Ten of the Best: Rejects at the Indy 500

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Bobby Doorknobs
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Ten of the Best: Rejects at the Indy 500

Post by Bobby Doorknobs »

Hello all,

With the big race (no, the other one) going ahead tomorrow, I've compiled a top ten of reject drivers who did well in Indianapolis that I originally wrote for last year's race. Sullivan, Rossi, Rahal, they're all there, plus seven others. It was a tough one to put together and there are a few brief honourable mentions thrown in, but it's been fun watching these old races, and they are all recommended, especially 1988.

https://gprejects.com/centrale/ten-of-t ... e-indy-500
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Re: Ten of the Best: Rejects at the Indy 500

Post by dinizintheoven »

Oh say can you see, y'all done done a mighty fine job there, so much I done gotten the theme tune from "Team America: World Police" done stuck in muh head (under a ten-gallon hat, y'all understand).

Shock and awe with Donald J. Simtek! *di di ding ding ding ding ding ding ding*
James Allen, on his favourite F1 engine of all time:
"...the Life W12, I can't describe the noise to you, but imagine filling your dustbin with nuts and bolts, and then throwing it down the stairs, it was something akin to that!"
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Paul Hayes
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Re: Ten of the Best: Rejects at the Indy 500

Post by Paul Hayes »

I really enjoyed reading this piece - thank you.
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