Warped Touring Car Series (IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT)

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Warped Touring Car Series (IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT)

Post by FMecha »

IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT: The series is currently suspended because my laptop died. Please read this.
Have you imagined if fictional tracks you usually play on your favorite racing game(s) were real? Well, here's Warped Touring Car Series!

The idea is touring car races held on fictional tracks that belong on your favorite racing game(s). Results will be scorinated using xkoranate. The cars used will be mainly from Group A era in the early 90s, although some other cars will also be used. :)

The entry list is limited at 30 cars. There are 8 cars to choose from - each are limited to 4 drivers. There are five tiers of garage, each with different performance caps.

A member may enter up to two cars for two drivers. Only fictional drivers are allowed!

Car list for this season are:

Code: Select all

BMW M3 Sport Evolution   165             All taken
Alfa Romeo 155 DTM       158             All taken
Nissan Skyline GT-R R32  154             All taken
Ford Sierra RS Cosworth  148             1                         
Mercedes-Benz 190E Evo2  135             All taken                         
Holden Commodore VN      130             1                     
Opel Omega DTM           124             All taken               
Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon 115             All taken                         

The format to sign up is:
Team name:
Driver name:
Gender and nationality:
Performance rating: (Skill + consistency)
Car number:
Total performance and garage number:
Livery (optional):

You can also propose tracks for this series. Only fictional tracks from racing games are allowed! One member may only propose up to two tracks. The calendar will be from 16 to 20 races. Format is:

Track name: (also post from which game the track is)
Lap record: (for use with xkoranate)
Grid limit: (if empty, 30)

Let's go! :)
Last edited by FMecha on 13 Sep 2013, 14:16, edited 49 times in total.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist!

Post by FMecha »

Performance cap:

Garages 1-6 are considered top-markers and are capped to 425 performance points.
Garages 7-12 are considered top-midfielders and are capped to 400 performance points.
Garages 13-18 are considered midfielders and are capped to 350 performance points.
Garages 19-24 are considered back-midfielders and are capped to 325 performance points.
Garages 24-30 are considered back-markers and are capped to 300 performance points.

Current entry list: (G = garage, and temporary replacements are not noted)

G01: BMW Dealer Team (BMW M3) - #2 Jorg Scrattenheim (GER) [eurobrun]
G02: BMW Dealer Team (BMW M3) - #22 Anthony North (GBR) [eurobrun]
G03: Nicchi Motori (Alfa 155) - #37 Emanuele Nicchi (VAT) [Dark77]
G04: Neo Ecurie Maarsbergen (Mercedes 190E) - #68 Jamarian Woods (USA) [FantometteBR]
G05: Martini Racing (Alfa 155) - #27 Alessandro Lucarelli (ITA) [Stramala]
G06: Martini Racing (Alfa 155) - #28 Frederic-Maxime Voeckler (FRA) [Stramala]
G07: Fosters Good Call Racing in association with Life plc (Nissan Skyline) - #0 Martin van der Maeyede (NED) [pasta_maldonado]
G08: Pennzoil Aurico Autosport (Nissan Skyline) - #23 James Roberts (GBR) [FMecha]
G09: Onyx Holden Racing (Holden Commodore) - #16 Nermanja Blagojevic (SER) [Onxy Wrecked]
G10: Onyx Holden Racing (Holden Commodore) - #17 Ben Irwin (AUS) [Onxy Wrecked]
G11: Omega Motorsport (Opel Omega) - #41 Amanda Lewis (GBR) [Hound55]
G12: Omega Motorsport (Opel Omega) - #42 Robert Jackson (AUS) [Hound55]
G13: Fosters Good Call Racing in association with Life plc (Nissan Skyline) - #3 Jan van der Maeyede (NED) [pasta_maldonado]
G14: TNS F.C. Magnus Grand Prix (Alfa 155) - #24 Orestes Granicus (TUR) [tristan1117]
G15: Clatterham Racing (Mercedes 190E) - #10 Yrjö Perkelainen (FIN) [dinizintheoven]
G16: Clatterham Racing (Mercedes 190E) - #11 Jason van Drunen (CAN)/Tarmo Mook (EST) [dinizintheoven]
G17: Nippon Racecraft (Subaru Impreza) - #88 Chiko Suzuki (JPN) [SuperAguri]
G18: Nippon Racecraft (Subaru Impreza) - #89 Satoshi Taki (JPN) [SuperAguri]
G19: Blokkmonsta Racing (BMW M3) - #208 Michael Rohnstock (GER) [CaptainGetz12]
G20: Blokkmonsta Racing (BMW M3) - #101 Gina Arilla (SMR) [CaptainGetz12]
G21: Twinings Earl Grey Tea... m Fighting Mongooses/Twinnings Davies Racing Team (Nissan Skyline) - #77 Johnny Boudermann (USA) [BlindCaveSalamander]
G22: Twinings Earl Grey Tea... m Fighting Mongooses/Twinnings Davies Racing Team (Subaru Impreza) - #78 Arthur Daniels (GBR) [BlindCaveSalamander]
G23: Vasquez Racing Team (Holden Commodore) - #777 Nicolas Vasquez (PER) [SeedStriker]
G24: Really Rejectful Racing (Subaru Impreza) - #55 Jay Becker (SWE) [WaffleCat]
G25: HSBC Vestore Motori/Vestore Restov Racing (Ford Sierra) - #46 Luis Pereira (POR) [takagi_for_the_win]
G26: Tassie Racing (Ford Sierra) - #99 Hafidis Faera (AUS) [Matt151]
G27: Finlux Racing (Ford Sierra) - #14 Harri Korte (FIN) [Vepe]
G28: Gregg Racing (Mercedes 190E) - #5 Daniel Cake (GBR) [ryangregg12345]
G29: Gangnam Publocrap (Opel Omega) - #13 Mario Wankucini (ITA) [roblomas52]
G30: Gangnam Publocrap (Opel Omega) - #31 Kim Dang-Long (ROK) [roblomas52]

