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by Blue Brazil
25 Apr 2012, 21:14
Forum: The Eric van de Poele Memorial Forum
Topic: The reject youtube thread
Replies: 1930
Views: 426053

Re: The reject youtube thread

midgrid wrote:Is it just me, or does Toby Moody remind anyone of Brian Kreisky (who narrated the official 1983 F1 season review)?

Wasn't Kreisky the guy behind the 'Havoc' series? I think he died in a plane crash.
by Blue Brazil
08 Apr 2012, 00:13
Forum: The Eric van de Poele Memorial Forum
Topic: F1 driver's homes
Replies: 13
Views: 4353

Re: F1 driver's homes

Motor Sport magazine used to feature a picture of the homes of famous racing drivers each month. Not sure how long it ran for, but they're in the 1972/73 issues I have. I remember Denny Hulme's pad was quite futuristic looking (for the time).
by Blue Brazil
06 Apr 2012, 21:10
Forum: The Eric van de Poele Memorial Forum
Topic: Favorite Racing Book?
Replies: 106
Views: 45953

Re: Favorite Racing Book?

Tricky one, but I'd probably go for the Cevert book by Jean-Claude Halle. Cevert was a driver who had intrigued me since I first got into racing. To me, he was the epitome of the romantic image of a racing driver. The great thing about the book is that a lot of Cevert's own words are used. Halle cle...
by Blue Brazil
02 Apr 2012, 08:50
Forum: The Eric van de Poele Memorial Forum
Topic: Indycar rejects article
Replies: 26
Views: 3733

Re: Indycar rejects article

Perhaps my favourite part, by Robin Miller: "Driver: DR. JACK MILLER Another good marketer who couldn't drive a greasy stick up a dog's a**. A dentist by trade, he conned CREST into sponsoring him after he "won" the March division of Indy Lights (in which, of course, he was the only d...
by Blue Brazil
02 Apr 2012, 08:35
Forum: The Eric van de Poele Memorial Forum
Topic: Indycar rejects article
Replies: 26
Views: 3733

Indycar rejects article

Just came across this in my favourites. Gave me a good chuckle the first time I read it and it still does. A selection of Indycar journalists give their opinions on the worst drivers ever to disgrace the series. Enjoy! ... -all-time/
by Blue Brazil
02 Apr 2012, 08:30
Forum: The Jean-Denis Deletraz Memorial Forum
Topic: Roberto Guerrero
Replies: 10
Views: 3325

Re: Roberto Guerrero

I wouldn't describe Roberto as an Indycar reject. In his first four Indy 500s he finished second twice, third once and fourth once. He really should have won it. In 1987 (I think) he looked on course until he hit a wheel which had fallen off another car. Unfortuantely it went into a grandstand and k...
by Blue Brazil
01 Apr 2012, 20:08
Forum: The Jean-Denis Deletraz Memorial Forum
Topic: Roberto Guerrero
Replies: 10
Views: 3325

Re: Roberto Guerrero

Not listened to the interview yet, but I'd just like to say this about Roberto. I have spoken to him a few times for a bio I'm doing of his ex-Indy partner Jim Crawford. He is an absolute gentleman. I honestly can't put into words how nice a guy he is. He was also a fantastic racing driver, as he sh...
by Blue Brazil
31 Mar 2012, 18:33
Forum: The Jean-Denis Deletraz Memorial Forum
Topic: Favourite Reject Driver and Team
Replies: 148
Views: 33218

Re: Favourite Reject Driver and Team

Favourite reject team is probably Life. Just a ridiculous attempt at F1. An engine which was about as useful as a fart against a hurricane.

Favourite driver could well be Hans Heyer, for his sheer audacity in sticking two fingers up at authority and sneaking onto the grid for his home race anyway.
by Blue Brazil
16 Mar 2012, 22:39
Forum: The HWNSNBM Memorial Forum
Topic: Hello everyone! New members' check in desk
Replies: 1478
Views: 2552606

Re: Hello everyone! New members' check in desk

quote] Yeah, stock-car racing at the Racewall can get pretty mental. And just to give full disclosure up front...I'm an East Fife fan [/quote] Thanks for the 12 points this season I don't actually mind East Fife, or Raith for that matter. It's just those pesky townies from Dunfermline. The champagne...
by Blue Brazil
16 Mar 2012, 10:10
Forum: The HWNSNBM Memorial Forum
Topic: Hello everyone! New members' check in desk
Replies: 1478
Views: 2552606

Re: Hello everyone! New members' check in desk

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Yes, AdrianSutil, you are correct. I am a long suffering fan of Cowdenbeath FC, which I believe is the only senior club in the UK with a stock car track around its pitch! Only knew this as I've spent many a season managing Gretna on the old Football Manager gam...
by Blue Brazil
15 Mar 2012, 14:28
Forum: The Jean-Denis Deletraz Memorial Forum
Topic: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberger ?
Replies: 10
Views: 3103

Re: How to get in contact with Rudolf and margrit Ratzenberg

I was in touch with Roland's parents for a while a few years after his death. Wonderful people. I still treasure a postcard his mother sent me of the Salzburgring with a little note on the back, plus a couple of other items relating to Roland. I hope they are well. I know Roland's death hit them ver...
by Blue Brazil
15 Mar 2012, 14:24
Forum: The Jean-Denis Deletraz Memorial Forum
Topic: Most Forgettable Drivers
Replies: 1042
Views: 428721

Re: Most Forgettable Drivers

Thanks for the clarification. My memory isn't what it used to be. :(
by Blue Brazil
15 Mar 2012, 14:22
Forum: The HWNSNBM Memorial Forum
Topic: Hello everyone! New members' check in desk
Replies: 1478
Views: 2552606

Re: Hello everyone! New members' check in desk

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Yes, AdrianSutil, you are correct. I am a long suffering fan of Cowdenbeath FC, which I believe is the only senior club in the UK with a stock car track around its pitch!
by Blue Brazil
15 Mar 2012, 08:29
Forum: The Jean-Denis Deletraz Memorial Forum
Topic: Most Forgettable Drivers
Replies: 1042
Views: 428721

Re: Most Forgettable Drivers

Teo Fabi. Presumably related to reject brother Corrado... Didn't they have a rather curious arrangement where they shared an Alfa Romeo/Benetton drive (can't remember which). Memory says it was something to do with family business commitments but could be wrong. One Fabi who was certainly talented ...
by Blue Brazil
15 Mar 2012, 08:18
Forum: The HWNSNBM Memorial Forum
Topic: Hello everyone! New members' check in desk
Replies: 1478
Views: 2552606

Re: Hello everyone! New members' check in desk

Greetings from Scotland. I am a long time fan of the F1 Rejects website, but have somehow only just found this forum. Although I still watch every GP my main interest is in the sport's history and I have a soft spot for F1's lesser lights. It is only right that their mediocrity be celebrated. I am c...