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Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 23:33
by HawkAussie
Why don't you want polls

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 23:45
by RealRacingRoots
HawkAussie wrote:Why don't you want polls

Because you don't feel like updating the GTR Points tables.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 26 Nov 2013, 22:43
by V8fan12
I would like permission to edit the wiki please.


Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 27 Nov 2013, 02:32
by Aerospeed
V8fan12 wrote:I would like permission to edit the wiki please.


Done. Happy editing :)

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 04:53
by RealRacingRoots
V8fan12, you should calm your tits with the constant editing of your driver organisation's wiki page.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 04:54
by TomWazzleshaw
RealRacingRoots wrote:V8fan12, you should calm your tits with the constant editing of your driver organisation's wiki page.

Yeah, being irritating with the wiki edit button's my job. I need to make myself feel important somehow :P

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 09:05
by Nuppiz
Wizzie wrote:
RealRacingRoots wrote:V8fan12, you should calm your tits with the constant editing of your driver organisation's wiki page.

Yeah, being irritating with the wiki edit button's my job. I need to make myself feel important somehow :P

Indeed, the Preview button is there for a reason. Although it didn't stop me from messing about on the 2016 IFRC page last night! :lol:

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 19 Dec 2013, 23:34
by HawkAussie

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 19 Dec 2013, 23:44
by pasta_maldonado

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 20 Dec 2013, 00:42
by HawkAussie
pasta_maldonado wrote:

The alternate championships aren't really needed, no. But Shadaza's cycling is a canon series and so deserves it's place on the wiki (it would if it was non-canon, too)

But it still has its own wiki

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 20 Dec 2013, 00:57
by Salamander
HawkAussie wrote:
pasta_maldonado wrote:

The alternate championships aren't really needed, no. But Shadaza's cycling is a canon series and so deserves it's place on the wiki (it would if it was non-canon, too)

But it still has its own wiki

Which is totally unnecessary.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 20 Dec 2013, 16:12
by Aerospeed
Who knew Shadaza's cycling series had its own wiki? This is news to me.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 20 Dec 2013, 16:47
by Salamander
Aerospeed wrote:Who knew Shadaza's cycling series had its own wiki? This is news to me.

As it was to me.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 05:59
by kevinbotz
I'd like to request permission to edit the wiki. My username on the wiki is Kevinbotz.

Thanks in advance. :)

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 15:13
by Aerospeed
kevinbotz wrote:I'd like to request permission to edit the wiki. My username on the wiki is Kevinbotz.

Thanks in advance. :)

Done :)

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 08 Jan 2014, 02:41
by Hound55
I need permission to edit the wiki. My username there is also Hound55

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 08 Jan 2014, 03:18
by Aerospeed
Both Kevin and Hound have since been invited. :)

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 08 Jan 2014, 21:19
by andrew
Aerospeed wrote:Both Kevin and Hound have since been invited. :)

Can I have permission please, my username is AndrewF1R

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 08 Jan 2014, 21:27
by Peteroli34
Would it be possible to have permission to edit the wiki. I have the same username. Thank You

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 04:01
by Aerospeed
Both of you are now invited. :)

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 04:01
by go_Rubens
May I also have permission to edit the Wiki? My username is not exact to mine here, it's Go Rubens. I don't know why it gave me a username as in first and last name (which it most certainly isn't) but I'm just not a techie genius :lol:

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 22:49
by HawkAussie
We are on 999 pages at the moment, what page will be it's 1,000th

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 11 Jan 2014, 07:00
by HawkAussie

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 27 Jan 2014, 03:46
by AustralianStig

What is this I don't even.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 27 Jan 2014, 04:04
by UncreativeUsername37

What is this I don't even.

You mean the skin change and the tables, right? If so, I don't know either.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 27 Jan 2014, 04:10
by TomWazzleshaw
In order to change it back to the old one, you need to go to Preferences > Appearence, and then choose the Vector layout. :)

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 27 Jan 2014, 04:37
by AustralianStig
Wizzie wrote:In order to change it back to the old one, you need to go to Preferences > Appearence, and then choose the Vector layout. :)

Hooray thank you! Normality is restored :D

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 05:37
by HawkAussie

What is this I don't even.

Having a look at the first time with the new format, Complete craziness.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 13:26
by DemocalypseNow
Aerospeed, you gotta do your job as wiki admin, or give the admin rights to somebody else. It's likely possible to switch the default for all users back to either Monobook or Vector and revert this whole mess.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 21:25
by Aerospeed
Biscione wrote:Aerospeed, you gotta do your job as wiki admin, or give the admin rights to somebody else. It's likely possible to switch the default for all users back to either Monobook or Vector and revert this whole mess.

I've sent an SOS to the ShoutWiki support team. I don't know why they won't let Stewards change the skin for everyone. :?

I think it should be all good now.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 02 Feb 2014, 14:30
by Collieafc
Could I please have permission to create an entry for the F1 Management series I am doing? My username is the same as here

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 22:30
by RonDenisDeletraz
Just realised something, Autodynamics is still listed on the wiki as "Red Bull Autodynamics GP". Red Bull is no longer the main sponsor of Autodynamics, they were replaced by BOC at the start of 2016. So could somebody please update this for 2016 and 2017.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 21:50
by CaptainGetz12
A small error:

There is no pre 1990s European Union flag to symbolize European GPs (such as in Pi's 1980 F1 season)

Can someone please place the flag into the wiki's image database?

here is a sample flag:


Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 19 Feb 2014, 01:22
by Aerospeed
I believe European GPs just have the flag of the country the track is in.