Signups are currently closed for this season - all garages has been filled, unless you want to be in the reserve list...

In the following list, red indicates former entries and blue indicates waitlisted entries:

Dish Cleaner Racing (Ford Sierra) - #47 Tommy Watson (AUS) [simonracer] (races 1-4)
Saudi Racing (BMW M3) - #8 Mudar Zakariyya Shamoun (KSA) [FloProAct] (races 1-10)
Saudi Racing (BMW M3) - #73 Nasib Najib Bata (KSA) [FloProAct] (races 1-10)

Current calendar:

1. Grand Valley Speedway (Gran Turismo series)
2. South City (Live for Speed)
3. Joypolis 2020 (Daytona USA 2)
4. Deep Forest Raceway (Gran Turismo series)
5. Seaside Route 765 (Ridge Racer) [sprint]
6. SCA Motorplex (Destruction Derby 2)
7. Special Stage Route 11 (Gran Turismo 1)
8. Sunset Peninsula Raceway (Forza Motorsport 3)
9. Camino Viejo de Montserrat - Extreme Course (Forza Motorsport 3)
10. Helter Skelter/Hurricane Skyway (Ridge Racer Type 4/RR2 PSP) [sprint]
11. Big Forest (Virtua Racing)
12. El Capitan (Gran Turismo 4)
13. Pine Hills Raceway (Destruction Derby 2)
14. Maple Valley Raceway (Forza Motorsport series)
15. Frameout City - Grand Champion (Formula 1 '95) [sprint]
16. Grun-wald Circuit (Sega Touring Car Championship)
17. Driving Park Complex String (Gran Turismo 3)
18. GeneRally Speedway* (GeneRally)
19. Super Monaco circuit (Super Monaco GP)
20. Special Stage Route 7 (Gran Turismo 5) [sprint]


*aka the USA track in the World Tour tracks folder in that game.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (coming soo

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

What year is this set in
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (coming soo

Post by FMecha »

eurobrun wrote:What year is this set in

As I said in FORCWSOGMM thread, "beyond time and space" - thereby no clashing date concerns should occur. :)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Team name: BMW Dealer Team
Driver name: Jorg Scrattenheim
Gender and nationality: German Male
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) (120/120)
Car: BMW M3 Sport Evolution
Car number: 2
Total performance and garage number: G01 165
Livery (optional): 1993 BMW BTCC livery

Team name: BMW Dealer Team
Driver name: Anthony North
Gender and nationality: British Male
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) (111/130)
Car: BMW M3 Sport Evolution
Car number: 22
Total performance and garage number: G02 165
Livery (optional): 1993 BMW BTCC livery

Deleted my third driver now, Hope everything is OK
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

Team name: Nicchi Motori
Driver name: Emanuele Nicchi
Gender and nationality: Vaticani Male
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) 130 + 130
Car: Alfa Romeo 155 DTM
Car number: 37
Total performance and garage number: G03 158
Livery: 1999 Ford Mondeo BTCC livery
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by MinardiFan95 »

Just going to put down a few track ideas, will give track data when the tracks are selected - saves me having to go in to each game for track data.

