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Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 23 Nov 2017, 16:58
by Aislabie
Story Bridge CircuitThe saying goes that you should do what you know, so I've done my street circuit in a place I know very well.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 23 Nov 2017, 19:01
by This Could Be You
Here's my attempt, the 4.97 mile-long Frederiksberg-Ringen, with almost all of those 4.97 miles being taken flat out.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 23 Nov 2017, 20:54
by TheFlyingCaterham
Here I present the Augsburgring, in Southern Germany: in the circuit contains a flat-out stretch over 1 and a half miles long, 200 metres of elevation, and several medium-high speed corners winding through the village of Linnenthal (? Google Maps doesn't actually say so I'm just guesstimating). It may not be as fast as circuits such as Spa and Longford, but it is still a very fast circuit, with a tricky and flowing layout to boot.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 24 Nov 2017, 00:13
by UncreativeUsername37
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 25 Nov 2017, 21:59
by watka
Why has no one thought of this before?:
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 26 Nov 2017, 17:02
by dr-baker
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 02 Dec 2017, 14:21
by WaffleCat
The Results:
DQ -- TheFlyingCaterham -- In any other contest, this would be no.1. Long main straight, interesting first turn, some lovely esses...but I did limit the route to public roads with only minor adjustments. I don't think a mile-long straight is a "minor" adjustment. Sorry fella.
6 -- AdrianBelmonte_ -- Too tight hairpins, even tighter 90's, and nothing notable or spectacular outside of your final sector. Eh.
5 -- This Could Be You -- Honestly, this one was very, very difficult to judge. The esses section after the backstraight look quite decent indeed, but that final, unnecessary hairpin bit at the end and a little too much flat out isn't that great.
4 -- dr_baker -- My initial thought for third place, but just missed out upon closer inspection. Looks like an amazing, fast "triangle track" you'd normally see from the olden days of racing. Just doesn't cut the mustard for me, but at the same time there's nothing bad about this track, like the other three circuits on offer.
3 -- UgncreativeUsergname -- Great choice of start line along the old Modena Autodrome. A nice final sector to complement the two, crazy dashes beforehand. Great job here.
2 -- Aislabie -- What a circuit. A highway ramp leading to a long straight to another highway ramp. Your mile long stretch has a devastating kink by the looks of thinks at the end of it all, almost Chase-like. And a final esses section that ends in an Adelaide-esque change of pace with tight 90's. You guys are spoiling me with fantastic tracks...
1 -- watka -- Oh. My. Gosh. This is close to the perfect circuit. You've struck a chord, as I loved the Washington Street Circuit in GRID. And this is an improvement on that. That double kink after the mile-long dash. The esses at the Ellipse. The fast double chicane. Not to mention your bevy of overtaking opportunities as well. Take my money, all of it.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 03 Dec 2017, 04:24
by TheFlyingCaterham
Well that was a rule I completely missed

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 08 Dec 2017, 20:38
by Aislabie
I feel like this is roughly long enough for me to claim challenge-designing rights.
Your challenge this week is to take a bulldozer to the Yas Marina Circuit to design a better circuit on the site to host the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Have fun!
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 09 Dec 2017, 00:34
by UncreativeUsername37
Aislabie wrote:I feel like this is roughly long enough for me to claim challenge-designing rights.
Your challenge this week is to take a bulldozer to the Yas Marina Circuit to design a better circuit on the site to host the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Have fun!
It isn't. watka still has another 14ish hours, otherwise this one will count.
Whether we should shorten the time for someone to set a challenge is another discussion.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 09 Dec 2017, 22:18
by dr-baker
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:Aislabie wrote:I feel like this is roughly long enough for me to claim challenge-designing rights.
Your challenge this week is to take a bulldozer to the Yas Marina Circuit to design a better circuit on the site to host the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Have fun!
It isn't. watka still has another 14ish hours, otherwise this one will count.
Whether we should shorten the time for someone to set a challenge is another discussion.
If I had thought about it/been aware of this, I should have reminded weeks about it when I saw him at the pub Thursday night. Or rather, he saw me...
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 02:30
by TheFlyingCaterham
Well, it's been 14 hours, so I guess Aislabie's challenge is official now.
