Google Navigation Challenge III: from Cape to Cape

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Re: Google Navigation Challenge III: from Cape to Cape

Post by Nessafox »

A bit of confusion at the finish line today. Nuppiz did an extra detour, but then an extra detour upon that detour, which mean she took longer than DigitDan, but Digitdan was not within the time limit... so Nuppiz remains second and Digitdan has got the bronze medal!

Amin is very likely to be 4th, but places 5 to 8 are still anyone's guess at this point. Well it's not gonna be Klon, that we know for sure. ... 513824&z=4


Lowest mileage

3042 Rob Dylan (DNF)
4827 Kinnikuniverse (DNF)
5145 Ducktanian (DNF)
6786 pasta_maldonado (DNF)
8201 Loadsamoney (DNF)
9396 Frogfoot9013 (DNF)
11333 Shadaza (DNF)
15886 NickyDustyOwl
17257 Nessafox
17720 Girry
17755 TommyKl
18252 Klon
18492 DigitDan7
18526 Pinkd56
18891 Forti
19136 Nuppiz
19905 Aislabie

NickyDustyOwl is now the favourite to win this. With only admin really a threat.

Most Countries

41 Aislabie
36 Klon
29 Pinkd56
27 TommyKl
26 Forti
23 Nuppiz
22 Girry
18 DigitDan7
18 NickyDustyOwl
15 Nessafox
14 Frogfoot9013 (DNF)
9 Shadaza (DNF)
8 Loadsamoney (DNF)
6 pasta_maldonado (DNF)
5 Kinnikuniverse (DNF)
5 Ducktanian (DNF)
3 Rob Dylan (DNF)

Aislabie has still added a few countries, but today was a big day for Klon. Will it be enough or not, that is the question? PinkD is very likely for bronze here.

Stage points

25 Forti 1020
18 Pinkd56 955
15 NickyDustyOwl 889
12 Nessafox 858
10 Klon 789
8 Nuppiz 675
6 Aislabie 648
4 DigitDan7 484
2 Girry 300
1 TommyKl F

Another win for Forti, way too late, but a win is a win in the statistics.

297 Aislabie
266 Nuppiz
255 DigitDan7
253 TommyKl
253 Forti
220 Girry
219 Pinkd56
205 Klon
205 NickyDustyOwl
180 Nessafox
155 Shadaza (DNF)
121 Loadsamoney (DNF)
120 Ducktanian (DNF)
73 Frogfoot9013 (DNF)
42 pasta_maldonado (DNF)
33 Kinnikuniverse (DNF)
32 Rob Dylan (DNF)

Aislabie might not be a big fan of the format, nevertheless he's still likely to win it.

1 TommyKl
2 Nuppiz
3 Digitdan7

Daily Random Object
1 It's Nessafox!
How even???


Country RNG's


Weather (% rain) 2%
chance of something going wrong
regular ukraine: up to 50%
36, some damage is to be expected
warzone: up to 100%
94, why would you even go there?

Weather (% rain) 1¨%

chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Weather (% rain) 3%

chance of something going wrong up to 5%


Weather (% rain) 1%

chance of something going wrong up to 5%


Weather (% rain) 2%

chance of something going wrong up to 10% (but...)

Weather (% rain) 20%

chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Weather (% rain) 2%
chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Weather (% rain) 2%

chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Weather (% rain) 2%
1, barely noticeable

chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Weather (% rain) 2%
chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Weather (% rain) 2%

chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Sint Petersburg 68%
27, lose half an hour
Kaliningrad 17%

chance of something going wrong up to 20%

Weather (% rain) 11%
7, you lose 5 minutes

chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Weather (% rain) 8%

chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Weather (% rain) 3%

chance of something going wrong up to 5%

Leg 30 is open now, deadline friday 6th september 2024 23:59 GMT+1
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Re: Google Navigation Challenge III: from Cape to Cape

Post by Nessafox »

So where do i get a Rhino? I stopped in a few supermarkets, a few museums even. Couldn't find anything, but got this can of Rhino's as a backup. Finally found a Sami craftshop and asked if they have it. They didn't, but for a decent enough amount of money they'd make it for me. Well fine, i spent the last bit of money i had with me on a crafted wooden rhino, but due to time limits, it didn't look great, you can tell it has horns, though. ... FQAw%3D%3D

Anyway i made it to Nordkapp, somewhat surprised only 3 participants have reached the goal before me, good to see some familiar faces again. Now with 3 participants, that does make 7 people, and some of them were colourful so we had a good drink and a campfire. Make that 9 once i opened up the trunk to release the sound-and-cameraguy of his duties.
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#09: Day 30

Post by Klon »


Time stamp: 2024-09-07 18:28:24
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Re: Google Navigation Challenge III: from Cape to Cape

Post by Aislabie »

PREVIOUSLY: DAY ZERO (Image) | DAY ONE (Image, 1) | DAY TWO (Image Image, 2) | DAY THREE (Image Image, 3) | DAY FOUR (Image) | DAY FIVE (Image)
DAY SIX (Image Image Image, 5) | DAY SEVEN (Image) | DAY EIGHT (Image Image, 6) | DAY NINE (Image Image, 7) | DAY TEN (Image Image, 8) | DAY ELEVEN (Image Image, 9)
DAY TWELVE (Image Image, 10) | DAY THIRTEEN (Image Image Image, 12) | DAY FOURTEEN (Image Image, 13) | DAY FIFTEEN (Image) | DAY SIXTEEN (Image Image Image, 15)
DAY SEVENTEEN (Image Image, 16) | DAY EIGHTEEN (Image Image, 17) | DAY NINETEEN (Image Image Image, 19) | DAY TWENTY (Image Image, 20)
DAY TWENTY-ONE (Image Image, 21) | DAY TWENTY-TWO (Image Image, 22) | DAY TWENTY-THREE (Image Image Image, 24) | DAY TWENTY-FOUR (Image)
DAY TWENTY-FIVE (Image Image Image Image Image, 28) | DAY TWENTY-SIX (Image Image Image Image Image, 32) | DAY TWENTY-SEVEN (Image Image Image Image, 35)
DAY TWENTY-EIGHT (Image Image Image Image, 38) | DAY TWENTY-NINE ( Image Image Image Image, 41)

Day Thirty (Image Image, 42)

Here is Peter and Hanse's route today:

Peter and Hanse are pretty done, and cba to even add extra kilometres in their spare half-hour.
(Travel time 9 hr 24)
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Re: Google Navigation Challenge III: from Cape to Cape

Post by Nessafox »

I'm going to give myself another break from running this since i have trouble keeping up. It won't be too long. Expect more action late september or early october for the final legs.
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Re: Google Navigation Challenge III: from Cape to Cape

Post by Nessafox »

Update, the surgery has made moving and typing a bit difficult, i think a bunch of people still need their current route and then wednesday you can put in your new legs, i will not do any rng's this time because of the physical reasons.
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