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Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 10:18
by Salamander
Simtek wrote:
tBone wrote:
Gene Haas wrote:If we prove that we can be successful maybe that would be a model of how you start up. But, to have someone like Caterham and Marussia, where they just started with nothing, that just doesn't work.

At GPUpdate, Gene Haas seems pretty convinced his approach is better than Caterham's and Marussia's was. Will he be more successful than those two?

I think they will be financially more stable, but I have my doubts about their performance. Surely the customer parts will not be as good as the works parts and with the small differences between teams on the grid, they might not be good enough.

He's beginning to sound like Craig Pollock with his unsubstantiated claims (although still nowhere near as bad). Next season's going to be fun. :D

Yes, because taking a look at what happened with Caterham, Marussia and HRT and saying starting out as a constructor is insanity is equivalent to saying you will win your first race. It's an overreaction in my opinion, it's more to do with those teams being promised a budget cap which never happened, but it's not so stupid you have no idea where he is coming from with that.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 10:27
by tBone
Simtek wrote:
tBone wrote:
Gene Haas wrote:If we prove that we can be successful maybe that would be a model of how you start up. But, to have someone like Caterham and Marussia, where they just started with nothing, that just doesn't work.

At GPUpdate, Gene Haas seems pretty convinced his approach is better than Caterham's and Marussia's was. Will he be more successful than those two?

I think they will be financially more stable, but I have my doubts about their performance. Surely the customer parts will not be as good as the works parts and with the small differences between teams on the grid, they might not be good enough.

He's beginning to sound like Craig Pollock with his unsubstantiated claims (although still nowhere near as bad). Next season's going to be fun. :D

I even get a slight US GPE/US F1 feeling somehow. Is José-Maria Lopez already in the picture? :D

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 11:12
by Salamander
tBone wrote:
Simtek wrote:He's beginning to sound like Craig Pollock with his unsubstantiated claims (although still nowhere near as bad). Next season's going to be fun. :D

I even get a slight US GPE/US F1 feeling somehow. Is José-Maria Lopez already in the picture? :D

Can one of you explain to me where you're getting these feelings because I'm really not seeing anything that's absurdly ridiculous like you seem to think there is?

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 13:08
by tBone
Salamander wrote:
tBone wrote:
Simtek wrote:He's beginning to sound like Craig Pollock with his unsubstantiated claims (although still nowhere near as bad). Next season's going to be fun. :D

I even get a slight US GPE/US F1 feeling somehow. Is José-Maria Lopez already in the picture? :D

Can one of you explain to me where you're getting these feelings because I'm really not seeing anything that's absurdly ridiculous like you seem to think there is?

For me, it probably has a lot to do with Haas being an American team that is going to do it all differently and better. At least, that's kind of what they say. I do admit that they are by no means as ridiculous as US F1 (yet?).

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 13:23
by Bobby Doorknobs
Salamander wrote:
tBone wrote:
Simtek wrote:He's beginning to sound like Craig Pollock with his unsubstantiated claims (although still nowhere near as bad). Next season's going to be fun. :D

I even get a slight US GPE/US F1 feeling somehow. Is José-Maria Lopez already in the picture? :D

Can one of you explain to me where you're getting these feelings because I'm really not seeing anything that's absurdly ridiculous like you seem to think there is?

I just feel that Haas, who has no previous F1 experience (that I'm aware of) is not really in a position to say "we're doing better than Marussia and Caterham". It doesn't come across perhaps as he intended (true though it may be). As I said above it's nowhere near as bad as Craig Pollock, that's just what it sort of reminded me of. And as tBone said, his talk of being an American team is a little bit annoying (although he doesn't take it to Don Pentecost levels, at least).

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 13:37
by Salamander
tBone wrote:For me, it probably has a lot to do with Haas being an American team that is going to do it all differently and better. At least, that's kind of what they say.

Simtek wrote:I just feel that Haas, who has no previous F1 experience (that I'm aware of) is not really in a position to say "we're doing better than Marussia and Caterham". It doesn't come across perhaps as he intended (true though it may be). As I said above it's nowhere near as bad as Craig Pollock, that's just what it sort of reminded me of. And as tBone said, his talk of being an American team is a little bit annoying (although he doesn't take it to Don Pentecost levels, at least).

Well, what else do you expect Haas to say? That they're going to go bankrupt within 5 years like Caterham, Marussia and HRT did? Hell, he didn't even say that they're doing better right now, just that he doesn't think their model was at all feasible, and that if Haas F1 was successful, then maybe that would be a good model for future new teams. In terms of performance, their goals for the first few seasons are just to survive.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 14:12
by tBone
Salamander wrote:Well, what else do you expect Haas to say? That they're going to go bankrupt within 5 years like Caterham, Marussia and HRT did? Hell, he didn't even say that they're doing better right now, just that he doesn't think their model was at all feasible, and that if Haas F1 was successful, then maybe that would be a good model for future new teams. In terms of performance, their goals for the first few seasons are just to survive.

