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Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 19 Oct 2014, 17:23
by Nuppiz
Biscione wrote:It seems logical then to assume the board software isn't up to date and thus vulnerable to these sorts of attacks.

That assumption is correct: we're using phpBB 3.0.11 while the newest version is 3.0.12. I sent an email to Jamie asking for the update to be applied almost a year ago, but so far nothing has happened.

And yes, I'm getting terrible lag as well.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 19 Oct 2014, 17:27
by FMecha
Simtek wrote:I tried opening up a thread and before I knew it I ended up here: ... DM1ZjBkZGE

This page attempts to run something that is based on Java. :|

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 19 Oct 2014, 21:36
by dr-baker
Twice today now, I've been redirected to help dot bnb education services dot com. Otherwise, I am still seeing avatars and stuff. (And still getting the dodgy tabs, but that's an old problem.)

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 19 Oct 2014, 22:54
by Bobby Doorknobs
Now the forum no longer comes up when I google it.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 05:49
by CoopsII
dr-baker wrote:Twice today now, I've been redirected to help dot bnb education services dot com.

Yeah me too.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 06:05
by TheFlyingCaterham
CoopsII wrote:
dr-baker wrote:Twice today now, I've been redirected to help dot bnb education services dot com.

Yeah me too.

Funny. That hasnt happened to me before. Yet.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 07:35
by Shizuka
Ataxia wrote:There might be a wee issue here...look at the bottom left. ... ouston.png

If you've got this far, I assume you've experienced a painfully slow loading time to get through the posts. I don't know what the hell's going on here, but the forum's very ill indeed. Pretty sure it's ebola.

So this is why I got some 403 errors when making the IIDOTR posts? And even now that is seen while I type this post...

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 07:38
by DemocalypseNow

I am sick and tired with the haphazard management of this place. People have been crying out to help and fix things, and our calls have been ignored time and time again, this place being sent into an ever worsening state of decay. The place is becoming dangerous, like a smoker who's been having 20 a day and has now entered their 50s. Their heart might stop being able to pump blood any minute now.

Please, for the love of god Jamie, start addressing our concerns! Please do something! Whether it be fix everything yourself, or hand everything over to a group of us who know what we are doing (and some of us really do...). The website and its forum are rapidly becoming uninhabitable.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 09:19
by DanielPT
Still being annoyingly forwarded to some shady link.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 10:06
by Salamander
Biscione wrote:

I am sick and tired with the haphazard management of this place. People have been crying out to help and fix things, and our calls have been ignored time and time again, this place being sent into an ever worsening state of decay. The place is becoming dangerous, like a smoker who's been having 20 a day and has now entered their 50s. Their heart might stop being able to pump blood any minute now.

Please, for the love of god Jamie, start addressing our concerns! Please do something! Whether it be fix everything yourself, or hand everything over to a group of us who know what we are doing (and some of us really do...). The website and its forum are rapidly becoming uninhabitable.

Ditto for me.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 10:37
by CoopsII
I can't get on here and read or post unless I clear all my browsing history and clean shite out beforehand, otherwise I get nothing but that BNBeducation thing.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 10:44
by dr-baker
I just tried Googling that bnb education thing, and the first result to come back was a Wikipedia article on bed and breakfasts, followed by that website. Hardly legit if that is the case!

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 10:48
by Nuppiz
Every time I open a topic, the malicious code reloads every post through "" (and very slowly to boot, presumably because the malicious domain has very little bandwith at its disposal), so the more posts a topic has the longer it takes to load a page.

So yeah, the situation is getting bad.

And since things can hardly get any worse, I'll reveal this:

Let that sink in.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 10:54
by CoopsII
Nuppiz wrote:And since things can hardly get any worse, I'll reveal this:

To me that looks like there's been a falling out.

I'll take this opportunity to say 'goodbye' now as if thats the case I think we're living in the end of days for the forum. Take care, all.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 11:37
by Ataxia
CoopsII wrote:
Nuppiz wrote:And since things can hardly get any worse, I'll reveal this:

To me that looks like there's been a falling out.

I'll take this opportunity to say 'goodbye' now as if thats the case I think we're living in the end of days for the forum. Take care, all.

Or it's time to build a new ship, since the lower decks are full of bilge rats and questionable cargo...are these pirate metaphors doing any favours?

But yeah, if everyone's willing to up sticks and help with a move to a new land of treasure (okay, I'll stop) then I'm sure that can be arranged.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 11:40
by DemocalypseNow
The domain expires early next year. I fully intend to purchase it myself if it lapses. My only hope is one of us is allowed server-side access to rescue all the content that was on the website before it disappears forever.

