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Beyond the Grid Podcast - Mario Andretti

Posted: 02 Nov 2019, 21:54
by Jops
Was wondering if anyone else listens to this podcast and caught this episode?

Was really fascinating listening to Mario talk about this career, always wonder what more he could have done in F1 if he'd committed more to it, incredible talent and legend.

Also found it fascinating listening to his Opinions of Michael and Marco.
Michael in that he thinks he was quicker than himself and could have won had he stuck it out, apparently never got to test or get used to the car and quit when it was hard.

On Marco: "I wanted everything and was told I couldn't have it... he had everything and it was, if you want it there it is, he likes it, but I wonder how much he loves driving"

Re: Beyond the Grid Podcast - Mario Andretti

Posted: 03 Nov 2019, 10:17
by Rob Dylan
I didn't even though this podcast exists. An episode a week every week, each around an hour or longer? Hey, if the quality is good I have a new thing to listen to on my commute :shock: I will give the Andretti one a listen first.

Re: Beyond the Grid Podcast - Mario Andretti

Posted: 03 Nov 2019, 18:54
by Bleu
I started to listen only a while ago and decided to listen them in order. Prost was the latest one I listened.

Re: Beyond the Grid Podcast - Mario Andretti

Posted: 04 Nov 2019, 23:19
by Jops
Well glad I could pass it on! Personal favourites so far have been Button, Herbert, Di Montezemolo, Maldonado, R Schumacher & Murray Walker - but they are all generally really fascinating

Re: Beyond the Grid Podcast - Mario Andretti

Posted: 05 Nov 2019, 18:03
by Wallio
I jump around. The Murray Walker and Stenier episodes were fantastic, but Gordon Murray is still probably my favorite.