(Track Name, game - video)

Burgenschlucht, Enthusia Professional Racing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp1bFDOyuNQ
Lowenseering, Enthusia Professional Racing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hytqKPoD6s
Loch Rannoch, TOCA 2 Touring Cars - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZA_LxSZMpE
Misty Loch, Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbHddWCOleM
Alpental, Need For Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7No_jGQLsM
Longstone Pass, Simraceway - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=762ae8E6nAc
Pudsey, Simraceway - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve6aOEKVCmw

Not going to post any GT tracks, as I'm guessing they'll be covered fairly well... though I will suggest Trial Mountain.

Oh, and if this involves fictional tracks from game series, why not have some fictional racing cars, specifically the LM editions and racing modifications from GT1 and 2. :D
This is a cool spot.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

Track name: Fiji International Circuit(A track I made in Trackmania United)
Lap record: 1:10.342
Grid limit: 30
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by WaffleCat »

Team name:Really Rejectful Racing(RRR)
Driver name:Jay Becker
Gender and nationality:Male,Sweden
Performance rating:(90/90)
Car:Subaru Impreza
Car number:#55
Total performance and garage number: G24,295

Yes,this team is meant to be terrible.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FloProAct »

Team name: Saudi Racing
Driver name: Mudar Zakariyya Shamoun
Gender and nationality: Male, Saudi Arabia
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering): 2/158 (I don't see how this could be in any way unrealistic... :D )
Car: BMW M3 Sport Evolution
Car number: #55
Total performance and garage number: G19 325
Livery (optional): BTCC Arena Renault Laguna 1999

Team name: Saudi Racing
Driver name: Nasib Najib Bata
Gender and nationality: Male, Saudi Arabia
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering): 104/56
Car: BMW M3 Sport Evolution
Car number: #73
Total performance and garage number: G20 325
Livery (optional): BTCC Arena Renault Laguna 1999
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

MinardiFan95 wrote:Just going to put down a few track ideas, will give track data when the tracks are selected - saves me having to go in to each game for track data.

(Track Name, game - video)

Burgenschlucht, Enthusia Professional Racing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp1bFDOyuNQ
Lowenseering, Enthusia Professional Racing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hytqKPoD6s
Loch Rannoch, TOCA 2 Touring Cars - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZA_LxSZMpE
Misty Loch, Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbHddWCOleM
Alpental, Need For Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7No_jGQLsM
Longstone Pass, Simraceway - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=762ae8E6nAc
Pudsey, Simraceway - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve6aOEKVCmw

Not going to post any GT tracks, as I'm guessing they'll be covered fairly well... though I will suggest Trial Mountain.

Oh, and if this involves fictional tracks from game series, why not have some fictional racing cars, specifically the LM editions and racing modifications from GT1 and 2. :D

You are only allowed to propose two tracks, so please decide. Also, for the record, I added the Impreza Wagon because of GT1's and GT2's RM of that particular car. (Also, an Impreza Wagon was also raced in 1998 at then-dying Japanese Touring Car Championship, albeit with a naturally-aspirated engine).

Fictional racing cars? Why not those from Burnout 3 and Ridge Racer Type 4? :twisted: I may consider that for future - but not within short term.

darkapprentice77 wrote:Track name: Fiji International Circuit(A track I made in Trackmania United)
Lap record: 1:10.342
Grid limit: 30

Custom tracks (that is, the tracks you built youself) is not allowed, sorry. :roll:

Some attention with entries:

Eurobrun, Scrattenheim is 405 points, out of 425 allocated points, while 406 points, out of 425 allocated points.

darkapprentice77, Nicchi is 418 points, out of 425 allocated points.

FloProAct, Shamoun is exactly 325, but you need to specify another number - #55 is used by Becker. Bata also have exact same performance as with Shamoun.

