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Business Reject

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 18:08
by CoopsII
Has anybody on here ever heard of Dominic Chappell?


Before he played a part in bringing down BHS, that is...

Re: Business Reject

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 21:33
by dr-baker
I heard on the radio this week that someone involved with BHS recently had been an ex-racing driver, but I hadn't caught the name on that occasion.

Two sentences from his Wikipedia article stood out as relevant here:

Chappell launched the Interactive Sportscar Championship in the UK in 2001. The series folded after one race.

Chappell has been a director of various companies, and has been made bankrupt three times and entered into an individual voluntary arrangement once.

Not the whole story, sure, but still rather rejectful elements to the story.