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Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 11 Oct 2009, 14:16
by AllTorque
1. Eric van de Poele
2. Perry McCarthy
3. Jean-Denis Deletraz
4. Alex Yoong
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 11 Oct 2009, 16:58
by RejectSteve
kostas22 wrote:Alas, the corrupt race director (i.e. Me) fixed qualifying so Deletraz would start on pole, with Inoue behind, McCarthy "3rd" (though we all know he won't make the start anyway) and van de Poele last
You didn't fix it at all; its clear as day that you just reversed the grid like the Porsche Supercup used to do when they reversed a randomly selected number of drivers each weekend.
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 16:21
by AutoRacer5
In true keeping with Rejectdom, shouldn't it be that the losers of the opening races go head-to head, and the loser of that final race be deemed the winner of the HWNSNBM cup?
1. Delatraz
2. Inoue
3. Van de Poele
4. Yoong
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 20:37
by DemocalypseNow
AutoRacer5 wrote:In true keeping with Rejectdom, shouldn't it be that the losers of the opening races go head-to head, and the loser of that final race be deemed the winner of the HWNSNBM cup?
By that logic, McCarthy would win every HWNSNBM Cup, as his car wouldn't even make the start, thus his opponent wins by default for simply turning up.
But, of course, if he was not present, Deletraz would obviously be the winner. Unless Inoue was too busy being hit my the medical car.
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 22:31
by SuperAguri
I know F1 Rejects is a dictatorship (as Jamie and Enoch have said so) but I was amazed that the Micheal Schumacher of rejects, Luca Badoer is not on the list. Surely this is a just an oversight? Also why isn't Andrea Montermini, Gregor Foitek, Giovanni Lavaggi or Pedro Chaves not on the list? I personally would have liked to have choosen my rejects from the entire list...
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 10:04
by Kuwashima
AutoRacer5 wrote:In true keeping with Rejectdom, shouldn't it be that the losers of the opening races go head-to head, and the loser of that final race be deemed the winner of the HWNSNBM cup?
Ooohhh. Good point. I will have to discuss this with eytl!!!
SuperAguri wrote:I personally would have liked to have choosen my rejects from the entire list...
I know... I feel for you. But we weren't sure how many people would bother voting (bit silly if we got 10 people voting for 30 different people), and we just thought open slather would be too much of a "who's my favourite reject" thing. We can do that later. Now, we're just thinning the herd from a pre-determined herd!
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 13:30
by SuperAguri
1 - Taki Inoue
2 - Perry McCarthy
3 - Eric van de Poele
4 - Masami Kuwashima
I think it would be disrepectful to have the loser winning, however I think you should have the Badoer spoon cup for the loser (maybe have the two losing semi finalists going for 3rd....).
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 23:13
by Snoozey2
Long live the F1Rejects Dictatorship!
To our Fearless Leaders i submit:
1. Inoue - for his starring role in (imho) the most "F1Reject"-like accident in F1 history
2. Kuwashima - for Jamie's sake
3. McCarthy - yes, i have read the book, and that in itself is worth a place on the starting grid
4. Yoong - the "inner Malaysian" in me is crying out for a spot!
PS: be sure to take photos - that would be the ultimate highlight!

Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 23:20
by R Rosset
1. Perry McCarthy
2. Alex Yoong
3. Jean-Denis Deletraz
4. Taki Inoue
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 19 Oct 2009, 17:57
by LukeB
1. Yoong
2. McCarthy
3. Deletraz
4. Inoue
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 08:56
by TomWazzleshaw
Snoozey2 wrote:PS: be sure to take photos - that would be the ultimate highlight!

Hey that just reminded me to upload all the pics me and my brother took at Bathurst the other week... but I can't do it now... went over the internet data allowance again and the speed cap is killing me
So... when will we get ze results?
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 16:06
by thehemogoblin
Wizzie wrote:Snoozey2 wrote:PS: be sure to take photos - that would be the ultimate highlight!

Hey that just reminded me to upload all the pics me and my brother took at Bathurst the other week... but I can't do it now... went over the internet data allowance again and the speed cap is killing me
So... when will we get ze results?
I love America, where you don't have that...
Re: "Race of Rejects": The HWNSNBM Cup
Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 04:35
by captainhappy
A string of double digit off of pole qualifying times!!!! Cool . . .. eh?
1. Alan Berg
2. Alan Berg
3. Alan Berg
4. Alan Berg