Lolvo. And Restov have about 2 more than they should :lol:

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 05:04
by Gerudo Dragon
the Masked Lapwing wrote:
Wizzie wrote:Forgive me if I've missed something but in what universe is Douglas-Cliff Racing a manufacturer team?

Dunno, but apparently ZimSport is too :lol:
And Douglas-Cliff haven't got any team points anymore. Neither do Lolvo. And Restov have about 2 more than they should :lol:
The rFactor mod is weird with classing teams as Independent or Manufacturer. It just seems to depend on what car you choose.

Also Strass-Cahn didn't finish but was classified 14th in race 1, 14th earns 2 points. ;)

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 05:18
by TomWazzleshaw
darkapprentice77 wrote:
the Masked Lapwing wrote:
Wizzie wrote:Forgive me if I've missed something but in what universe is Douglas-Cliff Racing a manufacturer team?

Dunno, but apparently ZimSport is too :lol:
And Douglas-Cliff haven't got any team points anymore. Neither do Lolvo. And Restov have about 2 more than they should :lol:
The rFactor mod is weird with classing teams as Independent or Manufacturer. It just seems to depend on what car you choose.

Also Strass-Cahn didn't finish but was classified 14th in race 1, 14th earns 2 points. ;)

Classified? He was 14 bathplugging laps down! :lol:

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 05:34
by the Masked Lapwing
darkapprentice77 wrote:
the Masked Lapwing wrote:
Wizzie wrote:Forgive me if I've missed something but in what universe is Douglas-Cliff Racing a manufacturer team?

Dunno, but apparently ZimSport is too :lol:
And Douglas-Cliff haven't got any team points anymore. Neither do Lolvo. And Restov have about 2 more than they should :lol:
The rFactor mod is weird with classing teams as Independent or Manufacturer. It just seems to depend on what car you choose.

Also Strass-Cahn didn't finish but was classified 14th in race 1, 14th earns 2 points. ;)

Which explains where Nurmester and Steel got bonus points. None of them deserve points, Nurmester didn't even do 75% of the distance.

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 08:39
by andrew
darkapprentice77 wrote:
andrew wrote:1993 Nissan Primera for all drivers

Team name: Barley sports

Driver 1 : Bob Sampson

Driver 2: Jason wintermeter
Noted, but...
1) What are the nationalities of Wintermeter and Barley Sports?
2) What are Sampson and Wintermeter's racing numbers?

Wintermeter is English Barley motorsports are English

Sampsons number 143
Wintermeter 144

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 08:43
by RonDenisDeletraz
Northfield has been sacked and replaced by Chris Whiting

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 11:00
by Salamander
Rory McGately wrote:Ey,take that ye bathpluggin scumbags!I'm the true king of Knockhill,and ye all know it!

Paul Jenkins wrote:As if! You were as useless as everyone else in that first race! And I would've won the second if there was an actual place you can pass at this bloody track!
Ryan Carlton wrote:Uh, Paul, you can overtake at the hairpin...
Paul Jenkins wrote:Shut up, squirt!

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 15:39
by FMecha
Even in his old age, nothing can stop Ralf Alden. ;) (Although he's retiring from motorsport next year...)


Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 15:44
by pasta_maldonado
FMecha wrote:Even in his old age, nothing can stop Ralf Alden. ;) (Although he's retiring from motorsport next year...)


Well, in race 1, everyone bar the two Twinings and the AeroRacings spun like it was going out of fashion, and race 2 (in the rain) was a procession. :lol:

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 15:45
by FMecha
pasta_maldonado wrote:
FMecha wrote:Even in his old age, nothing can stop Ralf Alden. ;) (Although he's retiring from motorsport next year...)


Well, in race 1, everyone bar the two Twinings and the AeroRacings spun likr it was going out of fashion, and race 2 (in the rain) was a procession. :lol:

A video, that's I mean. ;)

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 18:01
by Salamander
FMecha wrote:
pasta_maldonado wrote:
FMecha wrote:Even in his old age, nothing can stop Ralf Alden. ;) (Although he's retiring from motorsport next year...)


Well, in race 1, everyone bar the two Twinings and the AeroRacings spun likr it was going out of fashion, and race 2 (in the rain) was a procession. :lol:

A video, that's I mean. ;)

Don't think so. You didn't miss much anyway, the races were fairly boring really.

Re: RTCC 2015 - RACE LIVE NOW!!!!!

