Hi, here is my top ten
10- Tyrrell 024 (1996)

Nice livery, but the lack of more colour put it in 10
9- Minardi m 191 (1991)

Good effort from the perennial backmarkers of the 90s
8- Supa Aguri SA08A

I like the white and red combo, but the touch of black make me choose this livery from the team with the best name ever
7- Leyton House cg901 (1989)

Light blue and green??? yeah!!!!
6- Prost AP02 (1999)

Blue, pure class, the french elegance (the engine... sacre bleu!!!)
5- Arrows A19 (1998)

I really really really like black cars, and this it's beatiful, and i don't want to choose the Andrea Moda
4- Simtek S941 (1994) without sponsors

This livery its brilliant!!!!! But missed the podium because of the awful sponsors
3- Manor MRT05 (2016)

Very nice livery, the colours are balanced, the black part it's classy, and the logo hinted in the engine cover it's perfect
2- Arrows A20 (1998)

This is the perfect example of a livery based on a sponsor (in a reject car, obviously!)
1- Caterham CT05 (2014)
The emerald green it's gorgeous, the black wings are impressive,and the nose was disgusting!