He does kind of say that they're doing better:
GPUpdate wrote:Haas says he no longer expects F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone to allow start-up teams, and is confident that his approach will yield better results.

Nevertheless, I really hope they will be competitive. Formula 1 needs another competitive team, after all. But I can't help but feel their attitude is not completely right.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 17:43
by f1andrea
Haas is pushing for customer car, maybe he has understood how F1 is can tell he will be better than Marussia or Caterham?

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 19:47
by AndreaModa
What's so different about Haas' model compared to that of Marussia, and especially Caterham? The latter also had a wealthy backer behind who at the start at least was 100% committed to making the team successful. Both later agreed significant technical partnerships with bigger teams (Red Bull in the case of Caterham, and McLaren in the case of Marussia). And neither tried to make a team operate out of two separate locations on the other side of the world.

Whilst Haas may have taken a look at the finances of both teams before they went under with a view to maybe taking over (fully or partially) I don't think he's in the best position to judge whether or not his method of running a team will be more successful or not. Better to wait five years and make a judgement then. Of course he's hardly going to say he'll end up the same way those teams ended up, but equally, there's no need to make claims when at this stage there is virtually no evidence to back those claims up.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 20:07
by Salamander
AndreaModa wrote:What's so different about Haas' model compared to that of Marussia, and especially Caterham? The latter also had a wealthy backer behind who at the start at least was 100% committed to making the team successful. Both later agreed significant technical partnerships with bigger teams (Red Bull in the case of Caterham, and McLaren in the case of Marussia). And neither tried to make a team operate out of two separate locations on the other side of the world.

I think the thing everyone here is forgetting is, as I said earlier, that Caterham, Marussia, and HRT's entire plan revolved around the budget cap which was promised to them by Max Mosley. Their budgets never really rose much above £30-40 million. They also had to start out using the Cosworth engine and Xtrac gearboxes, neither of which was very good. Obviously money is only one part of the equation, but it's better to have it than not. Caterham and Marussia indeed went on to forge technical partnerships, but those were afterthoughts, whereas Haas is coming in with the intention of using Ferrari drivetrains. As for the two bases, as far as I've heard, it's just research and development that's going on in America, while cars will be built and prepared in the UK.

Yeah, maybe it's a little much to be saying you're doing it better when Caterham, Marussia and HRT were forced down their path, but it's better to hear something than nothing, and it's better to be needlessly bullish than needlessly negative.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 10:29
by Klon
AndreaModa wrote:What's so different about Haas' model compared to that of Marussia, and especially Caterham? The latter also had a wealthy backer behind who at the start at least was 100% committed to making the team successful. Both later agreed significant technical partnerships with bigger teams (Red Bull in the case of Caterham, and McLaren in the case of Marussia). And neither tried to make a team operate out of two separate locations on the other side of the world.

Haas' method is 'MURRICAN! His FREEDUMBS ensure he and his team will fare better than the DAMN COMMIES! BATHPLUG YEAH!

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 15:31
by dinizintheoven
Donald J. Pentecost III, Jr. wrote:Now look here, y'all little varmints. Gene Haas is a goddamn FAKE! Y'all know he ain't doin' this THE 'MURICAN WAY! Not drivin' his own car like a TRUE 'MURICAN like ME! Buyin' a factory in limey-land that belonged to some GODDAMN COMMIES IN ROOSKIE-LAND! I say we oughta take away his passp... posp... (Myrtle? What d'y'all call that little book what lets us leave our glorious country and lets us go an' laugh at those poor commies in Yurop...) passport! (Why y'all need one o' those is beyond me, I tell yuh.) Gene Haas y'all are a TRAITOR an' a COMMIE! Build y'all's factory in 'MURICA like a TRUE 'MURICAN! And build y'all's car outta 'MURICAN STEEL from... Pittsburgh? Goddamn northern unionists. And get y'allself a TRUE 'MURICAN ENGINE, the rootin'est, tootin'est pushrod V8 from DETROIT! Oh, wait, that's full o' unionists as well. Goddamn it. Hey, y'all, great idea! God damn it! Dear Lord, please can y'all send one o' those vole-canoes to Pittsburgh an' Detroit, like y'all did from Icy-land that made those commies in Yurop all cry like little girls an' have to stay in their own goddamn countries an' act like TRUE 'MURICANS. And y'all can use y'all's divine power to make them move their factories to somewhere TRULY 'MURICAN like, say, SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA where we don't want no immuh-grints. Ayyyyyyyyyy-men. Yeeeeeeeeee-haaaaaaaaw! Let's see how y'all like THAT, Gene Haas! With THE LORD ON MUH SIDE I will BEAT YO' ASS and I, DON PENTECOST, WILL BE THE OLDEST CHAMPEEN EVER OF FORMULA ONE, A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF THE FORMULA ONE CORPORATION OF 'MURICUH SPONSORED BY DON'S SCOTTSDALE MINISTRY, A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF... UH... GOD! I will crush y'all, Gene Haas, I will crush all the other goddamn commie teams from Yurop, and I will open the biggest can o' whoopass on Formula One Rejects, a registered trademark o' the Formula One Rejects corporation o' Scotchland, or New Seal-land, or wherever those assholes come from that isn't 'Muricuh. God bless 'Muricuh, y'all! Ooooooooh saaaaaaay can you seeeeeeee, that the gun in muuuuuuuh haaaaaand...

