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What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 17:53
by CarlosFerreira
Have been discussing elsewhere on the forum if Abu-Dhabi was a boring race. I think it was OK, but ranked a bit above average on the Valium scale.

So, here's a list of the stuff I did while the race was on:

- talked to a friend from back in Portugal on Messenger.
- checked my email. Checked my email again.
- emailed a Chinese friend I haven't heard from in a while. He replied quickly, so I read the reply and answered back.
- made a couple of comments on Facebook.
- talked to a mate of mine on the phone. Explained I need to stay in to finish some reading this afternoon.
- invited a girl to the cinema, via text message. Success!
- prepared a meeting for Tuesday. Went through the topics we're supposed to discuss, and realised I really need to finish those readings.
- had lunch.
- posted a couple of comments on the F1Rejects forum.
- picked up my laundry from the dryer.

Sorry, what race was that again?

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 17:56
by bduddy
As an American: Go back to sleep and regret getting up at 6!

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 17:59
by Salamander
Generally I just go to the toilet, and post an occasional comment here. I generally stay and watch the race out, except in Hungary, when I walked out just before Hamilton crossed the line.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 18:12
by shinji
I just tough it out. I chose to like this sport, I'll suffer the consequences.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 18:19
by CarlosFerreira
shinji wrote:I just tough it out. I chose to like this sport, I'll suffer the consequences.


BTW, love your new sig. We should all have Beatles-related puns.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 18:22
by shinji
CarlosFerreira wrote:
shinji wrote:I just tough it out. I chose to like this sport, I'll suffer the consequences.


BTW, love your new sig. We should all have Beatles-related puns.

Thanks. Thought it up during today's race ;)

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 19:37
by thehemogoblin
I slept. I have +6 migraine headaches this term.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 21:44
by CarlosFerreira
thehemogoblin wrote:I slept. I have +6 migraine headaches this term.

BTW, when are we losing you for good? We should have a "get back soon" thread.

Or maybe not. Who knows? ;)

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 22:08
by thehemogoblin
CarlosFerreira wrote:
thehemogoblin wrote:I slept. I have +6 migraine headaches this term.

BTW, when are we losing you for good? We should have a "get back soon" thread.

Or maybe not. Who knows? ;)

Permanently, January 1st.

Right now, I'm just in and out when the world permits. I'm only taking four classes this term, but over the last two weeks, I've had 10 papers and three mid-terms... and I'm working ~25 hours a week.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 22:15
by shinji
thehemogoblin wrote:
CarlosFerreira wrote:
thehemogoblin wrote:I slept. I have +6 migraine headaches this term.

BTW, when are we losing you for good? We should have a "get back soon" thread.

Or maybe not. Who knows? ;)

Permanently, January 1st.

Right now, I'm just in and out when the world permits. I'm only taking four classes this term, but over the last two weeks, I've had 10 papers and three mid-terms... and I'm working ~25 hours a week.

*Imagine small child with speech defect in bad 1990s children's movie*

Permanently...forever? :cry: :cry:

Positive: I will overtake you in posts.

I know, I have no life.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 22:17
by DonTirri
I generally just listen to the commentators.
Kyllönen/Rosberg they are not, but Oskari Saari and JJ Lehto can actually make even races like Valencia and Hungary enjoyable.
I especially love how they aknowledge the fact that we think of Nico as a Finn only when he's succeeding, with JJ having coined the term "Two and a half Finns of Formula 1"

Tho I still miss Kyllönen/Rosberg pairing, Finlands answer to Walker/Hunt, with Kyllöses over-enthusiastic, often error-full and ridiculously biased hyping (examples from 95 when Salo's engine expired. Kyllönen exclaimed "Oh, katayama has retired. well, too bad" only to be told its salo, which was followed by "THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! SALO HAS RETIRED!"), combined with Rosbergs dry humor and many corrections of Kyllönen.

"The outlets on the back of JJ's car are smoking!"
"Matti, we professionals call those outlets exhaust pipes"


"Well Matti, I did win that world championship back then..."

Yes, i realize I went on a off-topic tangeant but i dont care.

EDIT: Those quotes are naturally rough translations from Finnish

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 22:23
by Alianora La Canta
Mostly, what I do during boring races is read. I got through the last 100 pages of a very good book about Frank Williams and 18 pages of "50 Facts That Should Change the World" during the Abu Dhabi race, though my record is over 220 pages of a book at the Spanish Grand Prix in 2000.

Practise sessions are tougher, but I mostly get round it by live commenting on a couple of sites.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 01 Nov 2009, 22:54
by watka
DonTirri wrote:I generally just listen to the commentators.
Kyllönen/Rosberg they are not, but Oskari Saari and JJ Lehto can actually make even races like Valencia and Hungary enjoyable.
I especially love how they aknowledge the fact that we think of Nico as a Finn only when he's succeeding, with JJ having coined the term "Two and a half Finns of Formula 1"

Tho I still miss Kyllönen/Rosberg pairing, Finlands answer to Walker/Hunt, with Kyllöses over-enthusiastic, often error-full and ridiculously biased hyping (examples from 95 when Salo's engine expired. Kyllönen exclaimed "Oh, katayama has retired. well, too bad" only to be told its salo, which was followed by "THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! SALO HAS RETIRED!"), combined with Rosbergs dry humor and many corrections of Kyllönen.

