During the downtime some members discussed the possibility of restructuring the format of GPR canon to adapt to the gradual changes that have occurred in the ASMF.
With Alt F1 now firmly rooted in the canon, it seems a little unusual for a top flight series to not have a feeder. At the same time, AutoReject is beginning to reach a point of saturation, containing more than half of all major series in canon on its own.
The proposal focuses on the clear establishment of three rival paths and franchises - FOM/FIA's F1/2/3, AutoReject's World Series/3.5/2.0, and a newly created franchise,
Velocity, which will serve the American market.
An illustration of the proposed changes is viewable
here. Hopefully this is pretty self-explanatory.
Of course, with such a reshuffle, we would need to build in the possibility of teams trading their series entries to allow those who wish to focus on just one or two of these ladders who might currently have one team at one different level of each ladder were the switch to go ahead.
One small issue at the moment is there is no-one to run the F3 series full time. Three people have agreed to run the series for 2018 in theory, splitting the responsibilities between them, but to be sustainable another member would need to come along and run the show in the forseeable future.
But in terms of the basic premise, what are the thoughts of the PMMF? Is this a step too far? Is it necessary? Is the proposal great as it is? Does it need some adjustment? Post your feedback and vote in the poll so we can take an accurate headcount.