And so on and so forth. Don ranted away to nobody in particular for over an hour about Gene Haas, about commies, about his One True Clean Energy Solution, about our strange corner of the internet, about the American Civil War and about how all unionists are wet lettuces, and a bit about commies again, plus a few unrepeatable slurs about Japan once he'd discovered what it was, where it was and what had happened to them in 1945. He was still looking for Australia on a map, convinced it was somewhere in commie-Nazi Yurop-land, when the nurses came to give him his medication and take him back to his cell, with all the heavily padded rubber wallpaper and a lock on the door so complex that Fort Knox have considered fitting it themselves.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 14:07
by Bobby Doorknobs
Haas seem to be making good progress, they already have a scale model of their 2016 design, which is being tested in Ferrari's windtunnel: ... -underway/

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 17:39
by RLeb
Sounds like they have their stuff in order, unlike USF1. Good to hear. We might actually see an american F1 team after all! :D

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 13:15
by golic_2004

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 14:16
by Bobby Doorknobs
Haas said he would like his cars to stand out when they hit the grid.

"We would love to have a car in line with the company's image," said Haas, whose corporate logo is actually red and silver.

"But it needs to be good, too, because all these cars in silver or grey appear almost identical to each other.

"I would like a colour that makes us distinguishable," said the Californian. "I do like yellow."

Take note, Ron Dennis...

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 15:47
by Wallio
Simtek wrote:
Haas said he would like his cars to stand out when they hit the grid.

"We would love to have a car in line with the company's image," said Haas, whose corporate logo is actually red and silver.

"But it needs to be good, too, because all these cars in silver or grey appear almost identical to each other.

"I would like a colour that makes us distinguishable," said the Californian. "I do like yellow."

Take note, Ron Dennis...

Is American racing white/blue too damned much to ask?

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 16:57
by dinizintheoven
golic_2004 wrote:

Can you say "Jordan"?

No. I can't. Forza Coloni!


Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 17:00
by Nessafox
golic_2004 wrote:

Can you say "Jordan"?

Yellow... Ferrari ties... does that remind you of something? Why yes, it's the Ecurie Nationale Belge!

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 17:11
by dr-baker
dinizintheoven wrote:
golic_2004 wrote:

Can you say "Jordan"?

No. I can't. Forza Coloni!


Neither can I. Forza Forti Corse!


Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 17:15
by CoopsII
I wonder if the yellow is being mooted because Haas has ( :roll: ) a title sponsor in mind already?

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 17:29
by tommykl
dr-baker wrote:
dinizintheoven wrote:
golic_2004 wrote:

Can you say "Jordan"?

No. I can't. Forza Coloni!


Neither can I. Forza Forti Corse!


Screw all you guys. Forza Merzario!

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 17:54
by DemocalypseNow

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 18:38
by Wallio

I would be ok with that, actually.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 18:46
by Backmarker
What could be more American?


Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 21:39
by TheFlyingCaterham

That livery reminds me a lot about Jeff Gorvette from Cars 2 :P

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 23:06
by tBone
tommykl wrote:Can you say "Jordan"?
No. I can't. Forza Coloni!

Neither can I. Forza Forti Corse!


Screw all you guys. Forza Merzario!

Whatever. ATS vor! (I know, strictly not a reject team, but lots of reject drivers anyway)

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 23:27
by AndreaModa
I don't know what you guys are on about. Copersucar is the only way!


Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 23:32
by Bobby Doorknobs
Ecurie Belge - Johnny Claes - 'nuff said.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 01:12
by Nessafox
We sure love our rejects, nobody has mentioned the camel-sponsored Loti and Benettons and the original Renaults! Who cares about them anyway?