Keep in mind, that total performance is driver skill + driver cornering + car performance points. Thank you. :)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FloProAct »

FloProAct wrote:Team name: Saudi Racing
Driver name: Mudar Zakariyya Shamoun
Gender and nationality: Male, Saudi Arabia
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering): 2/158 (I don't see how this could be in any way unrealistic... :D )
Car: BMW M3 Sport Evolution
Car number: #8
Total performance and garage number: G19 325
Livery (optional): BTCC Arena Renault Laguna 1999

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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FantometteBR »

Team name: Neo Ecurie Maarsbergen
Driver name: Jamarian Woods
Gender and nationality: Male, American
Performance rating: 100+100
Car: Mercedes-Benz 190E Evo2
Car number: #68
Total performance and garage number: 348 G04
Livery (optional): Orange Jagermeister Eurobrun-like
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

FantometteBR wrote:Team name: Neo Ecurie Maarsbergen
Driver name: Jamarian Woods
Gender and nationality: Male, American
Performance rating: 100+100
Car: Mercedes-Benz 190E Evo2
Car number: #68
Total performance and garage number: 348 G04
Livery (optional): Orange Jagermeister Eurobrun-like

100 + 100 + 135 = 335, actually. I'll add you shortly. Next time, before anyone sign up for this series, do the maths for your total perfomance - it is Skill + Cornering skill + Car Performance. :)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FloProAct »

My two suggestions for tracks, both from Forza:

Track name: Camino Viejo de Montserrat
Layout: Extreme Circuit
Lap record:
Grid limit: The Forza limit of 12 would be a bit crap, so lets say 30.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0dA5nXlWPk

Track name: Maple Valley Raceway
Layout: Full Circuit
Lap record:
Grid limit: See above (30)
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=066VgA0GUGA

I'll take a look for lap records a bit later.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by DemocalypseNow »

Alfa Romeo 155 DTM (G05 & G06)



Total performance and garage number: 158 +158 + 35 + 31 + 20 + 23 = 425 // G05/G06
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

Stramala [kostas22] wrote:MARTINI RACING
Alfa Romeo 155 DTM (G05 & G06)



Total performance and garage number: 158 +158 + 35 + 31 + 20 + 23 = 425 // G05/G06

Both drivers must have seperate performance value, even if they are in a team. So:

Lucarelli: 158 + 35 + 31 = 224
Voeckler: 158 + 20 + 23 = 201

While I would approve it, the performances of both drivers are way too low for it's class, sir. I suggest you edit it. :)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Gerudo Dragon »

FMecha wrote:darkapprentice77, Nicchi is 418 points, out of 425 allocated points.
Ah, he'll have 4 more skill and 3 more cornering points then.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by DemocalypseNow »

FMecha wrote:
Stramala [kostas22] wrote:MARTINI RACING
Alfa Romeo 155 DTM (G05 & G06)

SPEED 145 // CONTROL 122

SPEED 133 // CONTROL 134

Total performance and garage number: 158 +158 + 35 + 31 + 20 + 23 = 425 // G05/G06

Both drivers must have seperate performance value, even if they are in a team. So:

Lucarelli: 158 + 35 + 31 = 224
Voeckler: 158 + 20 + 23 = 201

While I would approve it, the performances of both drivers are way too low for it's class, sir. I suggest you edit it. :)

I see...I had assumed this was the F1RMGP system.

The values have been updated inside the quoted post. Now each garage adds up to 425.
Novitopoli wrote:Everytime someone orders at Pizza Hut, an Italian dies.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

darkapprentice77 wrote:
FMecha wrote:darkapprentice77, Nicchi is 418 points, out of 425 allocated points.
Ah, he'll have 4 more skill and 3 more cornering points then.

418 + (4 + 3) = 425, OK.

Stramala [kostas22] wrote:
FMecha wrote:
Stramala [kostas22] wrote:MARTINI RACING
Alfa Romeo 155 DTM (G05 & G06)

SPEED 145 // CONTROL 122

SPEED 133 // CONTROL 134

Total performance and garage number: 158 +158 + 35 + 31 + 20 + 23 = 425 // G05/G06

Both drivers must have seperate performance value, even if they are in a team. So:

Lucarelli: 158 + 35 + 31 = 224
Voeckler: 158 + 20 + 23 = 201

While I would approve it, the performances of both drivers are way too low for it's class, sir. I suggest you edit it. :)

I see...I had assumed this was the F1RMGP system.