F1 Rejects won't die permanently, but, I hope things don't continue in the acrimonious circumstances we are in now.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 11:51
by AndreaModa
Oh dear oh dear! Everything looks like it's on the wayback machine, though having just gone onto the Drivers Index, my work internet security just blocked a trojan, so be careful folks. Would be absolutely tragic to loose the good work that Jamie and Enoch have done over the years.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 11:52
by DanielPT
Nuppiz wrote:And since things can hardly get any worse, I'll reveal this:

That's strange... Kuwashima's last visit to the forum shows that it was only a few hours ago. Except if it counts visits also when a banned user tries to log in.

Regardless, I abstain of jumping into any conclusions without knowing a bit more.

Anyway, the forum keeps going despite his symptoms getting worse.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 11:55
by Nuppiz
DanielPT wrote:
Nuppiz wrote:And since things can hardly get any worse, I'll reveal this:

That's strange... Kuwashima's last visit to the forum shows that it was only a few hours ago. Except if it counts visits also when a banned user tries to log in.

Regardless, I abstain of jumping into any conclusions without knowing a bit more.

Anyway, the forum keeps going despite his symptoms getting worse.

That's because you're reading it wrong. Kuwashima banned eytl (and stripped him from administrative permissions), not the other way around.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 12:01
by CoopsII
Nuppiz wrote:Kuwashima banned eytl (and stripped him from administrative permissions), not the other way around.

It's bloody exciting. It's like an office argument on another floor. I want to know what's gone down, who said what, what's it all about?

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 12:02
by DanielPT
Nuppiz wrote:
DanielPT wrote:That's strange... Kuwashima's last visit to the forum shows that it was only a few hours ago. Except if it counts visits also when a banned user tries to log in.

Regardless, I abstain of jumping into any conclusions without knowing a bit more.

Anyway, the forum keeps going despite his symptoms getting worse.

That's because you're reading it wrong. Kuwashima banned eytl (and stripped him from administrative permissions), not the other way around.

My bad. But it still looks like eytl visited the forum after the banning date, so all my points are still valid.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 18:42
by FMecha
Nuppiz wrote:And since things can hardly get any worse, I'll reveal this:

Let that sink in.

What's that thing you covered up in the second row? IP address? And believe me, the whole issue with Jamie banning Enoch seems to have something to do with the main site. Watch for admin drama and #RejectApocalypse. :|

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 18:53
by CoopsII
FMecha wrote:And believe me, the whole issue with Jamie banning Enoch seems to have something to do with the main site. Watch for admin drama and #RejectApocalypse. :|

Money, religion or sex? My money's on, er, money. Somethings been sold and someone isnt happy about it.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 19:11
by pasta_maldonado
CoopsII wrote:
FMecha wrote:And believe me, the whole issue with Jamie banning Enoch seems to have something to do with the main site. Watch for admin drama and #RejectApocalypse. :|

Money, religion or sex? My money's on, er, money. Somethings been sold and someone isnt happy about it.

Jamie's official Nigel Mansell tache-trimming kit has gone missing, and he's not happy....

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 19:18
by dr-baker
CoopsII wrote:
FMecha wrote:And believe me, the whole issue with Jamie banning Enoch seems to have something to do with the main site. Watch for admin drama and #RejectApocalypse. :|

Money, religion or sex? My money's on, er, money. Somethings been sold and someone isnt happy about it.

My money's on religion. I'll bet Jamie is a Movementarian, Enoch is a Raelian, and somebody came to the door, trying to persuade them to convert to Pastafarianism. But in my opinion, all three cults are out of this world.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 19:31
by dr-baker
Sorry for the double-post, BUT...

I have noticed that I seem to be drawn away to a different site the first time I open a thread on returning to the forum, or else each time I return to this thread in particular (usually the HWNSNBM Forum is the first I go to, but it's always the first thread I open, PLUS this thread). Does that help to figure out what's going on?

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 19:53
by Nuppiz
FMecha wrote:
Nuppiz wrote:And since things can hardly get any worse, I'll reveal this:

Let that sink in.

What's that thing you covered up in the second row? IP address?

That would be correct.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 20:04
by AndreaModa
CoopsII wrote:
Nuppiz wrote:Kuwashima banned eytl (and stripped him from administrative permissions), not the other way around.

It's bloody exciting. It's like an office argument on another floor. I want to know what's gone down, who said what, what's it all about?

Haha! This so much! :lol:

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 21:01
by AustralianStig
So probably a silly question, but is it worth me backing up the threads that I want to keep, just in case we go down for good?