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 02:01
by Bobby Doorknobs
One more before bed: The Minardi M02, as driven by Gastón Mazzacane.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 02:25
by Dj_bereta
Simtek wrote:One more before bed: The Minardi M02, as driven by Gastón Mazzacane.

But lime green isn't yellow.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 03:45
by UncreativeUsername37
Dj_bereta wrote:
Simtek wrote:One more before bed: The Minardi M02, as driven by Gastón Mazzacane.

But lime green isn't yellow.

It's not lime green, it's neon vest green-yellow.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 14:29
by wmetcalf7 4

You got me excited for a second there :P

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 14:33
by gnrpoison
We know what is happening with Haas and with a Manor comeback almost there, what is happening with Forza Rossa be nice to have 24 cars for 2016.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 21:30
by mario
gnrpoison wrote:We know what is happening with Haas and with a Manor comeback almost there, what is happening with Forza Rossa be nice to have 24 cars for 2016.

The Forza Rossa bid appears to have more or less vanished, to the point where I've seen some parties wonder if there was anything behind the bid in the first place.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 17:31
by gnrpoison
mario wrote:
gnrpoison wrote:We know what is happening with Haas and with a Manor comeback almost there, what is happening with Forza Rossa be nice to have 24 cars for 2016.

The Forza Rossa bid appears to have more or less vanished, to the point where I've seen some parties wonder if there was anything behind the bid in the first place.

That is a shame, its a pity no one can buy the Caterham remains and try to enter a new team for next season or 2017. Safe to say Forza Rossa will go with USF1, ART and others like Bravo, Middlebridge of what could have been.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 20:26
by Wallio
Gunter Snyder sat down with the NBC boys to talk about Haas F1. The team actually has THREE bases the third being in Italy. Danica seems to be out (thank GOD) but worryingly Snyder said that Ferrari is building 60%-70% of the car! Wth?

Machett claims he has toured the factility in NC and says it's pretty much done.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 22:17
by Ataxia
Wallio wrote:Gunter Snyder sat down with the NBC boys to talk about Haas F1. The team actually has THREE bases the third being in Italy. Danica seems to be out (thank GOD) but worryingly Snyder said that Ferrari is building 60%-70% of the car! Wth?

Machett claims he has toured the factility in NC and says it's pretty much done.

Gunther Steiner, I presume?

Let's break it down; Haas have their design base in Kannapolis, their race base in Banbury and I'm assuming the way you've worded it a holding bay for their car in Italy, since Dallara are doing the chassis and Ferrari are providing a lot of the internals. I don't see why you're aghast at that; Ferrari helping them out means that they'll have a strong idea of what's required to be at the front of the grid long-term, rather than have to guess like the previous new teams have had to (and fall way wide of the mark).

It's a smart way for Haas to do it; no point in trying to do everything yourself from the very beginning. They can analyse each component and work out a way to develop their own with the resource they have back in the US.

Re: Haas planning to enter F1 in 2016

Posted: 08 Jun 2015, 05:54
by mario
Ataxia wrote:
Wallio wrote:Gunter Snyder sat down with the NBC boys to talk about Haas F1. The team actually has THREE bases the third being in Italy. Danica seems to be out (thank GOD) but worryingly Snyder said that Ferrari is building 60%-70% of the car! Wth?

Machett claims he has toured the factility in NC and says it's pretty much done.

Gunther Steiner, I presume?

Let's break it down; Haas have their design base in Kannapolis, their race base in Banbury and I'm assuming the way you've worded it a holding bay for their car in Italy, since Dallara are doing the chassis and Ferrari are providing a lot of the internals. I don't see why you're aghast at that; Ferrari helping them out means that they'll have a strong idea of what's required to be at the front of the grid long-term, rather than have to guess like the previous new teams have had to (and fall way wide of the mark).

It's a smart way for Haas to do it; no point in trying to do everything yourself from the very beginning. They can analyse each component and work out a way to develop their own with the resource they have back in the US.

I would guess that the reason why some are a little concerned is that the extent of Ferrari's influence on the car sound to be higher than originally expected - it now sounds as if Dallara are just constructing the chassis, with most of the wind tunnel testing and development work being carried out by Ferrari rather than Dallara (hence the recent inspection by the FIA after concerns that they might be using Haas's development program to surreptitiously check parts for their car as well).

Whilst it is true that it should help Haas be more competitive, at the same time the fact that Haas is buying so much "off the shelf" from Ferrari does make it sound as if the team is skirting close to the limits on customer cars.