"The outlets on the back of JJ's car are smoking!"
"Matti, we professionals call those outlets exhaust pipes"


"Well Matti, I did win that world championship back then..."

Yes, i realize I went on a off-topic tangeant but i dont care.

EDIT: Those quotes are naturally rough translations from Finnish

Classic, I didn't realise the Finns had such a sense of humour. :lol:

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 00:01
by thehemogoblin
shinji wrote:*Imagine small child with speech defect in bad 1990s children's movie*

Permanently...forever? :cry: :cry:

Positive: I will overtake you in posts.

I know, I have no life.

Permanent, more or less, from January through mid-March. 100 page research paper + other classes + work == ugly term

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 02:47
by tristan1117
-Watch the start
-Watch the race for a few laps
-First commercial, go the bathroom
-eat breakfast
-watch a lap or two
-eat more breakfast
-post some stuff here
-watch the pitstops
-go on BATracer
-watch Kobayashi pass Button
-mess around with my iPod
-get ready to leave as soon as the race is done
-watch Webber vs. Button battle
-leave for another (more exciting) event

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 04:52
by Cynon
I go back to what I was going beforehand, usually doodling in Java or Photoshop, since I bittorrent all of the races in obscene timezones (and usually end up hearing the far inferior British announcers), or rather, all the races that are at 6:00 AM Chicago time... which is sadly about half of them. I do similar activities for boring NASCAR races.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 05:29
by ZsoltForever
Hit fast-forward on my DVR.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 05:37
by thehemogoblin
Your mom.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 11:42
by dr-baker
thehemogoblin wrote:Your mom.

Did she have a nice time?

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 12:21
by midgrid
DonTirri wrote:"The outlets on the back of JJ's car are smoking!"
"Matti, we professionals call those outlets exhaust pipes"

Murray Walker: And look at the flames coming from the back of Berger's McLaren.
James Hunt: Actually, Murray, they're not flames, it's the safety light.

Parallel evolution in action! :lol:

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 12:35
by Many Blue Flags
Paint airfix kits and Warhammer models, mostly. Yes, I'm a geek, stop looking at me like that.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 13:10
by bigslydoc
Watch start and to first advert break.
Press record on Foxtel iQ box.
Go to bed.
Wake up.
Go to work.
Get home.
Press play in Foxtel iQ box.
Get dinner ready whilst listening to Jonathan Legard drone on.
Pop head in to see Cowboyashi pass Button.
Keep getting dinner ready.
Pop head back in to see Alguersuari do his best to get a free pit stop at Vettel's expense.
Keep getting dinner ready.
Pop head back in to watch Alonso pass Cowboyashi and then pit straight away.
Sit down with dinner to watch last 10 laps.
Shout at TV, spraying said goggle box with dinner when Button can't get past Webber even though he is driving like a inebriated man on ice.
Race ends.
Starts studying... again!

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 13:43
by Phoenix
Masturb...eeer, I mean..I just read magazines until I realize something exciting happens.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 14:08
by fjackdaw
I stick grimly with it. I occasionally say to my wife, "This is a boring one", so as not to look silly being a supporter of such a boring sport.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 21:06
by jonnyeol
I remember a few specific examples.

Hungary 2004: Re-tagged a bunch of MP3s.
France 1995: Read through a bunch of old computer mags lying around
Valencia 2008: Discussed the Front 242 show we were going to see later that night

I know a couple of times in 2002, I was heavily into all-night clubbing on Saturdays, and just went straight back to bed. Frankly, that whole season was worth sleeping through after Oz.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 23:04
by watka
thehemogoblin wrote:Your mum.

That's better.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 01:17
by thehemogoblin
dr-baker wrote:
thehemogoblin wrote:Your mom.

Did she have a nice time?

It was like Jean-Denis Deletraz... A little slow, but still a wild ride.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 01:34
by fjackdaw
thehemogoblin wrote:
dr-baker wrote:
thehemogoblin wrote:Your mom.

Did she have a nice time?

It was like Jean-Denis Deletraz... A little slow, but still a wild ride.

And wobbling from side to side for no discernible reason.

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 04:39
by LionZoo
fjackdaw wrote:
thehemogoblin wrote:
dr-baker wrote:Did she have a nice time?

It was like Jean-Denis Deletraz... A little slow, but still a wild ride.

And wobbling from side to side for no discernible reason.

"And what is Deletraz doing?"

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 05:10
by thehemogoblin
LionZoo wrote:
fjackdaw wrote:
thehemogoblin wrote:It was like Jean-Denis Deletraz... A little slow, but still a wild ride.

And wobbling from side to side for no discernible reason.

"And what is Deletraz doing?"

The swerving side-to-side was for her pleasure...

Re: What you do during boring races

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 09:34
by dr-baker
So it was a rollercoaster ride then?