"Where's the f&^%ing KERS button!?"
mario wrote:I'm wondering what the hell has been going on in this thread [...] it's turned into a bizarre detour into mythical flying horses and the sort of search engine results that CoopsII is going to have a very hard time explaining ...
Ross Prawn wrote:
ADx_Wales wrote:Ross Prawn wrote:
ok, for starters i know one of them is lewis hamilton
i know the otehr is nicole schitzinger
who is the third person and why is she interesting enough to make a caption about, i dont know what race its at, i do not have a clue who it is, and me writing this has actually made me think "why do i even care?", but yet im still typing.....now the universe is left to unravell in the vortex......and all that will be left is zsolt baumgartner.
ADx_Wales wrote:whoopdy wow, a woman in a garage, theres a first.
thats a bloke? thought it was a butch cassidy
razta wrote:
razta wrote:
mario wrote:I'm wondering what the hell has been going on in this thread [...] it's turned into a bizarre detour into mythical flying horses and the sort of search engine results that CoopsII is going to have a very hard time explaining ...
DanielPT wrote:Life usually expires after 400 meters and always before reaching 2 laps or so. In essence, Life is short.
Jordan wrote:I had to add this too
Where is the Trulli Train?
Jordan wrote:
mario wrote:I'm wondering what the hell has been going on in this thread [...] it's turned into a bizarre detour into mythical flying horses and the sort of search engine results that CoopsII is going to have a very hard time explaining ...
mario wrote:I'm wondering what the hell has been going on in this thread [...] it's turned into a bizarre detour into mythical flying horses and the sort of search engine results that CoopsII is going to have a very hard time explaining ...
redbulljack14 wrote:
Hey Adrian, Couldn't you have signed for Mercedes instead.
Dr. Helmut Marko wrote: Finally we have an Australian in the team who can start a race well and challenge Vettel.
redbulljack14 wrote:
Proof that Red Bull really does give you wings
eytl wrote:
... although winged-creatures belong in trees whereas Citroens don't.
Dr. Helmut Marko wrote: Finally we have an Australian in the team who can start a race well and challenge Vettel.
mario wrote:I'm wondering what the hell has been going on in this thread [...] it's turned into a bizarre detour into mythical flying horses and the sort of search engine results that CoopsII is going to have a very hard time explaining ...
mario wrote:I'm wondering what the hell has been going on in this thread [...] it's turned into a bizarre detour into mythical flying horses and the sort of search engine results that CoopsII is going to have a very hard time explaining ...