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 16:26
by Gerudo Dragon
San Fransiso Round 1 will start at 19:00

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 18:58
by Gerudo Dragon
Race 1 has been restarted due to me rushing it and making countless errors, the biggest one being me leaving fuel usage on, which this mod doesn't like...
San Fransisco Race 1 Qualifying

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 20:15
by Gerudo Dragon
Race 1 Results

Code: Select all

19:40   Salamander   bah
19:40   Salamander   jenkins lost a position
19:40   Salamander   carltons 4th though
19:41   RealRacingRoots   oh dear, first corner chaos go go go
19:42   Salamander   YES
19:42   Nuppiz   lol Nurmovitsch using elbow tactics to come up in the order
19:43   Salamander   COME ON TEAM TWIININGS
19:43   Salamander   especially jenkins
19:44   Salamander   im still having problems with the stream dropping...
19:44   Nuppiz   ZIMMER YOU bathplug IDIOT!
19:45   Salamander   come on jenkins
19:45   Salamander   get stuck in ther
19:45   Salamander   e
19:47   Nuppiz   come on Nathan!
19:47   Salamander   gah, why is the stream continually dropping
19:48   Wizzie   Ah, looks like it's not only me having problems for once
19:49   Salamander   no idea whats causing it
19:49   Nuppiz   no problems here, except for the low framerate
19:49   Salamander   last time it was fine
19:50   Salamander   damn audis
19:50   Nuppiz   fail
19:52      *** Wizzie quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
19:52   Salamander   dammit, im gonna try resetting my connection
19:52   Salamander   brb
19:53      *** Salamander quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
19:53      *** Salamander joined #F1Rejects
19:55   Nuppiz   oh step on it you sod
19:55   Salamander   okay now its not loading at all
19:55   Salamander   this doesnt make any sense
19:56   Salamander   there we go finally
19:56   Salamander   come on jenkins
19:56   Salamander   no
19:56   Salamander   bad carlton
19:57   Salamander   stay behid
19:57   Salamander   now look what youve done
19:57   Salamander   PISS
19:58   Salamander   great, now maddocks going to win and jenkins is gonna be even further behind
19:59   Salamander   thanks ryan, youre a fantastic team player
20:01   Nuppiz   how many laps left?
20:01   Salamander   3 i think
20:02   Salamander   whoa what
20:02   Nuppiz   Nurmester is on the points, unless he or the car bathplug up
20:02   Salamander   yes
20:02   Salamander   jenkins is back in it
20:03      *** JoeyZyla joined #F1Rejects
20:04   Salamander   whatever
20:04   JoeyZyla   LOL WHAT A BATHPLUG
20:04   Nuppiz   Phoenix, is that you?
20:05   JoeyZyla   SEE YOU
20:05      *** JoeyZyla quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
20:05   Salamander   well that was weird
20:05      *** Aeroracing joined #F1Rejects
20:05   Aeroracing   Hi, guys
20:05   Aeroracing   What's up
20:05   Salamander   zyla made a 10 second comeback
20:05   Nuppiz   BATHPLUG THAT'S WHAT'S UP
20:05   Aeroracing   Really?
20:05   Aeroracing   What a moron
20:06   Salamander   also your team and mine are having a almighty scrap for the win
20:06   Aeroracing   That's more like it
20:06   Nuppiz   curiously, he had the same Whois as you, Aeroracing...
20:06   Aeroracing   Lies!
20:06   Salamander   last lap...
20:07      *** Stramala joined #F1Rejects
20:07   Stramala   Ciao tutti
20:07   Aeroracing   Tutti frutti
20:07   Darkapprentice77   mcallister just won
20:07   Salamander   sup man
20:08   Aeroracing   YES!!!!
20:08   Aeroracing   BATHPLUG THAT_!!!
20:08   Salamander   2-3 for twinings
20:08   Darkapprentice77   both IBR cars retired
20:08   Salamander   WITH THE WRONG DRIVER AHEAD
20:08   Nuppiz   capo di tutti di capi
20:08   Stramala   fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
20:08   Salamander   THANKS A LOT CARLTON
20:08   Darkapprentice77   you wanted jenkins to be ahead?
20:08   Salamander   yeah
20:09   Salamander   twinings is supposed to be heavily biased towards paul
20:09   Salamander   with ryan being some hotshot rookie they rushed in to be his teammate
20:09   Aeroracing   I thought, somehow, Twinings was dr-baker's
20:10   Salamander   the tipoff is that my team doesnt have any lame puns
20:10   Darkapprentice77   if only you could have a team orders option on racing games
20:10   Aeroracing   Where did Maddock finish?
20:10   Salamander   4th
20:11   Aeroracing   Nice enough
20:11   Darkapprentice77   fastest lap: surprisingly jack maddock with 2:27.657
20:11   Salamander   lost points to jenkins though
20:11   Nuppiz   Nurmester finished 12th, which is good enough
20:11   Aeroracing   Nothing some upgrades can't solve
20:11   Nuppiz   Nurmovitsch was taken out by the dickwad Zimmer
20:11   Darkapprentice77   pasta wanted me to scrap the upgrades
20:11   Aeroracing   Oh
20:12   Salamander   like james davies has always said
20:12   Salamander   zimmer is worthless
20:12   Salamander   lol, top 4 covered by 1.3 seconds
20:12   Salamander   10 seconds ahead of everyone else
20:13   Cynon   
20:14   Cynon   People actually are here.
20:14   Salamander   well yeah
20:14   Salamander   theres a race on
20:14   Nuppiz   because there was a race on

