Well we had a good night sleep, the sunset was absolutely stunning, and the farm environment was a welcome change from.... the countryside we usually live in. But something about the mentality here is just a lot more relaxing. As we got in touch with the competitors, we heared some have had a bit of trouble with local hooligans. Quite unfortunate, but it seems they've all been able to navigate their way around it.
There seem to still have been 2 main tactics, a lot of guys went north directly trough Namibia. At first glance, they made quite a lot of progress. A different group was staying fairly close to the Botswanese border. Stopping right before the border as the weather was a bit rough over there.
A very small group also decided to stop in Lesotho to the confusion of the Lesothan people why a vegan oil powered Mercedes with a suspiciously tall German (they can recognise a German easily) was passing there, but seem to leave almost immediatly.
The monstertruck is still hugging the eastcoast, it's yet unclear if this will be a good strategy or not. They seem to have planned to visit a few historic racing related places along the way, which is certainly interesting. I don't think there's gonna be much historic circuits once they leave South-Africa though.
It also seems that Nickydustyowls route trough the middle wasa bit misguided as it would have required him to cross the Kalahari Desert. He decide he didn't want to die yet and joined the others in Namibia, quite a way behind though.
Not much of note about my own route, i'm just playing chase here, with so far very little opportunity to really close up.
When i took a look at the hotels, i noticed some people were staying at quite unethical places, i hope they don't get into trouble with some post-woke mob later in Europe.
Some of the participants managed to not arrive on time, getting some penalties, here's the list:
Girry: 20 mins overtime: 100 mins less to drive.
Pasta: 20 mins overtime: 100 mins less to drive.
Shadaza: 4 mins overtime: 20 mins less to drive
When it comes to least distance covered overall, that's obviously still my own entry as i'm a day behind. The participants have done 878 km on average today which is quite a lot.
With the amount of countries crossed, not a lot as changed, some have added Namibia to their list, some have added Lesotho to their list, and some are still inside of South-Africa
In the points, Girry is smashing everyone today, but not without getting penalties for it tomorrow. A similar story with second placed Shadaza.
Surpringly, old veteran TommyKl scores no points today because of the setback he got. The consistency of Aislabie, getting third again is also quite interesting.
25 Girry
18 Shadaza
15 Aislabie
12 Pinkd56
10 DigitDan7
8 Kinnikuniverse
6 Rob Dylan
4 pasta_maldonado
2 Nessafox
1 Nuppiz
These are today's points, overall it looks like this.
37 Girry
31 Rob Dylan
30 Aislabie
28 Shadaza
18 TommyKl
18 DigitDan7
12 Pinkd56
8 Kinnikuniverse
6 Loadsamoney
5 Nuppiz
4 pasta_maldonado
2 Nessafox
2 Frogfoot9013
1 Forti
0 Klon
0 NickyDustyOwl
In the overal rankings we see Girry take the top spot, but old Nige seems to hang on quite well. Klon and NickyDustyowl have yet to score points.
Some rng's for tomorrow:
South Africa
Weather (% rain)
100% west , no rng needed, also, what are you still doing on the westcoast
90% east
36, you won't lose more than half an hour
TommyKl, Nuppiz and Pasta Maldondo will only lose 5 mins if they go directly into Botswana.
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
9, the robbers got what they wanted, you'll be left alone today.
Weather (% rain) 90%, possibly thunderstorms
23, minor rain, you'll lose max. 30 mins
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
39 Locals look at you with confusion, but feel no need to harass you.
Weather (% rain) 90%
19, Manages to copy Lesotho again
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
24, Everything Lesotho does, Eswatini does
Weather (% rain) 0% no rng needed
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
34 everything chill under the sun
Weather (% rain) 90%, possibly thunderstorms
99% Threatening clouds, but you escape without delay
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
27, people are less threatening
Weather (% rain) 10%
81, it's suspiciously dry in Zimbabwe these days.
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
36, the locals think finding water is a bigger priority
Weather (% rain) 70%
88, cloudy sky, but dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 10-20%
40 Not today
Weather (% rain) 20%, more than 30°C
88, dry, and fairly hot to westerners standards, stop at least 2 time to buy additional drinks.
Political unrest (% of something happening) 5-10% general, 20-50% in Cabinda
72 general, 71 in Cabinda you'll be fine, to your own surprise.
Weather (% rain) 20%
56, perfect driving weather.
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
53 perfect athmosphere too
Weather (% rain) 20%
45 Malawi isn't going to ruin your day either.
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
Unless? 72.. nah
Weather (% rain) 40%
57, dry
Political unrest (% of something happening) 0-5%
21%, safe, also why are you even here?
Random object generator: chicken
Rng result: 9
@Klon has to find Chicken in some shape or form.
@ Loadsamoney monster truck rng for damage
Chance of hitting something rng: 9%
Rng results: 66, is lucky again
@Pastamaldonado leave bus rng for getting stuck somewhere
Chance of getting stuck rng 6%
Rng results 8, You're pushing your luck buddy, but you make it.
Rng of time lost: n/a
Rng chance of attraction unwanted attention: 65%
51 Boris Johnsson follows you on X, you get constantly bothered by really, really, weird questions , takes you half an hour to find the mute button.
Leg 3 is open now, you have until saturday 13th of april, 23:59 GMT+1 Brussels Time to complete your route.