How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberger ?
How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberger ?
Some one knows how i can get in contact with them ?
I saw an interview with them about their Son Roland Ratzenberger, incl. pics and there was a pic with scale models from Ratzenberger, but no Simtek S941 of Ratzenber, so i want to send mine to them =)
Anyone know how ti get in contact ?
I tried by the site but i get a mail back that the email couldn't be deliverd.
I saw an interview with them about their Son Roland Ratzenberger, incl. pics and there was a pic with scale models from Ratzenberger, but no Simtek S941 of Ratzenber, so i want to send mine to them =)
Anyone know how ti get in contact ?
I tried by the site but i get a mail back that the email couldn't be deliverd.
Founder of and a formula 1 fan since 1994
Founder of and a formula 1 fan since 1994
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
GorianstraBe 15
A-5020 Salzburg
A-5020 Salzburg
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
Wow, a rather epic bump by a 1st-time poster (and so far only post)!
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
MCard LOLAdinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
dr-baker wrote:Wow, a rather epic bump by a 1st-time poster (and so far only post)!
Yeah, but it was especially epic!
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
I don't think F1-Gast comes here anymore, so unfortuantly he won't see this information.
Fetzie on Ferrari wrote:How does a driver hurtling around a race track while they're sous-viding in their overalls have a better understanding of the race than a team of strategy engineers in an air-conditioned room?l
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
East Londoner wrote:I don't think F1-Gast comes here anymore, so unfortuantly he won't see this information.
Yeah, apparently, he was last on this forum on 7th September. I suspect a certain thread that he started on the 6th of that month had something to do with it. Or maybe his Williams shares?
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
MCard LOLAdinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
By the way, welcome mel. Hope that you may become an active member here!
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
MCard LOLAdinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
Maybe mail him the address? 

PSN ID: FMecha_EXE | FMecha on GT Sport
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
Thnx for the address mel !
Founder of and a formula 1 fan since 1994
Founder of and a formula 1 fan since 1994
- Posts: 15
- Joined: 15 Mar 2012, 08:02
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
I was in touch with Roland's parents for a while a few years after his death. Wonderful people. I still treasure a postcard his mother sent me of the Salzburgring with a little note on the back, plus a couple of other items relating to Roland. I hope they are well. I know Roland's death hit them very hard indeed and they could not bring themselves to touch his room at the family home. It was of great comfort to them, however, that he achieved his ambition of competing in a Grand Prix.
Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg
Blue Brazil wrote:I was in touch with Roland's parents for a while a few years after his death. Wonderful people. I still treasure a postcard his mother sent me of the Salzburgring with a little note on the back, plus a couple of other items relating to Roland. I hope they are well. I know Roland's death hit them very hard indeed and they could not bring themselves to touch his room at the family home. It was of great comfort to them, however, that he achieved his ambition of competing in a Grand Prix.
If you or anybody else gets in touch with them perhaps you could mention that hes still very much remembered by all of us. And not in an F1 Rejectful way.
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