So here is the new Yas Marina Circuitâ„¢: new layout doesn't deviate from the original layout too much, but it smoothens out a lot of the more technical sections and makes it faster and more enjoyable. I also have thrown in some tighter corners to promote overtaking. However, this has meant I have had to reverse the southern part of the circuit in order to avoid making a slow fiddly cookie-cutter section that we're kinda supposed to get rid of in the first place. To make things on the overpass clearer, the corner after the hairpin is actually in a small tunnel. I'm also debating whether that corner should be mildly banked or not just to add a little more character to it. The track starts descending immediately after that hairpin, and rises up from about three-quarters through the tunnel corner to about one-half through the next corner. The other bit of the overpass would not have its elevation changed unless the descent into the tunnel is too steep to be viable.
I've also added some alternate layouts because I felt like it, and I feel it adds a bit more to the design of the track.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 15:22
by dr-baker
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 11 Dec 2017, 04:53
by UncreativeUsername37
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 18 Dec 2017, 17:21
by Aislabie
Well this is very Monaco 1996: only three entries have been submitted, and it's been a week since the last one:
1/ The Flying CaterhamIt's not perfect, but it is creative. The figure-eight layout works beautifully in making a much more interesting lap, as well as spacing out the two big straights and retaining the Viceroy without having to take a fiddly route to get there. Easy winner, well done.
2/ UgncreativeUsergnameThree changes here, as far as I can see: you've got rid of the world's slowest hairpin, straightened out the chicane between the two back straights and taken out the second apex of that turn in Sector Three. Not much for me to judge really, because you've not really done anything.
3/ Dr BakerAgain with only three real changes: this time, you've straightened up the run down into the hairpin, straightened out the chicane and bypassed the Viceroy entirely. Very hard to separate from the previous entry, but this one seems like it has a bit of a safety concern with the hairpin; the same turn but brought back a bit would have worked better.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 20 Dec 2017, 02:16
by UncreativeUsername37
Just saying that if TheFlyingCaterham doesn't set a challenge, I'm immediately passing it down to dr-baker. With one round to go, look at the state of the championship!
1. UgncreativeUsergname (28, 3 wins)
2. TheFlyingCaterham (27, 5 wins)
3. WaffleCat (26, 5 wins)
It would be a showdown.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 20 Dec 2017, 10:10
by dr-baker
UgncreativeUsergname wrote:Just saying that if TheFlyingCaterham doesn't set a challenge, I'm immediately passing it down to dr-baker. With one round to go, look at the state of the championship!
1. UgncreativeUsergname (28, 3 wins)
2. TheFlyingCaterham (27, 5 wins)
3. WaffleCat (26, 5 wins)
It would be a showdown.
I see what you're doing there! Just as well I too am not in the running for this, otherwise stalemate could ensue...
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 21 Dec 2017, 08:05
by TheFlyingCaterham
Given the situation the championship is in I'm kind of reluctant to actually set a challenge, as it would either screw me over as I can only get one point out of the round, plus there is the potential for me to sabotage the results since that one point does give me the championship provided WaffleCat doesn't win and Ugncreative doesn't get a top 3. So I'm willing to let dr-baker set the challenge if it's fine with you guys.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 21 Dec 2017, 12:05
by dr-baker
TheFlyingCaterham wrote:Given the situation the championship is in I'm kind of reluctant to actually set a challenge, as it would either screw me over as I can only get one point out of the round, plus there is the potential for me to sabotage the results since that one point does give me the championship provided WaffleCat doesn't win and Ugncreative doesn't get a top 3. So I'm willing to let dr-baker set the challenge if it's fine with you guys.
Ok, so I will come up with something once I am home from uni (which will be this evening). I have something in mind, but want to be clear about it.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 13:55
by dr-baker
Sorry for not coming back to this sooner: relaxing at home means some things slip your mind...
Mickey Mouse Challenge
The Walt Disney World Speedway in Orlando, Florida was shut down recently, as it was near the parking lot, and they wanted to use the space for parking. However, to the south of this site is the ESPN World of Sport. The challenge is to build a track in open space in the vicinity of ESPN World of Sport. It can be an oval or not, but it must NOT use any streets whatsoever, use no car parks whatsoever and no demolition of anything at all. However, underpasses or overpasses of local roads are allowed on non-ovals.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 19:45
by TheFlyingCaterham
Here's my final entry of the season (assuming the dirt roads the course goes on don't count as streets), a 4.8km circuit just to the north of the complex. I'd originally mad a longer, more classic style course but I wasn't the happiest with it so I've gone with this one instead, a course with more modern style which attempts to keep a decent flow throughout the whole layout.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 20:01
by This Could Be You
Here's my attempt, the 3.0001KM ESPN World Circuit, which is probably far too twisty for anything American, but it doesn't really matter, as in the championship I can't snatch fourth or fall to sixth whatever happens in terms of points this round.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 25 Dec 2017, 08:29
by UncreativeUsername37 the 192 lies something that (I like to imagine) would be quite fun in an IndyCar.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 25 Dec 2017, 08:58
by WaffleCat
Disney Racing WorldOn the other side of the Osceola Parkway to the ESPN Wide World of Sports, Disney Racing World boast several variants capable for any racing series and for any person.