The values have been updated inside the quoted post. Now each garage adds up to 425.

It was sightly based on the F1RMGP system, but anyway, noted. :)

(For the record, Lucarelli's 145+122+158 = 425 and Voeckler's 133+134+158 = 425 too)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Team name: Foster's Good Call Racing in association with Life plc(Yes, even beyond the realms of time and space, it STILL exists)
Driver name: Martin van der Maeyede
Gender and nationality: M, Dutch
Performance rating: S= 100, C=146
Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R R32
Car number: 0
Total performance and garage number: G7 (100+146+154=400)
Livery (optional): Foster's livery from Life GP

Driver name: Jan van der Maeyede
Gender and nationality: M, Dutch
Performance rating: S= 100, C=96
Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R R32
Car number: 3
Total performance and garage number: G13 (100+96+154=350)
Livery (optional): Foster's livery from Life GP

Hope that's okay!
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

Stuff it, I now decide to self-compete in my own series to increase interest here.

Team name: Pennzoil Aurico Autosport
Driver name: James Roberts
Gender and nationality: British, male
Performance rating: S131, C120
Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R R32
Car number: 23
Total performance and garage number: 121 + 120 + 154 = 395, garage 8
Livery (optional):

That is an example of proper way to enter this series. :)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Onxy Wrecked »

Team name: Onyx Holden Racing
Driver name: Ben Irwin
Gender and nationality: Australian Male
Performance rating: (Skill: 160 + Cornering: 110)
Car: Holden Commodore VN
Car number: 17
Total performance and garage number: G10 (130)
Livery (optional): 2012 Holden Racing Team Toll

Entry #2
Team name: Onyx Holden Racing
Driver name: Nemanja Blagojevic
Gender and nationality: Serbian Male
Performance rating: (Skill: 133 + cornering: 137)
Car: Holden Commodore VN
Car number: 16
Total performance and garage number: G9 (130)
Livery (optional): 1992 Castrol Holden
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

Onxy Wrecked wrote:Entry#1
Team name: Onyx Holden Racing
Driver name: Ben Irwin
Gender and nationality: Australian Male
Performance rating: (Skill: 160 + Cornering: 110)
Car: Holden Commodore VN
Car number: 17
Total performance and garage number: G10 (130)
Livery (optional): 2012 Holden Racing Team Toll

Entry #2
Team name: Onyx Holden Racing
Driver name: Nemanja Blagojevic
Gender and nationality: Serbian Male
Performance rating: (Skill: 133 + cornering: 137)
Car: Holden Commodore VN
Car number: 16
Total performance and garage number: G9 (130)
Livery (optional): 1992 Castrol Holden

Irwin: 160 + 110 + 130 = 400
Blagojevic: 133 + 137 + 130 = 400

OK, you're accepted. Entry list and remaining cars will be updated shortly. :)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Hound55 »

I'd like to run a two car team.

Team name: Omega Motorsport
Driver name: Amanda Lewis
Gender and nationality: F, UK
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) 168, 108
Car: Opel Omega DTM
Car number: 41
Total performance and garage number: G11 124

Team name: Omega Motorsport
Driver name: Robert Jackson
Gender and nationality: M, Australia
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) 130, 146
Car: Opel Omega DTM
Car number: 42
Total performance and garage number: G12 124

Things I was wrong about:
Kimi to Ferrari, Perez out of McLaren, Maldonado to Lotus, Kobash comes back, Gutierrez stays, Chilton stays, Boullier leaves Lotus.

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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

Hound55 wrote:I'd like to run a two car team.

Team name: Omega Motorsport
Driver name: Amanda Lewis
Gender and nationality: F, UK
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) 168, 108
Car: Opel Omega DTM
Car number: 41
Total performance and garage number: G11 124

Team name: Omega Motorsport
Driver name: Robert Jackson
Gender and nationality: M, Australia
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) 130, 146
Car: Opel Omega DTM
Car number: 42
Total performance and garage number: G12 124

Thanks for counting, I will add you shortly. :)

Track proposals will be now delayed after all the entries are full. :)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by tristan1117 »

Eh, I will enter a one-car team.

