This wrote:Apperently Frijns wasn't permitted to restart 'because he had a flat tire' (he never got an explanation for it, despite having a perfectly running car), so it looks like the rules have been applied very randomly.
What a joke. Either everyone should be allowed to have their car repaired (if possible) or no one.
On a more positive note, it was nice to see everyone restart in the running order right before the crash, rather than based on the original grid. It's sort of unfair that in F1 one can have a brilliant start but lose all gained positions due to a red flag. Still there are a few things that I found confusing. Canamasas was pushed into the pit lane after he stalled on the grid and was counted as being one lap down after the restart.

I would also have made the repaired cars start from the pit lane (if only to reward those who managed to avoid the pileup). Even in this case, they would have been lucky enough to be able to continue.
While I guess I was wrong about Cecotto not being at fault, I think the penalty is too harsh for this incident. Cecotto just made a mistake and everyone but Leimer could have had a chance of avoiding him. It was Palmer spinning that actually caused the pileup. Cecotto's antics in the other races are a good excuse for the ban, though.