From the
three-mile main layout, capable of hosting major international racing series and events for the best drivers in the world, all the way to the
0.9 mile Race Experience track, meant to give any member of the public a chance to experience entry-level racing, this track truly is for
everyone visiting Walt Disney World. Be it you're a major racing star, a kid wanting to experience some racing fun or even a paying spectator, Disney Racing World is the most magical place for motor racing.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 25 Dec 2017, 18:17
by Aislabie
Osceola International CircuitI was going to give a write-up for the circuit, but what does it matter? I think I'm fourth whatever I do
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 28 Dec 2017, 16:03
by AdrianBelmonte_
Any vague resemblance with Sochi is a mere coincidence
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 07 Jan 2018, 14:36
by dr-baker
Final Round of the Track Design Competition 2017
Sorry for the delay in doing this. Easier for me to judge when I am on a PC/laptop than on a mobile/tablet device, so I waited until I came back to uni (I start lectures again tomorrow morning, 9 am sharp).
And when I was going through these entries, I realised that I should have been a bit more specific when I stated "in the vicinity of ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex". I envisioned that to have meant south of W Osceola Parkway. The reason for the Walt Disney Speedway closing was so that the car park for the Magic Kingdom could be expanded. By building a race track near Disney's Hollywood Studios, the same issue might arise with car park expansion. However, as I did not make that clear, I shall ignore that. And as this proposal would have been intended as a direct replacement for an oval, had someone designed an oval (especially if it had been a geometric shape like Indianapolis), that would have pushed it up the rankings. But alas, no such entry.
So onto the results.
6. This Could Be You
5. Aislabie
4. Adrian Belmont
3. UncreativeUsernamegg
2. Flying Caterham
1. WaffleCat
I'm not sure if I have influenced the overall rankings or not. I have left out comments so people can't judge me on subjectively judging their tracks. But well done to whoever won overall.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 07 Jan 2018, 19:36
by TheFlyingCaterham
I must say that when I saw WaffleCat's entry I expected that I would lose out to him in the end. I could've updated my entry and made it a bit better, but that probably goes outside the spirit of the competition. Regardless, congrats on taking the title, WaffleCat. You've earned it.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 08 Jan 2018, 03:45
by UncreativeUsername37
29 to 29 to 29. What an ending.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 08 Jan 2018, 04:29
by WaffleCat
Whoa...what an ending indeed.
Can only shoutout to TheFlyingCaterham and UgncreativeUsergname for their amazing efforts, as well as everyone else for their passion here to be the next Tilke or Hugenholtz hahahah.
It's been a fun contest this year. I've had fun, I hop y'all had too.
...oh, right! Time for me to design my own challenge, the first of 2018...
Driving Test
I'm taking my driving test soon, so to make sure I follow the laws of the road, I need to keep your circuits in check with local traffic laws.
-- Circuits to be between 2-6 km long.
-- ONLY street circuits are allowed.
-- DO NOT 'destroy' any roundabouts, road dividers, speed humps and the like to design your circuit. Has to follow public roads.
-- And, finally, your circuit MUST follow traffic laws. This means you must go the right way down any one-way street, go the correct direction on roundabouts, no crazy u-turns from slip lanes, only turn where a turn is permitted and so on. Cutting through parking lots are allowed, as long as you follow the lanes within said lots.
Not the hardest challenge, but still one of the most restrictive.
Good luck!
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 08 Jan 2018, 09:53
by TheFlyingCaterham not the best track for racing on, but I think that hardly matters since street racing is illegal anyway.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 08 Jan 2018, 19:01
by Bleu
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 09 Jan 2018, 03:08
by Aislabie
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 09 Jan 2018, 14:10
by takagi_for_the_win
What happens when you have next to no inspiration, and a fervent desire to utilise O'Connell Street and skirt Grafton Street?
This absolute abomination, that's what. Behold, the Dublin Grand Prix.