Team name: TNS F.C. Magnus Grand Prix
Driver name: Orestes Granicus
Gender and nationality: Male, Turkish
Performance rating: 96/96
Car: Alfa Romeo 155 DTM
Car number: 24
Total performance and garage number: 192+158=350

Based on the The New Saints F.C., a random Welsh team I picked on Wikipedia.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Vepe »

Team name: Finlux Racing
Driver name: Harri Korte
Gender and nationality: Finnish Male
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) (65/78)
Car: Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Car number: 14
Total performance and garage number: G27 291 (148+65+78=291)
Livery (optional): White with this logo on the sides
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

Tristan, since you did not specify your garage number, I gave you garage 14.

I will add both Tristan's and Vepe's entries shortly. :)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by dinizintheoven »

The time has come. I'd like you all to meet a man from the East.

Self-Aggrandising Publicocrap wrote:On the small island of Sri Lanka was born a boy, poor and miserable, on a tea plantation. His father was a tea packer. His mother was a tea picker. But who could have foreseen this combination of picker and packer would produce such a wonderful story? Plucked from obscurity as the poor wages of the tea plantation forced the parents to give up their child to an orphanage, where he was raised and given a basic education. But the boy wanted more. Somehow scraping enough rupees together by busking on the streets to buy a second-hand wallpapering table, a kettle and a stove by his 17th birthday, the boy realised his future lay in making tea. Initially grabbing whatever tea he could get his hands on, the small, improvised tea stall on the streets of Colombo soon won itself a reputation for the excellence of its tea, regardless of which leaf was used and where it had come from. At the age of 19, this young entrepreneur turned his hand to growing his own tea in the grounds of the orphanage he had grown up in, never forgetting his parental roots on the tea plantation. His reputation went through the roof. Soon, he had expanded from the wallpapering table to a proper stall, which became a small shop opposite the Sinhalese Sports Club, supplying the very best tea to thirsty cricket fans who flocked to the ground to cheer on their heroes. He guaranteed jobs for the children of the orphanage that he once called home. His tea plantations expanded, as did his businesses, and eventually - at the age of 32 - he had bought the tea plantation he was born on, and built a house for his biological parents who never had to work again. His tea became the most iconic brand in Sri Lanka, having dedicated every aspect of his life to it.

You have just met Tony Fernando, and you have drunk that first refreshing cup of Fernando's Green Leaf Tea.

Tony Fernando wrote:I have given my life to tea, I have become the greatest tea maker in the world, even better than that Mrs Doyle somewhere in Ireland who is a huge fan of my tea. But life cannot be all about tea forever. I am going motor racing, and with my team, fuelled by the finest tea on earth, we aim to conquer the track as I have conquered the teapots of the world. I would like to introduce you to Clatterham Racing. We will enter Touring Car Series, we will try the BTCC, DTM, ETCC, WTCC, STCC, anything we can get out hands on, because you need "T" to spell all of these. Maybe we might try the REECCS one day, even though there is no "T" in it. This new "Warped Touring Car" series is a perfect vehicle for our first foray into the world of racing. And so we will enter with a couple of Mercedes 190E saloons, known for their durability in Albania, where 104% of all cars are old, indestructible Mercs, and where my tea is very popular with the locals.


Tony Fernando's Clatterham Racing has found a number of drivers he feels he can work with to maximise his results and climb the ladder of international motorsport.

Yrjö Perkelainen, from Finland, says nothing unless he has to, and when he does, it is usually an explosion of Finnish expletives quite unbecoming for someone of his country's usually-reserved disposition. It is said that this is how he gained his interesting surname, being descended from a long line of Perkelainens who have all shared a similar characteristic. It is also said that he resembles Darkthrone frontman Nocturno Culto after an accident involving his hair, a lawnmower, and a bottle of nuclear-strength bleach. It is also said that he was born with an innate ability to drive fast on loose surfaces, due to being Finnish.

Tarmo Mõõk is an Estonian not known for being the sharpest tool in the box but who can wrestle a bear to the ground in five seconds flat. He usually communicated with long pauses in the middle of a sentence, and some say he looks like former Derby County goalkeeper Mart Poom after several years eating nothing but anabolic steroids. In reality he grabs birds out of trees and eats them whole, bones, feathers and all, and also has a fondness for roadkill, having been brought up on it during the dreadful years of communism when Estonia was still enslaved by the Soviet Union and butcher's queues were seven hours long for a couple of cubes of rotting rabbit. He did not learn to race as such, just sat behind the wheel of an old Moskvich, floored the throttle and drove past everyone he could as fast as possible.

