dr-baker wrote:Out of that list, Sims 2 and SimCity 2000 are about the only two games I've heard of...
Sorry, Alianora!
SC2000 is the only one I've actually played, I've heard of Commander Keen (mainly via what you have to do at the end of Doom II's second secret level), and I'd not heard of the others. But still - any woman who plays old games herself, whatever they are, certainly won't mind if I do the same (especially seeing as that's what F1RMGP involves), certainly won't mind me obsessing over a Grand Prix weekend (eh, Eryx?) and might not even be too averse to setting up camp for a few days in a rainy forest in eastern Belgium. That, and "Derbyshire" could mean as little as eight miles from my house, means my offer still stands, although I've got a response planned for the inevitable situation when Alianora finally sees this post and tells me she's happily married with three kids...
[quote="David AGS"]Wolf 3D up there for me, and who can remember its sequel in Spear Of Destiny, which was the same but had weeds growing from ceiling.
Doom, Heretic 3d (where you shoot at devils etc) Descent where you fly in a spaceship in a maze sort of thing. Wing Commander, I can go on and on.[/quote
Hopefully you mean the original Heretic (for those of you who don't know, think Doom with a medieval makeover) rather than the third-person Heretic II. Descent was a game I only ever played a demo of, figuring I'd need a joystick to play it properly, seeing as it was more of a cross between a first-person shooter and a flight simulator.