We start the lap off with a short blast down the iconic O'Connell Street, crossing over the bridge before taking a flatout left onto D'Olier Street, followed by a possibly tricky right hander past Trinity College onto College Street. I'm aware that by the map, I've used tramlines, but I can very much assure you that the roadworks here are completed and the track follows a road here. A short straight, interspersed with a kink, is followed by a right hander onto Nassau Street, which sees a semi long straight followed by a fast left-right, followed by a tight left hander. A short run along Westland Row is followed by a fast left hander onto Pearse Street, then Tara Street back over the bridge into the north. Another fast chicane follows, leading onto Gardiner Street, before a tight left hander onto Parnell Street, and then one more left hander back onto O'Connell Street for a complete lap of the 37 Bus Route/Dublin Grand Prix.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 09 Jan 2018, 14:43
by This Could Be You
Here's my rather lazy attempt, the 3.68KM Ballasalla Circuit on the Isle of Man, one of the few places where a decent race could be run without actually closing the roads at all, due to the relaxed traffic laws (especially regarding speed limits):

(yes, I am aware that some of the lines aren't quite on the correct side of the road, as Gmappedometer would let me draw them there, but the circuit does work as intended)
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 10 Jan 2018, 04:56
by UncreativeUsername37
The streets of IoanninaScenic Ioannina will hold the... somethingth round of the... something series. Anyway, it starts with braking heavily for a basically-square right-hander. This makes qualifying very important, as the first half of the field to make it out of the corner won't be eliminated in a pileup. The next corner has a very small radius as opposed to being completely pointed, the angle is slightly less, you don't have to stand on the brakes, and it's basically the previous corner but more exciting.
In 300 metres, the circuit climbs 20, serving up a relatively unimportant square corner leading into a sharp turn at the peak of the circuit, with uphill braking and a downhill exit. What follows is a pretty kinked acceleration zone over a kilometre long, providing spectacular views as the drivers thread between rows of Greek architecture. It ends in a braking test even more difficult than the first, as not only does the corner have more angle, the braking zone has a kink in it.
What follows are the track's iconic corners, as not only do they have radii, the second goes right between the scenic tourist attraction of Lake Pamtovis and the even more scenic more tourist attraction of Ioannina Castle. The final corners of the track are a scary sequence of a quick double-apex left into a quick flick right into a quick flick left.
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 10 Jan 2018, 12:45
by dr-baker
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 10 Jan 2018, 14:05
by AdrianBelmonte_
It ended up being TOO narrow: When Valencia meets AVUS (kinda)
Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 16 Jan 2018, 13:48
by WaffleCat
Driving Test Results8.
AdrianBelmonte_ -- I...appreciate your effort. Well done on the comedy scale. Not so much, y'know, track wise.
dr_baker -- Nice try, but plain as pita bread.
Bleu -- Barring the final few, flat out kilometres, a bit of a meh circuit again, especially that wobbly carpark section.
This Could Be You -- Bit too narrow and a bit too wild, but at least it has character, I can give it that.
Aislabie -- Quite a flat out circuit with some flowing bits, not bad. I
could have DQ'ed you for that hairpin at the bottom as it appears to be a left-turn only lane, but since it looks like the Street View car did that very same turn IRL, I'll allow it.
UgncreativeUsergname -- Same flow as Aislabie's track, pretty much, just a +1 for the location, turn sequences and no grey areas in terms of traffic laws.
takagi_for_the_win -- I really, really like every individual turn here barring the last two corners. Each one of them are different in their own way, especially that lovely left-right flick directly into a 90 degree bend at the bottom of the track at Lincoln Place.
TheFlyingCaterham -- Ooohhhh. This track has everything. Fast kinks, presentable overtaking opportunities, fast kinks and almost-straight, flat-out left right esses that just feel like this track just flows well. It even has a bloody crossover. Congrats on the first win of 2018.

Re: F1 Rejects Track Designing Competition
Posted: 16 Jan 2018, 16:11
by TheFlyingCaterham
Now, I'm sure most of you have heard of rallycross racing. While I haven't seen any racing of it myself apart from a few YouTube videos, I'm sure seeing these 500HP+ beasts racing flat out on a multi-surface track would be quite exhilarating spectacle to see. Which brings me on to my challenge: Design a Rallycross Circuit. The only limitations I'm putting on you are the length of the course (the lap of the normal course should be between 0.5 and 1.25 Miles long) and that you can't knock down any existing buildings. You can add an extra starting area or even a joker lap if you feel like it, though if you do add a joker lap I'd like you to specify which route is the joker lap, otherwise I'll assume the longer route is the joker. You may also need to specify which parts of the route are tarmac and gravel, otherwise I'll assume that all the routes on normal paths are tarmac, and any other paths are gravel.
Here's a couple I've made in case you're a little confused on what to do: challenge starts now!