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Martin Donnelly Faces Possible Amputation

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 07:30
by Bobby Doorknobs
Martin Donnelly has suffered another critical leg injury while partaking in a charity bike ride. The good news is that his life is not in any immediate danger this time. The bad news: he could lose his left leg.

Jonathan Lewis has started a fundraiser to support Martin, which I'll leave here:


Motor Sport Magazine article with more information

Re: Martin Donnelly Faces Possible Amputation

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 09:20
by Rob Dylan
Poor man, and I'm glad to see so many people have already sent in money for the fundraiser. And if it couldn't get any more tragic, it was of course during a charity event that it happened.

Here's wishing him the speediest recovery.

Re: Martin Donnelly Faces Possible Amputation

Posted: 11 Jul 2019, 01:47
by F1 Livery Histories
Definitely wishing Martin all the best!

Re: Martin Donnelly Faces Possible Amputation

Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 12:03
by dr-baker
Martin has to wait for another 4 months before knowing for certain one way or another whether he'll lose his leg. ... n-keep-leg