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 21:11
by roblo97
The sad thing is that there are people here who are talented IT. Nuppiz, Biscione, Salmander, I do an IT course at college and that is the equivalent of A-Levels and I am predicted to get high grades. The problem is that nothing can be done until others get admin rights.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 22:21
by shinji
Ha, imagine if this was the end. A quarter of my life on this forum, mad stuff. Would love to know the goss on Jamie and Enoch, I am nosy as anything though.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 23:58
by RonDenisDeletraz
This has truly shocked me, I am honestly wondering if it might be time to move on. I will definitely see out the F1RWRS season, but other than that I have little interest in being here right now.

Besides, I probably need to stop going online and procrastinating and start actually doing things in real life

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 03:22
by Sublime_FA11C
Thanks for the good and the bad.

Don't know what's going on and why the forum is a security issue but it's triggering a lot of alarms that normally never go off and google is dropping it (though that's not allways accurate).

I'm quietly smug and confident that NoScript can filter out whatever, but at the same time i do agree that this isn't safe or sensible. Hope we keep going somewhere, will keep an eye out. Just wanted to say that. Because even when i was very annoyed or less interested i didn't and still dont wish to discuss F1 anywhere else.

Thanks for the bad and the good. o/

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 03:43
by tristan1117
Google has now started to warn me of the potential dangers of visiting the forum, and so I'll be avoiding the forums altogether for the next few days unless I am on a secure access point. If this is the end, then it's truly been a pleasure to have spent, like shinji, a good chunk of my waking life on this site. If, hopefully, rumors of F1 Rejects' death are greatly exaggerated, than this will all be very funny in a couple of months. if not, well, :?

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 06:25
by Shizuka
Biscione, I think it's time to set up F1RejectsV2.

Also, the posts load through something now...

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 06:44
by CoopsII
roblomas52 wrote:I do an IT course at college and that is the equivalent of A-Levels and I am predicted to get high grades.

:lol: Yeah, whatever. Come back when you've actually got those grades.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 06:49
by roblo97
CoopsII wrote:
roblomas52 wrote:I do an IT course at college and that is the equivalent of A-Levels and I am predicted to get high grades.

:lol: Yeah, whatever. Come back when you've actually got those grades.

I did the level 2 BTEC last year and got D* overall and that is the equivalent of 3 GCSE's at A* grade.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 07:01
by CoopsII
roblomas52 wrote:
CoopsII wrote:
roblomas52 wrote:I do an IT course at college and that is the equivalent of A-Levels and I am predicted to get high grades.

:lol: Yeah, whatever. Come back when you've actually got those grades.

I did the level 2 BTEC last year and got D* overall and that is the equivalent of 3 GCSE's at A* grade.

Only a D?

Only kidding, I think a homegrown F1 Rejects run by you boffins is a great idea. It will be a pity if we lose all the information from the main site but, hell, we didnt sit and type it all out. If Jamie and Enoch are happy to let it all go into the ether thats up to them.

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 07:34
by Ferrim
Oh, my. Just entered the forum this morning after a few days of inactivity and found out this.

Has anyone tried to reach Jamie and Enoch by mail? I guess someone already has, to no avail, but I think we should try to do a common push to reach them before the forum goes offline. Maybe write a standard mail and send it from our accounts?

Whatever has happened between them does certainly look odd -they were still talking fondly of each other in their last few posts from late September and early October. Enoch made a reference to Jamie's wedding present at 00:35 (all times UTC+1) on October 3, his final post. Then the @f1rejects Twitter account announced the site went temporarily offline at 04:08 on October 3, and later again at 08:16 on October 12, when it was announced that the site would remain offline due to "the circumstances that the led to [it] being largely closed in the past week". This was six days after Jamie banned Enoch, which itself was three days after the site went offline. This makes me wonder whether those things are related or not: as the site went offline before the ban, it would seem that "the circumstances" are unrelated to any fallout between Jamie and Enoch.

I also remember there was a post from Kuwashima explaining there would be no Russian GP podcast, I presume it was from around October 12 like the Twitter communication, but it has disappeared now.

Anyway, while I would hope that the ban is not what it looks, and that it's down to some cracker taking control of Enoch's account and Jamie disallowing it for prevention, or something like that, after two weeks we should have known something. Everything points in the direction of the forum living on borrowed time, and we should start moving on to find a new place before it's too late. I know nothing about setting up websites, but I volunteer myself to send a mail to as many forumers as I can, explaining the recent developments and passing the link to the new website to them. Maybe we can start using this backup for a start:

Re: odd trouble with forum

Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 07:49
by roblo97
I will email Jamie later this morning .