Jason van Drunen is from the other side of the Atlantic, of distant Dutch ancestry but as his New World immigrant ancestors moved ever further north and west with each passing generation, he has lived most of his life in a log cabin, hidden in the forests of the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia. When occasionally bored of his life as a lumberjack and occasional backwoods chef, he would race his pickup truck against any passing traffic, sometimes up to three cars a day. A brief foray in Vancouver to kickstart a proper motorsport career scared him half to death but he recovered to win the inaugural "Across The Bay, Eh" race. Also with a celebrity lookalike, this time Dave Hunt of Anaal Nathrakh, Mistress, Benediction and other bands. But Dave can't make Jase's excellent moose stew with maple syrup.

Tony Fernando has decided to put the two drivers he thinks are strongest into the championship first, but the third driver may also be given a shot if one does not perform. Here's the line-up...

Team name: Clatterham Racing
Driver name: Yrjö Perkelainen
Gender and nationality: Male, Finland
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) Skill 115, cornering 100
Car: Mercedes 190E evo2
Car number: 10
Total performance and garage number: Garage 15; 135+115+100 = 350
Livery (optional): A similar colour scheme to the Fondmetal Team Malaysia FTM130, only with a much darker red to reflect the colours of the Sri Lankan flag. Title sponsors are Fernando's Green Leaf Tea (on the bonnet) and Oily Prat Fortified Wine. Extra sponsorship comes from Lapin Kulta.

Team name: Clatterham Racing
Driver name: Jason van Drunen
Gender and nationality: Male, Canada
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) Skill 135, cornering 80
Car: Mercedes 190E evo2
Car number: 11
Total performance and garage number: Garage 16; 135+135+80 = 350
Livery (optional): As the other Clatterham car, but with the Lapin Kulta replaced by Rowse Maple Syrup.

Tarmo Mõõk will be given skill 90, cornering 125 if he is called on to drive one of the Mercs this year.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Ataxia »

dinizintheoven wrote:The time has come. I'd like you all to meet a man from the East.

Self-Aggrandising Publicocrap wrote:On the small island of Sri Lanka was born a boy, poor and miserable, on a tea plantation. His father was a tea packer. His mother was a tea picker. But who could have foreseen this combination of picker and packer would produce such a wonderful story? Plucked from obscurity as the poor wages of the tea plantation forced the parents to give up their child to an orphanage, where he was raised and given a basic education. But the boy wanted more. Somehow scraping enough rupees together by busking on the streets to buy a second-hand wallpapering table, a kettle and a stove by his 17th birthday, the boy realised his future lay in making tea. Initially grabbing whatever tea he could get his hands on, the small, improvised tea stall on the streets of Colombo soon won itself a reputation for the excellence of its tea, regardless of which leaf was used and where it had come from. At the age of 19, this young entrepreneur turned his hand to growing his own tea in the grounds of the orphanage he had grown up in, never forgetting his parental roots on the tea plantation. His reputation went through the roof. Soon, he had expanded from the wallpapering table to a proper stall, which became a small shop opposite the Sinhalese Sports Club, supplying the very best tea to thirsty cricket fans who flocked to the ground to cheer on their heroes. He guaranteed jobs for the children of the orphanage that he once called home. His tea plantations expanded, as did his businesses, and eventually - at the age of 32 - he had bought the tea plantation he was born on, and built a house for his biological parents who never had to work again. His tea became the most iconic brand in Sri Lanka, having dedicated every aspect of his life to it.

You have just met Tony Fernando, and you have drunk that first refreshing cup of Fernando's Green Leaf Tea.

Tony Fernando wrote:I have given my life to tea, I have become the greatest tea maker in the world, even better than that Mrs Doyle somewhere in Ireland who is a huge fan of my tea. But life cannot be all about tea forever. I am going motor racing, and with my team, fuelled by the finest tea on earth, we aim to conquer the track as I have conquered the teapots of the world. I would like to introduce you to Clatterham Racing. We will enter Touring Car Series, we will try the BTCC, DTM, ETCC, WTCC, STCC, anything we can get out hands on, because you need "T" to spell all of these. Maybe we might try the REECCS one day, even though there is no "T" in it. This new "Warped Touring Car" series is a perfect vehicle for our first foray into the world of racing. And so we will enter with a couple of Mercedes 190E saloons, known for their durability in Albania, where 104% of all cars are old, indestructible Mercs, and where my tea is very popular with the locals.