Eg. Donington Park is obviously British

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 20 Feb 2014, 14:05
by Klon
Well, I don't think we need to adjust that. Even if the EU flag wasn't in use during earlier years, it is the most effective way of designating something European. I mean, tommykl's F1 pages use the GDR flag, even though that was not established until 1959, simply because the real flag would cause a giant mess.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 20 Feb 2014, 14:06
by pasta_maldonado
Klon wrote:Well, I don't think we need to adjust that. Even if the EU flag wasn't in use during earlier years, it is the most effective way of designating something European. I mean, tommykl's F1 pages use the GDR flag, even though that was not established until 1959, simply because the real flag would cause a giant mess.

Being an alternate universe, we can simply say that the current European Union flag has been the flag of the EU all along, seen as that other one is hideous.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 20 Feb 2014, 14:28
by pi314159
pasta_maldonado wrote:
Klon wrote:Well, I don't think we need to adjust that. Even if the EU flag wasn't in use during earlier years, it is the most effective way of designating something European. I mean, tommykl's F1 pages use the GDR flag, even though that was not established until 1959, simply because the real flag would cause a giant mess.

Being an alternate universe, we can simply say that the current European Union flag has been the flag of the EU all along, seen as that other one is hideous.

Despite being officially adopted by the EC only in 1985, the flag has been around since 1955, as the flag of the Council of Europe. So it wouldn't be a problem to use it for European GPs in historic series before 1985.

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 18:57
by AndreaModa

I recently updated the F1RWRS teams stats page, and I'm now thinking of doing the drivers page too. Judging by the number of edits to the page and it's general current state, shall I assume the idea of putting the number of tests next to each driver was a waste of time and should I remove the column entirely? I'm inclined to do so because it's obviously not been used and with space limited in the table, it could be put to better use for other things. I just wanted to check with any interested parties before I do so to not tread on any toes.

Secondly, mainly for the attention of RonDenisDeletraz, I have overhauled the Autodynamics team page and given it an infobox, results table and an up-to-date bio. There are a few missing details in the infobox though which would be good to fill in, and also a logo too. Does anyone fancy coming up with something? (I'm thinking of Ataxia, Pasta, Biscione, Nuppiz or one of you chaps handy with a brush tool.) RDD, if you see this, do you mind adding the missing information yourself, or posting it here for someone else to put into the wiki?

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 20:10
by pasta_maldonado
AndreaModa wrote:Folks,

I recently updated the F1RWRS teams stats page, and I'm now thinking of doing the drivers page too. Judging by the number of edits to the page and it's general current state, shall I assume the idea of putting the number of tests next to each driver was a waste of time and should I remove the column entirely? I'm inclined to do so because it's obviously not been used and with space limited in the table, it could be put to better use for other things. I just wanted to check with any interested parties before I do so to not tread on any toes.

Secondly, mainly for the attention of RonDenisDeletraz, I have overhauled the Autodynamics team page and given it an infobox, results table and an up-to-date bio. There are a few missing details in the infobox though which would be good to fill in, and also a logo too. Does anyone fancy coming up with something? (I'm thinking of Ataxia, Pasta, Biscione, Nuppiz or one of you chaps handy with a brush tool.) RDD, if you see this, do you mind adding the missing information yourself, or posting it here for someone else to put into the wiki?

1)That does seem to be the best thing to do. The wiki is not high-traffic enough, unfortunately, for that information to be of any real use anyway. Dr-baker, and other wiki-shy users involved in the PMMF, you may not be a computer or wiki code whizz, but I don't doubt for a second you're not capable of reading a webpage. The wiki is such a vital, important and interesting tool, that having a read really can be beneficial.

2)Ataxia has already put his skills to use in designing a logo, but he has said he's having trouble uploading the image to the wiki for some reason.

---EDIT: Logo has been uploaded, finally.----

Re: Another wiki!

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 20:11
by Ataxia
AndreaModa wrote:Folks,

I recently updated the F1RWRS teams stats page, and I'm now thinking of doing the drivers page too. Judging by the number of edits to the page and it's general current state, shall I assume the idea of putting the number of tests next to each driver was a waste of time and should I remove the column entirely? I'm inclined to do so because it's obviously not been used and with space limited in the table, it could be put to better use for other things. I just wanted to check with any interested parties before I do so to not tread on any toes.

Secondly, mainly for the attention of RonDenisDeletraz, I have overhauled the Autodynamics team page and given it an infobox, results table and an up-to-date bio. There are a few missing details in the infobox though which would be good to fill in, and also a logo too. Does anyone fancy coming up with something? (I'm thinking of Ataxia, Pasta, Biscione, Nuppiz or one of you chaps handy with a brush tool.) RDD, if you see this, do you mind adding the missing information yourself, or posting it here for someone else to put into the wiki?

I've done a logo, but I'm pretty sure Shoutwiki's disabled the "upload file" function.

EDIT: Never mind, it's all working now...