Fastest lap: Jack Maddock 2:27.657

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 20:21
by Gerudo Dragon
Race 2 Qualifying

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 20:43
by Gerudo Dragon
Race 2 Results

Code: Select all

20:21   Darkapprentice77   let's go..
20:21   Salamander   well that race certainly closed up the top of the championship
20:22   Salamander   right now its maddock: 73; jenkins: 72; mcallister: 61; carlton: 60
20:22   Salamander   mcgatley: 55
20:23   Salamander   oh dammit
20:23   Salamander   that qualifying did not go well for me at all
20:24   Salamander   jenkins on the move though
20:25   Nuppiz   Breaking news: NRE's RTCC division has been sold to a group of French investors, led by a certain Sophie Fabron
20:25   Salamander   well... that should be interesting
20:25   Nuppiz   the chanhe in management will take effect from the next season onwards
20:25   Nuppiz   change
20:27   Salamander   ugh, ustream is being a fail for me again...
20:27   Salamander   resetting my connection again
20:27   Nuppiz   go Nurmester!
20:28      *** Salamander quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
20:28      *** Salamander joined #F1Rejects
20:30   Cynon   
20:30      *** Salamander quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
20:30      *** Salamander joined #F1Rejects
20:30   Cynon   Someone made this neat gadget for NR2003
20:31   RealRacingRoots   And I thought Wizzie's interwebs was bad
20:31   Cynon   that actually lets you track the position of all cars on track.
20:31   Cynon   ...and show it to others.
20:32   RealRacingRoots   kinda like the ractor line that shows position?
20:33   Cynon   Yeah only it's like NASCAR raceview without the 3D shite
20:33   RealRacingRoots   i'm okay with this
20:33   Cynon   I tried using it once but it didn't work ;[
20:33   RealRacingRoots   nascar raceview looks like a crappy NR2 in anycase
20:34   Salamander   dammit, maddock is leading?
20:34   Salamander   crap
20:34   Cynon   So if I ever do a league with it, I'd consider using that
20:34   Salamander   and there goes the stream again
20:34   Cynon   if I can find it again lel
20:35   Nuppiz   oh!
20:35   Nuppiz   and what is Restov doing
20:37   Darkapprentice77   hmm, the RTCC commision is a bit disturbed by john zimmer's apparent lack of competence
20:38   Nuppiz   NRE supports that claim
20:38   Darkapprentice77   took out nurmovitch in race 1 and spun causing a huge roadblock in race 2
20:39   Darkapprentice77   fastest lap: ryan carlton 2:28.858
20:39   Darkapprentice77   i think i'll look at the full replays to see fully what zimmer was doing...

Fastest lap: Ryan Carlton 2:28.858

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 20:52
by andrew
can't complain about that first outing

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 22:53
by Gerudo Dragon
Driver's Championship

1 Jack Maddock 98
2 Paul Jenkins 92
3 Ryan Carlton 76
4 Phoenix McAllister 73
5 Rory McGatley 65
6 Alexander Megone 34
7 Pieter Kickert 30
8 Nathan Nurmester 28
9 Ralf Alden 26
= Rafael Modena 26
11 Rick Tyryn 24
12 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler 22
13 Aram Stuart 19
= John Zimmer 19
15 Barry Steel 13
16 Jason Wintermeter 11
= Tom Douglas 10
18 Bob Sampson 9
19 Mauricio Rossini 8
20 Garry Jones 4
21 Nikolai Nurmovitsch 3
= Dominic Strass-Cahn 3
= Chris Whiting 3
24 Edward Restov 1
25 ? 0

Team's Championship

1 AeroRacing 171
2 Twinings 168
3 RMcG 89
4 Prism 53
5 ZimSport 49
6 IBR 48
7 Alpha 34
8 Nurminen 31
9 Barley 20
10 CFR 16
11 Douglas-Cliff 10
12 Restov 4
13 Nicchi 0

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 23:36
by takagi_for_the_win
How the hell did Restov finish 25 seconds behind anyone else? I think it may be time to pension the old duffer off, Darkapprentice, can I make midseason driver changes?

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 23:38
by Gerudo Dragon
takagi_for_the_win wrote:How the hell did Restov finish 25 seconds behind anyone else? I think it may be time to pension the old duffer off, Darkapprentice, can I make midseason driver changes?
Sure ;)

Re: RTCC 2015 - Race Tonight, 19:00 GMT

Posted: 10 Mar 2013, 22:06
by takagi_for_the_win
darkapprentice77 wrote:
takagi_for_the_win wrote:How the hell did Restov finish 25 seconds behind anyone else? I think it may be time to pension the old duffer off, Darkapprentice, can I make midseason driver changes?
Sure ;)


Well then folks, following a poor showing in the RTCC this year, which has seen him outpaced by a fat, middle-aged, chainsmoking, paydriver Frenchman with webbed feet, 65 year old Edward Restov has called time on his racing career. Instead, young Portuguese Luis Pereira will drive the Volvo from now until the end of the season.