This seems like my kind of team...
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FMecha »

Mõõk will be given one of two spare reserve cars. Also, Ataxia, would you like to sign up for this? :)

Tracks under consideriation for this series:

Grand Valley (Gran Turismo series, after BCS' suggestion in FORCWSOGMM thread)
Complex String (Gran Turismo 3 A-spec, after BCS' suggestion in FORCWSOGMM thread)
Special Stage Route 11 (Gran Turismo series, although I am unsure to use GT1 or GT3 layout)
Frameout City: Grand Champion (Formula 1 95, lack of pit garages makes it a problem however - no videos, but I'll made one soon)
Night Section A (Sega GT)
Joypolis 2020 (Daytona USA 2)

Other ideas are also welcome, but you will be asked for lap record and grid limit. :) I am also considering one of LFS' tracks due to fictional nature of the course, but then it would clash with RoLFS.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Salamander »

If you want to use Special Stage Route 11, use the one that wasn't horribly butchered. AKA the original version.

I've been pretty busy lately, but I'll try and eke out a signup tomorrow.
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by DemocalypseNow »

Harpoon Islands: Daytona (Rollcage)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by dinizintheoven »


That's right, I gave them a wiki page already. The stable of Clatterham drivers is now up to five, but it is highly unlikely that the extra will be called on to race in this series (and who knows if they'll ever race at all).
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by FantometteBR »

Two track suggestions

Big Forest) (Virtua Racing Arcade): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuiZoaIx8iw
Pine Hills Raceway (Destruction Derby 2): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYUPz9psx8g
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by roblo97 »

Team name: gangnam publocrap
Driver 1: mario wankucini
Nation: Italy
Car: skyline r32
Performance Rating: skill 115 cornering 100
garage 26

Driver 2: Kim Lang-Dong
Nation: north Korea
Car: skyline R32
Performance rating: skill 130 cornering 27
Garage 27

Both drivers are male

Tracks I like
FM4 Camino Vejo de Montserrat extreme
FM4 Fujimi Kaido
Gt5 cape ring full
NFS shift 2 unleashed ambush canyon
FM2 sidewinder proving grounds king cobra
GT3 complex string
R factor total f1 circuit the challange
Mexicola wrote:
shinji wrote:
Mexicola wrote: I'd rather listen to a dog lick its balls. Each to their own, I guess.

Does listening to a dog licking its balls get you excited?

That's between me and my internet service provider.

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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by SuperAguri »

Team name: Nippon Racecraft
Driver name: Chiko Suzuki
Gender and nationality: Japanese Female
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) (145/90)
Car: Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon (115)
Car number: 88
Total performance and garage number: 350 G17
Livery (optional): Subaru WRC livery

Team name: Nippon Racecraft
Driver name: Satoshi Taki
Gender and nationality: Japanese Male
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) (100/135)
Car: Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon (115)
Car number: 89
Total performance and garage number: 350 G18
Livery (optional): Subaru WRC livery
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by Salamander »

Team name: Twinings Earl Grey Tea... m Fighting Mongooses
Driver name: Johnny Boudermann
Gender and nationality: American Male
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) (100+71)
Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 (154)
Car number: 77
Total performance and garage number: 325 G21
Livery (optional): Twinings Earl Grey (See RTCC)

Team name: Twinings Earl Grey Tea... m Fighting Mongooses
Driver name: Arthur Daniels
Gender and nationality: British Male
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) (75+135)
Car: Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon (115)
Car number: 78
Total performance and garage number: 325 G22
Livery (optional): Twinings Earl Grey (See RTCC)
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Re: Warped: Touring car racing with added twist! (SIGNUPS OP

Post by SeedStriker »

Team name: Vasquez Racing Team (VRT)
Driver name: Nicolas Vásquez
Gender and nationality: Peruvian Male
Performance rating: (Skill + cornering) (120/90)
Car: Holden Commodore VN
Car number: 777
Total performance and garage number: 325 G17

South America answer to HRT
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